Master of STF - Completed!
Huge Congratulations!
Very happy for you Kovnik & Co, A great achievement!
2AM eh?..... Wow!, you must of taken it very,very safely and left nothing to chance... as indeed everyone on the team has to to get the badge.
...and Congratulations Taira! - thats a baptism by fire if ever I've heard one!. Finejob!.
Unions first I believe.
Welldone everyone!
Thanks Mum, shame you and Amy83 missed it. We will have to run it again at the weekend for the ones that missed out.
And thxs for the post Betty, you beat me to it! (was gonna post it on my lunch break at work but couldn't remember how to spell Tai's name lol!)
Everyone did really well. Over the last week and a half we have been running this I have teamed with some AWESOME people. Its funny how placing a "no Deaths" restriction really brings out the best in people hehehe
As for clear instructions?? you mean clasic's like :-
"Eate Plurples noe plx"
"Leave 2 aluve and head up teh Ranp"
you guys should get a badge just for working out what the hell I was typing ! P
(*edit* Awww I just noticed my fat elbow is blocking Kitty in the pick hehehe)
Nice one guys! I'm sure sal is delighted Only another 10 toons to go for him now lmao
Well done guys
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Hey Congratulations all.
It's well deserved after the number of times you've done it. Great team too, well done again, really happy for you all.
The 8 hour marathon was fun
It's Ray btw, in case you still haven't guessed who I am
Huge, loud, standing ovation!
That is one badge I hope to have but one that I do not expect. Only way it'll happen is if I get invited to a superb team like yours.
The plus side would be gaining five badges at the same time. So far we've had turncoat traitors who have buggered off before the main cadre of AVs leaving a partial team to tackle the big names.
Well done all!
Thanks Mum, shame you and Amy83 missed it. We will have to run it again at the weekend for the ones that missed out.
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Depending on my shifts at work - I will be there
I never thought i would make it in the STF itself but then i got an invite from Sal for the MoSTF. My Heart was beating like Hell during the whole TF but mostly when i had to keep Kinell alive while he was playing Cards with Lord Recluse.
I never had so much fun in this Game but with this Team i had and the best is i found my first new Friends since i just moved over from german server Zukunft!
Thank you very much for letting me join this Team, it will be always a pleasure being your Empath if Mother allows it. =)
Best regards,
Well done chappies/chapettes
The 8 hour marathon was fun
It's Ray btw, in case you still haven't guessed who I am
[/ QUOTE ]
Hi there Ray
Sorry you missed it. I'd be more than happy to help out on any other attempts in the future, evenings only normally though
Thanks for all the Congrats guys
Well, I spoke to Amy last night and we decided to give it another shot on Sat. No fixed time yet, as I dont know when I will get online (xmas shopping to do hehehe). Probably sometime around 3:00pm UK.
Send a tell to @Kovnik if you wanna join us.
I expect some people will have to be turned away this time due to numbers, as anyone that ran it with us before and missed the badge will get 1st choice of spots...
Lets hope we can make it another success
We will try to run one on a regular(ish) basis if the interest is there.
big gratz to Amy83, Roscoe Kavanaugh, Prototype 101, Ray Vision, and Enervator an another successful MoSTf run!
Team was:-
Kinell (stone/stone tank)
Kovnik (Invul/SS Tank)
Amy83 (Eng/eng blaster)
Prototype 101 (..err...a blaster lol)
Ray Vision (Illusion/Rad Controller)
Roscoe Kavanaugh (empath defender)
Taira Mirage (Empath defender)
Enervator (Kin/elec Defender)
Once again Roscoe was another Empath that had never done the STF before and is now the proud owner of the "Master of.." badge hehehe
Took less than 3 hours this time round too !
I am starting to think a novice STF team member is a good luck charm
Energiser (illuion/Kin Controller)
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Ray Vision (Illusion/Rad Controller)
Enervator (Kinetic/Electric Defender)
[/ QUOTE ]
Fixed that for you
Energiser (illuion/Kin Controller)
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
My bad fixed it
He's a Kin/Elec Defender too.
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
How good am I?? that will teach me to write team list down rather than do it from
Taira Mirage was also a defender.
Get a pen and paper lol.
WOW Big Congratulations guys. Im really pleased to see that Amy and Ray got it.
Kovnik leads another team through
King of MoSTF?!
Better book your slots now folks, this tank knows the secrets of the Task Force ;-)
hehehe...2 successes and that's it, zero failures..
Well done all, would be intrested on doing this with my ill/rad give me a shout if you have a free space over the xmas break @dipstar..
Big grats to those that did it. Big acheivement not only for the groups, but for the server as well to have teams that can pull it off.
My only worry about this badge is if we start seeing a resurge in power setism - as a scrapper, I've a feeling me and my fellow melee cousins will be hard pushed to get on teams for it.
It's crazy but true, some folk wont invite scrappers
Why not make a scrapper based MoSTF team? Include a buffer/debuffer too, but mainly scrappers..
A tank
Scrappers x 5?
When our Defiant team completed the Master of STF we had no less than 3 Katana Scrappers on the squad.
It honestly doesn't matter. I've been saying for ages that Blasters and Scrappers each have merits on the STF... Blasters are better versus GW (Melee Heal), the Repairmen (AoE is good) and Recluse (His PBAoE HURTS), Scrappers are better versus everything else (Flier, Towers, other Patrons). In fact with a Scrapper's Defensive Secondary there is a bit more margin for error, which might be more desirable on a MoSTF team.
Its true, I see no reason why a team with scrappers couldn't do the MoSTF. (Maelwys proving it!) The way I had in mind for doing it didnt use scrappers as it relied upon the only things in melee being Tanks..but thats just one way of many. I may try running some over xmas with a "bring what you like" attitude and see how we do. Depends if I get time!
A HUGE thanks to all the people that helped us obtain the Master of Statesman's Task Force Badge last night..or should i say early this morning as we completed at 2am! (took just under 4 hours).

The Team was:
Kovnik...........Invul / Super Strength Tank
Kinell............Stone / Stone Tank
Salacious........Fire / Super Strength Tank
Taira Mirage.....Empath / Psi Defender
Marie Gold.......Fire / Energy Blaster
Good Kitty.......Illusion / kin Controller
Jugalette Diva...Grav / Rad Controller
Tidgy Tigeress...Grav / Empath Controller
Well played by all especially our Empath that had NEVER done the STF before and to our Rad controller that confessed to not having the "Lingering Radiation" power after we had completed!!
A special thanks to Kovnik and Good Kitty that created and ran many attempts at this and along the way gave us valuable advice and guidance on what to do and when. Superb leadership and clear instructions from Kovnik provided the ultimate perfect result.
Kovnik, Kinell and Kitty were of the orginal team set that made many attempts at this badge over the last few weeks and i was lucky enough to join them for a few, including an 8 hour marathon of attempts at the weekend!
Congratulations to all and THANK YOU!
Linky to team photo:
Linky to picture of me with Badge Title showing: