Anyone Got a Good PB Build ??




I have gotten my PB to level 41 and grown tired of the very poor endurance (even with staminer!!) and the below average damage, can anyone recomend a good strong build and how it should be sloted? so that i can get back to using him and hopefuly PWNing all as i do it

I am open to all builds, Tri-Form, Nova-Form, Dwarf-Form or Human-Form



I'm affraid I had the same problem, by about 40 she was starting to flag a little. I got her to 50 just because I was so close, but I never found a way to improve her and regain my enjoyment in playing her.



The ridiculous endurance drain and the void stalkers/slayers/etc. seem to be the devs idea of a challenge for this AT. I have exactly the same problem with my PB. If I want to fight in human form, she has to rest after every fight. If a sapper sees you first you might as well just turn tail. That's not so much a challenge as pure frustration.

Unless you slot every attack with endurance reduction as well as having a 3 slotted stamina you'll be in the same situation. Back to ED again I'm afraid, it hit some AT's far harder than others.

It's unlikely that I'll delete my PB having struggled to get her to 50 but I certainly won't be rolling a new one. It's just not worth the aggravation...all in my most humble opinion of course.



I found my PB started to shine in his 30s and really hit his best in the late 40s.
Human form blapper mainly, with Dwarfie as backup. I didn't take Nova form.

I think in general Human form starts to outperform Nova form from the late 30s onwards.

I used Photon Seekers/Solar Flare/Pulsar/Dawn Strike (AoEs, Pulsar is a great opener)
Incandescent Strike/Radiant Strike/Glinting Eyes/Gleaming Blast (single-targets)
Conserve Energy/Essence Boost/Reform Essence/Build Up/Hasten/Light Form/Quantum Flight (buffs)

I also took Combat Jumping/Hurdle/Health/Stamina from the pool powers, helped a lot with the 'blapping' playstyle... I'd advise picking up Acrobatics too. I took Dwarf later on and slotted Flare, Heal and Antagonise... and took the self-rez at 49.

I don't have my original build handy anymore since my PB has been respecced a few times since then... but a decent Human/Dwarf Build would be as follows:

01) --> Glinting Eye==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(11)
01) --> Incandescence==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Gleaming Blast==> Acc(2) Dmg(5) Dmg(5) Dmg(11) Rechg(50) EndRdx(50)
04) --> Essence Boost==> Rechg(4) Rechg(9) Rechg(9) Heal(15) Heal(15)
06) --> Radiant Strike==> Acc(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(7) Dmg(13) Rechg(17) EndRdx(17)
08) --> Hurdle==> Jump(8)
10) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(10)
12) --> Build Up==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
16) --> Swift==> Fly(16)
18) --> Incandescent Strike==> Acc(18) Dmg(19) Dmg(19) Dmg(23) EndRdx(25) Rechg(25)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(22) EndRdx(23)
24) --> Reform Essence==> Rechg(24) Rechg(34) Heal(37) Heal(40)
26) --> Pulsar==> Acc(26) Acc(27) DisDur(27) DisDur(31) Rechg(34) Rechg(34)
28) --> Conserve Energy==> Rechg(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(29)
30) --> White Dwarf==> DmgRes(30) DmgRes(31) DmgRes(31)
32) --> Dawn Strike==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33)
35) --> Solar Flare==> Acc(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Rechg(37) EndRdx(37)
38) --> Light Form==> DmgRes(38) DmgRes(39) DmgRes(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(40) Rechg(40)
41) --> Quantum Flight==> EndRdx(41)
44) --> Photon Seekers==> Acc(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Rechg(48) Rechg(50)
47) --> Hasten==> Rechg(47) Rechg(48) Rechg(48)
49) --> Restore Essence==> Heal(49)
01) --> Power Slide==> Run(1)
01) --> Sprint==> Jump(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Energy Flight==> Fly(1)
01) --> Cosmic Balance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Combat Flight==> EndRdx(10)
30) --> White Dwarf Strike==> Acc(30)
30) --> White Dwarf Smite==> Acc(30)
30) --> White Dwarf Flare==> Acc(30) Rechg(46) Rechg(46) EndRdx(46)
30) --> White Dwarf Sublimation==> Rechg(30) Rechg(42) Rechg(43) Heal(43) Heal(43)
30) --> White Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(30) Rechg(42) Rechg(42)
30) --> White Dwarf Step==> Range(30)

I'm sacrificing a few powers until later in order to get Acrobatics in. If you feel you can do without it until the later game (I'd advise taking it eventually) then you can fit Hasten and Quantum Flight in earlier.

Slotting is always a problem on PBs, that build could make use of a dozen more enhancement slots... but as it stands it's a functional "blapper" in PvE and can tank when needed in Dwarfie.



I have a good idea for peacebringers.


