Kheldians for CoV




Hey all
Trying to find some info if Kheldians are coming to CoV and if so, when?

If anyone could enlighten me that would be appreciated, thx.



Just read that big Posi interview. He reveals that there will be Kheldians for CoV, but probably not with I8 (so it will take some additional time).
One will be the Nictus and be very similar to the Warshade. The other one will be some kind of Peacebringer with some powers swapped to make it more evil.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Of the Nictus I had heard, do you have a link to the bit about the Peacebringers?

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The only thing to have been confirmed so far is that villains will be getting Nictus as their first epic AT.

I predict a Warshade with maybe a couple of powers tweaked.

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No, Positron said that there would be an evil version of the Peacebringer with slightly altered powers too.

I really should do something about this signature.



Sorry, I don´t have a valid link since the transcript of that interview is very badly phrased concerning this point. (The way it is written you could indeed think Posi was talking about one Kheldian AT.)
But for those who have actually heard the radio interview (I don´t know if the recording is still available. Too lazy to search for it right now. ) it is very clear that Posi was talking about two ATs. The Nictus as a near Warshade-copy and one evil peacebringerish Kheldian with a name he does not mention.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Maybe they finally make a good kheldian..



You mean an evil kheldian...

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



No, Positron said that there would be an evil version of the Peacebringer with slightly altered powers too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thing is, I don't get that.

A Peacebringer is a Kheldian bonded with a willing Human host
A Nictus is a Kheldian that has changed itself through scientific experimentation to allow it to forcably take a host
A Warshade is a reformed Nictus bonded with a willing Human host

An "evil" Peacebringer would be what, exactly? If it's evil in the sense that its forcably taking hosts then it would have had to change itself and in doing so become a Nictus. If it's evil in the sense that it's generally not a nice person and has bonded with a similarly evil human, then it wouldn't have any different powers, it'd just be a Peacebringer who was a bit of a *******.

Besides, I thought that Nictus couldn't stay bonded to their forcably taken hosts for very long anyway as they're eventually forced out. Given the information on the "Nictus" AT for Villains I'm guessing it's going to be a similarly "evil" Warshade with the same issues as the above "evil" Peacebringer.

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As far as I remember Positron didn´t name the evil peacebringerish Kheldian or explain it´s origin. So it could well be that it is no Peacebringer at all but only a different kind of Nictus (just with powers more similar to a PB). This way he would still force himself upon his subject.
On the other hand there are Peacebringers (White Dwarf, Bright Nova) you encounter as enemies in CoH. So the CoV-version could be a "real" Peacebringer on a hate trip who only bonds with the most insidious criminals or something like that. He wouldn´t need to change himself to a Nictus since he would still only bond with voluntary (but debased) humans.
But, as I said in a different thread, I would most certainly love to see a totally different class of Kheldian. The whitish PB doesn´t look right for CoV and the very first Void Seekers had the ability to morph to a Crimson Nova, a model that is now unused. Now, that would look stylish!

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.




An "evil" Peacebringer would be what, exactly?

[/ QUOTE ]Personally, I'd be guessing there will be 'light nictus' and 'dark nictus', since nictus can use both 'dark' and 'light' energy powers...




An "evil" Peacebringer would be what, exactly?

[/ QUOTE ]Personally, I'd be guessing there will be 'light nictus' and 'dark nictus', since nictus can use both 'dark' and 'light' energy powers...

[/ QUOTE ]

And herein lies the inconsitancy. The "Nictus" that you fight as Dark/Bright Nova/Dwarf forms are cop-outs that don't fit the Kheldian Lore, but the devs couldn't be bothered to come up with anything new.

Oversimplifying, Peacebringer = Blue, Warshade/Nictus = Purple. This and the other parts of the Kheldian Lore are consistant everywhere but the "Nictus" villain group, through the Kheldian Arcs, the Moonfire Taskforce and the Council Galaxy troops.

In other words, you can't just take a Peacebringer, change a couple of powers and suddenly make it an "evil" Peacebringer or some kind of weird Nictus hybrid.

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I was under the impression that a nictus could use either dark or bright nova/dwarf at will, as could a kheldian...Is that incorrect?



I was under the impression that a nictus could use either dark or bright nova/dwarf at will, as could a kheldian...Is that incorrect?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's somewhat ambigious. The bright/dark nova are identical apart from their colouring and I think the dwarves are too (I've never seen them use Mire or Essence Drain anyway). So whether or not they can actually take both forms doesn't really seem to make a difference. One would assume that logically Peacebringers take on the Bright forms and Warshades the Dark form.

Point being that regardless of the above, the Bright Nova/Dwarf is still just a peacebringer, however evil, rather than anything with special new powers suitable for an epic AT that isn't just a cheap knockoff of the one from CoH. Equally, while the Dark Nova/Dwarf could be either a Nictus or a Warshade (Although the latter is considerably more likely), the same applies.

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Point being that regardless of the above, the Bright Nova/Dwarf is still just a peacebringer, however evil, rather than anything with special new powers suitable for an epic AT that isn't just a cheap knockoff of the one from CoH.

