Fresh Blaster nerf on the horizon?
After a bunch of hours testing, the buff icons really confuse me nonstop. As AR has already the bug that both slug and burst show up on your own buffbar (as if u get the def-down or knockback), its quite hard to find out wich buff belongs to wich power.
Also believe the timings seems pretty off, my LRM missile (nearly 4sec execution) only last a rough 9sec (from the moment i see the icon i start timing) and flametrower wont even make the 7.5sec. Added the damage doesnt always seem to add instantly, if i keep doing burst/slug over and over, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd shot shows exact same damage in my combat log. Like there is a delay in damage boost. (then again, same happens to the 100% recharge proc, it randomly shows up).
Overall damage? Only if open with snipe/burst/slug i see a good increase of damage, but with dual-dmg powers it might be hard to compare the numbers with the previous.
I remain very happy with tier1/2 mezz shouting, did a few rounds of pvp against a defender (sonic/elec) wich did a hold on me and i still could damage him quite alot, as he had no KB resist i got him on his butty a few times to keep him from healing (aid self).
But an avarage of 60-70% for a high-spam blaster? Unlikely.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Castle's already said that a homogenous bar won't work with Newfiance.
But I sure as hell want something other than blast icons, hell, give them a UNIQUE icon at least.
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This is the key thing for me, I would like Blasters to be their own working unique archetype.
Not what is now starting to look like an afterthought with an emergency fix stuck on it.
I have enough status icons filling my screen as it is, I like my UI to be clean and easily readable, not a headache inducing mess of random icons that may or may not be attributed to our inate abilities.
Instead of pushing this through test I would rather they sat down and made it all a complete and unique package that helps define blasters, after all we have lived with Defiance for this long that a few more months really is not going to make much of a difference surely?
Yeah, about the icons, with passives showing and all my toggles on I can get up to almost 3 bars in my buff bar thing solo.
Put in Blast icons on top and I start to get a bit confused.
I gues some day it will be added, i hope at least.
I now just keep the numbers roughly in my mind, find certain chains that do a good bonus. Since im playing at 1680/1050 resolution, its quite a good overview on all the buffs/icons anyway.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Man....I forgot toggle drops even existed since the nerf
Man....I forgot toggle drops even existed since the nerf
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Unless you're a Dom it's really nothing to expect.
you need to represent it in such a way that it doesn't depend on enhancements.
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Yet you mention enhancements in basically every post you make on the subject
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Only to show that the numbers will change depending on your enhancement slotti...
Oh, I give up. Go play the dumb game already!