Freak-Out ((Open RP))




Slowly he walked over to the edge of the roof, the building he stood on was down the street from the Freakshow battle going on, yet from where he was he could clearly see the battle. Gracefully he took the case he was holding in his left hand a placed it down on the step infront of him, openning it he pulled oout the rifle it contained, before the sniper attachment and scope. Placing it down and attaching the parts onto the rifle's barrel he sighed.
"Well this should be interesting, I came here for one job.. guess now I get to have a little fun before it." His voice seemed almost unreal with calm, no emotion, no feeling what so ever, cold hearted.
Taking aim with the hi tech sniper rifle, in his scope he could see the battling heroes, the freakshow, the angel, the white drawf, the wounded fire thrower. He picked one, before steadying his aim, his gloved finger slowly squeezed the trigger allowing the shot to fire out, in the slience that was who he was.



Ellie let out a final surge of power, blasting through the Slayers shielding in a torrent of energy, just as the quantum energy smashed in to her face. Her entire body arced as the deadly energy ripped in to her matrix, trying to rip her apart from her bonding and destroy the Kheldian that shared her body. An unearthly shriek ripped through the air, shattering nearby windows, and Ellie crashed in to the ground, her body smoking.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Even in death the Slayers eye held the hate that had fuel his final shot , however the mangled chest cavity spoke volumes of the Tiger-Girls power ..

even as the last of the Freak fell to the Heroes blows , bullets and blasts .. the office building .. the source of the fight groaned as steel failed under stress it was never planed to hold ... stone clading exploded into fragments , the few remaining widows disovled into showers of glass needles...the whole facade falling away from the building , sweeping Freak and hero into the middle of the street in a mishmash of bodies and rubble .....



Ellie's prone form didn't move as the building facade fell, and seconds later she was buried under a ton of rubble and dust.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Quickly he packed up the hi tech sniper rifle back into it's case.
"Well that was fun, thats a few less to deal with for a little while." He smirked, picking up the case with his gloved hand and walking off down the stairs that lead to the roof. AS he rejoined the street and walked down it, away from the building and the rumble, he grinned while adjusting his tie.
"Now onto my next job, won't be after as fun.. but at least I'll get payed for it." He muttered as he disappeared into the crowd of people.



Unconscious and bleeding, Hearth and Heart was helpless against the building's facade as it collapsed, burying him under brick and cinder-block. At his wrist, a small watch-like device began to pulse amber, then through orange to red. With a pulse and sudden in-rush of air his body was transported to the nearest hospital, the void where his body had lain collapsing in on itself.



Molly was in the process of scanning the remains of the Freak she had successfuly, if accidentally, popped when she witnessed the facade collapse. With the assistance of all her augmentations, however, she was capable of dogding most of the the rubble, taking minor blow from pieces she just couldn't quite avoid. Unfortunately, shortly after she managed to get clear, she could only look on in horror as the sight of a few being buried by the falling rubble.

"Not good, not good, NOT GOOD!" she screamed as she made a break for her position as fast as her boots could push her, disabling her stealth suit and frantically looking over the mess, hoping to pick up at least some sign of life.

"C'mon, c'mon! Pick up something already!" she muttered to herself...

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Where Ellie lay buried, a faint glow appeared. Growing brighter by the second, a pale blue light spread in a 10 foot circle around the spot where she lay. Smoke began to rise from the rubble as it heated, and some of it started to shift.

A loud 'crack' sounded, and a bolt of white lightning, tinged with a dark purple at the edges, erupted from the centre of the glow, blasting several chunks of concrete to dust. More and more bolts began to erupt as the glow brightened, blasting several more boulders apart. One bolt arced across the rubble, narrowly missing Molly as it earthed itself against a lamp post.

Suddenly, there was a huge rush of energy at the centre of the glow, and the rubble exploded upwards, showering the area with shattered fragments of concrete, and Ellie's body floated in to the air. Her entire body was alight with a coruscating torrent of both white and purple light, and huge bolts of lighting sparked out from her, blasting more concrete to powder.

Ellie's eyes snapped open, filled with a purple light so intense it was almost black, and she slowly floated across the rubble strewn area, towards Molly.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Revenant Star was busy. Dodging the Freak's clumsy attacks, he'd barely had time to register the building's collapse. The first moment of panic had come when he'd seen the Void Slayer, worrying that it might have even been one he'd trained himself or one that had pursued him here from Striga prior to his 'execution'. The second moment had come when he'd seen the Peacebringer fall. He wasn't used to seeing them as allies but even he felt a tinge of anger when the seemingly fatal blow had come. He'd been the far side of the battleground, embroiled in a fight with one of the Tanks, unable to break away. By the time the Tank was kissing the earth, it was too late.

