Freak-Out ((Open RP))




((I'm making a spontaneous RP thread. No particular reason, I just feel there isn't enough spontaneous RP. Anyway, if I had a reason, it wouldn't be spontaneous, would it!))

There'd been an odd occurance in town, which is why Pheobe had decided to investigate. Apparently, a bunch of Freakshow had holed up inside an office block, and the man who tried to tell them, in the politest possible way, to shove off had nearly been electrocuted. Pheobe prefered it when there wasn't a second chance.

She couldn't help but feel dissapointed in herself as she flew through a window two stories to the ground below. Not because she was getting her butt kicked, but more because she didn't like other people getting involved. With dozens of Freakshow pouring out of the office block doors and windows, that didn't seem like it was going to be an option. Pheobe forced herself to her feet, her regeneration taking the strain of the fall, and brushed a spatter of oil off her leather jacket. She looked up at the army of marxist-anarchist-cyberpunk revolutionaries, flicked out her claws, and smiled.
"Alright, who's first?" she roared, charging straight at them.



Across the street, a blur sped by only to come to a halt once it spotted the outpouring of Freaks. Had anyone peered closely at the small area of distorted space five and a half meters off of the ground, they might have seen two glowing eyes roll themselves in a tired manner.

“Great, more Metal-heads,” muttered a male voice. He might have passed by had it not have been for the girl stood in the middle of the crowd, slicing away at her assailants. Maybe it was going to be his lucky day after all.

Shifting form as he teleported, Revenant Star materialised in the middle of the mob, clobbering one of the Tanks around the head with his claw. He grunted a hello to the girl as he smashed one of the Freaks into the ground. He hated talking while shapeshifted. The mandibles of the Ruktur mangled the English language as if he was talking with a mouthful of rocks while his other form just made him worry that he was dribbling while speaking. Far better to let his actions speak for him.

A Freak leapt on his back and tried to cut through his carapace with his chainsaw. Revenant dissipated his essence briefly, allowing the Freak to drop through the mass of glowing energy to land hard on the ground. He reformed and applied his clawed foot to the Freak’s back, stomping his assailant into submission. Yes, action felt far better.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Walking down the street, hot-dog in hand, ketchup dribbling from one corner of her mouth, one hand tugging at the skirt that an observer might call a mini - if that observer was feeling generous and thought that ants were kinda large, really - Samantha Huntington groaned at the sight of the dozens of Freakshow come boiling from the building.

"Oh, come on! Can't a girl have one day of peace?"

Gobbling down the last mouthfuls of delicious processed meat, she frowned as a 'dwarf' kheldian warped into the middle of the crowd, to back up the girl with claws who was doing a respectable job on the gang of cybernetically enhanced loons.

Frowning for a moment in concentration, she teleported herself to the top of a nearby building, affording her a better view of the fight, which she could tell was likely to go from desperate to insanely deadly in short order.

Giving herself over to the torrent of radiation within her, she began to glow brightly, and picked one of the hovering Freaks out of the crowd. Stretching out with her mind, she found him, wrapped her will around his and pushed, trying to twist his perceptions, to force him to lose his sense of friend and foe, and to reverse it.

A snarl of satisfaction escaped her lips as she watched him send a crackling bolt of energy at one of his friends. "I'm a woman with a loaded mind, and this has been a bad week. I hope you all like prison food."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



An echoing giggle sounded behind Sam, and slender, silvery clad figure of Tiger White faded in to view. "In that skirt, Sam. You'd be more effective just walking up to those Freakshow goons."

She grinned and glanced down at the fight. "I was going to zap a couple of them when that Warshade turned up, so I decided just to watch instead. Not usually the best of ideas for a Peacebringer and a Warshade to suddenly pop into battle next to each other without being introduced first, y'know?"

Running a hand through her short white hair, she scratched briefly behind one of her cat ears then fired a pencil thin beam of light from a fingertip, scoring the ground in front of a fleeing Freakshow and sending him running back in to the fight. "Nuh uh, Mr Freakydeeky. You get back there so the nice pair of heroes can give you a proper talking to!"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Still pounding away at the mass of Freaks, Revenant Star struggled to contain a giggle as one of them spun on its heel and smacked his friend in the face. Clearly they weren’t alone but right now the hordes of blade wielding anarchists was occupying his attention. He’d seen psychics do the same sort of thing to people in the past but it was made more funny when your foes had hammers on the end of their arms.

