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  1. OK guess the superteam concept has been overdone lol . Anyway have rolled my fire/dark called Arcane Fire (not the band) so if anyone just wants a regular team with a new toon PM me or look for me ingame. Started her yesterday so she is only lvl 7. Global is @darkdominator
    Cheers DD.
  2. Dark_Dom

    The RSF thread

    Hi all,
    If Bru wants the cold/cold corrupter again lol I am more up for Wednesday evenings then Sundays as often lot of family stuff to do at the weekends. In addition is the pet from the patron pool any use Bru as thinking of respeccing the dark/fire brute to make the toon as LSRF friendly as possible
  3. Hi all,
    Is this team still going. As radio knows I have a lvl 9 ice/thorns which can be power levelled if required (if you are still in the teens?). But interested as heard all dom team is great laugh.
    Cheers DD
  4. Hi all,
    We all know that a sucessful Fire/Rad team has been done so just wondering if anyone fancies joining a regular Fire/Dark team on Union (concept wise a little bit more evil imo ). My lowly lvl 4 corrupter has just been started and wondered if anyone fancies rolling one or can dust one off a lowbie toon for a regular superteam. In addition if feather or anyone else fancies a fresh recruit to the corrosion rangers I would be proud to earn prestige for them
  5. Dark_Dom

    The RSF thread

    Hi Bru, as no one else seems to have done it-thank you for the leadership during the last lsrf. Great fun had by all though with the initial mayhem in mish one (and the tech bug)I did wonder , but you got us working together for the rest-nice job.
    May be a good idea to write some rules down for this sf if u have time for us noobs (along the lines of the hami raid info). I found for example that using you as targetter (like with streekz for the mitos in the hami raid) helped decreased the aggro for me personally while debuffing and attacking your target-leading to less chaos for all.
    Thanks again DD
  6. Before anyone says I know kb will be a problem but 3 slots for 2 (and hasten as one of them) and can always respec later if a major problem (I was one the one hoping to cause the knockdown with ice lol). Not a pvp build as yet so no need to go to leaping pool yet for that.
  7. Did I go wrong here-gone for hasten at 8 with ss at 14 (with availabilty of flight/ jump packs from the mayhems plus the jump pack form the combined addition didnt see this as a problem even in covs vertical maps). The reason, just started playing a dom again (deleted my previous I7 outing at 18), the new dom changes rock. So much so I figured hit the fast recycling dom and then hasten for lots more fun. heh
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    ... you ask yourself why your warshade seems to have a better taunt than the tanker and decide that mobs may just have a special appetite for seafood.

    [/ QUOTE ]..when in the hollows a void two shots your pb (after following u all over the map)and the lvl 10 tanker complains that it wasn't smart to taunt the man with the funny gun (happened to me yesterday-sigh)
  9. Dark_Dom

    The RSF thread

    Hi Bru, Have sent u a pm with my info, with negotiation with other half should be able to do that Sunday and can offer a cold/cold corrupter with shivans. Unfortunately couldnt fit leadership pool in (although I wanted to), as I thought both shields and frostwork might be considered more desirable. She is now fully PvE/RSF build instead of my previous "selfish" kill regen scrapper build
    Cheers DD
  10. Hi all

    I have read US guides on the viability of herding sucessfully with a /ff troller. Surely the same tactics can be applied to a /ff mm in bodyguard and especially post 40 with access to patron powers. Wondering if anyone has tried this with success or seen a guide to it. Would you have to get the taunt pool powers in order to do it well?

    Interested in your comments and ideas.

    Thanks DD
  11. Dark_Dom

    DM/FA or FM/FA

    Trix-totally agree with that I7 statement by the way-before I7 she was great (with an nrg/regen stalker I teamed with trying to keep up) but looking at the build weave is really the only major difference so I will have to try it now. Of course as you state weave will benifit from the -acc debuff generated from all the dark primary so that maybe why such a noticable difference.
  12. Dark_Dom

    DM/FA or FM/FA

    Trix firstly am not trying to start a flame war here just trying to answer the original question which was whats better for end game fire or dark with /fire with some reasons that are just my opinion. I obviously like the brute as she is 48 as well (I hasten to add that my power choices/slotting and yours are very similar) and I also went boxing and tough (identical slotting). Your choice of weave is very interesting though as I have previously thought that you got relatively little defence post ED. May have to try this on test now-ty.
    AS I stated I have no LSRF experience and I am glad see there is hope lol (by the way do the other /fire brutes use weave). I was NOT of course saying that we can not do the LSRF but suggesting perhaps that some brute secondaries are perhaps more optomised and suitable for it eg/stone. This was in an attempt to answer the posters question. I will of course doo the sf with twisted when debt doesnt matter at 50. BUT I would be suprised if I faceplanted less than a stone brute with access to granite with similar gaming abilities as me
  13. Dark_Dom

    The RSF thread

    Hi Bru, teamed with you and your SG for a few hours with Twisted a few days ago. If given enough warning can offer a lvl 50 cold/cold corrupter that I am going to respec just as a LSRF toon to any run as long as I have warning.
  14. Dark_Dom

    DM/FA or FM/FA

    Wouldn't recommend /fire as a LRSF brute but perhaps some /fires who have actually done the mish can answer that part of the question for you. But my feeling -well can work toward your next badge for toon death .
  15. Dark_Dom