Login --> Defiant --> delete peacebringer --> create something thats more epic that the pathetic excuse for an "epic AT"




I think in general Human form starts to outperform Nova form from the late 30s onwards.

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Depends what you mean.

Human form can do more single target damage, has the heals, shields, pulsar etc. Nova can do far more (consistent) total damage against large spawns however (if there is good aggro control) and has less end issues. Depends on the situation and enemy type which was why i went tri to have all options open to me.




Login --> Defiant --> delete peacebringer --> create something thats more epic that the pathetic excuse for an "epic AT"

[/ QUOTE ]

Although we have been through this before I shall point you to the real definition of epic rather than your idea of what epic is.

Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size:
Heroic and impressive in quality:

Seems to describe Khelds to me.



"and impressive in quality"

peacebringers were a big let down for moi



That's just your opinion. Telling other people not to even bother trying them based on that - especially as you took one to 50 yourself - is not very helpful to anyone.



"and impressive in quality"
peacebringers were a big let down for moi

[/ QUOTE ]

Whereas for me my Peacebringer is considerably powerful.

He consistently outdamages and outsurvives my Kat/Regen scrapper, when facing anything other than Voids.
On larger teams with +damage/+resistance from Cosmic Balance, it's just sick what a PB can do.

I think in general Human form starts to outperform Nova form from the late 30s onwards.

[/ QUOTE ]Depends what you mean.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm mainly referring to the boosts from Cosmic Balance which Human gets on teams (Nova doesn't) and the better damage output buff from damage SOs in Human attacks compared to Nova attacks.

Nova tends to do a lot of Knockback, which annoys many toons. It doesn't get Cosmic Balance buffs, and can't compete with Human for single target damage (though has a slight edge in AoE damage even at endgame).

I think Human form is much more versatile (in that you get more powers available) and is more damaging in general after 35ish. That said, Nova form is a nice power and I wouldn't tell someone to definately NOT take it.

Slots will be even MORE of a pain trying to properly slot Human, Dwarf and Nova powers though...



Actually I was curious about the damage of Nova and Human and did a little testing this morning. Without cosmic balance, Nova can very nealy match human for single target damage (in my test 5650 dmg versus 5400 over a 60 seconds period). This was without photons (which are not really available enough to be part of regular attack chain) so adding them and cosmic balance shifts it firmly in favour of human. I suspect that as soon as you have three or more mobs in a spawn, Nova actualy outperforms human for total damage. I might repeat the experiment tonight and use all the info from herostats to find out for sure.



Hmmm. Should be interesting.... is that including "Build Up"?

I realise it's available for Nova too, but the morph time cuts down its effective duration for Nova form and I've found I can JUST squeeze two Incandescent Strikes into the buff when Hasten is running.

Good Cosmic Balance buffs will skyrocket your damage... but will be interesting to see any comparison numbers.



I played about with a calculator a bit....
With 3 damage SOs, you should be seeing numbers like the following for a level 50 PB:

Gleaming Bolt - 40.76 damage, recharge 1.5
Glinting Eye - 67.96 damage, recharge 4
Gleaming Blast - 111.43 damage, recharge 8
Radiant Strike - (159.82 total) damage, recharge 10
Incandescent Strike - (290.28 total) damage, recharge 20
Solar Flare - 115.78 damage, recharge 20 [PBAoE]

Bright Nova Bolt - 96.38 damage, recharge 1.5
Bright Nova Blast - 160.62 damage, recharge 4
Bright Nova Scatter - 159.01 damage, recharge 12 [Cone]
Bright Nova Detonation - (144.57 total) damage, recharge 16 [AoE]

The single target chain looks a bit better for Human, with Nova much better for AoEs.
With Build Up + Cosmic Balance the Human form attacks will pull ahead in damage.
Dawn Strike and Photon Seekers do silly amounts of AoE damage, but aren't up regularly.

Photon Seekers - (217.43 each = 652.31 total) damage, recharge 300 [PBAoE]
Dawn Strike - (305.76 total) damage, recharge 360 [PBAoE]

Human attacks will all be buffed by Build Up/Cosmic Balance except for Photon Seekers which is fixed damage.



My testing plan is more simple - find a level 46/47 warhulk and wail on it for a bit. Then I look at herostats.



"and impressive in quality"
peacebringers were a big let down for moi

[/ QUOTE ]

Whereas for me my Peacebringer is considerably powerful.

He consistently outdamages and outsurvives my Kat/Regen scrapper, when facing anything other than Voids.
On larger teams with +damage/+resistance from Cosmic Balance, it's just sick what a PB can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the same experience as Maelwys, playing a PB in large teams can be one of the biggest rushes you can get in CoH

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



I always thought Nova form outguns Human form for damage over time against multiple targets and then of course Human form outguns Dwarf just from scanning the figures.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



"and impressive in quality"
peacebringers were a big let down for moi

[/ QUOTE ]

Whereas for me my Peacebringer is considerably powerful.