[/ QUOTE ]But since kheldians have access to a very wide array of abilities, it might just be that the playable villain characters will have some powers the playable hero characters don't, and vice versa. Kinda like fire melee brutes having cremate and tanks combustion, even though thematically they could use both.




Point being that regardless of the above, the Bright Nova/Dwarf is still just a peacebringer, however evil, rather than anything with special new powers suitable for an epic AT that isn't just a cheap knockoff of the one from CoH.

[/ QUOTE ]But since kheldians have access to a very wide array of abilities, it might just be that the playable villain characters will have some powers the playable hero characters don't, and vice versa. Kinda like fire melee brutes having cremate and tanks combustion, even though thematically they could use both.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, but Fire-based powers don't have a fairly extensive game lore behind them to restrict what different powersets can and can't contain, Kheldians do. You've basically only got three options, Peacebringer, Warshade, Nictus.

A Peacebringer can be good or evil but will always be a Peacebringer unless it becomes a Nictus.

A Warshade, being a reformed Nictus, is overwhelmingly likely to be good, but could technically be evil without reverting to being a Nictus, I suppose.

A Nictus, by definition, must be evil, as a good Nictus is a Warshade.

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True. However, it could just be that there would be either two types of nictus with different powers, or nictus and 'evil peacebringers'. And they could have some powers different from their counterparts on hero side, while still sticking with the team. For example, you could remove all heal from peacebringers and give an energy shield ally buff, or something.



It still doesn't sit right with me - it's too much of a shoehorning them into CoV because they wanted something different to CoH but at the same time couldn't be bothered to come up with something genuinely new.

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Somehow I don´t see the problem with "Kheldian Lore". As the Kheldian storylines suggest there is no such thing like "natural" Kheldians vs. Nictus = Good vs. Evil. Otherwise there would be neither Warshades nor Nictus and no PB hardliners planning mass murders of Nictus and Warshades alike.
True, Nictus are Kheldians who chose to scientifically alter themselves so that they could subdue a human host. True, that is something most people would consider evil. But they can change their mind and become Warshades.
So, concerning mindset I would say that Nictus start off evil with the option of becoming good (Warshades), while there is no such distinction by name for Peacebringers (although Cryptic might introduce one with the CoV ATs). They might be good or evil. The only thing they have in common is that they are of natural origin and inhabit voluntary hosts.
So, the "evil Peacebringer" could be, as said before, one of two things imo:
- A Nictus whose powers were altered in a different way than those of "standard" Nictus. I don´t think this would be too much of a stretch since his transformation would have just changed less than "standard" transformation would have done.
- A natural Peacebringer gone rogue like those aforementioned hardliners or worse. Perhaps they changed their mind to evil ways under the influence of a "bad" human host, perhaps it is their experience with humans that made them bitter. Since Nictus are transformed "natural" Kheldians (who are by default Peacebringers) there must be some of them who choose to be evil. And here they are. (The Bright Novas/White Dwarves encountered in CoH could be just the same, so there are no inconsistencies here.)

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Equally, while the Dark Nova/Dwarf could be either a Nictus or a Warshade (Although the latter is considerably more likely)...

[/ QUOTE ]
Why do you think the latter one to be considerably more likely? I would bet some money on the former.
Nictus vs. Warshades is mainly a difference in philosophy.
Nictus subdue their hosts in their pursuit of power.
Warshades are remorseful Nicti who kind of compensate their former evils by helping humans and Peacebringers against the Nictus threat. Wouldn´t make much sense if they fought against heroes.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



And how many Warshades do you know by name? Other than players?
(Btw. I think Arakhn is a Nictus, too.)
I find it highly improbable that each and every Nictus (other than those two villains) on earth would have turned into a (player-controlled) Warshade by now. So, where should they be if not running around beating up heroes?

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I don't think Arakhn is a Nictus, she's just experimented with Nictus fragments á la Galaxy soldiers.

As for NPC Warshades, there's Shadowstar &amp; Shadowcatcher just from the Kheldian story arcs.

On a side note, I don't think people really appreciate just how evil the Nictus are. This isn't a Lord Recluse style lust for power situation, it's a Turning Earth in to a new Nictus homeworld and keeping humans captive to feed off of. Hardly something that would be wished for by either Heroes or Villains outside of Arakn's inner circle.

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So, that´s two Warshade NPCs against one Nictus NPC. That´s hardly something to base statistics on.
So I would go with cold logic and say that the Dark Novas and Black Dwarfs heroes get to fight are Nicti rather than Warshades with a mental lapse. ("Whoops! You are heroes? Sorry, thought you were with the council.")

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



So, that´s two Warshade NPCs against one Nictus NPC. That´s hardly something to base statistics on.
So I would go with cold logic and say that the Dark Novas and Black Dwarfs heroes get to fight are Nicti rather than Warshades with a mental lapse. ("Whoops! You are heroes? Sorry, thought you were with the council.")

[/ QUOTE ]

There are several others who are named in various arcs, but I can't think of them offhand. Moreover, there's nothing to stop an evil-minded Warshade (Or Peacebringer) from bonding with a willing host who happens to be evil and doing evil things. They're still a Warshade/Peacebringer but go around hunting heroes for whatever reason (Money, Vengeance, Kicks, etc).

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