How The Mighty Fall (Brought to you by C7 News)




Channel 7 News, Thursday 21st, 8pm

"And now, we go live to the new Storm Defence Shelter in Peregrine Island at it's unveiling. In attendance is Zorielle Rolando, former CEO of ZorTel Industries and leader of the Unity Vigil organization, known for their heroic and charity work in making Paragon City a better place."

Peregrine Storm Defence Shelter

"Sheila Delori here, in the middle of the new Storm Defence Shelter's commons hall where Zorielle Rolando is about to give the opening speech for the seven billion dollar complex, which promises to provide ample support to all of the inhabitants of the island from the storms and tides that can lash the coastline." The cheery blond reporter smiled to the camera, before turning to look up towards the podium.

Zorielle Rolando stood, dressed in the 'dress' version of her combat armour, looking down to the audience below. The usual black armour plating had been covered with the white jacket with Unity Vigil badge, and further touch ups took away the somewhat menacing appearance to be more in line with the rest of the Unity Vigil's uniforms.

"Good evening everyone, I'd like to thank you all for turning out to the opening of this complex. As I'm sure many of you are aware, having worked or lived on Peregrine Island, Mother Nature can be somewhat vigorous when it comes to the tides and weather here. In the past 8 years alone there's been many a flood, storm, blizzard or hurricane to hit the island. Granted we get the good weather in the summer as well." The dark haired woman chuckled.

"The costs, both in dollar and sometimes life, can be a little much to handle. Also, the costs to upgrade and repair all the buildings on the island to be storm proof, as well as the labour costs and inconvienence caused, would be astronomical. So, with the aid of the City Planning Commission and some of the brightest minds in Paragon, this is where we meet the elements halfway." She said with a gesture around the hall.

"The Peregrine Storm Defence Shelter can hold up to 200,000 with some comfort, and keeps medical, water and supply stockpiles to care for that amount for three weeks. Not only is the complex designed to weather the events that hit the island, but the multi-million dollar monitoring systems will help predict and issue warnings for whatever weather patterns come towards Peregrine, and Paragon City proper."

"If you'll just look behind me at the dis-"

The picture went black...

Channel Seven News

"We appear to have some technical difficulties with our live transmission, but hope to resolve them as soon as possible. In other news..."


Peregrine Storm Defence Shelter - Exterior, 8.15 PM

"This is Tom Robertson coming to you live from outside the newly built Peregrine Storm Defence Shelter, where just quarter of an hour ago we lost contact with inside. All attempts to get into the building or raise communications have proved useless. I do believe we can now speak to two of the Unity Vigil staff on the scene now, press officer Klair Elwyn and Vigilant Operations Manager Belicia Uvos."

"Hello Tom," The dark haired Ms Elwyn smiled.

"Good evening." The blond and black haired psuedonym for the Vigilant OverAI BODICIA answered.

"Does the Unity Vigil have any idea of the situation inside?" Tom asked Belicia.

"As of this moment, attempts to get inside information have proved ineffective. A Vigilant team under my command is currently attempting manuvers to get inside and ascertain the situation."

"And is there any speculation?"

"There's always speculation whenever something happens, Tom." Klair replied. "Currently we're working on the assumption that a technical issue arose with the EMP shields that protect the medical and communications equipment inside, causing the blackout."

"So, there's nothing to be alarmed of?"

"Of course not." Belicia said sweetly. "The estimated projection of events would state that there is no reason to be. We will continue to attempt to gain contact with those inside, but as of this moment there is no reason to force an intrusion."

"Despite the fact that the building has entered full Storm Defence mode?"

"Conjecture on that matter would point to either a simple fault in the system that should be rectified soon, or perhaps even a demonstration that lead to the blackout of comms."

"Very well, more on the situation as it happens, this is Tom Robertson, for Channel 7 news."


Channel 7 News, 9pm

"This is a Breaking Story on Channel 7 News. I'm Andrew Wallace, and it has just been reported that an attempt on the life of Zorielle Rolando, leader of the Unity Vigil, has just occured.

Tonight, at the unveiling of the new Storm Defence Shelter on Peregrine island, our broadcast was suddenly cut as Mrs Rolando gave her speech. After an hour of blackout and lockdown, contact was finally restored with inside, and several people were evacuated by Medical Transport Network for emergency treatment.

