Freak-Out ((Open RP))




A shadow shifted at the edge of a window half way up the building the freakshow had overun. Wild Red surveyed the chaos below. She had to stifle a laugh as the shapeshifter had obviously eaten something that disagreed with her. She needed more time to find the vault before the freakshow or worse the heroes found her.

"Lets make this even more interesting" she whispered and threw a speed boost at the massive freakshow bearing down on one of the heroes. She then stepped back into the shadows.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed smirked as most of the Freakshow had fled.

Turning to see the Freakshow tank he grinned, "hey you...once I'm done with you, you'll need to see a Meat Doctor just to patch you back together...." he grinned his eyes burning an intense orange flame which flickered in the wind.

He needed to distract the Tank away from the girl and there wasn't much more of a distraction than an insult, "besides, I hear Drek fights like a little girl...just like all his Freakshow buddies..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Smeg-face spun around the alleys corner and leaped over the piles of trash lining its floor ....legs pumping , blood gushing from his ruined arm .. Smeg-face sped down the stinking path and dived feet first down the sewer cover ,left open from the gangs arrival in town ...
once below ground his fear lessened and the pain of his shredded arm cut in .. crippled by the pain and blood loss he half fell half walked along the sewer tunnel .. only to scream in new fear as a hand fell on his shoulder ... "easy brother" came the metal voice of the Chief Swiper Dice-man .. " no worries we can fix that arm up just right .. ya i have just the blade for it , sweet surgical steel edged to "........Smeg-face screamed once more as his arms remains was hacked from his boby and the red hot flames of blow torch sealed the dripping wound .... * fades to black as the two figure disappear down the tunnel////....



The Tank took a brief second to fully absorb the statement, then flew into a fury.
"You want a fight? YOU WANT A DAMN FIGHT?! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO FIGHTS LIKE A GIRL!" he roared, charging like a rhino at the red-skinned hero, the thought of the girl gone from his mind.
Good. thought Pheobe, sneaking quietly out from the other side towards the tank's back, motioning with her hand for Sword to keep him occupied, as she tried to find the ***** in the tank's armor.



Hearth and Heart reached the battleground just as the Tank came barrelling from the ruined offices. He watched it stomp after a heroine he didn't know and another male, who stood there and insulted the Freakshow Tank as it roared its challenge. Hearth could feel the heat of the battle. Weapon discharge, energised air, body-heat, crude exhausts and any number of heeat sources filling the atmosphere with the right kind of heat he needed.

He felt his skin drinking in the haze, soaking up the higher temperature from the air like a sponge. Then the hot, angry feeling as his tissues became saturated to bursting point, he knew he had to release it soon, and that Freak Tank was the perfect target. With a mid-air convulsion he stopped eighty feet from the crude metal giant, bunched his fists, and emptied his absorbed heat from his outstretched hands in a blast of fire that tore towards the hulking brute. The fireball blasted into the Freak Tank's armoured chest, staggering him and throwing him off-balance, metal plates glowing red-hot and filling the air with the stink of scorched flesh. Hearth and Heart smiled, and readied another blast.



He hadn't expected the Tank to move so quick, obviously he must have been on jet fuel today or something, a blow catching him completely off guard as the hammer smacked him in the face, his head flew back but then he turned back around, the unsettling sound of bones clicking back into place as his jaw reassembled itself into a big wide grin.

"Wow...I'm sorry, was that a mosquito landing gently on my face, it distracted me for a moment...what we're you saying about getting your panties all twisted...or something like that..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



One of the few remaining Slicers looked around worriedly at the heroes. His expression suddenly changed to a twisted grin when electricity sizzled around the fallen freaks. One by one they started to stand up again.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Pheobe had been struggling to find part of the Tank's armor that she could penetrate easily, yet still deal significant damage on. Circumstances had made this much easier. The melted armor on the Freak's metal chassis, and the outstretched arm it had been using to punch the red man in the face gave her the perfect opportunity. Leaping from her hiding place, she extended her claws and swung at a melted spot just under the Freak's shoulder, the three blades of her claws sliding easily into the molten metal. When the blades had sunk in sufficiently, she twisted, grinning as she heard wires snapping and gears grinding.
"You said something about fighting like a girl?" she said coyly, as the Freak looked back in surprise.



Revenant Star looked out from the ruining window. Oh that was a Peacebringer alright and clearly one that had a few more tricks up her sleeve than he’d normally give one credit for. He had a desire to leave, the memory of killing his first one flashing unbidden into his mind. He shoved it back firmly. That was then, this is now. Things are different. And besides, the hosts here were so much cuter than the last place.

Several Freaks were beginning to stand, clearly relying on their backups. He noticed that several other heroes had entered the fray although the Freaks were putting up a good defence. The Freaks were a distraction he considered, something that the other heroes could deal with. He had bigger fish to fry. And then a stray circular saw blade whizzed through the air, lodging itself into the wall next to his head. Seeing red, he stepped into the battle, grabbing the nearest Freak and sticking hefty punch to the punk’s gut. As he toppled over, Adam placed his hand on the Freak’s chest and took a good long drink of the anarchist’s life-force. Pushing him off, he punched the next Freak in the face, porting to one side as the counterstrike came, only for it to land on another punk with chainsaws for arms. Revenant teleported behind him and kicked him into his friend, dissipating as one of the flying Freaks attempted to zap him with electricity. His eyes and fists glowed with the dark Nictus energy and he tried to suppress the grin as he started pulling energy from his opponents. As much as he hated to admit it, this little riot was fun.

Porting up into the sky next to the flying Freak that had tried to shoot him, Adam grabbed him, their combined weight sending them spiralling to the ground.

"Stop shooting that s**t at me!" he growled to the panicked punk. As they hit the ground, colliding neatly with a Tank that had only just started to get back up, there was a flash of black light and the Ruktur charged out of the mess, roaring as it tore into the next set of foes. Had the Freaks of been paying attention, they might even have heard it laugh as it bore down on them.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Ellie finished heaving finally, and drew her forearm across her mouth. Spitting a final time, she straighted up and muttered. "Oh god... I need some mouthwash SOOOOO much..."

Sighing, she noted a number of the downed Freaks getting up and uttered a quiet swear word. "And I guess that's just going to have to wait..."

Not bothering with her shields, she stepped forward and laid out a Stunner with a single slap to the face, then turned to face a pair of gunners, still fumbling on the ground for their weapons. "Boys, give it a rest will you? I've already half eaten your buddy's arm, and I'm REALLY not in the mood for seconds..."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Molly.EXE hated being late to a good party, and it was becoming all to obvious to her that she was late to this one as her cloaked form flew down to the chaos in the street.

"Eric," she said to her butler, who worked in the safety of her Galaxy City apartment. "Next time, warn me of something much closer to my position, willya?"

The 'Pink One', still hovering above the mess, still invisible to the naked eye, then raised her rifle. As the scope fed everything she needed to know about the Freaks below to her optical augmentations, she couldn't help but giggle quietly, "Better late than never, I suppose." as her finger then began to apply pressure to the trigger.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Some few miles away a pair of mis-matched eye peeered at a flickering monitor screen , watching the unfolding melee , a twisted smile flowed across the eye's face as the Tiger -Girl vomited her lunch .. " so some do have a weakness "... " still cant leave the boys to get trashed " .. Plan B now " the voice ordered , and a number and varity of hands respond by flicking switches and twisting dials ......

Parked in a side alley across the street the brown painted delivery truck has gone unoticed .. and only a few stray fragments from the batle had marked its surface ......
Explosive bolts shoot the van's rear doors 30 feet across the road , squishing a Freak Chopper between itself and a wall... out of the smokey alley steps what at first appears another Tank Freak , then its eye socket erupt in red magical flames ....

screaming a series of unholy magical words it calls upon the dark powers ..unleashing a wave of oily tentacles ((Tenebrous Tentacles)) in to the gathered heroes....

at the same time , responding to the same Plan B signal the Sneaky Tank , Back-bitez ,drops his cloak firing his Sawblade ((Ranged, Lethal, Med Dam, Foe Knockdown)) at the now revieled pink-clad sniper-girl .....

A unseen by all a shape entered the street via the briefist of portals ... the Void Slayer flicked on his Umbral Shield , raised his Quantum Array Gun , selecting full killo-zapp power and started the hunt.....



