Thugs / Brute AI problem.....HELP!!
Honestly? There's been no noticeable fix to any MM set AI bugs I've ever encountered. The undead/ninja ranged preference problem has been known about for a long time and hasn't been addressed.
Honestly I wouldn't expect a fix any time soon.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
there is always the go to button but then again i suppose that does not fix his hornyness for handlcap
The only ray of silver lining is that other Controller pets who were doing this (Stoney and Jack) got their AI reworked a few months ago to be more melee friendly. So issues like this have been addressed before and one hope will be applied to the Bruiser and Knights eventually./
But the udead Grave Knight one is easily gotten around using "GOTO", once they get in and draw their swords they will start meleeing and stick to it.
I'm planning to bind shift+lclick to a GOTO command for the Bruiser to position him before ordering him to attack.
there is always the go to button but then again i suppose that does not fix his hornyness for handlcap
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...and the underwhelming Hurl . But yes, simple 'Go To' is all you need. And aren't there reports of the Force Feedback (currently bugged) proc sending him charging in?
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
there is always the go to button but then again i suppose that does not fix his hornyness for handlcap
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...and the underwhelming Hurl . But yes, simple 'Go To' is all you need. And aren't there reports of the Force Feedback (currently bugged) proc sending him charging in?
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There were reports of it doing it to Phastasm and a bit of conjecture from me that that mightn't be a bad thing if you slotted it into Mr Bruiser. Not tested in the slightest though (and its a bug so could be fixed at any time, although even then the PROC should be fairly decent in a Brusier)
Is this bug recent? I've never noticed my Bruiser doing anything other than charging in and laying the hurt down. I'm told he's meant to have a gun but I've never seen him use it.
As for melee shy zombies, I swear by numberpad keybinds.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Honestly? As a veteran MM, never used keybinds, Macros, helpers or any sort of editing short of making a "defensive follow" command on my power slots.
Still the GoTo does TEND to work, but I've still seen instances of melee critters using ranged attacks while in melee range.
Not to complain really since most of the time the GoTo command solves it fine, it's just the odd once or twice it doesn't.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
Thats a real problem...but your avatar is just...WOW!!! have to have it...
The problem I noticed goes someting like this:
1. Order the bruiser into melee using Goto/Aggressive.
2. He gets to the location, and Handclaps.
3. All the targets are now far away. So, he uses Hurl (with it's very long animation).
4. You keep on ordering him into melee.
5. Goto 2.
He can, and will, do this (make an attack chain out of Handclap and Hurl).
If you don't order him into melee, then there is a very reasonable chance he will just stand at the back throwing big rocks every once in a while.
There are a couple of ways out of this:
1. Don't give him the first upgrade. This is the solution I use, as I find the scatter from Handclap counter productive with all the narrow cones and small AOEs the rest of the thugs put out there.
2. Switch him to passive before ordering him into melee. Once he reaches melee range, switch him to aggressive. He should only use his melee attacks. I've not tried this myself, but it has been recommended on the American forums.
3. Bypass the whole knockback problem by getting the immobolize from Mu Mastery. As I went with Mace Mastery, I didn't have this option.
4. Wait for the issue to be fixed...
Story Arcs:
The business of destruction ID: 80848
Ah, this might be why I've never noticed it. I'm Thugs/Dark and I found every time I gave him the first upgrade he handclapped everything out of my debuffs. Since then, I've never Equipped him.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Bugs like this should be fixed they really annoy me, it doesnt matter how small or large, If something made it past test and is live it should work correctly. If not it should be fixed, attention to detail is vital. Leaving something like this is just slack.
Issue 12 should be entitle The Big Fix you name, we have fixed it. From small QoL bugs right up to the Cathedral of Pain.
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes
Is this bug recent? I've never noticed my Bruiser doing anything other than charging in and laying the hurt down. I'm told he's meant to have a gun but I've never seen him use it.
As for melee shy zombies, I swear by numberpad keybinds.
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I think i remember the thug bruiser having a shotgun while in testing and soon after that was changed to throw boulder because he seemed to prefer ranged rather than melee
I remember seeing a post that suggested Castle was aware of the Thugs/Brute AI problem. Has this been fixed yet, or is there a specific one bind work-around ? I really want to play my Thug/poison, but would rather wait for the fix !!
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes