post your kheldian tricks




There's a few I've worked out so far:

build up then switch to nova for the two aoes, then just enough time for a solar flare in human form to finish

using quantum flight to take the alpha from a huge mob before the tank moves in and takes aggro back from you so you can un phase

Post your little tricks that are only possible with a kheldian



I do the build up - Nova - AoE -human -Solar Flare thing as well.

I'm very blasty for a peacebringer, so most of my tricks involve enabling me to steal a few AoEs in Nova form in a situation where I might otherwise be too squishy, then dropping to dwarf to take the return fire. Pulsar, White Dwarf Flare and Solar Flare are nice for that as they give a little breathing room to change forms and launch AoEs.

I vary the order of my Nova AoEs depending on what I want to do. If I have someone to take the aggro I'll start with the cone and then the AoE as the AoE might knock things out of cone range, however if I'm alone I usually start with the AoE to get less return fire as they're on their backsides.

I also sometimes use the Nova AoE as an opener while tanking, just blast from high above then change to dwarf as I drop in the middle of them. Tends to get their attention and gives a nice head start.

Someone here suggested using Quantum Flight for solo void hunting and I've been using it a few times. Just QF in, Build Up, wait for the void to fire the gun and then unphase and do a IS+RS combo to get rid of the void for good.

Also like my nuke chain of Conserve Power + Build Up + Solar Flare + Dawn Strike + CaB

I recently picked up Light Form and am eager to try out some new tricks with that. I miss changing forms, though.



like my nuke chain of Conserve Power + Build Up + Solar Flare + Dawn Strike + CaB

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sounds good but doesnt solar flare knock them out of the range of dawn strike?



Oh, forgot one.. I have a bind that drops me out of Nova and turns on Combat Flight, so I can remain in the air while I cast heals or buffs on myself.



like my nuke chain of Conserve Power + Build Up + Solar Flare + Dawn Strike + CaB

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sounds good but doesnt solar flare knock them out of the range of dawn strike?

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I don't really find it does that too much. Some, possibly, but Dawn Strike doesn't kill much by itself so I need to use it in a chain.



here comes the WS kill-all-in-mere-seconds trick...

-1 cab or any end-recovery buffs.
-dwarf form
-nova form
-sunless mire
-unchain essence
-dark extraction
-stygian circle

Right, first see that lovely mob of tightpacked enemies, waiting to be nuked? Theyre just askin for it aint they? So, what we do, swap to dwarf and tp in. Now when you are in the middle, absorb the alpha and fire dwarf mire. Detoggle dwarf and fire eclipse, followed by sunless mire. Hurray! you now reached your dmg, acc and res cap if all went well! How bout we let loose of that quasar then shall we? BOOM! dead enemies EVERYWHERE. Now pop that cab, find some dead bodies and use stygian circle to get back to full hp/end. Any survivors? lets use that unchain essence... Now use dark extraction to get lovely fluffy ball of doom, swap to squiddy and enjoy massive AoE blasting, warshade style

With squiddy in eclipse + 2 fluffy balls you can kill mobs faster than the tank can aggro em, enjoy

Variation tip: try adding hasten to the menu for an even more spicier recipe.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



here comes the WS kill-all-in-mere-seconds trick...

-1 cab or any end-recovery buffs.
-dwarf form
-nova form
-sunless mire
-unchain essence
-dark extraction
-stygian circle

Right, first see that lovely mob of tightpacked enemies, waiting to be nuked? Theyre just askin for it aint they? So, what we do, swap to dwarf and tp in. Now when you are in the middle, absorb the alpha and fire dwarf mire. Detoggle dwarf and fire eclipse, followed by sunless mire. Hurray! you now reached your dmg, acc and res cap if all went well! How bout we let loose of that quasar then shall we? BOOM! dead enemies EVERYWHERE. Now pop that cab, find some dead bodies and use stygian circle to get back to full hp/end. Any survivors? lets use that unchain essence... Now use dark extraction to get lovely fluffy ball of doom, swap to squiddy and enjoy massive AoE blasting, warshade style

With squiddy in eclipse + 2 fluffy balls you can kill mobs faster than the tank can aggro em, enjoy

Variation tip: try adding hasten to the menu for an even more spicier recipe.

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ZOMG!! the instawhirlingpurlpeballofdeath tactic

I use it all the time



Nova form, go for quantum gunner, self heal in human, finish him, leggit.



Does thinking you are able to do anything because of all the cool powers you have and then faceplanting instantly count as a trick? I do that one a lot if so.

"Never fear silly blaster who has run off on his own and aggroed a whole spawn - I'll save you! I'll simply AoE in Nova, then tank in dwarf for a mo, then maybe go lightform and then use Dawn Strike and th.... oh. Rez anyone?"



Does thinking you are able to do anything because of all the cool powers you have and then faceplanting instantly count as a trick? I do that one a lot if so.

"Never fear silly blaster who has run off on his own and aggroed a whole spawn - I'll save you! I'll simply AoE in Nova, then tank in dwarf for a mo, then maybe go lightform and then use Dawn Strike and th.... oh. Rez anyone?"

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL-Yep agreed somedays you feel uber (even pre 38 lol) and others its face plant time. Examples for me would have to include when gravity well failed to hold a void and a mob manages to hold/disorientate me before I can hit dwarf or neb form.He he got to laugh



whenever I get held I frantically mash the dwarf button on my mouse, then run out of dwarf attacks so switch back to human form and forget that holds are stacked on me in dwarf form so get instantly held again.



I *always* forget to check if there's status effects on me when I change from Dwarf.



One that works against a few types of Brute builds in PvP, although timing is the key. Go toe to toe with them in Dwarf form, bash pointlessly away until they use thier self heal, TP up high above them, switch to Nova, fire off a few blasts and then Human Form to finish them off.

Its worth it to see the 'Ha Chicken' type text on Broadcast when you TP up above them as they think you are running from them... few seconds later you force them to eat a big bowl of pavement.

Worked a few times for me, not a 100% chance of victory right enough



For human only pb
1 blue inspiration
Shining shield
Quantum shield
Thermal shield
Light form
Wonder where the hell you are or where you are going
Photon Seekers
IS, RS, Solar Flare, Gleaming blast, eye beams (can't remember what they're called of the top of my head), rinse repeat until the chaos is gone
Boom, no end, no health as LF goes
Pop the blue, conserve power, essence boost, self heal and away you go again - well, when LF and Photon Seekers have recharged anyway.