He consistently outdamages and outsurvives my Kat/Regen scrapper, when facing anything other than Voids.
On larger teams with +damage/+resistance from Cosmic Balance, it's just sick what a PB can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the same experience as Maelwys, playing a PB in large teams can be one of the biggest rushes you can get in CoH

[/ QUOTE ]

While obviously my PB functions much better in teams, Ive never got any 'rush' off him..



I always thought Nova form outguns Human form for damage over time against multiple targets and then of course Human form outguns Dwarf just from scanning the figures.

[/ QUOTE ]

I belive human is better when you get cosmic balance into play.. ie in big teams. Nova doesnt benefit from cosmic balance.



A human form PB on a full well balanced team is devestating. If you prefer to solo, or don't slot you human form effectively you will struggle with a PB.

However, if you start your PB expecting it too be stronger than the other ATs, rather than more complex, then you are likely to be disapointed.

I really should do something about this signature.



"and impressive in quality"
peacebringers were a big let down for moi

[/ QUOTE ]

Whereas for me my Peacebringer is considerably powerful.

He consistently outdamages and outsurvives my Kat/Regen scrapper, when facing anything other than Voids.
On larger teams with +damage/+resistance from Cosmic Balance, it's just sick what a PB can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the same experience as Maelwys, playing a PB in large teams can be one of the biggest rushes you can get in CoH

[/ QUOTE ]

While obviously my PB functions much better in teams, Ive never got any 'rush' off him..

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, lets say 'great satisfaction' then.

The kind of satisfaction you only can get from being in a team, and all of a sudden the tanker goes down, and the only thing that keeps the team from immediate teamwipe is YOU turning into dwarf, catching the aggro before the squishes die and gives them time to either rez the tank back, or defeat the remaining foes.

And then in the next mob you go back to human and becomes a force of destruction, outdamaging the scrapper.
For the next mob your pulling with your blasts, and in the final confrontation with the AV you go into lightform in case the tank slips up in its aggro management.

What Im trying to say is, whatever situation comes up, you probably have the tool somewhere in this Swiss Army knife-AT to help resolve the situation. I dont know about you, but I like being useful..

Anyhoo.. thats how I see the Kheldian ATs, adaptive, multi-use, jack-of-all-trades.

If all you have done is tanked your way to 50, of course you will be disappointed in a PBs tanking abilities. Just like if you have soloed a scrapper or blaster to 50 and then compare it to a soloing PB.
But for the tanker who also have played a scrapper and a blaster, the PB lets him draw on his experience from all three ATs, and thats just 'fricking' gold..

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Lost Kheldian
Level: 50
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary: Luminous Blast
Secondary: Luminous Aura
01) --> Glinting Eye==> Dmg(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(3)Acc(5)Acc(5)EndRdx(7)
01) --> Incandescence==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Gleaming Blast==> Dmg(2)Dmg(7)Dmg(9)Acc(9)Acc(11)EndRdx(11)
04) --> Essence Boost==> Heal(4)Heal(13)Heal(13)Rechg(15)Rechg(15)Rechg(17)
06) --> Radiant Strike==> Dmg(6)Dmg(17)Dmg(19)Acc(19)Acc(21)Rechg(21)
08) --> Swift==> Run(8)
10) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(10)
12) --> Build Up==> Rechg(12)Rechg(23)Rechg(23)
14) --> Health==> Heal(14)Heal(27)Heal(29)
16) --> Super Jump==> Jump(16)
18) --> Incandescent Strike==> Dmg(18)Dmg(25)Dmg(25)Acc(27)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(29)EndMod(31)
22) --> Reform Essence==> Heal(22)Heal(31)Heal(31)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)
24) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(24)
26) --> Solar Flare==> Dmg(26)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)Acc(34)Acc(36)EndRdx(36)
28) --> Pulsar==> Acc(28)Acc(50)
30) --> Conserve Energy==> Rechg(30)Rechg(36)Rechg(37)
32) --> Photon Seekers==> Dmg(32)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)Acc(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)
35) --> Dawn Strike==> Dmg(35)Dmg(40)Dmg(40)Acc(40)Rechg(42)Rechg(43)
38) --> Light Form==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(43)DmgRes(43)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
41) --> Hasten==> Rechg(41)Rechg(42)Rechg(42)
44) --> Proton Scatter==> Dmg(44)Dmg(46)Dmg(46)Acc(46)Acc(48)EndRdx(48)
47) --> Shining Shield==> DmgRes(47)DmgRes(48)DmgRes(50)EndRdx(50)
49) --> Quantum Flight==> Empty(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Energy Flight==> Empty(1)
01) --> Cosmic Balance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
10) --> Combat Flight==> Empty(10)

Thats my build, works very well IMO, got the leaping stuff for acrobatics, knockback gets incredibly annoying after a while, i skipped the other 2 shields cos not enough mobs to fir/coldfor me to bother and energy is generally weak enough for me to survive through damage. Couple of pwoers might wanna be swapped around, seeing as this is my lvl 50 build.

