Best synergy for a Mind controller?
Rad or Kin for sure...with Rad having a small edge (and you'll be mean in arena duels )
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
this is my, like, second ever post, i think..
i ve just started a mind/kin.. at 14. loving it! i think the synergy side of things is fine..
so.. mind/kin ftw!!
myea.. i was thinking of mind/rad myself. Afaik the anchors dont wake up people, do they? Also only power I'm not too experienced with (except for floating across half sirens cause of it) is telekinesis. I know what it does etc, but I've only seen it in single target use. How does it work vs mobs, does it spread em? If so anchors + TK doesnt seem like too good a combo.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Debuffs doesnt interrupt your sleeps.
TK holds up to 5 mobs (iirc?) and pushes them back until they cant be pushed further back so handy in closed spaces and to quickly doublestack holds on a boss.
Mind/Rad is a pretty powerful combo
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
afaik, anchor toggles gain aggro, but re: sleep powers, i'm not sure if it wakes them.
Have made a Mind/Rad alt myself to sit on the back benches, it certainly looks like a very nice combo, you won't be short of things to do. Certainly not a boring build.
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How does it work vs mobs, does it spread em?
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Sort of. All affected mobs are pushed away from you in a straight line, so when you push them far enough the distance beteween them will be quite noticeable. For the same reason pushing several opponents against a wall often causes at least one mob to slide along the wall until leaving Telekinesis' area of effect.
On the other hand as soon as you have a corner to push the mobs into we have a clear winner.
However, the endurance drain of keeping up Telekinesis and rad toggles at the same time will be remarkable. When doing something like that you will have to rely on your team to finish those guys for you.
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afaik, anchor toggles gain aggro, but re: sleep powers, i'm not sure if it wakes them.
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No, it doesn't. But if I may add one thing: Terrify does an even better job of keeping mobs inside the toggle areas as it remains useful even if you and your team pack some AoE damage.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Mind/Rad was my own choice after having toyed around with a /kin for a bit. I have to tell you though, both secondaries fit very well and the only reason I picked /rad was because it allowed me to take my eyes away from the team menu to check for when I should reapply buffs.
yeah i know bout the huge end drain on TK. Like I said, im not completely in the dark bout the subject just never seen it used against big groups, so wanted to know the theoretical answer, rather than it being practical
Same with sleeps/anchors, I got experience with fear (dark def, dm scrap, ill troller). Once more it was just checkin up on the facts before making a decision. If it wakes em up its just a sign for me its useless putting them to sleep first, apply anchors only to wake em up at that time. Not to mention sleep being completely useless as soon as anchors are running. With a set with 2 sleep powers i reckon thats an important fact to consider
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
I have a mind/kin, and I have to say it's a great combo. Then again, i'm not allways the best person to ask in that sort of matter. Most of the following you'll allready know and understand, but I won't be able to write it any other way ^^
Thing is, it all depends on your playstyle. Although i've not played either my mind/kin or illu/rad much above level 20, there's a clear difference in positioning between the two;
Rad is a more 'middle of the team' power - you have an AoE heal and AM - very useful bother pre- and mid-battle. You also have further holds (Linger, Choke, EMP) which (for the most part) require you to be somewhere near the badguys.
On top of it, you also have a rez power (which is allways admired) AND Fallout - a brilliant attack power which can be used in synergy with Mutate. The best way to use them would probably be to watch the tank's health slowly turn red, and tell everyone to stop healing them for a few seconds.
With Kin, you have (IIRC) the only ranged heal in the game (ignoring, for a moment, the pool powers), a ranged teammte endurance grant (I think the only one in the game?) and a ranged teammate +dam (which also +dam's any teammates near you).
All three of the powers also contain pretty good debufs which basicly reverse the effect done to your allies (the fact that transfusion uses foe's endurance and slows down their healing is as overlooked as the -acc, -dam on twighlight grasp, although it's effect isn't as noticable - acctually, i'd like to get some figures on that...)
What this means is you can be almost completly removed from the battle. I've found the best thing to do is get Hover early on, then float at about the center-point of your team and select un-healthy teammates - check they're near their target - then blast a bolt of Transfusion down to them.
This means that you can be a verrry effective healer without having to run around in the heat of the action. (it also means that you can float above a ritki attack, target your team's tanker, hit auto heal and then look directly upwards. This means you get NO lag, and can do your own thing until you've been hit with some sort of mez, and have to fly back up there)
The other plus is that you get Siphon Speed and Inertail reduction, which effectivly means you can choose not to waste a power slot on a travel power. Even if you chose to go for fly, like I did, you can hit SS on potential melee threats to keep them at arms length from you, or even SS a couple of low levels whilst teaming, then hover around at sprinting speeds.
