Getting Bored ?
Spoken to some people online and there are still some major bugs. and they already sed an pettion about it.
I am thinking. And note - Just Thinking. That ncsoft doestn have the resources and or manpower to get the game they like it to be. But i am jsut thinking that maybe thats the whole point.
Further on i did an check on the client memory usage and not only on my pc but with several i checked from known friends it raises up to 600Mb of your ram !!!! so you need 1 Gb to run windwos smoothly and another 1 gb to play teh game. and anotehr 1 Gb to return to windows smoothly wihtout having to wait. tell me.. isnt this just nuts. I compared the mem usage with some other clients of games i will not say the names of and CoX is nr.1
Honestly. I love CoX and i would like to continue it. But to be honest again. It just kills the fun in the game.
Cya online as far as it goes.
Seen this thing called I10 coming? I dunno, it looks pretty fun to me ...
CoX using a Gb or RAM sounds about right, was a time a long way in the past where 512mb of RAM was enough to have on your system and run CoX with minimal settings... alas no-more...
True it was right at that time. But i am comparing it with other now a days graphical games ( high graphical ) . I think there is stil a sorta leak in the client of CoX. It start at about 500 and raises. Adn seeing 90% is renderd the same in game by them it shouldn't be raising that large in such a small time..
About I10.. Yeah oh well.. dont know much about I10 but that you can kil riktie and there wil be a co-op.. But do you think this will help against the bordem. .ITs as i said with Auction House as example. give it a week and your done again. All lvl 50's log in do the rikti and leave.. I dont see that as a bigga change.
Still thats my opnion. I jsut think its time someone spoke up. Some wont tell and just quit the game. other send some petitions but get an automated answer and hear nothing about it any more.
oh well.. this is probably a lost cause as always.
I agree that the content of the game needs more of an update - i would like to see villain epics (these however look lost to us) or simply new power sets to play with. Only so long you can try re-use the same powersets (particularly if theres many which dont mesh with you).
Altitus doesnt have a cure just more alts
Here's a tip.
I took a forced break of three or so weeks because my computer broke. Went to the cabin in the woods, drank fresh spring water straight from the spring, swam in the lake, ate grilled food, spent time with good friends.
Surprisingly, now that I'm back in the game, I don't feel bored at all. Taking distance helps a lot.
Litle content updates and if there is a big one ( sorta then, but i mean Acution House ). People have figured it out in 3 days. And so the bordem hits again.
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I think this is a bit of a wrong way to approach things. I know I had my main character fully IO'd in a few weeks after the launch, but "figuring out" IOs and Auction Houses meant that now I have plans for builds that are based around getting Sets, providing me new-found interest for a whole levels 1 to 50 run, and then some as I won't probably get full sets until I've been 50 on the character for a while.
New missions -updates like Striga, Croatoa, Hollows and Faultline actually last way shorter time than the IO update will. But even those are actually great fun and I've been finding myself looking forward the Striga Arc on most of my characters when I hit the level, even if that's been in the game for ages and ages.
Basicly, my suggestion is get some new stuff in the game to prefend bordem for more players and not me.
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But quoting you, wouldn't that new content be "figured out in 3 days", leaving us with the same problem over again.
Could be that CoX isn't the game for you or that you've been just focusing on it too much, causing things to feel a bit too much of a grind. Especially with the two Double Exp weekends this close to each other, that might easilly be the case.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Ah and dont forget the endless Gimping of AT's powers. create an character. og i pvp or pve with teams.. Someone thinks its to powerfull because you killed him or an npc to easy. BAM !!! lets gimp it. Lets not think about the ways that are currently in the game that can stop a "powerfull move" or anything in that form. Nooo lets gimp it straight away.
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Ah, and don't forget the endless complaining about minor adjustments to some powers that are perceived as "gimping" a whole AT, because said power is not that über anymore. Create a FOTM character. OG I PvP or PvE with teams... Someone thinks it's gimped because the former "I win" button doesn't work anymore. BAM!!! Let's complain. Let's not think about ways that are currently in the game that can make the toon successful even without a cheap tactical nuclear missile at his disposal. Nooooo, let's complain straight away.
Well, it feels good to have said this.
Seriously, if you really feel that there has been major "gimping" since you started play one year ago you should perhaps come up with some examples, because although I have three servers nicely filled with toons of any AT not a single one has been gimped.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
I find it strange how you can ask for more new stuff in the game, and then dismiss planned new content before you've even heard what it is.
For information, I10 will include (confirmed on the official site here ):
- Content for levels 35-50;
- New types of Rikti;
- New craftable costume pieces;
- "Heavies" which won't annoy PvPers;
- 5 new mission contacts (one of which will offer repeatable missions);
- A frickin' alien invasion!
On top of what you already mentioned. For no added expense. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
Admittedly, I would love to see Villain Epic Archetypes, any new powersets, new costume pieces (which I believe are on their way), and for my girlfriend's laptop to be able to play the game again. Some of these things may never happen, but in the meantime I will soon have all-new content for my 6 toons that are stuck in the mid-30s.
I happen to love the inventions system, after being somewhat sceptical to begin with. I think the game is great right now, with some fantastic-looking new content on its way. There's a lot that could be done to improve it, for sure, but there aren't enough resources in the world to please everyone.
The only thing that really needs changing IMO is the start to the game...especially on villains. You have 2 contacts to chose from (not dependant on AT) which in turn give you a different 2nd contact in Mercy, then onto Port Oakes. After you have done this start 3 to 4 times, it's very repetitive. Heroes can be repetitive, but have more contacts to chose from, even though early missions are pretty much similar.
My suggestion would be to revamp the start, with a minimum of 4/5 contacts...that give out random missions from a pool of 50 or so. This would encourage more people to roll alts.
But on a seperate note, have been playing for over 2 years, and I'm not bored. Far too much to do. Best advice Bloodforce would be to leave the game alone for a week, then come back refreshed. If this doesn't have the desired effect, take a longer break...then come back.
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
Basicly i agree with all your points.
True taking a brake helps but only so often. I did that before... But it keeps retunrning after a while. And so do for several other peeps i know. Taking it longer will not help. I waited for times between diffent issues. So thx for the tip but it doesnt work seeing i am getting in to the same cov after all.
About I10 This is jsut a simple sweet holder. If you look at it carefully. What really new at the game. do I10 and get more bugs, more lag bacause the server cant hold the players that are logging and just 1 extra content. so the bordem will hit again.
About Auction house. Appart from Io's you also got those weird little set bonusses that ist that usefullmost of the times. Not all of them but most of them. And thats the point i mean. The io's and stuff have bin figured out rreal soon and offers no real extra dimension as promised.
epic at's i got the message way back with hell what Issue i ont even remember when i hit 50.. And stil nothing... You can see my trust here in development.
Like the contact idea btw though.. Thats the thing i mean.. Goive some new content in it... Absolutly right.
About the system demands.. I dont mean to gimp it all. But i am almost sure there is a memory leak. And these are real important things to fix seeing the client -server relationship.
ok and the gimping example... Try Energy blast on heroes or villains. They gimped that.
And true there arent enuff resources in teh worl to make everyone happy. But i mean at the developers them self. Have you ever noticed how a minor patch takes ages to fix. I think they use a SQL databaseas but i wont go to technical. But basicly it comes to this. They do not have the resources at there company to provide better and faster update. Thats what i mean. uhmm yeah :P
Again about gimping : gimping was ment mainly on cox at;s powers. not on temp powers for example. If i duel in pvp i enver use temp powers. But oh well...
and about the qouting : I also said it would be a week. But not taking it every word i type. basicly i mean that before the enxt update everything has bin figured out already.
