Big Congratz To Ram Raid on hitting 50
Gratz indeed! Well done. Now go and update that list of yours
"Style before purpose"
Grats Ram
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Gratz Ram
Gratz mate, sry I wasn't there to join in the fun.
Bit late as I havent been trawiling forums last few days buit gratz dude.
Grats Ram.
thanks to all the people who have helped me get to level 50 all the peps ive teamed with and my supergroup
Cpngratz mate, now you have the pleasure of adding yourself to your 50 list