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  1. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    Yup after some carefull thinking.. Your right. And yeah i am an Altoholic. But i got several lvl 50's. So i know what i am talking about.

    But i just canceled my account and i am playing BF2142 now for the good old times. Maybe i will return. But the changes are slim.

    Cya all
  2. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    and i gotta thank you guys....i realised that i am having a discussion that series about a game. :S

    i know enuff thx.
  3. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    you know.... reading it al back i think this is an endless discussion.

    but about balance. thats just what i mean. We keep pulling it down to create more balance according to the eyes of players that to my opinion are sadley enuff to blame powers for there way they play.

    Good players knows how to work around most stuff and use it to there advance.

    If you read it it also states a brute against a higher shouldn't build rage up that fast........ Why. you need everything you can get to defeat a higher lvl foe.

    But i have bin thinking about these discussions and i think we can go back and forward for day's this way.

    So i am calling a truce. I have stated my way of thinking and you yours.

    Lets just hope it can work both ways.
  4. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ? check it out Sitriel.

    Here are some examples :

    Fixed an issue with several 'cage' powers which gave them longer than intended durations in PvP. Detention Field, Sonic Cage and Black Hole are affected by this change.

    Oh and dont forget the Ghost widow power.

    Tanker and Brute Super Strength Rage: Fixed a bug in which would allow players to bypass the Endurance 'crash' at the end of the power's duration. - huh why remove if someone found a way to bypass it ???? if you slot it correctly (or found aother way ) that just means you know how to play with our character.

    Brute Secondary powerset attacks were generating Fury vs. high rank targets too quickly. This has been adjusted and these power now have the same bonus as the Brute Primary powers.

    Brute Patron Powers bonus Fury vs. Players and high ranking critters has been lowered to the same amount given by normal Brute attacks.

    Earth Mastery Hurl Boulder: Base damage reduced from scale 3 to scale 1.64
    Fire Mastery: Fire Blast: Base damage reduced from scale 2 to scale 1.1
    Fire Mastery: Fire Ball: Base damage reduced from scale 1.6 to scale 1.05
    Ice Mastery: Ice Blast: Smashing damage reduced from scale 0.8 to scale 0.2, Cold damage reduced from scale 1.2 to 0.8

    Psionic Mastery: Psionic Blast: Base damage reduced from 2 to 1.
    Psionic Mastery: Psionic Tornado: Base damage reduced from 0.35 to 0.175.

    apart from some changes that they added some +dam or anything else i think you get my point. basicly they ahve messed aroun enuff wioth the at's powers dont you think. bug fixes like animation i can understand. This help the performance as well. Great thing to do btw. But dont yah think they lost track after all these changes ?
    Have fun reading.
  5. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    about the sales example your right.but to scroll back .Thats the reason why i said more at's powers would be welcome or the epics would be real great. So basicly i gave your contructive criticism.

    and i am paying them and they aren not paying me. If they want my adivce they can always contact me. But thats just my point they wil not contact anyone or listen.

    and no do not lock the threat i am always up for discussion :P

    love your admin line btw zaldor.. funny
  6. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    about the gimped : Well, in my eyes Energy Blast has always been gimped

    i rest my case and check the patch lists if you need to know all the things that happend.

    About the original ideas. Sure i am willing to give them loads of original ideas but that aint my job. Or are you willing to pay me ?

    btw the fries can be delivered closer then you think. Germany right ?????? :P

    plus why should i make suggestions if they arent listening. HAvent you noticed that there are a few ( verry verry verry verry little ) that react to this.

    and about contructive criticism. If you have an issue about something. For example you dont like the tv they are showing you. Do you say " well the tv is absolutly great and the screen is amazing clear. ohhh and look at the great design" or do you say " hmmmm not sure if thats the right one for me. Maybe someone else would like that design" as an suggestion to the sales person. ?????? so he would learn from your visit. Basicly i think that cutting straight to the point is better then using a dozen side ways.
    Further is my criticism in that sence constructive. I am trying create some more content in the game. But i am not gonna run around and skip straight to the point what i think could be "wrong" in the game it is today.

    but i was trying to make a statemnt ad if you dont agree i can only respecced that. I hope you wil not get bored at it as some of us are.

    as i always say. enjoy and have fun.

    And there is now way you can change my thoughts if thats what you are trying to do
  7. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    nope that are your words. I wouldnt be playing that long if the game wasnt good. Tehre is always room for improvement

    And yeah give the fries seeing i am paying for them.
  8. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    Took some convincing but ty

    and no no sprit tree for me pls i like to stay with both feets on the ground.

    have fun and enjoy.
  9. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    To be honest i cant say how I10 would be like i havent seen it yet. not even on teh test servers. But I think this is just a way to keep you busy for a max of 1 month.

