Roleplaying children.




Unfortunately, it's one of those things where the backstory kind of leaves us adrift and people have to come to their own conclusions and theories. Take for instance how violence is prevented in Pocket D. We don't know why heroes and villains can't attack each other. Is it just some kind of verbal pact of truce, or is there some form of mechanical or magical preventive? Does it only affect violence between hero and villain, or hero/hero and villain/villain? How do you deal with people breaking the rules? (My prefered form of this is DJ Zero teleporting the person out of the club, and then putting the person on ignore if they're truely annoying.) Same with laws on alcohol and the like.

What's the solution to this? Not a clue, personally. :P
Most of the time, common sense laws seem to gel fairly well, but every so often that's not enough.

I have noticed that it's been deathly quiet in PD as of late, though. :<



I've always applied US law myself, when in pocket d, because DJ Zero is an American, so it's more likely he'll stick to laws he knows.
Not because he HAS too, but because he's an honest guy.

[/ QUOTE ]

yep, when it comes to legality, im sure Zero sets the rules in corelation to his own moral standards (which as he appears to be a pascifist, are probably quite moraly just)

I used to run a forum (of a more *cough* adulty nature), and we had a lot of trouble from people who used to think the internet was like international waters and there for they can do what the [censored] they want (which is not true, as most internet traffic passes through US servers, so comes under their law)
We used to work on our own laws, many of which where a lot stricter that of the US/EU/whoever, because we worked on our own moral guidlines. (and covered up a few pathetic loop holes in real law )

but back on the origional topic:
Kids are born evil, and only become good through learning whats right and wrong.
a quick check of any newborn baby will show a pair of residual horns.



What I do find myself to be at odds with are characters who seem to fluctuate too much (in my personal opinion) with their maturity. On one hand they seem to be oblivious to the most basic facts of life, on the other they are well trained ninja spies who vanish to the four corners of the Earth to conduct secret, highly dangerous tasks for various organizations and are just cool with that. If their responses to any situation seems to be more dependent on the mood of the player than the chosen theme of the character it becomes hard to have consistent interaction with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

*rolls eyes* You know what, I'm not even going to say anything on this. Its just not worth it.



Unfortunately, it's one of those things where the backstory kind of leaves us adrift and people have to come to their own conclusions and theories. Take for instance how violence is prevented in Pocket D. We don't know why heroes and villains can't attack each other. Is it just some kind of verbal pact of truce, or is there some form of mechanical or magical preventive? Does it only affect violence between hero and villain, or hero/hero and villain/villain? How do you deal with people breaking the rules? (My prefered form of this is DJ Zero teleporting the person out of the club, and then putting the person on ignore if they're truely annoying.) Same with laws on alcohol and the like.

What's the solution to this? Not a clue, personally. :P
Most of the time, common sense laws seem to gel fairly well, but every so often that's not enough.

I have noticed that it's been deathly quiet in PD as of late, though. :<

[/ QUOTE ]

I suppose another option could be a bit like the television series "Angel" and the club in that. Any violence in the club is simply turned back on the aggressor. cant remember the exact name of it but sounded like "Carrot Toss" or something (hey, look. we're back on bunnies)



-> Pious: Huh? Just to make it publicly known, I was not referring to any of your characters, in case you thought so. See the PM for more details.



...As for Dragonfly, I am by far not well enough versed in her background to make a comment and much less to pass a judgment. I didn't mean to have a go at her. To my small experience her inadequacy to function properly in social context comes from her racial and educational background and is fairly consistent.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, totally sorry. My bad. I thought you was refering to Dragonfly. In fact, that is rather surprisingly a very accurate understanding of the girl, despite your limited experience with her. You're good!



I've played that the reason for the non-voilence was a imposed force that blocks all voilence before they can cause damage.

I've also played that in the case of voilence that'd bring attention to the bouncers for a forceful expulsion.

The way I see it... in Pocket D, there are only 2 sets of rules... DJ Zero's and your own.
Figuring out what Zero's rules are is the hard part.

Minors do and will drink in PD... no matter what you think or say. Accept it.
I know one character that has polished off a bottle of JD (or more) while being about 15ish. It happens, if you think you have to be 21 to get a drink there, you'll be annoyed anytime some one else thinks (or should I say: acts) differently.

Final note: thing is.. we don't know, and even if we did... there's no way to state or enforce things. Even by some mirical we reach a consensus that everyone on these boards can agree to... that leaves those not no these boards to fill in their own gaps and cause friction with the then established rules, followed by claims of elitism and such.

About crime in Pocket D...

To quote a NPC:
"Know what the best thing about this place is? ... No one's tried to steal my purse ALL night!"

Which caused a great deal of irritation in me to notice/see a pickpocket opperate in PD...
... even if my character did pick one pocket (but she returned the wallet... or rather passed it to a bartender, with full contents)

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



As an addendum, age and drinking doesn't really go well with Pocket D. There's characters who were "born"/made adults which can be basically any age, there's potential for mutants who have aged faster or aged slower, there's all forms of magical, artificial or otherwise altered entities.

Basically, if you're let in without supervision, you're expected to fend for yourself. In a setting full of meta-humans and even non-humans, human age grows pretty inconsequencial.

With crime and violence, I more or less just tend to consider it as a can not and will not in Pocket D. Talk about it all you like, words are just words and there's always the possibility it's all just lies and pretend. Crossing it into action "doesn't work" because of either fields, bouncers, Angry Chim Glares(tm) or any other source. The details aren't as important as the actual avoidance. :>

The ever-stubborn "no violence" plaque prevails.



Heh..angry Chim glares(tm) are pretty effective.

The doc has seen her beat 2 guys (of her own level and at the same time) in the arena any person that can beat up two guys at once, he knows that crossing the line is gonna get him hurt and if Chim tells him to stop doing something, he does so instantly and with a sincear apology.

Mentioning Chim it also brings into the account of PC bartenders, technically Chim is well within her rights to ask someone for ID (Hero ID would be best, since it would probably carry your actual age if you were a thousand year old demonic being, trapped in the body of a 16 year old, though Anya did suffer this problem once in Buffy and got refused service).

Can't remember if she ever has. Everyone one has their own set of 'Zero's laws' though obvious 'thou shalt not fight in my club' previals as number 1.

Some people say he abides by US law, others say that as long as your not causing a ruckass, property damage and doing something highly illegal right infront of Zero/barstaffs face it's fine. While where you can't be seen by staff (i.e. Arena match or a very quiet corner) is a different matter to some.

Tis problem when there's no strict 'canon' as to what the laws of the club are beyond the 1st.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



While where you can't be seen by staff (i.e. Arena match or a very quiet corner) is a different matter to some.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah, its not as if anyone has been executed inside an arena, had their body dumped into a teleport loop, and some of the arena staff paid off to not mention that the group that just entered, left with minus one.

/e whistles innocently.



Nope thats never happened not at all. Ortega most certainly did not get their target hideously drunk on some manner of illegal alcoholic beverage and hack the teleport system for that one. *cough*

Maybe we should come up with a set of rules for PD? A universally accepted set of rules that Pocket D abides by?



It'll never work... Similar things have been tried over the last couple of years...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Maybe we should come up with a set of rules for PD? A universally accepted set of rules that Pocket D abides by?

[/ QUOTE ]
Even by some miracle we reach a consensus that everyone on these boards can agree to... that leaves those not no these boards to fill in their own gaps and cause friction with the then established rules, followed by claims of elitism and such.

[/ QUOTE ]

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



To bring in Hatesman brand logic. You can't enforce a law on anyone as far as you can physically apprehend or stop them.

Just look the other way if there's something you don't like, and if you can't do that, polietly. POLIETLY, Tell the person involved you aren't happy. Have a little discussion with them if necessary, but don't be all up in their face cos it just won't work. Pocket D would have to be a PvP zone for everyone to conform to the willpower of others.

Reading the first page and adding my late wisdom currency, (1 cent instead of the usual 2 because I'm cheap) I think if you're talking about anyone in Pocket D there's a good chance they're a freak. Not a member of The Freakshow, I mean, a genuine freak. You aren't looking at an average bar, you're looking at a bar full of Supe's or Meta-Beings as we term them. My point being, the kids who wanted to eat the bunny were Super-Freaky Children, they won't conform to the same set rules a normal kid does when it comes to personality.

I was more put off by the underaged sexual stuff I over-heard between a teenager and a certainly-not-teenager, but as it was a private conversation (I was being sneaky), and the characters and situation were fictional, I can't see much of a problem. It's a moving interactive cartoon really, with limited movement. That's all it is.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.