Ellie sighed as the two gunner before her ignored her offer and finished grabbing their guns. With a gleefull laugh, they opened fire on Ellie at almost point blank range. Ellie looked down at herself as the bullets glanced off her silvery armour, unaffected by the onslaught.

"Well, I guess that answers that then." she muttered, and her body shimmered and vanished in a streak of light.

A split second later, there's a blur of light in front of the thugs, and a high pitched hum as the light sliced through their guns, shearing them in half, then Ellie reappeared behind the thugs. Grasping two by the shoulder, the squeezed in a reasonable facsimile of a Vulcan nerve pinch, and the freaks screamed in pain as her slender hands crushed their collar bones. Both crumpled to the floor a second later and Ellie looked down at their prone forms.

"You guys really ARE stupid, aren't you?" she muttered; then looked up sharply as the huge, odd looking, tank emerged from the alley, and tentacles erupted from the ground, trying to hold her.

Once again, her claws sprang from her fingers, and the bright light sliced through the dark tentacles, shredding them effortlessly and banishing those around her back to the shadows.

Raising a curious eyebrow, Ellie stepped forwards towards the tank. "Hey, you're a big one aren't you?"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



muttering another set of magical phrases the Dark Tank shot a black beam at the Tiger-Girl ((Gloom)) and with a speed unreal for such a mass of metal ,it charged , dark light blooming from each of it metal spike clad fists ...

meanwhile the Void Slayer picked his first trarget , drew a slow bead for a head shot , lined up and fired .......



Ellie neatly sidestepped the beam of dark energies and set herself to meet the headlong rush of the tank when the warning systems in her suit went crazy. Her battle computer streamed information across her monocle as the alien systems registered the activation of a quantum array weapon, analysed the beam trajectory, calculated all possible results, decided on threat priorities and overrode Ellie's reflexes.

Energy erupted from Ellie's eyes and she vanished in a flare of teleportation, shifting forms at exactly the same instant. A split-second later, she reappeared behind the attacking Void Slayer in dwarf form and slashed at his head with a massive claw.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Molly glanced behind her in the nick of time, and reacted quickly to the sight of the sawblade hurtling toward her by setting her boots to maximum burn with a single thought, dodging the blade with a moonsault that gave her direct sight of her would be assailant.

"Oh, you wanna play, huh?" she yelled at Back-bitez with a worrying smirk on her face. The pink-clad gunner then uprighted herself with minimal effort, keeping sight of the Tank, before raising her rifle once again. The rifle began to let out a high pitched whine as Molly added "Okay, then... PLAY BALL!", sending a grenade his way shortly after.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Seeing Tiger -Girl had other fish to fry the Dark Tank continued his charge .. striaght into the office block where the whole melee had started , the remain Freaks , seemingly hearing a unspoken order closed the path the Tank had followed , forming up in a wall of spikes , edges , and lumps of deadly metal ... grim grins flash across the faces as the readied themselves for the fight .....

... eons of practice sent the Void Slayers body forward in a combat roll , as the Dwarfs claws split the air where his head had been ...he continued the roll and added a spin to once more bring his gun to bear .. the quantum array weapon spat its energies at the loaming Dwarf shape ...triggering a small device on his belt .....across the street one of the Freaks suddenly shifted out then back in to phase .. but the returning Freak now raised his new gun , now a Freak Quantum Gunner .. he to aimed and fired at the Dwarf formed Tiger -Girl .......



Back-bitez , said a very rude word , reconsidered his options and dived for cover around the buildings corner , thumping his Cloaking Device back on the made great strides to flee the area ....



Edward saw the carnage, "is it just me or is this the Freaklympics?" he smirked and barrelled into the office, looking at the assembled freaks.

"I would normally offer you boys the chance to repent but...I doubt you'll be wanting to take the lets just get on with it shall we?"

He uttered a short prayer to himself, "faith be my armour, faith be my shield..." his body seemed to glow a brief second and in a flash of bright light an Angel stood before the Freakshow, "you're souls have been, judged, measured, weighed and found wanting.."

He charged into the group, his armour of faith (Moment of Glory) would shield him for a while, time to clean up, nether energy formed a circle around him as he drained the life energy of the Freakshow around him, his muscles buldging as he begun to lay into them with all his might.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The Freaks when down like with ease , but then it became clear there was a brain behind the mass of metal death dealers , the freaks where cycling in and out of combat , giving themselves o recover some what and stay upright for longer .. this was not the normal Freak all-out style .. they where fighting to tie down the Heroes with their very lives ......



Hovering over the battle throwing balls of flame at clustered Freakshow, Hearth and Heart watched with a grimace as their downed compatriots got back to their feet, dusting themselves off amid spasms of Excelsior-administration. They seemed to close ranks behind a big Tanker Freak with flaming eyes as he charged into the offices that seemed to be their base, forming a wall of death. Nicely packed together.

With a grunt of effort he propelled himself towards the bristling weapons of the Freakshow, and gathered his strength and heat for a large blast, sucking in a lungful of air as he did so. Stopping some twenty or so feet from one end of the Freak-wall, he pushed the heat in his body to fill his lungs, charging his breath with furnace-heat. He exhaled, sending a torrent of flame rolling down the Freak's line even as they swung their ranged weapons to bear on him. Bullets sang from automatic rifles even as the fire lashed them, setting a dozen Freamshow ablaze to writhe amid the rubble at their feet in agony.

Fire doesn't provide much protection from bullets, though, and the volley of gunfire scythed across the concrete of the pavement and peppered the air around Hearth and Heart. He took five rounds in his right leg, three in his right arm and nine to his chest and left arm. He dropped onto his knees, blood leaking from his wounds as the ground rushed up to meet him. He watched with a glimmer of glee as the burning Freaks stopped writhing one by one to lay still even as the black embrace of unconsciousness took hold.



Somewhat annoyed that her target seemed to have chickened out, Molly turned her attention to other problems. A quick scan of the area soon picked up on the Freak Quantum firing on the nearby Kheldian.

"Oh no you don't!" Molly barked as she instantly sent her boots into full burn in an effort to reach firing range of the Freak, opting half way there to fire a few bursts at him and hope the hail of bullets would at least distract him enough to stop firing.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Wild Red had located the vault. which turned ut to be a wall safe. She carefully melted the lock mechanism with radiation, being careful not to damage the contents inside. Once the lock was completely melted, the door swung open of it's own accord. Wild Red emptied the safe contents into a bag including discs, paper files and what Red had snuck into Paragon City for - blue prints. She then attached the bag to her belt.

She made her way back to the window. "Aw hell" she mumbled. The freaks had called in back up there were even more Heros. Wild Red tried to think of a way to get out of the building with out being spotted. The only thing she could think of was to increase the chaos of the fight below.

All of a sudden a massive wall of fire flared up. This was Red's chance. She flew silently out of the window and randomly threw speed boosts at the Freaks and the Heroes at random. Wild Red smiled behind her mask before flying straight up.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ellie's battle computer had completely taken over her actions by now, its sophisticated systems able to analyze and respond to battle far faster then mere human neurons, even ones enhanced with merging with a Kheldian. No sooner had the Void Slayer rolled from her attack, it computed possible responses and triggered another shift in Ellie's quantum matrix.

Her body glowed brightly once again, and her huge form shrank back to its normal shape, allowing be scarlet beam to lance through the space just above her head. Ellie immediately rolled to the ground and sprang up and over the Slayer, a torrent of white energy pouring from her eyes and hands, straight at the point occupied by the villain.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Molly's bullet where better aimed than she had hoped as three of them hit home shredding the Quatum Freaks left bicep , the second grazing its way down the freaks left leg opening a seven inch tear , the third hit the quantum gun in its power supply .. a mix of blood , flesh and bone painted the wall where the Freak had stood .....

... white light enveloped the Void Slayer , his flesh seem to boil .. but no scream passed his snarling lips .. near death the Slayer held on , pumping the trigger of his gun as he shoved it into the Tiger -Girls face , his eye burning with hatred so pure it alone kepted his ruined body fighting .....

From the Office building came the sound of walls collapsing and a number of windows blew out , adding flying glass into the melee mix ...

Still the few remaining freak continued the tactic of spending their lives to hold the heroes attention... ignoring the wounded Fire-Chucker .... they rushed those still on their feet ....