Reports of the injured include several attendees, Zorielle Rolando herself and Ryan Andrews, a member of the Unity Vigil on staff as security. And we've just recieved reports that Security Chief Michael Preston has now also mediported for treatment to his injuries. Whilst we wait for footage from the Channel 7 cameras to arrive, we go live to outside with Tom Robertson, who is again with press officer Klair Elwyn."

Storm Defence Shelter - Exterior.

"Tom Roberston, outside the scene of the attempted assassination. Klair, quarter of an hour ago you and Miss Uvos stated that this was merely a technical issue. Could you have expected something of this magnitude?"

"I don't believe we could have, no. The most likely explaination is usually the case when it comes to such situations, and we worked along the present guidelines as best we could have, taking in to account as much as humanly possible."

"Do you have any details as of this time on motive, source of the attack and the assassin themselves?"

"Information is still coming through the Unity Vigil's communication network, but from present information I can state that it was a professional attempt, and that the assassin has been dealt with."

"Dealt with how? Has he been taken in for questioning? And what's the report on those members of your group who were injured?"

"I cannot say at this present time. As for the injured, they are being treated in Unity Tower's state of the art medical facilities by top class doctors. If you will excuse me now, I have to attend to business."

"Very well. More on the situation as it happens. Tom Robertson, Channel 7 News."


Coming Soon on Channel 7 News, Exclusive Footage of the attack on Zorielle Rolando inside the Storm Defence Shelter.



News Report

"Hello, I'm Tony Ericson, and this is Channel 7 News.

In a correction to an earlier broadcast, where it was stated that we could not show you the tape due to an injunction imposed on us by the Unity Vigil supergroup, or by their members taking the tapes and any back up copies from Channel Seven Studios. In an exclusive report, we can reveal more twists behind the attempt on the life of Zorielle Rolando, known as Zortel, leader of the Unity Vigil and former CEO of ZorTel Industries.

A group of four people dressed as Unity Vigil members used forged documentation and identities to get into Channel Seven Studios and gain access to most copies of the tape. Electromagnetic damage to the tape from the fight caused a copy to be sent to a film restoration firm to see if anything could be salvaged.

No leads as of yet have been found to the identity of the attacker, or the people behind the tape theft, and the Peregrine Island Storm Defence Shelter remains closed for repairs after the battle. In other news..."

((OOC Information: Zorielle will be looking for some heroes in the Unity Vigil or involved in the investigation to start scouting out some of the film restoration companies and businesses in the city to watch for any sign of approach. Those interested can sign up here.))


Unity Tower Secure Transmission

"Zorielle Rolando speaking. We're arranging a false press conference in Skyway City's Hotel Geneva, in order to try and lure out my assassin once again. I'm looking for some people to take point and be on guard, as well as someone to act as a decoy for me. This will more than likely be either Ellie Stoneberg, due to her biomorphing capabilities, or the Guardian of Destiny's Sara Aegis. There will be some other details involved, that will be decided upon selection. This message is going to those pre-selected for approval for the mission, so if you wish to take part, then please use a level 4 encoded reply."

((OOC Information: This message was forwarded to some people out of the UV as well. If you think your character might have received one, we can discuss it in PM's.))


Shadow Cabinet Headquaters

"All in favour?" 00's ancient voice croaked.

"I!" The chorus came from the other members.

"All opposed?" 00 asked again.

" please, don't do this, I won't fail again, I promise, it was a mere oversi-"

A gunshot echoed about the chamber.

08, the person who represented part of the Shadow Cabinet, laid slumped on the table, blood pooling out of the gunshot to their back. Such was the price of failure in these cases. The one who had shot him dragged the body off and discarded it on the floor, before sitting on the chair.

"Motion settled." The new 08 said wryly.

"Was that really necessary?" 04 asked in a slightly sick voice.

"Ah, I forgot, this was your first time at seeing such conduct. Yes, it was. 08 promised us he would kill Zorielle Rolando. His wish to broadcast it live could have compromised the entire operation. He failed to subdue Michael Preston and Ryan Andrews. He cost us Zaidantsu. His brute force method was flawed. My method which I propose will strike where the strongest shield and technology cannot hope to protect."

"Where?" 07 asked.

"The hearts." 08 replied simply.

"Elaborate, 08..." 00 asked in his dusty voice.

"Of course, 00. We have all seen the footage that 03 recorded at the scene. We did not count on Mr Preston and Mr Andrews putting on that show of support for Zorielle. It was the reason the tapes went missing from Channel Seven." 08 paused to reflect on this, sipping from a glass of water.

"We also need to take into account that a war against the heroes will stir up the populous. Someone who is cautious pays more attention to things. Let's keep the flock settled, and harness the power of these heroes to work for us. I have already taken to preparing dossiers on many of the suitable heroes for us to progress. Let us bring enlightenment and illumination to their thoughts. Let us show them the error of their ways and set them upon the true path of justice, and righteousness. Let us put stumbling blocks between Ms Rolando and her precious heroes and drones. This is my motion."

"Very well... all in favour?" 00 asked of the cabinet.

"I!" It was unanimous.

"All opposed?"

There was no response.

"Very well. Authorisation has been granted to you for this task. Use the resources of the Cabinet as you see fit. I wish for all of you who can to assist in these matters. And remember, 08. With success comes rewards beyond your wildest imaginations," 00 wheezed, before a snarl came from his ancient throat. "And with failure... you yourself have dealt what happens with that. This session is concluded. See to the Darkened One that a suitable cover for his death is spun."

((OOC information: All those interested in having their heroes approached by the Shadow Cabinet members for some hopefully interesting devils advocate RP, please could you send me some information on your heroes, background, secrets that might be discovered and used and such, in a PM? I already have ideas for Tiger White, Tiger Dark and Crimson Archer.))


Magical Investigations

((Gideon will be handling some of the plot that involves trying to track down the Shadow Cabinet. Currently Arachidamia is investigating, and I'll be working with Gid to draw people into that.))



((OOC Information: Zorielle will be looking for some heroes in the Unity Vigil or involved in the investigation to start scouting out some of the film restoration companies and businesses in the city to watch for any sign of approach. Those interested can sign up here.))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Consider the Huntingtons signed up for this - Richard's very interested in helping out, and Sam wants to see things through.))

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



((Cass too has already started help out, so consider her in))



((Well Ed is always willing to lend his mystical and physical might to investigating, that and he's still a mad scientist computer nerd at heart so any hacking that'd need doing, he'd be game for it))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((Liberty Girl has been part-time undercover in the Rogue Isles trying to solve the mystery of her mentor's disappearance - she would be fired up to do something about a similar attack on another friend and would be champing at the bit to get her hands on the people who clobbered Cindersnap - she's available if you can use her))



Against Hearts and Minds - Tiger White

When Tiger White was on patrol on Peregrine Island, her curiousity was piqued when she spotted a sign advertising a 'Peacebringer Support Meeting' outside building. Heading in and up to the Beverly McMire Community Hall on the top floor, she was rather surprised when the woman on the reception desk was rather cold and snippy to her, telling her that her kind wasn't appriciated there. Confused, she left in a bit of a huff, and encountered a man in a dark coat and a hat downstairs, who apparently had the mutant gift of hypersensetive hearing, and convinced her to listen in to make sure they weren't extremists or anything, and to maybe learn something on why people are bigots.

Heading up, Ellie and The Man tuned into the meeting, with Ellie hearing the tales of new members to the group that day. One, who's husband became a Peacebringer and was so wrapped up in it that his kids wondered where their daddy was and if they could have him back.

The next was of a man who lost his brother, who always had been a hero worshipper, when a Kheldian bonded with him and he ended up getting killed fighting crime, despite being a bad choice for partnering.

The last was a woman who lost her child when a Peacebringer went rogue several years ago, and several other people confirmed that they were there as well for that reason. That Peacebringer was Ellie, and while she was not in control of her own body and pronounced not guilty, the guilt still remained and surfaced upon old memories resurfacing.

Upset, Ellie hurried and left, not wanting to hear anymore, while The Man followed her, asking if the families had a choice when people became Peacebringers. When asking her if she had a choice whether to not be one any more, she said it was impossible. The Man told her that he overheard there might be someone who could help, a Doctor Alstrom at PCU Founders Falls. With his piece said, The Man left, leaving Ellie to return home in tears.



