cosmic balance bar?




ive been with my PB for ages now and never really found the auto power "cosmic balance" any use

this is mainly because i dont know when the heck it is doing anything


(im also gonna put this on suggestions but)

have a bar like blasters have defiance to show if its working

because i dont know the range the effectivness or anything

its just there

who knows if it actualy works



Cross posting is bad for you, and it plays havok with Bridgers blood preasure too

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



And it's against the rules aswell..
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On the idea anyway, I don't see how you could make a bar to let you know what Cosmic balance is doin, you would need 3 different bars(dmg resistance, dmg buff and mez resistance)to be of any use and itwould fill the screen a bit too much IMO(not anyone plays in 1900x1300 )



you can definitely tell the difference when you team with 3 or more tankers/defenders in the amount of damage you do - it's got to be at least an extra third damage.

the res from scrappers, blasters is less noticeable though. (reverse this for warshades obviously)

However, I agree... a visual indicator would be great.



The most fun thing is when teaming with controller: while blasting in Nova I get mezd, pop out of nova, retoggle Nova, the mez starts working again and detoggles Nova, rince, repeat



It's not hard too work out exactly how much of a res or dmg boost you could potentially get from the team. I'm also usually too busy atacking stuff to worry about trying to stand as close to as many team members as I can to get the buffs. If it's there it's there, if not then never mind.



i think someone on the US boards figured out 20% extra damage, 20% extra damres or + mag1 hold resistance per teammate (depending on their AT).

which can rank up to 80% damres + 60% extra damage. making you VERY effective in large teams.

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



10% resistance per teammate as far as I'm aware.




cos if u had 5 defenders near u it would be like perma lightform which it is far from it



The 10% is the figure quoted by most people. As a PB it's blasters and scrappers that give your damage resistance. With 3 slotted shields running too then five will take you close to the damage cap. I've not tested it at all so the range may well be quite short as well.




cos if u had 5 defenders near u it would be like perma lightform which it is far from it

[/ QUOTE ]
With 5 Defenders near you, you would gain exactly 0% resistance, as Peacebringers are all about "closing holes" (where Warshades enhance what's already available), so true... it's far from it [Light Form].



maybe it could be just one bar, same size as defiance/fury bar, rather than being full or not it has 3 colours to it, these colours would dominate the bar more depending on what effects your getting?

might work...?




I thought I'd wait till I played one before I said "You dont need it" so now I have, you dont need it.

Blaster I was teamed with yesterday was dead on the ground floor of a mission, I was fighting a boss on the top floor and still getting the bonus for being teamed with a blaster. I know from the AT of the people in the team what bonus I will get (not numbers, but whether its damage,res or status prot), I can count how many are there. A bar would just display colours for this, but also without values. Evey time you changed form then the bar would be redundant. I'm planning on being human/dwarf but until those levels come I dont know which form I'll primarily in. If its dwarf a greyed out bar would be annoying, if its human I would be used to reacting to how many people in the team by the time I'm that level. I like that there's learning involved in playing my Warshade. If it was as simple as the other AT's why would you need to unlock it? I think the unlocking is proving you can handle a more complicated character (OK realistically its for spending a few hundred hours on another toon cause if you have the time you can level even at the debt cap) but I think the idea of them being more complex is that you've proved you can handle it.

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



aye i didnt think about the not being active in form mode

true i dont think it needs it either, its really obvious when you get the damage boosts etc, was really just following the original post idea with a way of it maybe working.

i too really enjoy the way my warshades been a learning challenge, its not like anything else i've played




hmm ive never really looke into it

i just played played played my peacebringer

people say they r <bleep here>

but thats kinda the fun of it lol

i mean 2 self heals and 3 sheilds, peacebringers DO have potential to be strong

lightform <3



it would be better if the bar told u how close u were at all times and the amout on the bar would be the amout u were getting