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  1. Wow thanks for replies and all that guys and i must say im surprised, i was under the impression fire melee on the red side was kind of a rubbish single target set :/ and that it was only scrappers that enjoy fire melee as a high damage single target power. But yh to be honest im still very confused, am i right in thinking that as a whole, brutes can't really solo AV's? or can fire actually work well and also be a good solo set
  2. So i've got my lvl 50 AOE monster brute (my stone/fire) and he's fully IO'd out thanks to some sets help from you guys.

    so i think to my self i want to go the other way now i want to maximize my ST damage, minimize my AOE out put and have a brute that solo's EB's and AV's like theres no tomorow. Now i remember that EM as the single target dmg king not long ago but with its nerf to ET is that still the case? Is the new and improved DM/ maybe my best option for ST dps

    oh yh i had kind of settled on /SR as my secondary but if anybody has a decent second option of another good soloing secondary let me know please

  3. Yes I took consume and i just finished slotting all my stone melee attacks with 5 crushing impacts and a mako quad which i worked out gave me the tasty set bonus's of more accuracy and rech and still gave me amazing actual enhancement percentages, especially when a Mako Quad was added in to the equation.

    I also put the full doctors wound set in to healing flames, and a force feed chance for rech+ in to fault hoping that all this extra +rech will help me with end management by having consume up practically every other mob

    As soon as i've rustled up some more inf i plan to do as you 2 suggested and slot the numina +regen/recovery and miracle +recovery

    thanks for your help
  4. So i've just got my first 50 on the red side which just to happens to be a SM/FA brute which i love to bits(when his end bars full anyway) and i was wondering if any of you forumites had any ideas for some decent sets for him

    I'd suppose my priority's would be some +recovery and endurance (which i already have a little from the performance shift enhancment which works wonders but dosent do the entire job) and probably some big accuracy,rech,damage and res bonus's

    keep in mind im a big farmer so what would you have me do
  5. TheDarkDestroyer


    So im rapidly approaching lvl 50 on my stone melee/fire aura brute (my first ever 50 on the red side ) and was wondering how they hold up in terms of farming...

    he feels like an aoe monster right now at lvl 47 with 2 build ups, tremor and the burn+web grenade combo when ever i feel like it. he has a bit of end trouble, 2 performance shift enhancements has seen an improvement, but say i was to counter the end draining ways of both of these sets how would the build hold up in terms of farming VS. such popular builds such as SS/FIRE and SS/WP?

    any feedback is appreciated.
  6. read his post again, thoroughly and tell me if he was "pandering to my belief", i thanked him for his post because he gave a good explanation of why it is easier to Nerf than buff... and why it makes more sense...
  7. some how i knew these would be the kind of posts I'd receive... but i thought i'd post my feelings anyway, and thanks to cactus for putting it in to perspective for me, probably the most useful response so far...
  8. Is The Reason Everythings Getting Hit With The Nerf Bat Simply Because Its Easier For The Devs To Bring The Few Good Power Sets Down A Notch, Rather Then Buffing The Many Sets That Struggle With Game Play?

    I'm Only Asking To See If Its Just Me That Feels That Half The Sets That Have Been Tampered With For The Worse And Also The Sets That Rumors Of "DOOM" Are Flying Around About, Really DONT NEED TO BE TAMPERED WITH AT ALL! Caps Intended.

    Ok Take Brutes For Example For A Long Time We've Had The Big Bad 3 (SS,SM and EM) I've Experienced all 3 of these magical sets in the hands of a brute and it feels like this is the way the archetype was meant to be played. But obviously instead of bringing the other sets the brute has to offer up to the standard of these 3 its become accustom to bring these 3 down a notch so they don't feel as super powered. the last 2 words of that sentence hurts me inside, because WE ARE MEANT TO BE SUPER POWERED now i know i chose brutes to get my point across but it isn't just them! its happening all across COX on practically all archetypes

    But anyway i would appreciate it if anyone could tell me they felt the same way or perhaps give me an explanation as to why this is happening and prove me wrong
  9. Personally I wouldnt recommend making a stone tank with out granite as the set is based around it, but maybe just build up on being able to work fluently going in and out of granite regularly.

    Sure for the odd door mish granite probably isnt required and is a bit of an over kill but they didn't put that power there at lvl 32 for giggles. It does make the set and you mite find your self lacking in some areas if you dont take it. Even if you only take it as an "OMG IM GONNA DIE" power that you only use in emergencys.

    If you really dont want to pick up granite go for invulnerabilty or something like that
  10. Well thank you so far for the responses and support my Fire/Stone melee tank is currently at lvl 11 but playing about on the mids and developing different builds i actually only just realised how tight this build actually is... i was wondering what attacks i should pick up and what should come first tough or acrobatics? As a tanker orientated for team play i obviously want the strongest defences that the fire set has to offer but i must stress that i will be picking up fault and tremor as soon as they become available as that was the forefront of the idea behind this character... And also as the squishyest of the tanker sets when will i feel like i will be able to actually... well... Tank??

    Again any responses are most welcome and appreciated
  11. So im on my stone/elec brute this morning pounding away at barracuda the AV loving the feeling of chaining seismic smash and the mallets at high fury and spamming fault but then it hits me... I MISS THE FEELING OF BEING A HEROE. Sure in my opinion the arcatypes on COV are far more interesting and challenging but... i dont know... is it just me or is there a certain feeling to COH that you just dont get on COV maybe the team work,fair play or just exacting justice upon enemies.

    So what do i do... i log off and immediately set about making a new tank i think to my self i've already done the stone tank thing my stone tanks currently sitting at level 39 not doing anything as i got bored of not being able to move and hold aggro as well as i'd hoped and the resistance plus def on it in my opinion being an over kill. i do have an intention to get him to 50 eventually but not at this moment. I dont really want to have anything to do with ice as defence annoys me. willpower was an option as i hadn't explored that set yet but i decided against it. invulnerabilty just seems a bit dull to be honest...

    Wait! what does that leave oh yh FIRE and to me this just seems like the set i've been looking for. I don't really think the way they've tried to trade damage for survivabilty with this set really translated the way they thought it would but im confident that with a bit of help i can get this guy rolling. So i thought im loving stone melee on my brute? why not go for it thinking tremor and fault would be having most of the mobs on there backsides or stunned 80% of the time would help make up for my tanky squishyness atleast till i pick up tough and also the KD and stuns may also have good sinergy with Burn but im not really sure... i mean it all sounds quite good on paper but every1 i ask is just telling me to go willpower as its apparantly "the new way foward" and any veteran i ask just keeps saying "oh theres no point anymore back in the pre I4 days fire tanks were gods among men" and then either breaks in to tears or is moody for the remainder of the conversation... im not joking.

    Anyway! that is my predicament what i am looking for is help in understanding the set and also if i am right in the assumption that stone melee would most probably be the best set to help for survivabilty. Just so that i can tank easily for an 8 man team and compete with the other sets about

    Any replys at all much appreciated PLEASE HELP
  12. Growing weary of my em/ela brute that i rolled together for the sole purpose of pvp and not quite ready to make a /willpower brute or go back over to the blue side. I decided to make a SS/FA for some of that yummy AOE goodness in PVE and the potential to be a decent casual pvp brute.

    i've been looking around to see if theres any decent guides but havent had so much luck so im just gonna go ahead and ask the questions i want answerd hoping some more experienced players will answer them

    (1).Blazing Aura.have been told this is quite a good dmg aura and was wondering how i should slot it and also wondering if the end usage is as painful as lightning field and certain other dmg auras

    (2).Consume.this was personally one of my favourite powers in the set when i used to help level my friends fire/fire tank on his account but...alas... im confused when the power is used by a brute,as some people in-game have told me its not worth taking and if it is to be taken at all you should wait till ur late 30's pushing early 40's. the reason this confuses me is because on the blue side on a tank this was a wonderful power after slotted for rech it always seemed to be up when i needed it most. so maybe am i right in thinking the recharge is maybe longer for a brute? or perhaps it does not do the perscribed 20 end per mob it does on a tank.

    (3).Boxing,Tough And Fury.since i plan to take tough and i never really warmed on to the first power in the SS set i was wondering if boxing was taken at an early stage like say lvl 6,8 or 10 it would do well intergrated with a fury chain and would it be as effective as jab? On the issue of tough i was wondering what sort of level i should take it for it to stack with fire shield i personally always thought of it as a last minute thing you got late game but maybe with fire being so squishie it could use it earlier on.

    its late and i was sure i had so many more questions so be warned i may be back but anyone that can point me to a nice updated guide or would like to present me with their own build and what that builds strengths and weaknesses are i would be very very greatful oh and maybe somthing for another thread but i must say union seems empty recently ive just come back from a 6 month break but its population seems to have decreased :S

    thanks for your replies!
  13. ok....... ive decided on a ss/elec brute which i am enjoying at the moment at level 10 i would like to know what pool powers would be required for a pvp elec brute? is tough worth taking or is aid self an option?
  14. hi, i'm looking to create a brute that has brilliant solo ability as so far on cov its impossible to get a team but im not complaining just means less lag but i also want a brute that will be good in pvp (paticularly 1v1 duels), lol im guessing its going to be quite hard as from what ive herd the brutes that rule in solo pve are aoe based brutes using alot of dmg auras from there secondary but this would not be good for pvp, but anyway i do not want stone armour for definite and im definately leaning towards super strength as my primary, i just want a secondary that will serve me well in pvp and i can still level at a decent rate while soloing,help please!!!!
  15. i am not a one trick pony

    i totaly agree with boerewors,although you may think it predictable i would because i also play a "granite" tank. i do not beleive the average ice tank bags any more aggro then me from experience, as i said it could be an individual case and the ice tank in question wasnt as skilled as some of you, i explained that i was the one herding them up and grabing all the aggro and for about 3-4 radio missions i was doing this WITHOUT speed boost i DO NOT agree with the statements in some of these posts that "granite" tanks, not the usual stone tank you descibed so nobley but "granite" tanks NEED buffs such as speed boost self tp suits me fine and taunt slotted for rech and hasten is running for most mobs. if anything as i keep saying in MY experience stone tanks dont NEED any buffs to speak of but ice tanks could do with a few defence buffs.... especially if tanking +4s

    i am not saying stone tankers are better then ice tanks, not at all for instance if you like to tank and are a pvp fan the stone tank is not for you the most i can do in a pvp zone is sit there and taunt any villains that go by which just annoys them and your little more then a punch bag unless you come out of granite. where as ive seen some amazing fights between brutes and ice tankers, this one between and ice/nrg tank and an invlu/ss brute was amazing and ice tanks would be a good choice for the tanker that enjoys pvp infact i rolled my own ice tank together last night just to see how he fairs during the early levels in the hollows any way my point is that all tanks have there qualitys and play styles and none of these is more skillfull then the other defence or resistance based in my opinion
  16. lol i understand this post is not meant to be comparing ice armour to stone armour,but just from me playing my stone tank (3 bars away from level 36) with a ice/nrg tank level 37 in the team ...... he was struggling,i was tanking level 42s with ease thanks to granite now slotted 3res 3def this could be and individual case maybe he wasnt as skilled as other ice tanks are but he was dieing every other mob and was eventually sk'd to level 40 at which level he still just a secondary tanker me actually being the one herding them up for the team, since i hit lvl 32 i have been looking for a tank that can take the same amount of aggro as a stone tank as the de buffs in granite have been putting me off even with hasten and rage helping me a bit. i previously thought an ice tank would be the tank that could do this, but now ive been put off lol i dont think and ice tank could run into any fight and survive where a granite tank could not, but if anybody does hav the answer to my prayers a tank that can take almost as much dmg as a granite and move then tell me! but till then i'll stick with stoner lol
  17. ermmm i was reading this thred intently looking for an answer about the slotting of granite since my stone/ss is close to level 32 and am not sure if the rest of you agreed with the 3 res,3def slotting or what it got a bit muffled as usual we forget the actual question that was asked :S ahhh well lol so is there any final verdict and as for the fighting pool discussion i can not take tough as ive already used up all my pool powers what with teleport,fly for hover,speed for hasten,fitness powers.... so i hope i am not wrong in thinking i will be able to tank reasonably well with out tough and weave :S im keeping stone armour for times outside of granite not going to respec it out, is there no end reduc needed for granite???
  18. TheDarkDestroyer


    i jus rolled a tank together today and got to lvl 12 ss/invul,im quite experienced with ss so no trouble there i jus wonder what are the must havs for invul tanks so far ive taken temp invul,the other smash leath res power cnt remember name,unyielding and dull pain just got do's slotted both smash leath res powers for resistant do's with one end reduc for temp invul........where do i go from here especially for a alt i hope to be pvp worthy later on im getting mixed messages shud i take res elements? neway help me out please, thanks
  19. my dm/rgn hasnt met a brute yet in sirens or bloody bay he hasnt beaten easily with the use of touch of fear and panic buttons dull pain,reconstruction and instant healing.The only way i can beleive that brutes are better pvp chars then scrappers is if someone proves to me they are late bloomers and that i should excepect to start losing to them when i get to RV with my scrapper :S
  20. so which armours should i take with my ss/stone brute a build would be useful if any of u could take the time
  21. TheDarkDestroyer

    dark melee

    could someone help me out by giving me a list of defence options of all the arcatypes villain or heroe that can resist that annoyin but devastatingly fun move touch of fear and other fear related moves
  22. are u suggestin i treat granite as a panic button? is that what granite really is? :S
  23. my question is plane and simple. ahem! do stone brutes really gather fury slower than other secondary sets and if so how come? ive got ss/stone brute ive just really got in to and was shocked wen i was told how i wont be able to gather fury as fast or as good in pvp as other brutes
  24. i luv my ss/stone brute so far but i still never see him defeating my dm/rgn since usually with new protector he only has to use touch of fear and that stops brutes from generateing fury as there not hitting me and has massive tohit de buff since ive 3 slotted it for that and 2 for fear duration 1 rech.basically if he cant hit me and cant generate fury wots he gonna do if he does ever get me newhere near the last 1/4 of my health bar and touch of fear is missing or sumthing unlikely like that i have my trusty panic buttons being a rgn and if im basically unhittable with most brutes with a dm/rgn how do they cope with commen dm/sr bs/sr or kat/sr builds that really are unhittable i would have to say scrappers but ive only ever experienced pvp from the brute side at low levels in bloody bay so maybe i could be wrong
  25. d. everyone had severe lag except him trust me ive seen it happen