Stalkers vs MMs
My guess is that Elude/Overload and a couple of inspis should work. iirc, holds drop BG mode (you get epic hold at 40+), I am not 100% sure though. Although, the bad thing is that if you in a small map with /Dark MM, you cant get rid of Darkest Night easily.
Tp foe is about the only chance for stalker, or if he doesnt have aid self or other self heal there might be a chance to slowly wither his hp away. But that would require use of a 9th tier power, defensebased ones are best. If he has a selfheal chances of beating him in a 1v1 are next to nil. If its in a pvp zone, you could get warburg nukes and shivans to help though. the buff nuke is great. A good MM should be able to survive it though.
holds drop BG mode
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No they dont. The MM is just unable to switch between modes.
Well I have soul storm from GW (awesome power) and i suppose i should have just popped elude to deal with him. But with that dam aoe power going off, i couldnt use AS at all. Guess TP foe is the only way to take out an MM for us stalkers, as taking out their small army (in this case, 3 minions, 2 lts, 1 boss, 1 dark servant and seeker drones) just is too much like hard work.
Last night i was bored and me and my MM friend decided to have a duel for fun. He is a bots/dark MM and i found it impossible to take him out, or barely hurt him. He just laid tar patch down, sat in BGM and waited. If it tried to AS him it did nothing, tried to AS minions the rest tore me apart. So any advice on how to take out MMs in general or do i just need a more pvp oriented build? as in tp foe?
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1: Dont let your enemy pick the site of battle.
2: KB is your friend when fighting MMS
3:Minions are dumb, if you can stun/diss/mezz/hold the MM you can lure the minions away and then come back and finish him off.
4:Teleport foe is handy against enemy who like to dig themselves in, If you use it to drop them from height its even funnier.
5: Lure a tough (but not to tough) enemy into his minions, then while they scuttle off to take down the threat, drop the mm..Also good for getting rid of traps.
Well DM/SR has no KB and i never took Air Sup.
I can fear with ToF nicely, but against bots didnt seem to last long.
If i respec into a pvp build, tp foe is a likely tool ile pick up
and it was in the pocket d arena. How do you choose the site?
Also is it just really unsporting to not let MMs summon first? or it just funny?
Also is it just really unsporting to not let MMs summon first? or it just funny?
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Its unsporting. No mastermind in there right mind would agree to an arena match that didn't allow them to summon and prepare their minions. Its like fighting a Broadsword scrapper that isn't allowed to use his sword...

Hey Mime I have let a stalker AS me in Warburg with my bots in BG mode (ff secondary). The bots destroyed him - i was running dispersion bubble only and hadnt buffed bots. Stalker was En/Regen.
As long as I dont allow the bots to run off I have a chance and if i need the stalker moved i have the repel bubble (last one in ff.
I would recommend tp me away to an area that would make pets run through higher lvl enemies and agro them. Only good in a pvp zone - arena you will struggle against any mm.
Altitus doesnt have a cure just more alts
Also is it just really unsporting to not let MMs summon first? or it just funny?
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Its unsporting. No mastermind in there right mind would agree to an arena match that didn't allow them to summon and prepare their minions. Its like fighting a Broadsword scrapper that isn't allowed to use his sword...
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It's funny.
Any MM worth their salt should be able to summon their Henchies reasonably quickly (5-8 seconds or so for a full summon) - summoned henchies are in BG mode by default, then the MM can simply upgrade/equip at their leisure. It takes time for them to equip them all up to full strength, but they should have their henchies all physically summoned in roughly the same time it takes a Melee toon to toggle up.
Very small maps like the Pocket D cage would be an exception I suppose... but most of the normal arena ones shouldn't give a MM too much trouble in terms of henchmen summoning.
As far as I can see the only way to take out an MM is to use TP foe.
With Elude I could probs take out his bots, but he would just be able to summon more just as fast, and though they wouldnt be buffed, it would likely be an endless supply of minions to take out, unless of course I can keep the MM held while i take the pets out.
Repel and any form of knockback/knockdown doesn't bother me cos of Practiced Brawler (only found out why ppl hated nullifiers when i started up a domi)
Atm im mostly thinking about arena battles cos of DHP's pvp tourney. Zone battles are an entirely different thing, and definatly something ile think about later.
Atm short of a respec to get tp foe in my build then ile guess ile just have to try dam hard to take out my next battle (thugs/traps) which i think i stand about 0 chance of winning.
Also is it just really unsporting to not let MMs summon first? or it just funny?
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Its unsporting. No mastermind in there right mind would agree to an arena match that didn't allow them to summon and prepare their minions. Its like fighting a Broadsword scrapper that isn't allowed to use his sword...
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I have fought some in arena matches where we didnt agree to anything, I did everything I could with my blaster to kill the MM right off the start .... and I was still wtfpwned. Its not a handicap if the MM knows his stuff and has a selfheal of some sort. (Or maybe it was just because of traps) Then again my blaster doesnt have AOEs and it wasnt the cage map (where you start in face-off position).
Also is it just really unsporting to not let MMs summon first? or it just funny?
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Its unsporting. No mastermind in there right mind would agree to an arena match that didn't allow them to summon and prepare their minions. Its like fighting a Broadsword scrapper that isn't allowed to use his sword...
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I never make any arrangements to allow me to summon my pets.. thats crazy. pets are what defines MMs true, and without them they are pretty weak, but that doesn't mean that an MM should get special treatment, i will throw everything i can at anyone i fight if they show a moments of weakness, a tank without toggles, some forgotten mez protection, no end, a tier 9 crash or an MM that has no pets.
Incidentally i fought a scrapper in the cage match a while ago, and got my pets up and running without a death. (demonic helped, but i would certainly give it ago even without).
this summoning rule, would it apply if on or none of the pets had recharged after death?
Yeah right, and let the mezzed scrapper recover from hold, fair fight
For the OP, stalker has the upper hand on a duel vs a MM unless it's /FF and the stalker is not /ea and/or mako as a patron, in which case it's a tie
Also is it just really unsporting to not let MMs summon first? or it just funny?
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Its unsporting. No mastermind in there right mind would agree to an arena match that didn't allow them to summon and prepare their minions. Its like fighting a Broadsword scrapper that isn't allowed to use his sword...
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Sorry to disagree with you on this Pious (we've argued about this before ). I just can't see the logic in expecting that the MM (even when that's me) should be given time to fully summon/upgrade before starting the fight (same as the 'no insps' logic). As others have said, you can summon fairly quickly and then it's a matter of choosing when/who to upgrade first or what to do to counter an attack if you opponent tries rushing you. Same as a tank/scrapper/brute saying 'please wait for me to toggle all shields on before attacking' or a dom/troller with his pets (I know, it's longer for an MM). The funniest was when another MM tried to rush me with his blasts before either of us had summoned (thinking he had the advantage since I have no blasts). I still had enough time to summon the bruiser, drop DN on him, and watch him go down while I kept summoning. Of course, it's trickier against other ATs but it's all part of learning to PvP imo.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
For the OP, stalker has the upper hand on a duel vs a MM unless it's /FF and the stalker is not /ea and/or mako as a patron, in which case it's a tie
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You may need to clarify this bit a little.
Repel and any form of knockback/knockdown doesn't bother me cos of Practiced Brawler (only found out why ppl hated nullifiers when i started up a domi)
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Yes it does since neither practised brawler nor elude gives prot against repel.. Knockback is knockback. I also found out that repulsion field seems to interrupt AS, even if you have enough protection to not be knockbacked. Afaik enough defense however will help against repulsion field (which is not real repel, force bubble is repel)
For the OP, stalker has the upper hand on a duel vs a MM unless it's /FF and the stalker is not /ea and/or mako as a patron, in which case it's a tie
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You may need to clarify this bit a little.
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Sure, I mean, only /ea stalkers (or mogged regens) can get into melee distance vs a /ff mastermind. Stalkers can't mez them kiting either, so I cant see a way a non /ea or mogged stalker can get a kill unless detoggling the mm with water spout.
VS non /ff, stalkers can get close to the MM and his pets. Critical unresisted dmg doesnt spread over pets IIRC, and they can mez, so shouldn't be much an effort getting to 2 shot the MM quickly
VS non /ff, stalkers can get close to the MM and his pets. Critical unresisted dmg doesnt spread over pets IIRC, and they can mez, so shouldn't be much an effort getting to 2 shot the MM quickly
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Newsflash: yes it does.
VS non /ff, stalkers can get close to the MM and his pets. Critical unresisted dmg doesnt spread over pets IIRC, and they can mez, so shouldn't be much an effort getting to 2 shot the MM quickly
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Newsflash: yes it does.
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Hammerfall is right, i have tested this Vs boths scrappers and stalkers.
Because BG inst proper resistance its is the total damage of an attack distributed amongst the remaining pets. also the blaster unresistable portion of damage if infarct resisted.
A fully protected MM really is tough to kill 1vs1 without AoE
PS i hope i haven't made up that portion unresistable damage thing in PvP, i dont play my blaster much
VS non /ff, stalkers can get close to the MM and his pets. Critical unresisted dmg doesnt spread over pets IIRC, and they can mez, so shouldn't be much an effort getting to 2 shot the MM quickly
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Newsflash: yes it does.
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Still, god mode and a bunch of heavy attacks will. The mm cant move quickly away from pets.
Sorry to disagree with you on this Pious (we've argued about this before).
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/e melodramatic spech.
"I am truly disappointed in you Okton. How you could support the idea of an honourless battle. You have brought shame to our family. Go now, and face the wall!"
/e melodrama off
On a serious note, we'll have to agree to disagree. But for disagreeing with me, your punishment is PISTOL pwn ZIGGY

Just a idea but how about a /EA stalker using that repel power? im assuming it works like kinetic repel. Surely this would stand a good chance v a MM?
Last night i was bored and me and my MM friend decided to have a duel for fun. He is a bots/dark MM and i found it impossible to take him out, or barely hurt him. He just laid tar patch down, sat in BGM and waited. If it tried to AS him it did nothing, tried to AS minions the rest tore me apart. So any advice on how to take out MMs in general or do i just need a more pvp oriented build? as in tp foe?