Brute or Scrapper?




This is a little thread about whos the best hand to hand archetype, brute or scrapper? I would say brutes becuse of the fantastic fury they get when they stays in combat for a while



Depends on the powersets and the player.



*Checks Olympus's sig*

No bias there then! But its probably true, once a Brute's Fury gets high enough, not much will be standing in there way, except the dastardly evil blue bar.




I think its more based on each players style. There are so many combinations of build for both AT's and so many people use different techniques that to make a fair comparison would take a lot of man hours and patience. Having watched Syn win my Xmas event with his brute against a Scrapper, i would have to say Brutes would most likely win because of their survivability parallel to their damage potential. A brute has that little bit extra defensse, and can take most of what a scrapper can dish outfor long enough to use a self heal. Even regen scrappers will go down if you can hit them hard and fast enough.

Example is my Fire ME tanker. I have hasten and healing flames slotted 3 rech 3 heal. Using both i can become almost unkillable until hasten runs out because of the shear speed that it is ready to go again. With that and two extremes i can be a very tough customer, one on one.



Depends, with BU + something like tier 9 attack from BS that's pretty powerful.

Also DA and Parry help with def making an sr scrapper almost invincible. Fury is just dam not more acc iirc



scrappers because they get spines



brutes have better potential and a higher damage cap, fire armour is a serious contender now but scrappers have higher base damage and far better epics

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



scrappers because they get spines

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The best thing about spines just got nerfed...




Example is my Fire ME tanker. I have hasten and healing flames slotted 3 rech 3 heal. Using both i can become almost unkillable until hasten runs out because of the shear speed that it is ready to go again. With that and two extremes i can be a very tough customer, one on one.

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True, fire tankers are very tough now when their heal got a powerup. For me it's impossible to beat 1 when they just need to wait a few seconds to heal



Have to go with depends on player and build here, plus you also have crits for a scrapper that can change an entire fight in seconds if he manages to land one or two with BU and a high dmg attack.



true, but all comes down to AT,sets & player fury might only be extra damage, but seem to remember reading a post saying with max fury amoung other things brutes can hit upto +850% damage..... crits can turn a match around fast, but so can fury



Yeah, 850% is the brute damage cap, so using Energy Transfer or Seismic Smash or some high damaging power like that will do huge amounts of damage (with Energy Transfer and damage cap, you will proberbly one-hit most enemies anyway)

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



You are right with the 850% being the damage cap, but AFAIK does Fury itself not generate the full 850%.

And as we are talking about PvP and Arena, you still need at least two hits for an enemy. =)




I dont think brutes can put themselve to their damage cap. I know on my Fire brute BU+Fury still got boosted a lot by a kin.

That aside if you hit does DoT you can still 1 hit in PvP from the first tick (Midnight Grasp for my scrapper 1 hit a corruptor in Sirens)

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Sorry, I was referring to the post above, meaning the Energie Transfer.

Like you, I remember my Brute being strongly buffed through Kinetics as well.

Last time I heard, Fury itself only generates something around 300% Damage-Buff and 300% is never fully reached. Basically you will never get to 100% Fury Bar, as it drops 5% each second, so every second you push it up to a 100%, it instantly drops back to 95%.




i luv my ss/stone brute so far but i still never see him defeating my dm/rgn since usually with new protector he only has to use touch of fear and that stops brutes from generateing fury as there not hitting me and has massive tohit de buff since ive 3 slotted it for that and 2 for fear duration 1 rech.basically if he cant hit me and cant generate fury wots he gonna do if he does ever get me newhere near the last 1/4 of my health bar and touch of fear is missing or sumthing unlikely like that i have my trusty panic buttons being a rgn and if im basically unhittable with most brutes with a dm/rgn how do they cope with commen dm/sr bs/sr or kat/sr builds that really are unhittable i would have to say scrappers but ive only ever experienced pvp from the brute side at low levels in bloody bay so maybe i could be wrong



Well, your Brute should be generating Fury nonetheless, because Fury is created through attacks you use, and attacks your opponents inflict upon you as well (it does not matter if those attacks miss or not, they count anyway). So as long as someone ist hitting your Brute, he will generate Fury.

You are right, most Brutes have problems with Defense based secondaries, but especially with SS you should have the ability to get around that. I don't know if you've slotted it, but get Rage at 18 and 6 Slot it with 3 Recharge 3 ToHitBuff. You will have permanent BU and enough added accuracy that you should get through that little defense of an EA Brute. Basically, you will have Rage twice for a short amount of time, with full fury bar + 2 Rage active... Just use Knockout Blow and not alot will stand in your way!


Another problem could be, that you are X/Stone. Stone lowers your attack speed, you won't be able to throw attacks like for example a X/Ele Brute.



Another problem could be, that you are X/Stone. Stone lowers your attack speed, you won't be able to throw attacks like for example a X/Ele Brute.

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That only applies when your in Granite, and hasten almost stops that effect altogether, but only for a short amount of time.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



The movement speed is reduced as well (Mud Pots/Rooted), in PvP this can result in a lower Fury generation, because a Stone Brute ist not as agile as different Brutes. These might hop around, run back and forth while the stony has to follow them...




Alas the point of this thread is Brute vs Scrapper, so both have to be in melee range to do anything.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Thinking of Spine/Claw Scrappers, not all. =)




I think Brutes becuse of the fury and the end drain that makes 70% fury for Patron Powers,Elec and Fire so even if it goes down u get it up really fast, but the scrappers Critical is amazing just 2 of them leads them to victory almost all the time.



and hasten almost stops that effect altogether, but only for a short amount of time.

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erm NOPE it doesn't....
takes hasten & SB to get you back upto speed attack recharge wise in granite, personaly i'd prefer running round in the other armours to trying to use granite for fighting in, granites nice as a panic button or where you expect to be taking lots of nasty agro (cov side last misson on RSF to name one)


These might hop around, run back and forth while the stony has to follow them...

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*cough* TP foe *cough* who's gonna be chasing?



Since Fury is currently bugged, you can get 100% Fury consistantly & never drop below 90% Fury if you keep spamming your PPP attack and/or Powersink.

Powersink, if used on a Player, shoots your fury to about 80% with 1 successful hit. After that just use one PPP attack and you have yourself a full Fury bar.

Hopefully this bug never gets fixed!




and hasten almost stops that effect altogether, but only for a short amount of time.

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erm NOPE it doesn't....
takes hasten & SB to get you back upto speed attack recharge wise in granite, personaly i'd prefer running round in the other armours to trying to use granite for fighting in, granites nice as a panic button or where you expect to be taking lots of nasty agro (cov side last misson on RSF to name one)

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Hence, almost.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc