How The Mighty Fall (Brought to you by C7 News)




(( Someone better have a chat with me about infiltrating Section 19. They hand pick their staff. Good job I already have Mr Needlebaum built. Seven is out of the city for the next few days, btw. ))

[/ QUOTE ]

(( Don't worry, I had every intention of doing so! Right now, 00 just wants someone in there.. Doesn't mean he'll get his wish. ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( For your edification and stuff, I have added a bit about Section 19 to the Handbook: (Fixed the URL error.) ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Somewhere in Paragon

A wizened hand reached shakily for a glass of water as it's owner coughed between bursts of cackling laughter. A well dressed man with a red streak through his otherwise jet black hair quickly moved to assist his master, and aided him in taking a drink. On the bank of video monitors by his chair, several shots of newspapers showing the Grav Mistress's obituary were displayed

Finally, the old man known only as 00 stopped cackling and spoke, he's cracked voice still showing an edge of laughter to it. "An excellent job number three, you have pleased me greatly."

The man addressed as Number three bowed humbly, a small smile of his face. "I did merely as you commanded, sir. The curse was a difficult one to administer, but the end results are far more than I anticipated. The woman was foolish to think she could remove it so easily."

00 coughed again. "And you've managed to do what my other agents have failed miserably at, make ineffective the alien hybrid as well as caused mass disruption to the Unity Vigil. You will be well rewarded for your work."

Number three bowed again. "I am honoured, sir."

00's hand came in to view again, placing the now empty glass of water on the desk. "Arrange a full cabinet meeting for tonight. Rolando will never be more vulnerable than now, and we cannot pass up this opportunity you have afforded us."

"Of course, sir." came the reply. "I will arrange it at once."

As number three turned to leave, the old man turned back to gaze at the video displays again, and more laughter echoed through the dark chamber.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((Apologies for this being late. It takes place the day after the attack on the Unity Plaza ))

Somewhere in Paragon City

A piercing shriek echoed through the dimly lit council chamber, shattering the darkness in it's pain and terror. A ground of suited figures men and women stood in a circle around the high backed chair, and before it, a man floating in the air, twisting and screaming in the glow of psionic energy rippling around him.

The circle of figured watched impassively as number 12, the one responsible for the failed raid on Unity Plaza, twisted and writhed in their masters grip. In the high backed chair, the wizened hand was pointing at it's victim as it's owner spat out venomously. "Failure is NOT an option, you pathetic creature! We had the PERFECT opportunity, and you ruined it! I warned you, Rolando's forces would be more capable than our intelligence reported! You should have been prepared for that! Especially that OTHER mage!"

The energy contracted sharply around number 12's writhing body, and there was a sickening crunch as both legs suddenly contracted upwards, crushed by the irresistable psionic force of the one wielding it. Number 12's shrieks of agony grew ever more frantic as more and more bones gave way under the pressure, until finally, little more than a ball of flesh floated in the room, mercifully silent at last.

The wizened hand dropped down, signs of fatigue clear as the remains of number 12 dropped wetly to the ground. Number three, the black haired mage with the red stripe in his hair waved a hand, and the remains of his co-conspiritor vanished in a ripple of darkness.

00 let out a slow breath, calming himself through force of will. "The time has come to take direct action against Rolando. No longer can I allow incompetants take care of this matter. Now that Rolando has seen a taste of our strength, she'll be even MORE determined to oppose us than before."

Number three cleared his throat. "Sir... If I may? An idea occurs to me."

00 focussed his attenion on the mage, the only one so far who's plans had borne fruit. "Speak, number three."

Number three nodded and took a short step forwards. "Rolando's defenses, both at the Plaza and at her home, will surely be stronger than ever now, after our failed incursion. But there I still one window of vulnerability, her teleportation network. I can weave a spell to intercept their system, and redirect anyone using it to a place of our choosing."

00's hand clenched. "Bring her directly here you mean?"

Number Three shook his head. "Nothing quite so bold as yet. I feel we need to... punish her before we deliver the final blow. I was thinking perhaps her two small children, and perhaps her partner as well."

A dry chuckle rose from the figure in the chair, rising quickly to a rasping cough as he reached for a glass of water. "Excellent, number three, excellent. Arrange it at once!"

"Of course, sir. The spell I must weave is... complicated. I will need to procure several artifacts before I can complete the incantation."

The hand gripped the glass of water tightly, it's knuckles growing white. "I dislike waiting, number three. How long exactly?"

The henchman thought for a moment before replying. "I think, no more than 4 weeks before I can complete the spell, sir. After that, we can take who we want, whenever we want; but this spell will work one time only."

00 considered it for a moment, a multitude of scheme's running through his dark and twisted mind, before he cackled quietly. "See to it at once. Bring me Rolando's children; I have plans for them. Oh yes.. Plans indeed...."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.