Blood Widows/Wolf Spiders Arcs
It's possible to carry on as a Wolf Spider or Blood Widow, but you'll run out of power options the higher you get.
It's possible to carry on as a Wolf Spider or Blood Widow, but you'll run out of power options the higher you get.
[/ QUOTE ]are you realy sure about that? won't it be like heroes epic type when you select nova or dwarf you get the addtional powers????
It's possible to carry on as a Wolf Spider or Blood Widow, but you'll run out of power options the higher you get.
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You could still take pool powers after you run out of primaries and secondaries.
I really should do something about this signature.
won't it be like heroes epic type when you select nova or dwarf you get the addtional powers????
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VEATs are completly different to keldians.
I really should do something about this signature.
won't it be like heroes epic type when you select nova or dwarf you get the addtional powers????
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VEATs are completly different to keldians.
[/ QUOTE ]i was talking about when u chosse a level six for nova u get all nova power i think. i did not state a bane is the same as a nova
i don't know how the VEAT power going to show im just going with on with what i know and that is how heroes one are done
i was talking about when u chosse a level six for nova u get all nova power i think.
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Yes. VEATs are COMPLETLY different.
You do not choose a power called "bane spider" at level X and get all the bane spider powers.
I really should do something about this signature.
i was talking about when u chosse a level six for nova u get all nova power i think.
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Yes. VEATs are COMPLETLY different.
You do not choose a power called "bane spider" at level X and get all the bane spider powers.
[/ QUOTE ]but is that the choice a level 24? you get a whole new power table????????????????
The choice at 24 is the CAREER branch. So think like the Patron Powers and having a new section of powers opened up to you to pick from 24 onwards. This is not like Squid-and-Beetle kheld powers, you are picking one career to follow through with to 50 (given Patrons are one-choice one-life I think it is safe to assume careers for VEATS will be the same). To simplify what I assume:
Level 24 -> Speak to [X] -> Pick [Career A] or [Career B] -> Now you are able to choose power from [Career] or from your normal choices.
Level 26 -> Now you are able to choose Tier 2 power from [Career] or your normal choices.
And so on and so on.
How it is applied on screen is a different kettle of spiderlings.
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
The choice at 24 is the CAREER branch. So think like the Patron Powers and having a new section of powers opened up to you to pick from 24 onwards. This is not like Squid-and-Beetle kheld powers, you are picking one career to follow through with to 50 (given Patrons are one-choice one-life I think it is safe to assume careers for VEATS will be the same). To simplify what I assume:
Level 24 -> Speak to [X] -> Pick [Career A] or [Career B] -> Now you are able to choose power from [Career] or from your normal choices.
Level 26 -> Now you are able to choose Tier 2 power from [Career] or your normal choices.
And so on and so on.
How it is applied on screen is a different kettle of spiderlings.
[/ QUOTE ]thanks there Drakmarth, i can see where i was going wrong in my though on how it worked but at least you took the time to explain it to me instead of a one liner comments. just more one more question anyone know if we get to chosse our orgins or they all natural???
Not a clue on the origin front, they might force the issue like Khelds, they might not, from the screenshots it would appear Natural, but can't be certain until they release it.
Speaking of Arcs (that is the subject title even if it wasn't the intention), I do hope we continue with the rather delightful arcs we've become accustomed to in Villains. Can see us being asked to beat up rioting civvies, shake up local motley crews, take down the odd 'villain' and of course, beat the [censored] out of any number of Longbow.
Hell, even with Wardens being the overpowering monsters that they are, I bet we still have to face more Ballistas than normal.
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
all are natural, unless they've been changed.
i can see where i was going wrong in my though on how it worked but at least you took the time to explain it to me instead of a one liner comments. just
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I didn't explain it because I had to go and get tea ready.
All the information is already in the issue 12 introduction and in the other theads on VEATs though.
And yes, the latest information we have is that both VEATs have to take natural origin.
I really should do something about this signature.
Forsaken it's like picking a Power Pool for the VEAT..... Let me re-phrase that.... It's like picking a COMPLETELY new AT
Forsaken it's like picking a Power Pool for the VEAT..... Let me re-phrase that.... It's like picking a COMPLETELY new AT
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is it like choosing a villain patron? once you pop, you'll never stop
That one (can you respec your branch?) we have no information on yet.
I really should do something about this signature.
I doubt you can Respec the Branch tbh, as I'm guessing the Crab Spider and Bane Spider costume sets are tied to the powerset and I think [Guess work] you will do a Arc towards your Branching, I have no idea this is all guess work.
You better get a few powers when you branch off... I ain't being no lvl 24 with only two powers!
Don't worry. You won't.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Hopefully you'll be able to respec out of and in to different power trees.
Well considering Banes themselves require an host of range/melee attacks, a placate and a hide, as well as a ST immob just to give someone else the WEB-PLACATE-WHACK!! combo of ow ow it hurts me. Plus we might get some more shields..I see a few more than two.
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
Don't worry. You won't.
[/ QUOTE ]no u have brawl, throwing knife, mace, fire enegry beam and any vet power u get so u can have upto 6 lol
Don't worry. You won't.
[/ QUOTE ]no u have brawl, throwing knife, mace, fire enegry beam and any vet power u get so u can have upto 6 lol
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They wouldn't take away all your pre-branch powers... that'd be harsh... unless they gave you a freespec, but I doubt it.
You will keep your AR and your 'nades when you branch on a wolf, and keep your melee moves when you branch on a widow
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
The idea of branching, is the "trunk" is the same. I.e. you have the same lower level powers, regardless of being a Bane or Crab spider. Thse powers do not get taken away from you.
At level 24 you choose your branch. This means there are two alternative versions of the top half of your primary and secondary powersets. One has the bane spider powers, the other has your crab spider powers.
I really should do something about this signature.
question to that effect, would a wolf spider's SMG attack be replaced with the burst attack from the crab spider backpack?

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"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
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B.A.F. Trial Guide
anyone know for sure if we get 4 path or 6 as carrying on as Blood Widows/Wolf Spiders?
i mean from the video it sounds like you can be Blood Widows/Wolf Spiders to level 50. is it possible? reason im asking is slot reason for i12