When you get your group-sleep power (which is a usefull power for soloing and good teams), you can quite happily use your heal power on a group of sleeping mobs if you need a quick, safe heal, and they won't wake up. You can then hit the weakest one with SS and run away before they realise what's going on ^^
Repel is a good shield against melee attacks (although you may want to just *nudge* yourself into near-by badguys, as they can hit you before you hit them at times), and siphon power is aparently a good debuff.
So, that's about it; /rad is a mid-battle, team-loving set, with the majority of debuffs at the end (with the majority also toggle activated) and some impressive attacks, /kin is an utterly selfish power set (ignoring SB and ID), with one-shot debuffs all the way through but no damage.
Either way, they're both fun, and you can do some neat not-quite-combos with both of them when the oppertunity arrises.
Also, my experiance of TK; I don't like it. I tried it on the test server - I imagined it being a quick 'repel' type power, but with the ability to pin your target against a wall. It's alot slower than I thought (they acctually move at roughly hover speeds or slower) and your end is eaten quickly. I'm going to take it after I get stamina - i'd advise you do the same - but the difference between the primaryily 'toggle' /rad debufs and one-shot debuffs of /kin would make a big difference in how much end you end up using. I'd assume you could still get a few good attacks in on a heavily debuffed floating badguy with kin, but not with rad. Either way; best to leave it to your team.
Rad is a more 'middle of the team' power - you have an AoE heal and AM - very useful bother pre- and mid-battle. You also have further holds (Linger, Choke, EMP) which (for the most part) require you to be somewhere near the badguys.
On top of it, you also have a rez power (which is allways admired) AND Fallout - a brilliant attack power which can be used in synergy with Mutate. The best way to use them would probably be to watch the tank's health slowly turn red, and tell everyone to stop healing them for a few seconds.
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Er, no. Never let your tank die on purpose (or anyone else on your team) unless everyone agrees on it beforehand. Better to use Fallout/mutate combo on a blapper or perhaps a scrapper. But teammates should rarely die with a mind/rad on the team.
With Kin, you have (IIRC) the only ranged heal in the game (ignoring, for a moment, the pool powers)
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Play with an empath lately? They have two ranged heals, Storm has a ranged heal, PBs have a ranged heal etc. Then there's the villain side ranged heals. Ranged AoE heal, otoh, cant think of another powerset with it.
What this means is you can be almost completly removed from the battle. I've found the best thing to do is get Hover early on, then float at about the center-point of your team and select un-healthy teammates - check they're near their target - then blast a bolt of Transfusion down to them.
This means that you can be a verrry effective healer without having to run around in the heat of the action. (it also means that you can float above a ritki attack, target your team's tanker, hit auto heal and then look directly upwards. This means you get NO lag, and can do your own thing until you've been hit with some sort of mez, and have to fly back up there)
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Do your own thing? If you're not looking at the battle, then how can you be doing anything other than afk-healing?
I suppose I don't really see these powersets as you do. I'd say Kin is the "center of the battle" secondary for controllers, you want to be in there to spread the buffs to as many of your teammates as possible, as well as getting the all-important Transference and Fulcrum Shift yourself.
Rad can easily be played from a distance, popping in for a quick heal and LR debuff occasionally, although that of course changes if you make good use of Choking Cloud.
Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM
heh while i appreciate the full analysis of rad and kin, it's not really my question. As said, I got experience with all of those sets, know fully well what most powers do, and the others i know partially what they do but missing some details (i.e. anchors waking up sleeping foes or not).
My question is purely based about the synergy with the Mind primary. If you completely analyse a powerset with that one in the back of your head its fine by me. However just comparing kin and rad, barely paying attention to the mind component wasnt that useful to me as I know what playstyle fits which set most of the time.
The way I see this discussion going I expect it to become more favorable for the rad side of things. Which brings me to the next question. My grav/rad is still a lowbie (<10), I dont know if i feel like lvlin up 2 /rads at the same time. However as I said, I'm still not completely sure, if push comes to shove, what set would synergize better? Grav/rad or Mind/rad? (once more a matter of synergy, not just purely grav vs mind)
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Adding to what Icelock already said:
Repel is a good shield against melee attacks (although you may want to just *nudge* yourself into near-by badguys, as they can hit you before you hit them at times),
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Repel is not a shield at all. It's a PbAoE k-back aura which works very badly with several other /kin powers. Skip!
siphon power is aparently a good debuff.
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As well as a buff. And it stacks with itself.
/kin is an utterly selfish power set (ignoring SB and ID), with one-shot debuffs all the way through but no damage.
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What??? Kin is best on teams. SB and ID, yes, but also Transference, Transfusion, Siphon Power, IR, Fulcrum. All benefit your team-mates. And kin no damage???