    But to summon is it up :

    1. other AT's reagrding epic and or something new in power types

    2. better support regarding the "bugs" in the game

    3. larger islands to travel in. More space to move.

    4. Technical issues regarding physical game usage solved and fixed.

    5. More contacts in game to be sure you are busy for a while and with that something different and not all teh same things over and over again.

    basicly these things in my mind would be nice.

    Further on no thats not more content for lvl 50 players. seeing a lvl 50 player has more experience around the game they wil have done these things in no time at all.

    And it wil not be to long until the place is beign farmed all day by multiple peeps ( if its interesting enuff )

    Further on.. The part about co-op ( cov and coh )strikeforce has bin done before.. so no originality on that one.

    And the rikti wil be the same as before but jsut with other colours and or cstume parts. I ahve fought enuff rikti to fil up the empire state buildiong by now ;P lol. Seeing the dat they will not have that a great of impact but i could be wrong as i have not seen it with my own eyes.
  10. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    Lol you may call me that. But i am just saying what i am noticing atm. In the game.

    Btw they told me to post it on forums them selfs. I got the e-mail from there support. See what i mean ?

    and if your playing about 6 month you will not be bored for a while. But you ahve to look at it from another view. I have multiple Lvl 50's ( and a lot of other players ) and they aren not that happy atm. There is no new contenct. And what is coming is what i think not enuff to keep peeps happy.
  11. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    yehai guess you ahve a good point. But i think the mainr eason i am doing this. Is because i care about the game. And i just see people leaving. And this can be a bad sign for the game.

    But i dont know the numbers they are getting so. ( new members coming and other leaving )

    Still i think they have to work a bit faster to keep more members. but thats muy opinion.
  12. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    btw i rather pay for a good extension than not pay and sit back waiting until they finally found the bugs. i rather pay then
  13. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    Basicly i agree with all your points.


    True taking a brake helps but only so often. I did that before... But it keeps retunrning after a while. And so do for several other peeps i know. Taking it longer will not help. I waited for times between diffent issues. So thx for the tip but it doesnt work seeing i am getting in to the same cov after all.

    About I10 This is jsut a simple sweet holder. If you look at it carefully. What really new at the game. do I10 and get more bugs, more lag bacause the server cant hold the players that are logging and just 1 extra content. so the bordem will hit again.

    About Auction house. Appart from Io's you also got those weird little set bonusses that ist that usefullmost of the times. Not all of them but most of them. And thats the point i mean. The io's and stuff have bin figured out rreal soon and offers no real extra dimension as promised.

    epic at's i got the message way back with hell what Issue i ont even remember when i hit 50.. And stil nothing... You can see my trust here in development.

    Like the contact idea btw though.. Thats the thing i mean.. Goive some new content in it... Absolutly right.

    About the system demands.. I dont mean to gimp it all. But i am almost sure there is a memory leak. And these are real important things to fix seeing the client -server relationship.

    ok and the gimping example... Try Energy blast on heroes or villains. They gimped that.

    And true there arent enuff resources in teh worl to make everyone happy. But i mean at the developers them self. Have you ever noticed how a minor patch takes ages to fix. I think they use a SQL databaseas but i wont go to technical. But basicly it comes to this. They do not have the resources at there company to provide better and faster update. Thats what i mean. uhmm yeah :P

    Again about gimping : gimping was ment mainly on cox at;s powers. not on temp powers for example. If i duel in pvp i enver use temp powers. But oh well...

    and about the qouting : I also said it would be a week. But not taking it every word i type. basicly i mean that before the enxt update everything has bin figured out already.

    But lets be Honest... I am not the only one that thinks this way. I am just the only one saying it. As i said at the first line. .This wil not go without any risk. But i am willing to stick my neck out and think in order for them to grow or even stay at same lvl at this moment they need to really change some stuff in the game. But hey thats jsut me saying eh

    Btw. I can understand what you guys but lets be honest. The issues like lag etc etc etc ( got a whole freaking leist even after 4 years the game is online ) dont you think they have taken a bit long about all those problems ( remmebering grandville for a short example )

    But oh well

    oops sorry forget... uestion how is the Cathedrale of pain doing atm ? as a little example.
  14. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    True it was right at that time. But i am comparing it with other now a days graphical games ( high graphical ) . I think there is stil a sorta leak in the client of CoX. It start at about 500 and raises. Adn seeing 90% is renderd the same in game by them it shouldn't be raising that large in such a small time..

    About I10.. Yeah oh well.. dont know much about I10 but that you can kil riktie and there wil be a co-op.. But do you think this will help against the bordem. .ITs as i said with Auction House as example. give it a week and your done again. All lvl 50's log in do the rikti and leave.. I dont see that as a bigga change.