(( I written some fiction as a follow up to this, which can be found here.

Hope you all enjoy! ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((Liberty Girl has been part-time undercover in the Rogue Isles trying to solve the mystery of her mentor's disappearance - she would be fired up to do something about a similar attack on another friend and would be champing at the bit to get her hands on the people who clobbered Cindersnap - she's available if you can use her))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Too good an opportunity for me to pass up, Dan - Fiction ahoy!))

{Somewhere in the Rogue Isles, the recent past}

The lone figure stood in the rain, shoulders hunched, the collar of his scuffed leather jacket turned up to protect his neck from the drizzle. Eyes hidden behind dark glasses peered out through the haze. Someone watching him would know that his seemingly slow walk was deceptive. Every time he wasn't under direct observation he broke into a run at a phenomenal pace, stopping just as quickly. It was the only way he could keep watch on the person he was following - a young woman who seemed to be moving about with sinister purpose, questioning, bullying, bribing.

A more astute observer would identify the shock of blue hair as that of Rich Hunter - a man with a quiet reputation for finding the hidden, recovering the lost and - spoken in only the quietest whispers in the darkest dives of the Isles - someone you don't cross if you want to walk away.

Hunter continued his silent stalking, making a curt gesture at an Arachnos soldier who walked too close. A small flare of light gathered in Hunter's palm, and the soldier backed away, swallowing loudly. Hunter ignored him, still intent on the girl he followed.


Richard Huntington hated the rain. He hated Arachnos. He hated the Rogue Isles. And above all he hated following a young woman with a temper who hadn't actually done anything wrong. But he believed with all his heart that he knew how she thought, and there was no way he would let her put herself in danger over something like this. Yes, revenge was necessary sometimes, but if she wanted to live more than a week longer she needed either looking after, or guiding the right way, and it looked like the job was his.

Muttering quietly to himself, he carried on his slow-quick-slow movement, trusting the display projected on the inside of his glasses to let him know when it was safe to move faster than Rich Hunter should be able to. "Damnit, Linda. Why couldn't you be a nice quiet girl who likes to sit in a library at the college? Why couldn't you play 'hunt the Hellion' in Atlas Park, like any sensible heroine? No, you have to be the adventurous type, and head out to the Isles." A heartfelt sigh escaped from his lips. "At least I get to go sleep in my yacht tonight." The prospect of curling up in his gently rocking boat, a bottle of wine and a good book to hand, nearly made him leave then and there. But he took himself to task. Watch the girl. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. And bring down the wrath of God Almighty on anyone foolish enough to try anything with her.

"That's your job, Huntington. You volunteered. Get on with it."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



((Good evening! Right, I'll be running False Faces, False Hearts soon, that's the part of this plot involving the conference. I need to sort out some RP with Solar first, on Moon Path so will be chasing that up now. Give me a heads up for who will be here, and then we can decide on where the mission will be held. Do people have access to IRC clients?

Oh, Sol, seeing as I have a lack of alt spaces at the moment, might be easier to this little thing out of game, you have my MSN still, right?

Against Hearts and Minds will continue with Chlorr next, and then my next target. Uh, victim... uh... wait, those all sound bad.))



(( Aye I still have you're MSN, Z. Although tonight isn't the best probably, as the FA is taking another excursion into the Forgotten Realms. I could try alt-tabbing between but I would have to make no promises on how well I'd be doing to do with response times. Alternatively, tomorrow I should be free whenever.

I personally don't have an IRC client, but if someone can point me in the direction of one (hopefully with little tips on how to install it too ) then I can get that sorted))



((type in mIRC in to google,it's very easy to install, set up will be handled by tells i would guess, am Free when you are))



((Freddy will definately be there, since he's signed on specifically to be Zorielle's bodyguard/extra security for the conference. I'm afraid I don't have any sort of IRC though, but you're welcome to have my msn addy if you want it.))



(( Get it! It's a simple program to install, and free to use. ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Against Hearts and Minds - Moon Path/Chlorr

When Chlorr was at a cafe on Talos Island with her daughter Cynthia, enjoying a fine cup of coffee when a black suited woman appeared. Introducing herself as Agent Carona of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, she asked for a moment of Chlorr's time.

Leading her to a car park with a large black car in, the sort you get in high ranking government official envoys, she was ushered in to meet with Agent Geller, an elderly man with a scarred cheek who started to politely ask her about a criminal she may have ties with, along with presenting some rather incriminating evidence!

After asking her about the criminal, The Agent then started to ask questions about Zorielle Rolando and the Unity Vigil. Chlorr was understandably shocked when they said the federal government was investigating her due to various reasons, and when stating that she may have been involved on the attempt on her own life somehow, as a PR stunt or trying to fake her own death. They said it's sometimes happened, and they have to investigate everything.

The Agent told Chlorr of the governments concerns about Zorielle, putting it in a manner that the question asked if she could help with their enquiries was less of a pill to swallow, and striking a deal that involved any footage and camera stills staying out of the law as 'America still needs heroes', they warned her to be more careful of her conduct.



Her Armour Creaked slightly as she stepped over the shattered Focus, treading carefully, purposefully, towards the figure slumped against one wall of the summoning chamber. The exhausted Ruin mage glares at her as she approaches, his robes torn and singed, his hat lost somewhere in the fight.

“My problem is...”

She pauses

“One of my problems is, I have spent the last 24 hours trying not to hurt any of you magic types, I mean, I just want some information, a man with a broken Jaw can’t tell me anything can he?”

She ruminates as she walks across the debris strewn floor the intricate patterns broken now by the cracks running in to them from all angles.

"Then when I finally get your Name, and i come here I think 'you know what, I’d best show them just how tired I am of people avoiding my questions"

She slowly crouches in front of Him, just an arm’s length away.

“But Still you don't take me seriously, so I though I had better show you how serious I am before talking to you”

She stares at him a cold smile on her face.

“So when I say to you ‘who killed Eddie Du Mal’ you’re not going to turn a little pale and insist you know nothing about it are you, because you understand I don't believe that”

The ruin mage Dilamis Stared at the foul woman, despoiler of his sanctuary, and his Eyes narrowed, the one she searched for was dangerous, a hunter, She wanted something from him and would fight him for it, but win or lose, She would be out of his Sanctuary.

“I understand perfectly, your little demonstration was unnecessary, we were willing to put you on the right track”

His voice rasped as only one unused in thousands of years could, Cassandra raises an eye brow.

“How unusually helpful of you, that must be why I was attacked on sight, next time shall I take that as meaning you have information for me? Or is getting beat up how you float your boat?”

“No need for such harshness woman, His Name is Mattias, He has been unusually focused, we have taken that to mean he is being paid to be here, which would not be the first time”

“No second name, nothing else? What a boat load of information”

“He is a hunter, undetectable to magic and driven only by hate”

“Sounds like a scumbag, I’ll tell him you sent me”

Dilamis’s eyes widen and the little colour in his face drains away.

“So you are telling the truth, interesting” Cass almost purred, a vicious grin on her face

“There are legions of demons that will know your name in hell Woman” Dilamis spat

“What they don’t know is I’m waiting for them”

She stands, turns on her heal and strides out of the Chamber, leaving the Mage with the sound of his own relived breathing.



Tuesday to Wednesday
Here and there, starting from Nene's cafe in the park, but spreading to other parts of the city, there transpired a curious event. Occasionally singly, occasionally in groups, miniature little robots, barely sensors, logic and motivation, appear, scan, and disappear. Their movements are so seemingly random that nobody really catches onto the fact that they have a purpose. Taking information, scanning, sifting, sorting and reporting. Unremarkable, until...

Thursday Night, 9:37pm

Burning Bolivar, currently doorguard for a small bunch of hellions who liked to call themselves the Brimstone Cadre, sat smoking stolen cigars, entertaining himself on his evenings guard duty by throwing rocks at bits of rubbish, city rats, anything unlucky enough to wander by. He was just bored enough to consider going back inside and grabbing another six-pack. It was all very well trying to make your own entertainment, like that fun little graffiti run against the cafe earlier in the week, but even the buzz from that had worn off after a few days. Turning to head inside, he staggered forward as something large and metal dropped out of thin air behind him, landing and unfolding itself, all metal arms, red optics, and laser weapons. Clangs and crashes, one louder than the rest as several heavy objects dropped through the roof of their safe-house, resounded from in front of him, as he felt the heavy grip of a metal claw on his shoulder, and then blacked out as he was introduced to the door frame, in close personal fashion.

