Potential for PvP SR Blaster?
nice thought, you don't have the endurance for it though.
Isn't Power Boost just a 100% buff to the unenhanced value, though?
Is blaster Power Boost really available most of the time? Grr, I want that
i reckon it has a down time of 20 secs maybe?
Just buy lucks before you fight.
Isn't Power Boost just a 100% buff to the unenhanced value, though?
Is blaster Power Boost really available most of the time? Grr, I want that
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats why its 62%, not 75
and IIRC its downtime is only bowt 15-20 seconds.
Just buy lucks before you fight.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just drop Buildup and use Red inspirations. Jeez.
red's don't give a tohit buff
Edit: Oh and those defence values are worthless, you'll also be wasting valuable slots.
Edit2: Snow storm doesn't do -jump.
I have put a lot of thought into a defence blaster. Saying it is worthless without trying it is daft. Sure low base values but they add up. This build would match or more than match a basic purple insp all the time. You sure do notice the difference of a purple insp when you use them.
Couple of thoughts.
the problem with this build is you CAN muster a decent level of defense, when you consider every 5% defence you add is 1 more probable miss out of 20, however this defence can be completely negated with BU or Aim from most PvPers. So, the only tactic I though may be of use, would be to take Hibernate also from the Cold Epic. When you see the BU/AIM combo, you quickly hibernate and let the window pass. Then you unleash yours coming out of the phase. Its bit shakey, but any amount of defence a blaster can get WILL be completely wiped out by a BU or Aim.
Also bare in mind the Ice Armour is only Smashing and Lethal defence with some basic res to fire and cold. So against 50% or more, PvP builds its not going to be great.
Still, Test server is there and i think you could give it a try.
lol i don't have to try it to say its daft, first thing i see is you using 5pool powers, your only allowed to use four. Out of those 5 pool powers listed, you don't even have fitness say goodbye to prolonged fights, for what? for measily defences. Your also wasting a huge number of slots for low values of defence. Which if you make the actual build i bet there will be places where your lacking in slots, most probably damage. Oh not to mention your running those toggles with no stamina? Good luck with that.
By all means give it a try, its a different thought, just make sure you do it on test server.
Edit: Power boost only boosts the base value. not the enhanced value
lol i don't have to try it to say its daft, first thing i see is you using 5pool powers, your only allowed to use one. Out of those 4 pool powers listed, you don't have fitness say goodbye to prolonged fights, for what? for measily defences. Your also wasting a huge number of slots for low values of defence. Which if you make the actual build i bet there will be places where your lacking in slots, most probably damage. Oh not to mention your running those toggles with no stamina? Good luck with that.
By all means give it a try, its a different thought, just make sure you do it on test server.
Edit: Power boost only boosts the base value. not the enhanced value
[/ QUOTE ]
*sigh* nice reading there buddy.
In the OP I discussed the 5 power pools (and put it in my maths)
In the OP i discussed the Power Boost unenhanced-ness (and that's why the final is 62%, not 70% - which I've ALSO stated since)
I DO take your point about Stamina though. Might have to drop one pool, probably hover, to get Fitness. Although running Conserve and enough endred slots, could prob make it work at a stretch.
I dont think slots would be a problem. Anything I'd be taking out would be at least 3 slotted, so the new additions would simply inherit those.
Im gunna have to get on a heroplanner to see if this actually work.
But also as my OP said, this was just a "Musing" not a "zomg this is gunna womp all ur puny foo's you shud all respec to 'dis".
It was just to show it COULD be done, and maybe make people look twice at Ice Epic, since every PvP Tom, Rick and Harry seems to be going Force or Elec.
Oh, and Dominators or Controller EPICS could also get Power Boost and a Defense armour as well so.......
lol i don't have to try it to say its daft, first thing i see is you using 5pool powers, your only allowed to use one. Out of those 4 pool powers listed, you don't have fitness say goodbye to prolonged fights, for what? for measily defences. Your also wasting a huge number of slots for low values of defence. Which if you make the actual build i bet there will be places where your lacking in slots, most probably damage. Oh not to mention your running those toggles with no stamina? Good luck with that.
By all means give it a try, its a different thought, just make sure you do it on test server.
Edit: Power boost only boosts the base value. not the enhanced value
[/ QUOTE ]
*sigh* nice reading there buddy.
In the OP I discussed the 5 power pools (and put it in my maths)
In the OP i discussed the Power Boost unenhanced-ness (and that's why the final is 62%, not 70% - which I've ALSO stated since)
I DO take your point about Stamina though. Might have to drop one pool, probably hover, to get Fitness. Although running Conserve and enough endred slots, could prob make it work at a stretch.
I dont think slots would be a problem. Anything I'd be taking out would be at least 3 slotted, so the new additions would simply inherit those.
Im gunna have to get on a heroplanner to see if this actually work.
But also as my OP said, this was just a "Musing" not a "zomg this is gunna womp all ur puny foo's you shud all respec to 'dis".
It was just to show it COULD be done, and maybe make people look twice at Ice Epic, since every PvP Tom, Rick and Harry seems to be going Force or Elec.
Oh, and Dominators or Controller EPICS could also get Power Boost and a Defense armour as well so.......
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm quoting from fact, whats the point in fitting in 5 pools in your maths when you can't?
Conserve and end redux wouldn't be enough imo.
Well post your build with slots and take a look see.
It was just to show it COULD be done, and maybe make people look twice at Ice Epic, since every PvP Tom, Rick and Harry seems to be going Force or Elec.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know theres other things in the ice epic that make it such a great set for PvP, hibernate and snowstorm for example. You know half the french players use ice epic? its their "fotm". Ice epic is a very very strong set because of hibernate and snow storm, i've incorporated it into my ice/devices build. Why more people don't go ice epic i don't know its probably on boards everyone has just said how uber elec epic is. Fact is i rank ice epic over elec. Problem with ice epic is the defence based armour. Force is known as the best because of pff and force of nature not to mention the great armour, all of these make it a very very strong set.
I just can't agree with the notion of making ice epic "viable" by slotting hover and CJ with defences and taking fighting pool, when its already such a great epic.
I'm quoting from fact, whats the point in fitting in 5 pools in your maths when you can't?
[/ QUOTE ]
Praps try reading the OP next time..
Now all that adds to a measly 16.32 (thats using all 5, which is indeed impossible due to only 4 PP picks, so the best you're gunna get is 13.76)
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm quoting from fact, whats the point in fitting in 5 pools in your maths when you can't?
Conserve and end redux wouldn't be enough imo.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I'm quoting from my OP -
Now all that adds to a measly 16.32 (thats using all 5, which is indeed impossible due to only 4 PP picks, so the best you're gunna get is 13.76)
[/ QUOTE ]
So as you can see i DIDNT use all 5 in my maths, as was clearly stated.
You know theres other things in the ice epic that make it such a great set for PvP, hibernate and snowstorm for example. You know half the french players use ice epic? its their "fotm". Ice epic is a very very strong set because of hibernate and snow storm, i've incorporated it into my ice/devices build. Why more people don't go ice epic i don't know its probably on boards everyone has just said how uber elec epic is. Fact is i rank ice epic over elec. Problem with ice epic is the defence based armour. Force is known as the best because of pff and force of nature not to mention the great armour, all of these make it a very very strong set.
I just can't agree with the notion of making ice epic "viable" by slotting hover and CJ with defences and taking fighting pool, when its already such a great epic.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah finally some constructive crit, thank you. Knew we'd get down to actual points in the end and have a civilised conversation
Indeed, I've duelled some people using Ice Epics in the past (namely an Ice/Devices like yourself) and they were VERY effective.
Thanks for the headsup about the French, I havent been able to attend the Test Server PvP, thats good to know.
I see you run a Spines/SR Scrapper, is that useful in PvP?
I know Blasters with Aim/BU would give you trouble, but how does it fair most of the time against non-buffed opponents? And what are the Defensive Caps for SR without Elude?
I'll get working on a light build now
Here you go. Could go for something like this.
Maybe swap Boost Range for Conserve Power. Maybe Bonesmaher instead of Total Focus.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Name: Defensive Ice/Nrg
Level: 50
Archetype: Blaster
Primary: Ice Blast
Secondary: Energy Manipulation
01) --> Ice Bolt==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Acc(9) Rechg(11)
01) --> Power Thrust==> Acc(1) Acc(5) Acc(46)
02) --> Ice Blast==> Acc(2) Dmg(7) Dmg(7) Dmg(9) Acc(11) Rechg(13)
04) --> Build Up==> Rechg(4) Rechg(17) Rechg(19)
06) --> Aim==> Rechg(6) Rechg(17) Rechg(21) TH_Buf(39) TH_Buf(40) TH_Buf(40)
08) --> Boxing==> Acc(8) Acc(43)
10) --> Freeze Ray==> Acc(10) Acc(13) Rechg(36) Acc(36) Rechg(37)
12) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(12) DefBuf(15) DefBuf(15)
14) --> Super Jump==> EndRdx(14) Jump(19)
16) --> Hurdle==> Jump(16) Jump(42) Jump(42)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(23)
22) --> Tough==> DmgRes(22) DmgRes(23) EndRdx(25) EndRdx(43) DmgRes(43)
24) --> Weave==> DefBuf(24) DefBuf(25) DefBuf(27) EndRdx(27) EndRdx(37)
26) --> Maneuvers==> DefBuf(26) DefBuf(29) DefBuf(39) EndRdx(39) EndRdx(40)
28) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(28) EndRdx(29) TH_Buf(31) TH_Buf(31) TH_Buf(36) EndRdx(37)
30) --> Power Boost==> Rechg(30) Rechg(31) Rechg(33)
32) --> Bitter Ice Blast==> Acc(32) Acc(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Rechg(34)
35) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(35)
38) --> Total Focus==> Acc(38) Acc(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(50) Dmg(50)
41) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(41) EndRdx(42)
44) --> Frozen Armor==> DefBuf(44) DefBuf(45) DefBuf(45) EndRdx(45) DmgRes(46) EndRdx(46)
47) --> Hibernate==> Rechg(47) Rechg(48) Rechg(50)
49) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Defiance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
Nice Kron' or to go more blappy Nrg/Nrg route :
1. Blast - 6 slotted
2. Energy Punch - 6 slotted
4. Buildup - 3 slotted
6. Combat Jumping - 5 slotted
8. Hasten - 3 slotted
10. Boxing - 6 slotted
12. Hurdle - 1 slotted
14. Super Jump - 1 slotted
16. Tough - 5 slotted
18. Swift - 1 slotted
20. Stamina - 3 slotted
22. Weave - 5 slotted
24. Bonesmasher - 6 slotted
26. Power Boost - 3 slotted
28. Power Burst - 6 slotted
30. Stealth - 5 slotted
32. Invisibility - 2 slotted
35. Aim - 4 slotted
38. Total Focus - 6 slotted
41. Frozen Armour - 5 slotted
44. Snow Storm - 3 slotted
47. Hibernate - 3 slotted
49. Power Push - 1 slotted
Just as a rough outline. But beware of exemping down cos u could be left with about 2 attacks
Attack chain of Snow Storm, Power Blast, Power Push, Energy Punch, Bonesmasher, Total Focus, Boxing (filler if needs be).
Total Peak Defense of - 57.41%
Seemed to have no problems with slotting, even slotting all Passives and Defense earners with endred. Had slots to spare at the end.
Could be altered due to preference to have 52.16% Defense and a self heal, by dropping Stealth and Invis for Stimulant and Aid Self.
Still a marked improvement on Ice's base 21.4% defense (or 36.4% with PB) and use of other Ice Epic powers....
The blapper route would probably work out better. Whilst i love nrg primary i'd go fire or ice though for PvP.
i reckon it has a down time of 20 secs maybe?
[/ QUOTE ]
3 slotted recharge and with hasten on, Power Boost is down for 7 seconds.
As I have always understood it, powerboost will not boost the defence of your toggles whilst its on, buffs only (such as grant invis, fort, build up, etc.) I could be wrong on this though...
Also, I have to agree that this would be a nightmare without Stamina.
Jupiter is slow looking into his notebook, but he always looks.
The [b]Retribution[/b] is coming.
[url="http://s76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/Valens_ii/"]Some of my toons[/url]
i reckon it has a down time of 20 secs maybe?
[/ QUOTE ]
3 slotted recharge and with hasten on, Power Boost is down for 7 seconds.
As I have always understood it, powerboost will not boost the defence of your toggles whilst its on, buffs only (such as grant invis, fort, build up, etc.) I could be wrong on this though...
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm yeah that's definately worth a test. I know that it increases Flight Speed or Run speed to active toggles, even if active before hand. Never been too sure about Defense, hence this discussion
Oh and thanks for the Power Boost numbers...
hehe sorry about that i tend to rush through posts when i'm tired. When it comes down to it, i really just don't agree with slotting CJ/hover/picking up the fighting pool on a blaster. I slot for movement, thats my playstyle a lot of people may disagree with me, but from my experience i do very well in PvP and this is mainly due to movement. IMO movement is the best defence a blaster can have.
Spines/super reflex is just a fantastic build, compared to my spines/regen i feel squishier but the damage output on spines/sr is just fantastic because of quickness. I have lots of tricks up my sleave and with a back up aid self, i can be hard to take down. I'm only level 30, but don't have any troubles in PvP zones at all, mainly here complaints about me moving all the time. :P
Can't wait for level 50 arena PvP, i made a spines/sr originally during the RV event and he did very very well. For blasters with aim/bu, best thing to do is get out of blap range and use range attacks on them.
SR defence without elude, is pretty pants in PvP. a lot of attacks get past my defences(haven't got passives yet still PvE build) but with some decent support buffer behind me, i'm an unstoppable force
Defence values from sherksilver so might be wrong.
3slotted toggles: 23.5%defence melee/range
3slotted toggles+passives: 30.4% defence melee/rang
My PvP defence w/o elude (toggles +passives + base def CJ):32.3% defence melee/range
Total defence with elude:102.5%defence melee/range and 72.1%defence to AoE
I don't run AoE defence, just don't need it as its effected positionally. So i use my own positioning to counter AoEs.
lol Shnyet, i heard about this in game. dont do it mate, it wont work, anyone with half a brain will mash you and you're gimped build in about 3 seconds .
i'll actually read the thread later, and if you want to try it out on test Gtell me
BTW, aim and BU won't cut through elude unless you have quite a lot of extra to hit buffs.
ooo oo i got 1, toggle heavy +def build, hit it with an autohit -end power
lol Shnyet, i heard about this in game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, my crazy idea's grow in infamy!
anyone with half a brain will mash you
[/ QUOTE ]
So you're saying I'll beat three quarters of the PvP-ers out there? Swish
i'll actually read the thread later
[/ QUOTE ]
Cheers for the enthusiastic response anyway buddy, and if i ever get on Test, i'll take you up on the offer
lol Shnyet, i heard about this in game. dont do it mate, it wont work, anyone with half a brain will mash you and you're gimped build in about 3 seconds .
i'll actually read the thread later, and if you want to try it out on test Gtell me
[/ QUOTE ]
A standard 2 slotted accuracy though will have great trouble even hitting this build without BU and/or Aim.
However, putting it on test to see how it fares would definitely be the way to go - especially to see how Powerboost affects it
BTW, aim and BU won't cut through elude unless you have quite a lot of extra to hit buffs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't most people slot at least 2 toHit buffs in Aim?
I know i can hit through Elude or PFF quite easily with 2toHit buffed Aim and no toHit buffed BU. But then i 3 slot accuracy in most attacks.
/ninja edit
lol Shnyet, i heard about this in game. dont do it mate, it wont work, anyone with half a brain will mash you and you're gimped build in about 3 seconds .
i'll actually read the thread later, and if you want to try it out on test Gtell me
BTW, aim and BU won't cut through elude unless you have quite a lot of extra to hit buffs.
ooo oo i got 1, toggle heavy +def build, hit it with an autohit -end power
[/ QUOTE ]
And this being a post in the blaster forum about a blaster with as many defense powers available... which when i last checked doesnt possibly include Elude??? BU/AIM will rip this build to bits, but for all other times, the maths implies its going to be a tough cookie.
was my response to this
Now i know Aim + Buildup would make mincemeat of even Elude, but having 60% defense most of the time during a battle surely has SOME sort of advantage!
[/ QUOTE ] I did read some of the thread you see.
Still think this build would suffer a lot.
You're right tho Shnyet, 3/4s of the PvPers don't know what they're on about lol (jest).
I'd have to say that my aim or BU +hold with 96% odd extra acc will cut straight thru this, although the numbers add up, i don't entirely think it will rawk.
and now I'll read the thread.
After a bit of musing recently I started thinking about Defense.

Now with not much "statistical defense" available, I went to the Power Pools. 3 slotted for Defense you get -
CJ - 2.75%
maneuvers - 2.56%
stealth - 2.75%
weave - 5.51%
hover - 2.75%
(Using Blaster figures from Sherksilver)
Now all that adds to a measly 16.32 (thats using all 5, which is indeed impossible due to only 4 PP picks, so the best you're gunna get is 13.76)
However, if you then incorporate the Ice Epic shield. It could get to a tastier 35.16%
However, if you THEN incorporate Power Boost from Nrg (100% boosting defense) it can hit a whopping 62.66%.
Not suggesting this as a "play-though" option, but more of a Level 50 respec, cos choosing all those lame powers would be hell to play through
Also I've seen Hibernate used well in PvP, along with Snowstorm for the -fly, -jump.
Now i know Aim + Buildup would make mincemeat of even Elude, but having 60% defense most of the time during a battle surely has SOME sort of advantage!