3vP week one - Defiant discussion




Since we don't have a thread yet, here is one. Thanks all for playing and I hope you had as much fun as I did

I think morgan will post the results after he's had sleep.



hehe, my head is hurting, but results will be posted in a couple of minutes.

Was a lot of fun, albeit stressful - I received 87 tells in the space of 10 minutes, which was interesting

A big thanks to everyone who showed up, and for being patient while i worked out who was who and such like, and for the warm welcome I recieved - you aren't as bad as i'd been led to believe :P



Indeed a good time was had by all. I like to thank Cpt Morgan for organising this event and hopefully next week will be less stressfull for ya. Also lets do the battle royal next week afterwards as well, was a good way to finish things off



Since we don't have a thread yet, here is one. Thanks all for playing and I hope you had as much fun as I did

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/em seconded, I've never had so much fun playing pvp before and meeting so many great players! Am really looking forward to the next round!

Jackie Sparrow Defiant Goonie!
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
- Green Day



A big thank you to Captain Morgan!

Well chuffed that the team I was in for the first round had a win (using the squishy tactic), but was then brought to back down to earth in the 2nd.

So, gratz to Captain Skyfire & Dax Ferdas for the win, and "we wuz robbed" to my fellow losing teamies, Anata & Envoy (well, we were robbed about 14 times in total iirc - ouch)

All to play for next Thursday.

The defiant one of the family

[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)




I've never had so much fun playing pvp before

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totally agree with this sentiment

3vP so far gets a big thumbs up from me.

It's a shame that it sounds like a real headache to sort out because I think the game and the community could really benefit from more things like this.

Here's to a continuing successful tournament



I dont envy having to track that many things. It'd take at least 4 people to keep up with it, and 8 ideally (4 per server, 2 per hero/villain side), but it seems they barely survived. The real fight is in the organising and win/loss tracking, y'see. Us arena fighters have it easy.

Two things I think are worth keeping in mind for the second 3vP (if ever there is one, after this tourney) :

1) Subs shouldnt be able to save lives for absent teammates. By not being there, they should automatically lose a life, and the sub should be given just to prevent those who actually attended from losing out (having less chance to win due to being outnumbered).

2) Finding a way to track available subs would be great, that way even the subs could be picked at random, instead of the team picking a replacement they like, essentially bridging weaknesses they might have had in their original team. Though it was meant as a playful remark during the event, a sub on an opposing team decided to change to one of his alts for the match, after being assigned. Sure, if its in the rules, why not? Still, to me, that would seem to go against the randomness of the event, and removes an element of having to adapt. This in conjunction with the sub being able to save the absent members life if the team wins, seems a wee bit too much.

Regardless, things went smoothly and we all had a laugh. Thats the main. Found myself a rival in Soaring Dragon though, that mean sunnuvabish managed to cut through my PFF a few times, nearly offing me in one! :P



i really enjoyed it, was super fun.

thanks defo to captain race umpire and xanth (who i assume did just as good a job over there with the onions) for putting a lot more time than they were expecting into it

thanks to team mates, pyra, carnifax, coin and Apoc, and all enemies faced, mesmer, spawnus, smirk, shadow, omega, and serophina.

was cool




I really enjoyed it and would like to thank everyone who put this event on, I really hope it is made a regular.

Thanks to OmegaMCX and Anath from round 1 and Captain skyfire, Mr Nice from the second, had fun in both teams even if the first one was a win by default!



I had a great time, win or lose both my team mates and my opponents were great fun. Huge thanks to the organisers also.




Regardless, things went smoothly and we all had a laugh. Thats the main. Found myself a rival in Soaring Dragon though, that mean sunnuvabish managed to cut through my PFF a few times, nearly offing me in one! :P

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Yeah I had a great time too. Thanks to all my teamies, my two bricks in the first, Pyra and Extra Gonk and the guys in the second who dealt with 2 stormies so well, Spawnus and QiSnake.

Couldn't believe we snuck that second match. I was so busy trying to stay alive. Thank god for pets. Set em off and then run away from the psycho scrapper and the two storm toting squishies Had some great Squishy battles with Mesmer, Eat Static and Bogmonster but was slightly disappointed UN Rep didn't make it with his zombies. Was looking forward to squaring off.



I feel sorry for Envoy for ending up against me twice and being a granite tank without kinetic backup.. You did the right thing in the matches when you detoggled granite and tried to fight back. Too bad you couldnt turn it around, it was a good effort, though, not much you could have done better.
And Elerith for being the prime target for me in our first match, I feel bad beating up Empaths hehe.. ^^ Even extremely skilled ones..

My thanks to Tridento, Mr Nice, Dax Ferdas and Troke for good teaming

EDIT: Having mixed teams of experienced and less experienced people seems like a good way to promote PVP.



Couldn't believe we snuck that second match. I was so busy trying to stay alive. Thank god for pets. Set em off and then run away from the psycho scrapper and the two storm toting squishies

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Hehe, the sad thing is that I forgot to start the demo thingy recording at the very start of the second match. When the timer started to tick down, I remembered it but didnt have time to start it.

Remember what the first two things I said were?
"I'll try to isolate and occupy the scrapper"
::6:: ::5::
"Rest quickly, im going to ambush!"
::2:: ::1::
*doesnt use rest, pops two cabs, runs across the small indoor office map, straight to the three enemies all kneeling down resting, spawns his singularity pet on top of them*

Somehow we managed to pull ahead of them by one point to get the win, but that could have so easily been a draw or a loss for us. One of the most chaotic matches i've ever been in, and the screaming look of frustration on Soaring Dragons face as he circled my force bubble looking for a way in was priceless. A guilty pleasure

Still, they handled it really well, even with PFF being raised and lowered in the worst moments, a singularity and a force bubble, I got served a good few times. I actually manged to record that match too but I think we're missing the first minute of it. Shame, I thought the early pet-rush was hilarious ^^