But lets be Honest... I am not the only one that thinks this way. I am just the only one saying it. As i said at the first line. .This wil not go without any risk. But i am willing to stick my neck out and think in order for them to grow or even stay at same lvl at this moment they need to really change some stuff in the game. But hey thats jsut me saying eh
Btw. I can understand what you guys but lets be honest. The issues like lag etc etc etc ( got a whole freaking leist even after 4 years the game is online ) dont you think they have taken a bit long about all those problems ( remmebering grandville for a short example )
But oh well
oops sorry forget... uestion how is the Cathedrale of pain doing atm ? as a little example.
btw i rather pay for a good extension than not pay and sit back waiting until they finally found the bugs. i rather pay then
If you've done everything, the chances of something radically new and different to you being added are slim.
And the devs aren't going to go and change something big. I think Sony Online Entertainment taught all other game producers a lesson in that field.
Just take a break or move on is my advice. I'm still new, so it's pretty fresh to me still... but I totally get where you're coming from.
yehai guess you ahve a good point. But i think the mainr eason i am doing this. Is because i care about the game. And i just see people leaving. And this can be a bad sign for the game.
But i dont know the numbers they are getting so. ( new members coming and other leaving )
Still i think they have to work a bit faster to keep more members. but thats muy opinion.
I'm just going to call you Negative Nancy and ask why this wasn't put in the suggestion section of the forum. You know, because this rant has gone WAAAAY beyond the scope of hanging out on the Union server.
PS: I've been playing for 6 months and I honestly can say I don't see what you're talking about. Whatever Cryptic did to "Drop the ball" or "screw up their game completely" or "ignore the pleas of the community" a year (or years ago) isn't affecting new players like myself, as far as I can see.
Edit: Damn it, Why was I baited into posting? No good will come from this conversation, I already know that.
Lol you may call me that. But i am just saying what i am noticing atm. In the game.
Btw they told me to post it on forums them selfs. I got the e-mail from there support. See what i mean ?
and if your playing about 6 month you will not be bored for a while. But you ahve to look at it from another view. I have multiple Lvl 50's ( and a lot of other players ) and they aren not that happy atm. There is no new contenct. And what is coming is what i think not enuff to keep peeps happy.
SO just to play devil's advocate for a second, what would make you happy?
I10 has a new Task force, several new story arcs (5 new contacts to get missions from in the Rikti War zone), new costume pieces, a whole new ZONE for level 50 characters to explore....a zone where they can also team with the "enemy" (heroes/villains depending). From what I see, it's a lot of content...which begs the question:
If it's not more content for level 50 players, what DO you want?
To be honest i cant say how I10 would be like i havent seen it yet. not even on teh test servers. But I think this is just a way to keep you busy for a max of 1 month.
But to summon is it up :
1. other AT's reagrding epic and or something new in power types
2. better support regarding the "bugs" in the game
3. larger islands to travel in. More space to move.
4. Technical issues regarding physical game usage solved and fixed.
5. More contacts in game to be sure you are busy for a while and with that something different and not all teh same things over and over again.
basicly these things in my mind would be nice.
Further on no thats not more content for lvl 50 players. seeing a lvl 50 player has more experience around the game they wil have done these things in no time at all.
And it wil not be to long until the place is beign farmed all day by multiple peeps ( if its interesting enuff )
Further on.. The part about co-op ( cov and coh )strikeforce has bin done before.. so no originality on that one.
And the rikti wil be the same as before but jsut with other colours and or cstume parts. I ahve fought enuff rikti to fil up the empire state buildiong by now ;P lol. Seeing the dat they will not have that a great of impact but i could be wrong as i have not seen it with my own eyes.
Ok Negative Nancy, you're officially all over the place. I'll stop asking stupid questions, and leave you alone to your sorrow.
Have you tried a spirit tree?
Took some convincing but ty
and no no sprit tree for me pls i like to stay with both feets on the ground.
have fun and enjoy.
Heh, Negative Nancy... I like that. Very fitting for his attitude.
Basically he wants all the stuff that the devs are continuously working on but different - as obviously anything they are working on or have developed in the past is quite lame - without stating any hints what that may be other than that it should be faster, better and more. Sure, want some fries with that?

