Good bye
Cya LW its been fun teaming with u on all those PvP battles and i wish u all the best in the future.
@Neo Arc
@Neon Arc
Member of the 1AT
Cya LW.
At least you have a nice shiny medal to remind you of the time you spent here
tis a sad day indeed, thx for all the PvP battles and laughs, it has been an honour to PvP with and against u
u will be missed indeed, will keep ur toons in the Three Lions just in case they finally give a reward for PvP or another S4 type tourny
Tis a sad day indeed!11!! ( Copyright C.Fusion )
All the best for the future, and hope to see you back around I8?
Till then...
WHat say we have one big pvp night for old times sake?
Bah, tis indeed a sad day, you took me, a n00b PvP-er in off the street............and whooped me seeveral times with Doomsday but it was all good fun and i learnt a lot.
Shame to see you go fella.
Shnyet AWAY
Take care mate always a pleasure fighting against you always in a good spirit
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Youll be back they always are
But with you gone who will be my arch nemesis???? There is now no controller on the server that has beaten the FSA!! woo time to come out of retirement and conquer the server.
But first I need to get rid of those pesky art of wardrobe people
Bye LW!
(one step closer to becoming the uberest blaster!)
But seriously, great meeting you and I wish you all the luck with whatever you do now instead of play CoH!
Dammit I was having such a good day too and now you'v ruined it - gutted with this news
You dont need me to tell you that you be missed greatly - Union surely has lost one of its best pvp'ers.
Had some absolutely fantastic times and still cant believe you are leaving. Its having great people like yourself that I have managed to stick around so long. All I say is that its been a great pleasure teaming and pvping with ya and can only hope the Coh bug gets you and makes you return.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Max said it all really, great teaming with you Lady White - union has lost a Hero! Hope you have a great holiday!
Come back soon and remind the contollers what a whopperin feels like
Cya Lady
Grav ftw!
All the best LW - have fun with whatever you find yourself up to next!
Hopefully see you back in Paragon one day, when the batteries have recharged.
Sorry to see a fellow PVP'er leaving.
enjoyed fighting with you and against you.
Im sure you will be back none the less..
p.s [Attacking] Cherry ...
Good luck in your ventures Lady!
p.s [Attacking] Cherry ...
[/ QUOTE ]
ABSORBING Cherry's PAIN, I can't be healed!
wait why am i helping cherry? she wants to conquer the server
There will be a place for you x in my new world order, you will just have to accept your position as unions 2nd best defender who's the first?
[i]/e grief
Dam - and I was so looking forward to beating you after my I7 respec.
In a way though, I can see your point. I think this game is doomed as there just isn't much expansion to it because of the way it works. Not enough to hold people's interest.
If the powers were more exciting the baddies more original in their attacks and the world was more interactive then maybe they would keep more customers.
@Sweet Chilli
[ QUOTE ] who's the first?
[/ QUOTE ]
cherry, shamans a lover not a fighter i just stand cowardly behind the heros offering assistance
please tell me LW ur gonna be in RV on test tonight and tomoro? 1 look at the huge scale battles with potential PvP toons may be enough to keep u playing
[ QUOTE ] who's the first?
[/ QUOTE ]
cherry, shamans a lover not a fighter i just stand cowardly behind the heros offering assistance
please tell me LW ur gonna be in RV on test tonight and tomoro? 1 look at the huge scale battles with potential PvP toons may be enough to keep u playing
[/ QUOTE ]
Thx for the kind words everyone, gonna miss you guys to. ill try get on test tomorrow night for some PvP before i go.
Ill go easy on ya's since it will be my last night
But first I need to get rid of those pesky art of wardrobe people
[/ QUOTE ]
Is that an official name change? Why wasnt i told dammit Zak
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Bye take care
Hi, My account runs out on the 30th May and Im not planning on coming back. Ive had a great 2 years but the buzz i used to get playing CoH isnt there anymore. So just wanna say thank you and good bye to everyone, its been a blast