Inside, there was a battle, of sorts. Of sorts, because it was pretty one-sided. A circle of heavy battle-mechs was hemming in the Cadre, who were desperatly throwing flames, bullets, knives and pointed sticks against the invaders. To no avail, all of them seemed protected by force-fields, which deflected the worst of the punishment, and the few things that did get through bothered these mechanical behemoths about as much as a summer breeze. The circle split, and a woman stepped into the space. Armoured, wearing a long coat and piratical hat, with a glowing-red monacle, and much in the way of chrome, she grinned at them, and gestured with the pulse-weapon she carried like a toy. The circle of robots stepped in, the crunching of metal feet on floor loud in the small space, as the robots reached grasping metal hands for their targets, hands that could rend steel...


The PPD had seen some very odd things in their time. When you saw heroes, magicians and weirdos on a regular basis, nothing was suprising anymore. But even this took some beating. An entire gang of hellions, quaking, stripped down to underpants and boots, showing off all manner of dubious tattoos. Each and every one of them had three broken fingers on his right hand, aside from Burning Bolivar, who had the identical damage on his left hand. Every one of them had had their heads shaved. Every one of them had had "kittycat" tattooed on his forehead. And every single one of them appears to have been lashed by steel cables to a railing, and resoundingly spanked. A note pined to the back of the leaders underskeds pronounced "footage available on youtube." To top all this off, a calling-card had been left. Each man had a toetag, labelled "Specimen: Anti-robot bigot. Interest Rating: 2/10. Property of Ironside Privateers Inc."

It probably didn't help the beaten egos of the formerly feared Brimstone Cadre that it took the police ten minutes more than it should to arrest them, simply from laughing too hard.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((Trying to work out a date for the conference 'mission' as it were, or could always do it as forum RP, but that might get a little hectic.

Tiger White investigated the film restoration studios and found nothing, looks like trying to lure them out with bait didn't work. She also paid a visit to Dr. Henry Alstrom at PCU Founders Falls, who explained his work on transfering engram patterns from a person to a clone body to avoid complications from mutations, accidents or other such mishaps as a last resort. The doctor seems genuine enough, and was happy to take time out of marking lectures and reports to speak with her.))



Mattias’s head snaps back and he flies across the room to impact on one of the steel support girder, it buckles slightly from the impact and he slumps to the floor unconscious.

Cass straightens with a wince, she felt the knives going in, and god damn did it hurt, but it doesn't feel critical. Slowly she walks herself over to the unconscious figure on the floor, and stiffly kneeling, she attaches a UV holding tag, watching as he is teleported away.

She starts to stand but her legs feel week and her vision swims, she manages to activate the mediport before she blacks out, leaving only the blood trail behind

A few hours later, in the Unity Tower medical facility.

Cassandra lies still on a hospital bed; many strange devices are attached via cables, making their own nocturnal voicings heard. A vigilant stands outside guarding the room and its occupant, as they watch and wait for her to wake up.

((any visits to her or to the prisoner should be done in the Unity tower thread, the chronology is that this happened Friday))))



Founder's Falls - Cassandra Zero's Flat

A pack of photos arrived in the mailbox... Taken over the course of a year or two, it showed Richard Huntington at the statue. Each photo, a different woman. The second to last photo was of Richard and Cass hugging on the step, taken from afar with a zoom lens.

The last photo was Richard by a sihlouette of a woman, a white questionmark in the centre of the shades chest. Scrawled above their heads by needle into the photo in sketchy writing was a simple message.

'Who's after you?'

Port Oakes

A set of slightly tatty, sepia photographs arrived at Josie Ironside's house in a most unusual method, fired at her front door by arrow. The yellowing envelope that contained them was sealed with wax, a skull and crossbones pressed into it.

Each photo was of Nene MacAllister, the gynoid that was one of Josie's good friends.

