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  1. It was indeed a very fun TF, with a great team although you guys sure made me work hard for my Miracle +Recovery recipe.

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    As was getting launched off that converted oil platform into the depths of the ocean.

    [/ QUOTE ]Yep, that was pretty annoying, especially when your main travel power is teleport, and have to be careful where you place your white disc. Grateful that I still had my Zero-G pack.

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    Haha, that was fun, thought you guys would be safe after you got chucked off. Oh how wrong I was, but it was fun nose diving off the platform after those that fell off.

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    Can't believe the amount of deaths we took, considering we had 1 Thermal Corr and 2 Kins....hey, what the hell....was a great laugh...and actually got to see the AV fall this time!

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    Me thinks that was because we all got kinda scattered, lol, got confused as to who I should go after and where they were, especially on that last mish.

    Now I think I'll take my recipe and hide from those that tried to mug me.
  2. I'm interested in joining with my AR/thermal corr, Blazeblast.

  3. Hi, I'll join for SSTF 4, if there's still space. I have a scrapper and a controller who need it, so can bring whichever one the team needs more.
  4. Hey Congratulations all.

    It's well deserved after the number of times you've done it. Great team too, well done again, really happy for you all.

    The 8 hour marathon was fun

    It's Ray btw, in case you still haven't guessed who I am
  5. Hi, if anyone can't join, then count me in with my lvl 50 scrapper. So CyberShadow is on reserve if you need him. My global is @DaiLung, just let me me know if I'm needed.

    Otherwise good luck to the rest of you.
  6. I would like to join.

    Will bring CyberShadow - lvl 50 Dark/Dark scrapper,
    but also have an Ill/Rad troller (lvl 44+) if that is better.