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
nope that are your words. I wouldnt be playing that long if the game wasnt good. Tehre is always room for improvement
And yeah give the fries seeing i am paying for them.
Well, if the game is not that bad it should be easy for you to word your criticism to be more constructive.
If you think powersets are gimped, state why you think they are gimped. It's no good stating that there was "endless gimping" without coming up with a few numbers or tested effects for even a single power. You say Energy Blast was gimped? Well, in my eyes Energy Blast has always been gimped because the constant knockback is damn annoying at best and messes badly with many of my toons efficiency, but that's just my personal opinion.
If current additions to the game don't satisfy you just come up with actual suggestions about what should be added to make you happy. And yes, it should be a little bit more precise than "add new stuff" or "give more contacts". What do you expect the devs' reaction to be? "Oh, yes, 'add new stuff'! Why haven't we thought of that in the first place?" Come on, you can't be that naive! The devs are constantly working on new content and if you don't say what you would like it's not their fault if they rather add something others (those who say what they want) would like to see. (Rikti war! Yay!)
Why don't you just name a few features you like and would like to see more from? Or even better: Why don't you come up with completely original ideas for new zones or contacts with interesting story arcs if that's what you want?
And concerning the fries you better consult your local fast food dealer of choice. Trust me, my fries would be cold long before they reach you.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
about the gimped : Well, in my eyes Energy Blast has always been gimped
i rest my case and check the patch lists if you need to know all the things that happend.
About the original ideas. Sure i am willing to give them loads of original ideas but that aint my job. Or are you willing to pay me ?
btw the fries can be delivered closer then you think. Germany right ?????? :P
plus why should i make suggestions if they arent listening. HAvent you noticed that there are a few ( verry verry verry verry little ) that react to this.
and about contructive criticism. If you have an issue about something. For example you dont like the tv they are showing you. Do you say " well the tv is absolutly great and the screen is amazing clear. ohhh and look at the great design" or do you say " hmmmm not sure if thats the right one for me. Maybe someone else would like that design" as an suggestion to the sales person. ?????? so he would learn from your visit. Basicly i think that cutting straight to the point is better then using a dozen side ways.
Further is my criticism in that sence constructive. I am trying create some more content in the game. But i am not gonna run around and skip straight to the point what i think could be "wrong" in the game it is today.
but i was trying to make a statemnt ad if you dont agree i can only respecced that. I hope you wil not get bored at it as some of us are.
as i always say. enjoy and have fun.
And there is now way you can change my thoughts if thats what you are trying to do
You're missing the point - to use your sale example, you should be saying: "Oh, this tv isn't for me. I want one that's widescreen and is perhaps black" instead of "Oh, this tv isn't for me". Give constructive criticism, something to build on, not just say "This is not good." and expect someone else to figure out what you want.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]

Is it just me or are more people getting bored ? I know this is an post not to go without any risks but i feel that i just needed tell.
I feel more and more bored again in the game.. Litle content updates and if there is a big one ( sorta then, but i mean Acution House ). People have figured it out in 3 days. And so the bordem hits again.
PvP is fun to kill time but not all the time.... And there aren't some new AT's and or powers to give us back that spirit we had before. I have seen teh same AT's for over 1 year now :S
And further all. Why should i spend more time in a game that hasnt got enuff room and places to go. Seen the islands once ot twice and your done
Ah and dont forget the endless Gimping of AT's powers. create an character. og i pvp or pve with teams.. Someone thinks its to powerfull because you killed him or an npc to easy. BAM !!! lets gimp it. Lets not think about the ways that are currently in the game that can stop a "powerfull move" or anything in that form. Nooo lets gimp it straight away.
Basicly, my suggestion is get some new stuff in the game to prefend bordem for more players and not me.
Well it feels good to have said this :P
But maybe there are more players that had enuff about it. And dont want to be ignored anymore by some automated e-mail. OR need some mroe in the game. The E-mail i got from support was taht they suggested it to put this on the forum. Maybe more people have similar problems.
so if anyone feels teh same as me i wil read it :P lol
Have fun and enjoy