Sending the nearest one through a window with a swipe of his arm, he tried not to acknowledge the stray thought that wandered through his mind, that they’d make a good army if only they could be controlled. ‘She’ tended to think like that a lot and as their minds drew closer together it was becoming increasingly hard to separate them.

Distracted, he turned to see that he’d lost control of the situation. Some of the Freaks were peeling off, levitating skywards. Dammit, he thought as he struggled to look up past his carapace. It was then that a hammer bludgeoned his face, staggering him. He recovered and pushed headlong into the Tank as it aimed for another swing. He could only hope that whoever else was present had those flyers covered.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Sam's rippling giggle sounded from the rooftop. "You know, sugar, the only reason I think you don't want to go down there with that Warshade is because he's all big and manly, and you're all cute and kittenish, and poor little Ellie doesn't want to get shown up by a throbbing purple monster."

Whirling around, Sam focused her attention on the cluster of flyers, drawing in her will and sending a pulsing thought at them: Sleep, boys. Sleep. You'll feel much better after a little nap. Aunty Sammy will take care of you.

Winking at Ellie, she tried not to laugh as about half of the Freaks dropped out of the sky, one falling straight toward the Warshade below.

"Look out!" Sam yelled, grimacing.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



"Clumsy!" Ellie said, and hopped off the rooftop in a blur. She accelerated straight down in a powerdive and managed to grab the ankle of the falling Freakshow seconds before he slammed into the Warshade.

"Lemme go you damned freak!" The struggling anarchist yelled, and kicked at Ellie.

"Oh, you're a FINE one to call someone a freak, boyo!" She answered, and started to spin, swinging the Freakshow by his ankle. Faster and faster she span, and the Freakshow started to scream. Seconds later, she let go and the Freak went flying across the cityscape, vanishing seconds later into the distance.

Ellie stopped spinning glanced up at Sam and gave her a thumbs up and a cheeky wink, then turned to face some of the other flyers, a grin on her face. "So boys... Anyone else want to play on the carousel?"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It was the screaming of the falling Freak that had alerted him. Turning to bash another foe over the head, the yelling anarchist seemed to stop short, caught by someone before he’d hit. Revenant Star breathed a sigh of relief only for his Kheldian senses to tingle. That aura, he thought, that’s got to be a Pe…

It was at that point the Freak in front of him decided to apply a nasty uppercut to the Ruktur’s neural plexus. Stunned, the forced energy snapped back into its natural shape revealing a masked and cowled man in jeans and a leather jacket as he lay sprawled on the floor. Beneath the jacket though was body armour of distinctly Council design. He looked up at the circle of Freaks as they prepared to stomp.

“Aw crud,” he muttered before teleporting himself twenty feet straight up in the air. He was able to glimpse briefly at the two women, giving them a wink and a hasty “Thanks girls!” before gravity took hold. As he fell, he shifted form again, turning his fall into a graceful arc over the tops of the Freaks, strafing them with concentrated energy. He was feeling fairly pleased with himself until he realised that his trajectory had him heading straight for the girl with the claws at breakneck speed.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Pheobe had been comfortably holding her own against the Freaks, dancing nimbly under their clumy metal hammers and slicing blades. She was somewhat graceful with the intervention of the other heroes, it meant she was dealing with a manageable amount of Freakshow, rather than the tide of cyberpunks she'd thought she'd have to deal with. She slid her claws through the interlocking plates of one of the Freak's Excelsior feed, and grinned as he collapsed to the floor. She took a quick glance around her. Two Freaks with feeds and jury-rigged dermal armor. An enforcer with a twin set of scyth-arms. A speeding Nictus heading towards her. Nothing to challenging.
"Wait, Nictus?!" she cried out, spinning back around to face the dark purple Nova moments away from impact.



A part of Revenant Star panicked, the part that used to be Adam Corfield. But the other part, the cold, dark part that was fuelled by revenge knew exactly what it was doing. Dropping back into human, he ported the other side of where the girl was ready to slash at him, activating his shield moments before he impacted with the window, still carried along by the momentum of his fall. The glass shattered and he hit the floor, rolling to cushion the blow. Whatever the shield failed to protect, the material of his jacket and body armour absorbed. He came to a halt by hitting one of the concrete pillars, winding him.