    Still thats my opnion. I jsut think its time someone spoke up. Some wont tell and just quit the game. other send some petitions but get an automated answer and hear nothing about it any more.

    oh well.. this is probably a lost cause as always.
  15. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?

    Spoken to some people online and there are still some major bugs. and they already sed an pettion about it.

    I am thinking. And note - Just Thinking. That ncsoft doestn have the resources and or manpower to get the game they like it to be. But i am jsut thinking that maybe thats the whole point.

    Further on i did an check on the client memory usage and not only on my pc but with several i checked from known friends it raises up to 600Mb of your ram !!!! so you need 1 Gb to run windwos smoothly and another 1 gb to play teh game. and anotehr 1 Gb to return to windows smoothly wihtout having to wait. tell me.. isnt this just nuts. I compared the mem usage with some other clients of games i will not say the names of and CoX is nr.1

    Honestly. I love CoX and i would like to continue it. But to be honest again. It just kills the fun in the game.

    Cya online as far as it goes.
  16. Bloodforce

    Getting Bored ?


    Is it just me or are more people getting bored ? I know this is an post not to go without any risks but i feel that i just needed tell.

    I feel more and more bored again in the game.. Litle content updates and if there is a big one ( sorta then, but i mean Acution House ). People have figured it out in 3 days. And so the bordem hits again.

    PvP is fun to kill time but not all the time.... And there aren't some new AT's and or powers to give us back that spirit we had before. I have seen teh same AT's for over 1 year now :S

    And further all. Why should i spend more time in a game that hasnt got enuff room and places to go. Seen the islands once ot twice and your done

    Ah and dont forget the endless Gimping of AT's powers. create an character. og i pvp or pve with teams.. Someone thinks its to powerfull because you killed him or an npc to easy. BAM !!! lets gimp it. Lets not think about the ways that are currently in the game that can stop a "powerfull move" or anything in that form. Nooo lets gimp it straight away.

    Basicly, my suggestion is get some new stuff in the game to prefend bordem for more players and not me.

    Well it feels good to have said this :P

    But maybe there are more players that had enuff about it. And dont want to be ignored anymore by some automated e-mail. OR need some mroe in the game. The E-mail i got from support was taht they suggested it to put this on the forum. Maybe more people have similar problems.

    so if anyone feels teh same as me i wil read it :P lol

    Have fun and enjoy
  17. I have to say that Teamspeak is easier in a way to use. Xfire has beter quality but for the comon users that are just starting i would suggest Teamspeak. This is much better if your lazy :P lol

    I prefer X fire but i use Teamspeak also.

    An no i skype aint that great for using. It generates more bandwith then any other Voip communication program.

    Another good thing that xfire has then Teamspeak it the echo forming someone can create unnoticed by using a broken headset. I noticed this problem multiple times on Ts and never on Xfire.

    further on you can rent a server but thats not adviced got to there you can check everything out and see what is possible they also explain how to set up your own server and let you download the files
    . Hosting your own teamspeak is free of any charge Letting another host it ( officiel company ) cheapest is about 2 pounds in teh months if i am correct. So its better to set one up one your own.

    I hope i helped out a bit... GL with picking an Voip communication program. It does help a lot in games

    have fun
  18. Unfortunaly the raid could not continue. There where to little members. Thx for all that showed up and we will try it again next time soon.
  19. Bloodforce


    grtz with the nr. 1 spot..... Dont forget we are working our way up :P better keep working on that nr. 1 spot

    gratz and good luck ! enjoy it
  20. You 100% correct Orth. And well said. I couldnt have done it better.

    Hami cozzie is a costume that does not generate any graphical extension to reduce lag when fighting the hamidon. Some make it in the colours of the groups there in and some just have for example tights with one stripe.

    And i respeced Tp ( whole pool ) alerady in my corr if needed But there are several tactics to do it But tp is on of them

    Still... dont have enuff people that applied hoping they will come tonight but i wil wait and see.
  21. the same just in case Not that many people are applying though But then again i guess they will be there At the Abyss.

    Np.. I got the team system setup al ready so :P
  22. he needs to be lvl 45 at least.. pref is lvl 50 Let me know
  23. Sure np..just gimme a shout i got most off it prepared anyway and we stil have enuff slots available And Zaldor... hehehhe your absolutly right :P lol thats why i also want one person to speak and we act on what he is saying This should work. ( i hope :S )
  24. Little change in the forming of the teams. There will not be a red, blue, yellow, etc...Team... I have bin busy with some m8's figuring out the last couple of days what teams should be formed like to get the max out of the AT's for the Hamidon.

    I wil still keep Teams with and names and/or colors to make sure they know when to go into action.

    Cya soon at the Hamidon.