And then the rubble had exploded. He watched the explosion, slightly surprised. "Now there's something you don't see every day..." he muttered. And then three Freaks had hit him with electrical blasts, pulling his attention back to the fight.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



... at the rear of the office block a Freak Tank size hole appears in the wall , the dark-flinging Tank hurried out and tosses a filing cabinet into the back of a pick up truck .. the truck drive releases the brake and it leaps away .. its over charged engine taking it beyond the speed limit in less than five seconds ...its dust trail covering its escape ..

the Tank turns an hurls a silver canister into the office block via the Tank shaped hole , turns and also speeds away ...firing off a radio message Plan B completed .. end ...

the canister makes a samll ping ping ping sound as it rolls across the floor .....



Well, I was hoping for an excuse to try out these new toys, but...

Floating high above, Phoenix surveyed the scene, a flickering eyepiece picking out points of interest and allowing her a closer view of the battle without the need to reveal her presence.

Something moving drew her attention, and she noticed a man moving across a rooftop some distance away. Something about his manner seemed off, and she was momentarily torn between following him and attending below, the decision abruptly made for her by the collapse of the front.

Shrugging, she tapped a tiny button on one side of the gadget and captured a few images of the departing figure, the small computer attached to her belt beaming them directly to the PPD.

Suddenly, the rubble below shifted, shook and violently exploded, the eyepiece outlining the rising figure and flashing a bright-red warning along with two words.

Tiger White.

Descending quietly to the roof the mysterious man had just vacated, she settled near the edge, remaining as far out of sight as she could, content to observe for the moment.

Character references! Artz! Whatnot!



Seeing the Freaks flee Edward gave a sigh, "and here I was hoping for a fight..."

He heard the pinging of the metal canister, "EVERYBODY OUT!" he dove through one of the broken windows, rolling on the ground and making tracks to the other side of the street, he wasn't about to take a chance with high explosives, he would survive but he didn't feel like causing a scene while his charred remains regenerated.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ellie turned slowly in the air as she floated across the rubble, and more bolts of energy arced from her body. Several slammed in to the ground by Molly's feet, leaving bubbling patches of molten cement, and as Ed came barrelling out of the building, more arced across towards him.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



.. the silver canister went ping ping ping .....and then .....



Revenant Star swore loudly as he fell, watching the canister roll into the centre of the crowd, sparks flying from him. The blast left him stunned but the blade descending towards him soon brought him round to reality. He scrambled to his feet and ran towards the canister. Scooping it up, he thrust it into the arms of the Freak chasing him.

"Here, have a gift!" he said before teleporting the shocked Freak fifty feet up into the sky before porting himself out of the battlezone.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



A siren blared a few streets away and although it sounded like a regular cop car come to control the crowd, it was in fact attached to a quaint motorcycle and sidecar.

"Can you still sense movement, Manny?"

A slender woman, wearing full motorcycle leather and a sleek crash helmet looked down at her companion in the sidecar, a frail-looking woman with long pepperpot hair.

"Yes Kata. Although with all the noise, I am surprised you can't."

The motorcycle came to a halt roughly two blocks from the disturbance. The two figures alighted and stared at the sky, dust and flames flickering.

"Are you sure you're up to this Manny?" Kata removed the crash helmet, placed it in the sidecar and removed a long, thin package from the bike.

"I may be an old woman, Kata, but I've still got some uses. I just hope the bill for damages isn't as high as last time." The old woman's eyes gleamed in the dusk-light.

A couple of heroes appeared to be hovering above the scene, one large building was virtually destroyed although there was less rubble than the two women expected. The Freaks seemed to be everywhere and some of them didn't look like regular flavour.
Kata nodded to her companion and the old woman raised her hands as if conducting an orchestra. As Manny murmured under her breath, the ground shook ever so slightly and some of the rubble near the building began to tidy itself up, much to the bewilderment of a small group of Freaks who had not long ago been flattened by a blast of fire from on high.

As Manny went into her trance, Kata eyed the scene again. She thought she caught a glimpse of a white creature hovering and some sort of red beast. A pink-clad hero zipped overhead, making a pass to come back round for another shot at the Freaks.

Then the military training kicked in as Kata heard a nasty plink plink coming from the building. She hastily removed her trusty blade from the packaging and shouted as loud as possible "Everyone! DOWN!"...



Pheobe clambered out of the rubble, bruises fading away on her skin as she extracted herself from the ruin. She glanced around her. Most of the Freaks had scrammed, the few that were left were buried under a ton of rubble. They'd survive, she thought to herself. She hopped over a chunk of granite, and, spotting a Freak pulling himself out of the ruin, smacked his head into one of the chunks of wreckage.
"You'll be grateful for that later" she said, as she slowly noticed Eliie wreaking havoc across the road.
"REALLY grateful..." she growled, running across to try and help the girl being pursued by Ellie.



(( note it was not me who put the silver canister 50 feet in the air ))

ping ping ping .... the time stopped the igniter fired ..inside the now airborn canister the core a shape charge of high explosives detonated .. spreading the vials of liquid outward in a perfect sphere , the force and the air causing the vials to break open , the liquid instantly converting to gas , and combining with the atmosphere to form a massive cloud of a deep dark green gas .. a gas quite a bit heavier than air rapidly reaches ground level and settles on anything below it ......upon contact the gas reacts with any metal ..flaring in a bright white reaction as the metal is rapidly oxidized .. turn it into dust ...

the screams of the few trapped Freaks blotts out any other rsound the metal of their bodies is burnt out of their flesh....

off to the right a parked car bursts into flames as its fuel tank is eaten away by the gas .. releasing the petrol on to the smoldering metal .....and even this explosion is drowned out by the Freaks screams .....



