Freak-Out ((Open RP))




((ALL OOC)) ((a number of people have expressed a interest in a follow up to this ,,, if so please post who, what, how much and when .. also some idea of level of char so it can be pitched right ... remember a Freak is not just for firday ))



((I would be up for a follow up. I have already offered Wild Red - level 48 Rad/Kin Corr. If you need something different I can see who is hiding in my alts As for the timing, I'm pretty flexible at the moment.))

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



((Arctic Princess (Kata) has already been enquiring about the incident over at the statue (posting there after this with what she's found, according to another hero called Time-Skip)

AP is level 50, her background can be found on the Union RP Wiki - can't find the link at the minute (I am lazy :P) - she's a non-meta, government type ))



((I would be up for a follow up, i can offer Susan Q a 50 grav/kin troller, as for times i am usually on tues and thurs evenings, contact me in game if you want more information))



((Revenant Star might be interested if there was something that caught his attention (Hint: Revenge on Council/Nictus) but he's pretty bitter after the event.))

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



(( you got my characters attenion on this, and to follow up. They are :

Time-Skip lvl 16 ish controller and
Mysterious Man lvl 2+ blaster.

Even if Mysterious Man has other matters to be doing, with my Sha'dower/Night Wanderer and Gemme Greys.