After a couple of seconds, he looked up, glad to see that most of the Freaks were on the outside of the building. He had a good mind to leave the girl to it. Nobody was meant to use that term to describe him. At least not anymore. He pulled himself to his feet, dusting white chalk from his body.

"That's what you get for showing off, trying to impress girls you idiot," he muttered to himself.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Half a block away Hearth and Heart was buying groceries. He'd stuffed his goods into two paper bags and had stepped outside the store and was about to turn and head home, going over his mental shopping list again.

Cat-food, milk, butter, chocolate cheese-cake with strawberries for Afsoon... he glanced into the bag on his right, checking again the tray of a dozen eggs he needed for pancakes over the next week. Loaf of bread, tomato sauce, cornfl-

His train of thought came to a crashing derail as a woman pushing a pram screamed, pointing into the sky behind him. He turned, and saw... a flying Freakshow? Hurtling would be more accurate, but flying was all he could think in the few seconds left before the cyber-punk landed. His head shot round back to the woman and her babe. Without thinking further he dropped his groceries and dived for the woman, grabbing her and plucking the baby from the pram in a single movement before kicking off from the ground and soaring down the street out of the path of the flailing Freak.

The ganger slammed against the ground where Hearth and the lady had been, skidding along the sidewalk and smashing the pram amid a shower of sparks from his crude implants. Hearth and Heart turned mid-air, slowing to a hover as the woman clung to him and her child in fright. He watched the Freak for a few seconds, slowly sinking to the ground when he felt sure the Freak wasn't going to get up. As their feet met the sidewalk, the woman kissed his cheek, blubbering elatedly and thanking him a dozen times. He just nodded dumbly, then looked in the direction the Freak had come from and rising into the air, picking up speed.



Ed was on his daily shopping trip, in the guise of his older self, most of the time the punks left you alone if you were just an old mad. Shopping in Paragon wasn't quite the same without Big Als supermart like he had in the Rogue Isles...he did miss the staff there.

He was thinking to himself, wandering through equations, technical data, specifications on upgrades, completely oblivious to what was going on around him, wandering into the middle of the fight, "hmmm...I suppose if I reverse the..." he paused to look around him, "oh..OH...damn it...can't an old man do some shopping!"

He place the groceries ontop of a wall as he did he spotted one of the Freaks trying to make a run for it, "oh no you don't," closing this distance and throwing up his hand, shadowy tendrils burst from the ground holding the Freak in place.

He bought his fists down to his side, curling up the nether energy as he violently threw them back towards himself, leeching energy from the surrounding freaks as he transformed into his red skinned demon form in a burst of black smoke.

"Show time..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Back at the fight, Ellie was having fun. She had another one of the Freaks by hs ankle and was swinging him around like a flail, the huge hook he had for an arm swinging around and slicing through the implants his buddies wore.

"Come on!" She called gleefully. "I thought you guys lived for fun? Well, I'm having LOADS here, how about you?"

Laughing out loud, she tossed her "flail" straight up and allowed herself to drop to the ground some 20 feet below, not far from where the Warshade had crashed into the building. Glancing through the hole, she called out. "You OK in there?"

As she waiting for a reply, the Freak she'd flung in to the air came plummeting back down, screaming. A split second before he hit the concrete, Ellie almost lazily kicked out a foot and slammed it into the Freaks armoured chest, crumpling the metal and knocking him sideways to crash in a heap inside a disused bus shelter, half crushing it with the force of the impact. With a groan, he rolled on to his front and passed out.

Ellie glanced at the now ruined bus shelter, and blushed with embarrasment. "Oops!"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( me thinks the heroes are having too much fun ))
A surge of electric power shot through his body , lungs clawed in fresh oxygen , glands flooded the blood with hormonal boosters , and his bio mechanical implants fired up to max power levels , the Chief Smasher , Grunter , slowly stood up ..grining as he noticed the female hero had not yet spotted him ... with manic glee he aimed his Cybernetic Hammer at the back of her pretty head ... setting the hammer arm to full power he unleashed the blow .....giggling the huge mass of steel sped towards the girls skull ....



Pheobe glanced behind her, with a little confusion. She thought he was Nictus, why was the Peacebringer, of all people, helping? She could work it out later. Where was she? Oh yes, Freakshow.

