Cant get in to Kheldians...




Folks, I wondered if playing Kheldians is fun? I rolled a WS and PB up to level 11/10, but I really just dont get them. They seem to have no character or flavour, and given they all have identical origins, I feel drained of all character or uniqueness when playing them.

Im beginnning to think the only real attraction of them is for playing the Kheldian storylines.

Does it get better?



yeah can seem a bit like that. I like the new story arcs and the fact that you can scrap/blast & tank if needs be. I have got mine to L22 & have hated/enjoyed it at times. Have made mistakes with the build so am waiting for the respec till I carry on with her. . . I imagine most squiddies need at least one respec or more in their careers.
My advice is to plan it out before hand and stick with it, cos they can be lots of fun

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



I've finally found a build I think will work, eventually *L* but it's hard work.

The lack of background on the WS is rather annoying, but I will be working on some binds as I think I've come up with something

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I'd say a khieldan archetype is a blapper/blaster/tanker all rolled into 1 with inherent travel power and a kickass look. Also, it's a challenge avoiding quantum guys.



Personally, I find origin adds nothing to a character, and it's only effect is where you buy your enhancements from. The uniqueness comes from the fact that virtually no two Khledians are alike. The AT allows for much more diversity in terms of power and playstyle than any other AT.
They're not for everyone, maybe they're just not for you.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I think sometimes it depends on the teams you are in. In one team you are providing most of the damage, tanking when needed, healing people and generally feel 'epic'. Next team you are in everyone is doing what you can do, just better. Blasters and scrappers are outdamaging you, defenders are healing, the tank is tanking and you just feel a bit of a spare leg. At least that's what I found sometimes although that improved in the 40s as I got even more powers and slotted them fully.



Cog, i found that too and it took about 5 attempts to get my warshade past 15, i found that they really started taking shape at about 18-24 but they still really do benefit from a big team, but at least can solo now (should i want to).

stick with it it does get better make sure you take stygian circle as early as possible though, over all other power choices




Thanks chaps. I may pesevere. Warshades look fractionally more interesting than Peacebringers I suppose.

If I had all the text from the missions etc Id still probably delete for two other toons tho!



Ended up soloing a Nemesis mission yesterday. Every room had a Fake Nemesis twinned with a void stalker. I've never been glad I created a tri-form PB before but I was in and out of those 3 forms throughout the mission.

There were some choice words floating around while I was doing that. The mission description said Nemesis would pull out all the stops but a void stalker in every room is a bit over the top in my opinion, especially when it gets a nice bubble shield from the fake nemesis...