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Kinetics is the damage set!
yeah, as said I got a kin/elec, and just love the feeling of playin like youre on crack with a kin . Havent tried rad lvlin tho, well.. i played it on a friend's account who now has a lvl 50 rad/psi, but havent dedicated lvled one. Hence making grav/rad seeing i also wanted a grav troller
Basically my choice is now Mind/kin vs Mind/rad vs Grav/rad unless somebody brings up a good point
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Well - I play a Grav/Kin and love it... so I'm no use whatsoever unless you wanted another possibility
Grav has ... from what I've seen... one of the most well behaved pets, being phased so as to not block doorways, and totally ranged so rarely floating off to aggro another pack. Plus he's great. He has his own repel field, so if you know it's best to miss it from kin, but still like it, just stand inside him. Plus he's a complete controlling machine. Which frees me up a little bit to focus more on the Kin stuff when things get hectic. Making sure the heals, FS's and transferences get used at the right times.
Just a brief interjection - good luck with your choice.
The only reason to be in the areas of effects is fulcrum shift. If by being in the areas of effects I am going to be held etc then that means I can't fulcrum shift anyone. I'd rather fulcrum someone. Transfusion is for self when one has taken damage. If I am not within the areas of effects and aggro control is well handled then its only good for healing others and so I would see no point in being in the area of transfusion.
For me a kin whose always in melee isn't a good thing.
I take repel for those pugs with players who run away or don't go near the area of healing. The words "balls to this" are followed by bunching foes into a corner at times until some clever dicky uses frostbite XD .
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Transfusion is for self when one has taken damage. If I am not within the areas of effects and aggro control is well handled then its only good for healing others and so I would see no point in being in the area of transfusion.
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I think you misread, I said Transference, not Transfusion. A mind troller can be costly, especially while using Telekinesis. And of course being in melee depends on the situation, it isn't always preferable (but usually more exciting)
Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM
*slaps subservient House Elf* XD.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Personally I always favoured Empathy on my Mind controller. Since Mind has sleep it helps having powers that are useful but don't cause any effect to the enemies. In fact, my level 50 has even managed to work without Stamina
Problem is, (as i believe i stated earlier) I dont really fancy making a /emp troller. I want to be able to focus on my primary (which if you make /emp is harder), and occassionally solo if no teams are available (which seems to happen a fair bit). I'm at the point of making a duo with a mind/rad, just wondering what'd be better with nother mind/rad.. a double mind/rad or a mind/kin? (narrowed my pick down to those 2 choices )
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Both can be good, mind st dmg is quite nice, and with 2 EFs quick containment even on bosses and 2 am's things can only get better. 2 RI's would make you pretty much unkillable too. Kin, as you know, is a late bloomer, but in big teams fulcrum makes a difference, and sb is always a godsent.
So basically, it would depend on personal choice... altho if you plan to use it for pvp later on, go rad
I know u said u didn't like being an emp but I have a mind/emp and lvl 15 and it is great, I made it seem that she could not only control the minds of others but also heal her allys by telling their brains to heal the wounds faster
Problem is, (as i believe i stated earlier) I dont really fancy making a /emp troller. I want to be able to focus on my primary (which if you make /emp is harder
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Not true! Infact, my current level 50 build has me without stamina and thus I have all but one power from my primary (left out ST Confuse). I use a combination of Recovery Aura and Conserve Power from the energy primary to keep going, plus Hasten and Geas of the Kind Ones to ensure they come up fast enough.
Dont meant focus as in picking powers, more meant focus as in, in a team i want to focus on using primary powers rather than secondary powers. I've teamed with a fair few mind/emps in the past and they seemed to be more occupied with their emp part in a team than with their mind part. Ofcourse, this could also be down to me just being unlucky with alot of bad examples.
PS. dont wanna say they were bad players or whatever, they were good controllers and they did, in fact, control, yet they seemed to be pushed more into keeping team alive with emp rather than controls.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Right, as it is now, I'm thinking of making yet another new toon and a set I always wanted to try has been mind control. However I just cant think of a good secondary, just because i dont really find a set that fully synergizes with Mind. I've tried every secondary aside from emp.. but i'm just not too fond of being an emp. Toons I got with the other secondaries are: ill/ff, kin/elec, sonic/sonic, grav/rad, earth/storm and fire/ta.
. Btw, I dont really want another sonic or ff toon, I like the ones i got, but i just dont want to lvl another one of those.
So far I found that I reckon /ta would be the most synergy with Mind. However I was wondering what other people think would go well with mind control. Cause if I dont find somethin i like i'm prolly just gonna hop to the evil side and make a mind dom
Anyway, question standing is simple: what sets do you people think synergizes best with mind control?
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright