Soloing in higher difficulty mishs




Hos do u solo higher difficulty mishs in human form, or any form for that matter?



light form

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



Assuming you're talking about PB rather than WS:

As long as you know what enemies mezzle, it's generally not a problem soloing at invincible in Human Form, even without light form. The knockback, pulsar and Incandescent Strike's hold are golden.

I didn't take Nova Form, used a well-slotted human form build and took dwarfie at 35 to help survive and whittle-down harder enemies. Was doing invincible missions by about 25-30. Eventually I respecced into essentially a human-only blapper build, with Light form at 38 and Dwarf Form at 41 (because there's always AV mission PUGs where they'll need an 'instatank').

One thing I'll say though: if you're going mainly-human then get acrobatics, it helps a lot. I took it at 49 simply because I coudn't fit it in earlier, it's very useful to not get knocked on my rear all the time. You can use Kheldian's inherent "Hover", but you need to be on the ground to activate Solar Flare and it really impacts your manuverability.

I haven't played a warshade to a high enough level yet to be able to comment on their soloability... but with a lot of controls and their lovely pets they look just as good at it if not better than Peacebringers. Double-Mire and Eclipse?



Yeah, only problem with solo warshades is that they don´t get enough enemies per spawn to double mire + eclipse them for any good effect. Sure, it´s better than nothing, especially if you pull additional spawns in Dwarf form, but your greatest solo-help are those purple fluffies. Once they are slotted up with damage and recharge they offer considerable fire support. Things drop so damn fast...

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Indeed, Warshade solo'in is pretty much based around your pets post-32, and solo'ing like a Blaster until then. Hoping that Nova Detonation does enough KB to keep every1 down.
Then just using Dwarf for bosses and mez mobs.

Shades CAN solo, but theyr all about teaming imo.



Indeed they can solo, which is why mine was in perma debt til 32
They do much better in teams, altho mine can solo no probs at all any more.
slowly going back to my PB so will find out



So are there any powers taht i can grab to resist stun? cos thats a major killer and i meant info for PBs but WS info is more than welcome Thnx for the replies so far



Dwarf and Light Form. Acrobatics gives a minor (+1?) resist to holds.



Or stun them first with Pulsar.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Technically you can get slight disorient protection as well by using Aid Self, but it's interruptable and a weaker heal than your standard one. Better to mezzle them first as Sin says... Pulsar or Incandescent Strike ftw!

There's a good method of dealing with void minions/LTs when you're soloing... Quantum flight in, build up, drop Quantum Flight, Radiant Strike --> Incandescent Strike --> Very nearly Dead Void with little risk to yourself.

I do not suggest trying to solo a Quantum or Void Boss, EVER. You can't mez them, so one "miss" with knockback powers and you're toast... I've soloed Quantum Bosses a few times by keeping them in melee-range only, but Void Bosses will one shot you, even Essence-Boosted in dwarfie with the +HP accolades.



Ooooh yes, void bosses are really painful. It can be done by swallowing multiple purple candy if you have them (and I make sure to alway have some at hand) and some reds when available and take him out ASAP as soon as his armour (that purple glow around him) drops for a moment. And even then it´s a situation better avoided if possible.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.




I do not suggest trying to solo a Quantum or Void Boss, EVER. You can't mez them, so one "miss" with knockback powers and you're toast... I've soloed Quantum Bosses a few times by keeping them in melee-range only, but Void Bosses will one shot you, even Essence-Boosted in dwarfie with the +HP accolades.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do Void bosses get mez protection then? I can mezz ordinary bosses easily enough on my human only WS. Turn on Inky Aspect (mag 2 stun) plus any other toggles. TP next to boss. Queue up Gravitic emanation (mag 3 stun + knockback) mid flight so it goes off as soon as you materialise. Boss falls on backside, gets up stunned to be finished off as normal. It's very effective against ordinary bosses, but I can't recall if I've ever succesfully used it against a void boss.



Hmmm, never tried that stunt (lack of powers/slots as tri-former), but chances are that you won´t perma-stun him and you might take some time to finish him since his armor offers good protection against your attacks. So one disorient will probably be insufficient to get the job done.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Hmm, going to have to try it now. Maybe the disorients will last long enough if I slot them right, and if he's mezzed it should drop his armour toggle, giving me a chance to kill him off. In theory anyway. Hell, as a WS I'm used to debt, so it's worth a try

I'll let you know how it goes.



I would be very happy to hear about your success (or lack of it). But I wouldn´t bet on the armour dropping. The way it looks it seems to be a short-lived fast-recharging clickie, so it will probably stay active during disorient if the void activated it in time.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



you can indeed mezz voids (of all 3 "titles") i use Shadow Cloak+SS (that makes a perfect invis) sneak up on them pop gravity well + mire blast blast blast!!!

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Nice. I occasionally use this tactic against other voids, but didn´t realize it worked against bosses, too. (Didn´t want to try since I had my moments of pain when gravity well missed a void... )

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Technically you can get slight disorient protection as well by using Aid Self

[/ QUOTE ]No you don't. It gives resistance, not protection, AFAIK.