Kata watched in horror as the canister exploded and she had to cover her ears unless she wanted to wake up for the next year with the sounds of Freakshow screaming.

Behind her, Manny had seen the explosion too but it took her a moment to switch targets. She managed to 'lift' a large block of concrete, letting some of the smaller bits of rubble fall back down to Earth and allowing herself a smile as one piece thunked a Tank on the back of the head. The large concrete slab hovered over the burning car and then, very subtly, it began to dissolve over the wreck until it had covered the flames in sand. Manny's fingers twitched and lightning discharged across her body as the magical energy flowed.



As Pheobe ran within range, more bolts of purple tinged lightning arced out from Ellie's body, scouring the ground before her as if in a warning blast. Ellie herself continued to float some 4 feet above the rubble strewn street, that same dark glow in her eyes in her otherwise vacant face. Arcs of lighning continued to scour the ground for several feet around her, obliterating all the fragmented bits of rubble and leaving the ground beneath her a bubbling mass of semi-molten cement.

As the canister above exploded, Ellie's head snapped backwards, her gaze diverting upwards. A white/purple shield instantly sprang up around her, and the bolts of energy intensified as the heavy gas descended.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Floating away from the battleground in Hulmanim form, Revenant Star watched the poison cloud as it descended on the Freaks. He felt a twinge of pity for them as the metal corroded from their bodies.

"What kind of div thows an atmospheric bomb like a grenade?" he muttered to himself. Military tactics had sure changed in Paragon. Still, as a weapon, it was surprisingly effective, he admitted. He wondered which hero threw it and whether they'd be repremanded for being too extreme.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Molly was spending too much time staring at the Kheldian, both in amazement and in an effort to take any and all possible reading from the thing, to realise what trouble was just above her head. But as soon as the canister blew her rifle was immediately aimed striaght for the skies.

"What the hell was that?" she asked as she stared at the resulting cloud, both the scope and her optical augmentations informing her of its makeup.

"Eep!" Molly realised that staying put was probably not the best idea, immediately getting as far as possible from its potential effects. "Which moron managed to pop -that- thing?"

As she circled the cloud, she sent another message to her butler. "Eric, go through the footage recorded by the camera drones, see if they caught the ****** that just blew this thing up." She then look down upon the affected area, fighting the urge to facepalm.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Edward doubled over in pain on the floor...his cybernetic arm had all the feeling of a normal human arm, he let out a loud shout as the casing begun to melt off, feeling like someone was stripping flesh from muscle.

He staggered to his feet, Nanites working overtime to repair the damage being caused but unless he got out of this cloud fast even they would be overloaded...he slowly staggered to the edge of the cloud, leaning against a wall as he slumped down...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Standing silently on her rooftop, Phoenix watched as the sickly green gas ballooned outward and began to settle. Tapping the eyepiece's controls again, she waited for the computer to finish crunching the data. Outlines flickered in the cloud, lines of text scrolling rapidly next to them, describing the effects of the gas as the processor narrowed down potential compounds and finally flashed up what little it had come up with.

That's a hell of a catalyst. One good gust of wind and it could cover half the city within minutes. Gonna have to be contained somehow, but I doubt containment will hold... that.

The focus of the display switched again, back to the flaring energy source near the centre of the cloud. Quickly twisting the cap on her belt, she reached into the pocket dimension within and drew out a pair of metallic black spheres, hooking one to each side of the belt before snapping the jewel shut once more and stepping off the edge of the building, swooping downward and landing in a crouch at the edge of the cloud.

Standing slowly, she closed her eyes, forcing her heart rate back to normal, a thin field of energy gathering and glinting around her, adding to the already-impressive sheen of the blue-and-white armour she wore, as she drew a deep breath and stared into the green, eyes flaring with blue-white light.

They told me, always be diplomatic. But never, ever go in without a back-up plan. Here goes nothin'.

Steeling herself, she marched forward, scrambling over what remained of fallen Freaks and chunks of rubble, directly towards the flaring light show ahead. Pausing just behind the edge of the abused concrete beneath Ellie's feet, she barked a single word in Khelda.


Character references! Artz! Whatnot!



Ellie's head snapped down, the purple in her eyes making them appear almost entirely black as she stared down at Pheonix. Her expression remained blank but Pheonix's prescence was definately noted as bolts of energy struck the ground, circling the young woman. The energy signature of the bolts was strange, it was clearly that of a Peacebringer, but there was an edge of something else, something that felt almost Nictus in its savagry; and the intensity was way beyond anything Peacebringers could normally bring to bare. It had an almost primal feel to it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.