Very powerful in the right conditions



I always thought Nova form outguns Human form for damage over time against multiple targets and then of course Human form outguns Dwarf just from scanning the figures.

[/ QUOTE ]

I belive human is better when you get cosmic balance into play.. ie in big teams. Nova doesnt benefit from cosmic balance.

[/ QUOTE ]

When i look at damage i take a cone attack, look at how many it hits and multiply that by how much damage it does to one foe to get a damage to group figure as opposed to single target. Then i look at the recharge and multiply the damage to group by how many times i can get to use that attack within a time period. It all adds up for me that way. Only thing is i am simply too not into khelds to be bothered to work it out and how you get to play a toon decides on how you slot.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



"and impressive in quality"
peacebringers were a big let down for moi

[/ QUOTE ]

Whereas for me my Peacebringer is considerably powerful.

He consistently outdamages and outsurvives my Kat/Regen scrapper, when facing anything other than Voids.
On larger teams with +damage/+resistance from Cosmic Balance, it's just sick what a PB can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the same experience as Maelwys, playing a PB in large teams can be one of the biggest rushes you can get in CoH

[/ QUOTE ]

While obviously my PB functions much better in teams, Ive never got any 'rush' off him..

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, lets say 'great satisfaction' then.

The kind of satisfaction you only can get from being in a team, and all of a sudden the tanker goes down, and the only thing that keeps the team from immediate teamwipe is YOU turning into dwarf, catching the aggro before the squishes die and gives them time to either rez the tank back, or defeat the remaining foes.

And then in the next mob you go back to human and becomes a force of destruction, outdamaging the scrapper.
For the next mob your pulling with your blasts, and in the final confrontation with the AV you go into lightform in case the tank slips up in its aggro management.

What Im trying to say is, whatever situation comes up, you probably have the tool somewhere in this Swiss Army knife-AT to help resolve the situation. I dont know about you, but I like being useful..

Anyhoo.. thats how I see the Kheldian ATs, adaptive, multi-use, jack-of-all-trades.

If all you have done is tanked your way to 50, of course you will be disappointed in a PBs tanking abilities. Just like if you have soloed a scrapper or blaster to 50 and then compare it to a soloing PB.
But for the tanker who also have played a scrapper and a blaster, the PB lets him draw on his experience from all three ATs, and thats just 'fricking' gold..

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, everytime I post to Kheldian threads I get forcefed how and why I should be having great fun with my PB. It irritates me to a great degree. Especially since it is in such a contradiction with my own experiences. Thank you for ruining my day again.



Apologies if I've contributed to your bad day Hammer... I wouldn't want to force my style of gameplay down anyone's throat, but I'll happily state my reasons for playing a PB and try to comment based on my own experiences.

It's the "swiss army knife versatility" that appeals to me about playing Unit. But then I've always been attracted to that kind of gameplay... I like things to be slightly hectic and know that I have the ability to deal with most "panic situations" if something unforeseen happens.

Gameplay preferences and all that. I like the ability to adapt to the changes in PUG team makeup, which is where I spend most of my time when I'm not soloing. If that comes at the expense of not quite having blaster-level damage or tank-level resistance, fair enough... I have other toons with those extremes.

I'd liken my PB to a scrapper, it has good survivability and good damage output, not particularly extreme one way or the other. The difference being that a scrapper has higher base levels of both survivability and damage... whereas my PB starts off lower but gets much better in a big team (with Cosmic Balance). It's not an uber toon: it's mainly situational, tricky to solo but really shines in big teams.



Personally I value variety, and versatility on the other hand is in the eye of the beholder. Each and every toon I have can contribute to save the team from teamwipe, they just do it different ways. My empath might buff the damagedealers so they could deal with the situation and keep them alive with healing. My scrapper would rush from mob to mob trying to keep aggro on herself and kill the mobs quickly taking the position of the point man. Controller would try to keep as many mobs under mez as possible and so on. Peacebringer cant do anything that one of the other ATs can't and everytime I play the PB I wish I was some of my other alts.

Although in all honesty I suspect the biggest reason why I don't like kheldians lie in their appearance. This mr 'industrial light and magic' with vanilla energy blasts seems to allow only one kind of character concept - a kheldian. That I do not like. I enjoy creating character power/appearance/origin/type/demeanor concepts in my head and the PB simply can't pretend to be anything else than a PB. It gets on my nerves.