Pheobe crouched down, and waited until the Freaks charging at her were within striking distance, and leapt into a typhoon-like spin, claws leaving deep gouges on the beaten panels that made up the Freak's armor. As she landed, she kicked off again, flipping into the air and coming down like a falcon on top of the staggered Freaks, mangling the armor completely and knocking them to the ground.
"You're not going to stand up again if you know what's good for you." she said plainly, and hopped over them to the Smasher winding up to knock the hell out of the girl.



(( Sorry Rock, Ellie's WAY out of Freakshow's league.. ))

The targetting monocle on Ellie's sophisticated armour warned her as the Chief Smasher threw his hammer fists at her. Without the need for concious thought, the combat computer embedded in the alien circuitry of her suit analyzed the attack and fed the estimated threat level and targetting information to Ellie. Her shields sprang up around her instantly, and three balls of coruscating energy appeared behind her. Instantly, the photon seekers detected their target and darted in to the attack.

Before the Chief Smasher even realised what was happening, the balls of energy struck his hammer fist and detonated in a burst of Kheldian light, shredding his prosthesis and blasting him off his feet. Ellie spun on her heels, her energy claws sliding out from her fingertips and her body taking a combat stance; her expression one that frequently had Rikti running for their lives.

Seeing the freak hit the ground several meters away, she wagged a forefinger from side to side. "Naughty naughty. Didn't your mummy tell you? Hitting girls is a Very Bad Thing, especially when they're not looking!"

Swearing profusely, the Chief Smasher clutched at the shredded remains of his arm, Excelsior dripping from the ruptured supply system.

Her claws sliding back in to her fingertips, she stalked over to the Freak, and stood over him, hands on hips and an odd expression on her face. "You know, Mr Freaky; I really don't like being called things like that. I think it would be nice if you apologised. Now. Before I show you why they call me Tiger White."

The Freaks' only reply was more obscenities, even worse than the ones before, and Ellie shook her head in dissapointment. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you." She said, before her body began to glow brightly.

Her costume seemed to become transparent for a few seconds, allowing a web of millions of multicoloured lines of pure energy to appear over her body, before it was completely obscured by the light. Her body seems to shrink, then elongate along the ground and became considerably more massive. A second later, the later faded to reveal a massive white tiger, 8 foot tall at the shoulders, and with foot long fangs; an almost exact match for the sabre toothed tigers often seen in natural history museums. The creature roared at the freak and it's huge head darted towards the freaks face, mouth agape.

The freak screamed in terror as the monster's huge maw bore down on his, when suddenly it stopped; it's teeth a mere inch from his face. Slowly, the sabretooth closed its mouth, then gave the Freak what could only be described as a grin, before it turned and trotted away, it's tail flicking in the air.

Half sat up, the Freak felt a warm wetness in his pants, and looked down to see a wet stain on his trousers. Then his eyes rolled up and he fell backwards in a dead faint.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( hey no one expects the baddies to win ))

Smeg-face , a Mad Freak Gunner , stayed slumped against the wall he had just been slung into ,his ears still ringing from the impact he could not hear what the girl hero was saying to the Smasher she was beating on , but he could still try and hurt her back , raising his SMG and with a snarl he yanked on the trigger , just as the hero girl ,shape shifted into a giant Tiger , over loaded in the fang departmnent ... even as the bullets headed tiger-wards , his lips started to form the classic ..OH shXt .. shape ,. as his dazed mind realized he needed bigger bullets ...



Ed saw the bullets flying towards Ellie, he knew they would have little impact on her but he should probably atleast get some fun in.

His legs became a blur as he moved infront of the path of the bullets, there were dull thuds and a grunt, blood leaked from the bullet wounds as he doubled over for a moment before standing up straight.

"now that just ain't gentlemanly...shooting on a girl who wouldn't see it coming..."

The wounds slowly sealed up, the bullets plinking on the ground one by one..." still so confident?" he begun walking towards Smeg-face, backfisting one of the other Freakshow that got in his way, "well this sure does make a change from fighting Rikti and Carnies..." he smirked.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Some of the bullets missed Ed and slammed into Ellie's side, making her stagger and roar with pain as the bullets tore into her unarmoured flesh. Turning on the source of the gunfire, she leaped across the street towards Ed, and the gunman beyond him, snarling with rage.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Smeg-face let out a small wimper , seeing the two heores bearing down on him , rapidly giving up trying to crawl throught the wall to his left ..he scrabbled ..crab-like behind the tempory cover of a ruined bus stop shelter... where was the rest of the gang when you need them ..bunch of scumbags ! clearly out classed he got his legs into run mode and made ready to make a break for it .....
Lady luck must have felt a litttle bit sorry for Smeg-face , for as he cowered ready to sprint away .. for a Stunner Chief , going by the name of Big-Spark , moved in from the right ,lobbing his Tesla Cage at the advancing heroes .. as he screamed a incoherant battle cry ...