And of Nene's partner, Dee Dee Diablo. Hanging out, hugging, going places freely in Paragon...

The very last photo was taken in Pocket D, on that night many weeks ago where in an emotional state, the daughter of Doctor Temporis had flirted with Josie. And squeezed her rear.

Galaxy City

The mailman dropped off a pamphlet in Sara Aegis' letter box that morning, the kind one would find at any medical centre.

'So your partner is going to die' it was titled, talking about bereavement and the help with counselling and making their last days comfortable. There was a post-it attached to the back.

'He'll die eventually. And the one after him. And after him. And after him. But you won't, will you? Best get reading.'



(( Though not dead, this plot has been kinda paused for a while. Time to wake it up! )0

Shadow Cabinet Headquaters

"The alien has been neutralized?" 00's voice, cracked with age, came from the shadows at the head of the chamber.

A tall, heavyset man nodded in reply. "The jury did as anticipated, sir. Santiago followed instructions to the letter and gave it three years in the Ziggurat."

"Excellent. I trust our people there will make sure that is the last anyone will see of it again?" The ancient voice responded after a moment's delay.

"Yes sir. The guards have been bought, it'll be moved into the general population after several days, by 'mistake'. After that, with the suppression device in place, it'll be finished off within hours."

"Good. Take your place, number nine. Arrange an accident for Santiago, and cancel the transfer to her account in Geneva. Suspicion for her death, so soon after the aliens' incarceration, will cause Rolando additional difficulties.

The man nodded and moved to the end of the table, and took his place amongst the other members of the shadow cabinet, a satisfied look on his face. At the head of the table, the shadowy figure moved partially into view, though his face remained obscured.

"Things are proceding nicely. With this latest action complete, Rolando's protection is considerably weaker. The alien was a severe threat to our plans, but that threat has now been neutralized." A sudden coughing fit wracked the wizened figure, and after a moment, he reached for a glass of water.

A moment later, he spoke again. "The next step is clear. Before each of you, you will find sealed envelopes with further instructions. This session is concluded."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( If you're still interested in people being 'turned against' Zorielle, this rather James Bondeque Shadow Council (way cool ) may have noted the visit of Dafydd and Amy to the Vigil's base. They both have a history with Zorielle that goes way back and would seem like a logical target for isolation. I can't speak for Aisla (who is pretty involved with RP in WoW, yes there is some), but I'd be interested in seeing what you could come up with for Crow. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Somewhere in Paragon

The large circular chamber was in darkness, save for an bank of 10 video monitors near the head of a long table. A high backed chair sat before the monitors, and just visible on one of the arms, a wizened hand rested, fingers clenched into a fist. A faint wisp of smoke rose from the charred corpse of number 9, laid to one side of the chair, and the smell of burnt flesh pervaded the room.

On the monitors, the scene of the recent attack on the Ziggurat, obviously culled from several security cameras, repeated in an endless look. At the end of each loop, the camera froze for a moment on a still frame of Seven.

"This operative Seven might be a problem, number 8." The ancient voice had an angry edge to it. "I want someone inside section nineteen immediately. We might have to introduce some changes to its program."

Number 8, a tall, thickset woman with dark red hair, nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course sir, I'll see to it immediately. What of the alien?"

"Thanks to the interference of Johnson and his friend, she's out of our reach for now. Rolando's people and section nineteen will be keeping far too close an eye on her, and we're not ready to tip our hand; yet."

The woman nodded once more, accepting her superior's decision. "I will make sure all last traces of our connection to recent events are erased. Do you wish the operative who provoked the alien into attacking her reassigned?"

"No." came the reply. "I want her eliminated; make it look like an accident. I want full containment and sterilization, understand? There must be no trail back to us."

Number 8 nodded once more and started to leave, only to be stopped by 00's voice. "Fail me, number 8, and you'll join this pile of garbage."

"Yes sir, I won't fail you."

"Good, send someone down to clean this up, and get out."

Staring with distaste at her former colleagues remains, number 8 nodded, and beat a hasty retreat from the chamber, her footsteps echoing.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( Someone better have a chat with me about infiltrating Section 19. They hand pick their staff. Good job I already have Mr Needlebaum built. Seven is out of the city for the next few days, btw. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.