Hamidon Raid 8th of June !
Hi Bloodshift i be up for another attempt at the Hami hopefully more luck than last week when we tried my toon is:
Black Momma
Lvl 50 Ice/Thermal Corr - Mu Mastery
Have rez, tactics and vengance
Also have a respec available if anything else is needed.
Can contact me in game my global is @black Momma
We are gonna do it this time .. You know we always have something up our sleeve :P
thx i will ad you..... And just a flight pack would be good..getting that one soon so i will let yah know so you can join
cya on the raid
Little change in the forming of the teams. There will not be a red, blue, yellow, etc...Team... I have bin busy with some m8's figuring out the last couple of days what teams should be formed like to get the max out of the AT's for the Hamidon.
I wil still keep Teams with and names and/or colors to make sure they know when to go into action.
Cya soon at the Hamidon.
Gee, MMs look to be jacks of all trades for Hami...
Couldn't be there on Saturday so if I'm available for this(life's a bit at the moment so can't & won't definitively say until then) I'll give you a shout in game, if there's a slot there's a slot, if not so be it....
Either way good luck with it.
I will surely think a second time for a raid, after the last we did. Probably i will appear, but i deny to buff all those who like suicide runs
Sure np..just gimme a shout i got most off it prepared anyway and we stil have enuff slots available And Zaldor... hehehhe your absolutly right :P lol thats why i also want one person to speak and we act on what he is saying
This should work. ( i hope :S )
What level would I need to be for this? Sounds like fun, I have a lvl 40 bots/dark so if he's man enough for ya count me in. If not, I guess I could forgo a few days worth of Scrapper Time (TM) to try and get him higher...
he needs to be lvl 45 at least.. pref is lvl 50
Let me know
Damn, there's no way lvl 45 is happening by friday
Still, my scrapper is getting closer to 50 every day, and there's DXP weekend coming up, so hopefully I'll be along for the next one (Want my first ever character to hit 50 first, it's the MM's turn when he's done...)
Hey mate no need for a jetpack as i have fly and plenty of EoE should we need them..
See ya Friday
nice..got the same just in case
Not that many people are applying though
But then again i guess they will be there At the Abyss.
Np.. I got the team system setup al ready so :P
Damn, can't do friday nights. Oh well, good luck, post on here after to let me know how things went.
Two things i thought i'd mention.
Firstly, you need to explain what you mean by a Hami costume (no auras/wings or the colour coded spandex look they implemented for some of the older hero raids?)
Secondly, after the last raid, and a bit of testing with mito ranges, I suggest people respec in team TP & group fly if they can. Seems to be the key to getting in close enough (and high enough) to actually hit something before you faceplant. One of each on a team especially helpful.
After you hit the debt cap you can stop worrying about it and may as well try and enjoy yourself.
It may take several hours to get the tactics down, but i'm hopeful!
You 100% correct Orth. And well said. I couldnt have done it better.
Hami cozzie is a costume that does not generate any graphical extension to reduce lag when fighting the hamidon. Some make it in the colours of the groups there in and some just have for example tights with one stripe.
And i respeced Tp ( whole pool ) alerady in my corr if needed But there are several tactics to do it
But tp is on of them
Still... dont have enuff people that applied
hoping they will come tonight but i wil wait and see.
Unfortunaly the raid could not continue. There where to little members. Thx for all that showed up and we will try it again next time soon.
Hello All,
After several attempts to destroy the Hamidon we should brutalise it now ! This is the time to join and destroy the this unwelcome guest :P ( although more hami's :P pls stay lol )
We are starting on Friday 8th of June in the evening at 8.00 UK time. There will be two persons standing at the abyss entrance to make sure you are in the correct team and good to go for the hamidon.
Pls bare in mind that you should bring you hami costume and pref have flight or a flight pack. Flight pack can be gathered from several mission with wing raiders or Bank missons.
If you want to join pls let me know my global is @Bloodshift. You can send me a tell offline or when i am online or mail me in the game. you can also leave a msg on this post. I wil check it frequently. Just give me your power sets and AT's and i will get back to you.
The groups are being selected real carefully so hurry up to get a spot for the hamidon. The entrance will be checked if all 50 people are in and teamed up before we start.
Tactics wil be discussed on the "Hami Riad - Abyss" channel and only one person will give the tactics.
Teamleaders are being selected straight at the start with recruting the people for the hamidon raid and in this post i will keep everything up to date regarding the teams etc.
See you all soon and lets get the hamidon this time HARD !!!!
This is an view of what the teams wil be like..seeing Jonin has coverd it real well i copied it.. Hope you dont min Jonin.
Blue - Ranged (that applies to Corrupters, Dominators and Ranged oriantated masterminds , such as robots, mercs and thugs)
Yellow - Melee (that applies to Brutes, Stalkers and melee oriantated masterminds, such as necromancers and ninjas)
Green - Hold (that applies to Dominators, some corrputers and some masterminds, depending on what is in primary and secondary)
Red - Rez / Buff / TP (TP applies to any with TP friend and/or Team TP, Buffs are primarily made by Masterminds and Corrupters, but some power pools provide lesser buffs, such as medicine, which has stimulant and resusitate)