(( yes i know Tesla Cage is single target , first to post gets to pick who its at ))



(Edward, being security level 50, also outclasses the Freakshow by a wide margin...but hey doesn't hurt to let the guys have some luck).

Edward grinned, the Telsa Cage sparking around him for a moment, barely stopping in his tracks, he grunted and flexed his fists outwards, shaking off the effect.

" know...that was incredibly lucky...been a while since I've had that happen to me."

He continued walking, "Listen pal, you and you're friends have got two options, either walk away now and the good Lord will forgive your trespasses or you can stay and fight...the choice is yours, I'm a forgiving man, unlike my feline friend here...she gets real angry, real quick..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ellie barely paid Ed any attention as she loped across the street towards the fool who'd shot her. Snarling, she ran right past him and then the Stunner Chief as she made a beeline straight for the Gunner. Roaring again, she grabbed the man's SMG in her huge maw, and with a single bite, chomped straight through it, almost taking his hands off in the process.

Dropping the remains of the gun to the ground, she darted her head forward again and grabbed his arm in her mouth, holding him tight as a snarl rumbled from her throat. The look in her cats eyes was unreadable and her behaviour seemed far more animalistic than human at the moment.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



you could almost here the air rushing in to fill the Freak shaped spaces left hanging in the air , as the gang members scattered in twenty different directions , each Freak having the same sudden desire to be a minimum of five klicks from here ... iron shod boots firing up sparks as they hit the road , giving a clear sign that the Freaks had kicked in their boosters in a effort to escape ....

meanwhile Smeg-face was getting a way too close look at the Tiger-Girls fangs , and having failed to remember any prayers , he resorted to a pure fear fueled scream .. escape over come any thought or reason , and he yanked his arm from the Tigers maw , the fangs ,tearing fesh , mussle and marking the bone , shredded the limb .. leaving the Tiger-girl with a mouth full of freak blood , reaking of chemicals and who knows what .. and Smeg-face with the needing a new arm .... still driven by the need to flee Smeg-face managed to leap the collapsed bus stop in a single bound .. and leaking blood everywhere .. he started to run south ...away from the worst day of his life ...



Pheobe watched the white tiger crash into the Freakshow with a rising concern, and was turning to go and placate her, when a sharp pain hit her in her back. She stumbled and fell, regaining her balance halfway through and rolling into her familiar fighting crouch. Glancing back to see who hit her, she spotted a huge Freakshow tank emerging from what had been the office door. He looked around at the carnage, with a look that was half rage, half murderous glee. He crunched his metals hands together, in a manner that resembled a normal person cracking his knuckles.
"OOOOOOOOOORIGHT!" he bellowed, "If any 'a you wimps want to take on a REAL Freak, COME AN' GIT SOME!"
Hearing this, the Freaks that were still left cheered and fought with renewed vigour, charging with glee at the heroes.

Pheobe got back up, and popper her cracked ribs back into place.
"Yay, something I can hit properly!" she smiled to herself, launching herself at the Tank, and ramming her claws up to the knuckle into his armor, and swinging her arm to the side, leaving a rent across his chest. Her roared and swung at her, missing as she darted aside and behind what was left of the bus shelter, and leaving a crack in the surface of the pavement.
"RARGH! Come and fight me, you coward!" he bellowed, stomping after her.



Ellie's sabretoothed tiger form glowed brightly seconds after the Gunner shredded his own arm trying to get away, and it rapidly reformed back to her silvery armoured self. A short row of bullet holes were visible in her side, but green energy rapidly swirled around the wounds, healing them and resealing her armour. As it did, Ellie doubled over, gagging; and struggled to spit bits of Freakshow out of her mouth.

Her stomach heaving, she tried to wipe her arm across her mouth, "Oh god, I'm gonna thr...." Her stomach heaved again, and this time she couldn't stop it, and she dropped to her knees as she began to throw up vigourously.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.