    DM/FA or FM/FA

    Just speaking from the perspective of a dark/fire brute here, I have found Twisted slightly too squishy post 40 as I have said on other threads Denomic has helped a lot). Rebuilding her to build fury better (best defense a good offense ) has made the late 40s solo mishs easier (relentless for your info) and she is now at 48. With this in mind if you want to roll a /fire in the end game I would probably go with fire/fire for raw damage personally. But if you like your toys and dream of the day a regen brute becomes available (like never)go with dark/fire (full of nice if not hard hitting powers and great set of recovery powers ). Certainly the love given to healing flames is very noticable (near 800 hp) and is up a lot (and heals of course the best form of defence against all damage types). However if rolling at present I would be more tempted to roll a dark/elec or fire/elec perhaps. Hope this helps and just my opinion.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    think hammerfall can testify to the survivability of dm/fa in SC from me being in on mine the other night :P
    and yes i do have tough on mine, helped a LOT post lvl 40, without when issue 7 went live was kinda like being the uber squishy lol

    [/ QUOTE ]
    /agree with this from my own experience post 40-have tried tough and aid other in Twisted-Sister's numerous builds and tough has been better although with the change to healing flames (now increase resistances devs )and the above idea of a "regen" brute considering whether aid self may be the better option again lol.
  17. I am about to lose my dual guns (I know thwy look cool but stamina less build ) and will replace it another power. I am doing mostly Pve and some casual warzone pvp at the moment. So my question is what in the readerships opinion would be better (note have 2 out of medicine pool/leaping pool and leadership)
    (1) Get detention field for blapper love
    (2) get maneuvers to stack with ff and enforcers (quite fancy this one)
    (3) get tp foe (and perhaps go with tp instead of leaping)
    OR other...
    Would be grateful for any thoughts,
    Cheers DD
  18. Awesome thread Mike (just what I need )
    -Many thanks DD
  19. Hi all-build posted with as many of your suggestions in it as possible-have a look and see if it is viable.

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
    Name: Twisted-Sister
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Brute
    Primary: Dark Melee
    Secondary: Fiery Aura
    01) --> Shadow Punch==> Acc(1) EndRdx(9) Dmg(15) Dmg(42)
    01) --> Fire Shield==> DmgRes(1) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(3) EndRdx(5)
    02) --> Smite==> Acc(2) EndRdx(7) Rechg(9) Dmg(42)
    04) --> Blazing Aura==> EndRdx(4) EndRdx(5) EndRdx(7) Acc(40) Dmg(42)
    06) --> Swift==> Run(6)
    08) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(8)
    10) --> Healing Flames==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11) Rechg(11) Heal(13) Heal(19) Heal(34)
    12) --> Shadow Maul==> Acc(12) Rechg(13) Dmg(15) Dmg(29) Dmg(43) EndRdx(46)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Plasma Shield==> EndRdx(16) DmgRes(17) DmgRes(17) DmgRes(23)
    18) --> Health==> Heal(18) Heal(19) Heal(34)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
    22) --> Touch of Fear==> Acc(22) EndRdx(23) TH_DeBuf(27) TH_DeBuf(34) TH_DeBuf(40) Rechg(40)
    24) --> Consume==> Acc(24) Acc(25) Rechg(25) Rechg(37) EndMod(37) EndMod(39)
    26) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(26) EndRdx(27)
    28) --> Soul Drain==> Acc(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(31) Acc(45)
    30) --> Boxing==> Acc(30) Rechg(31) EndRdx(31)
    32) --> Tough==> EndRdx(32) DmgRes(33) DmgRes(33) DmgRes(33)
    35) --> Midnight Grasp==> Acc(35) EndRdx(36) Rechg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(37) Dmg(46)
    38) --> Fiery Embrace==> Rechg(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39)
    41) --> Air Superiority==> Acc(41) Rechg(43) EndRdx(43) Dmg(45) Dmg(46)
    44) --> Web Envelope==> Acc(44) EndRdx(45) Immob(48)
    47) --> Dark Consumption==> Acc(47) EndMod(48) Acc(48) EndMod(50) Rechg(50) Rechg(50)
    49) --> Rise of the Phoenix==> Rechg(49)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    Thanks again, DD
  20. Thanks for answering those queries and posting sound advice-will post a build soon with those suggestions. Just found sands of mu power under vet awards which is like having two shadow mauls so that has cheered me up lol.
    May go for the first option u gave me in your summary syn as sometimes /fire doesnt want to attract all the aggro-no granite or god mode of course
    Cheers all,
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    No such thing as a Patron hold for Brutes. Do you mean the AoE immob?

    [/ QUOTE ]hi, yep-typo or idle wish

    [ QUOTE ]

    With enough rechages in Smite and Shadow Punch, you should be able to cycle them without problem, although picking up Boxing (from the Fighting Pool as a precursor to taking Tough) should certainly resolve your Fury-Chain issues. As far as extra damage outside of Fury goes, I hope you've picked up Fiery Embrace from FA and Soul Drain from DM.

    [/ QUOTE ]hi, got boxing/fiery embrace and soul drain, although would appreciate posts in regard to slotting of the latter 2 so I can compare my own toon with yours.

    [ QUOTE ]

    A DM/FA has access to both Dark Consumption from the primary and Consume from the secondary - slot them 2 Acc, 2 Recharge, 2 EndMod and you should be chugging along without any pauses, even without Stamina. If you pick up only one of the two, I'd advise 2 Acc, 3 Recharge, 1 EndMod and taking Stamina - my EM/FA brute manages on that slotting, despite EM being far more endurance-intensive than DM. Make sure to stick an EndRed in all your shields, and two EndReds in Acrobatics (which I presume you have).

    [/ QUOTE ] yep I have done that with the build as it stands and have stamina (played a stamina less build from low 20s to low 30s and certainly can be done but not fun for my play style) but have only one end red in acrobatics on this build. I certainly notice end drain with burning aura but never really thought about the end drain associated with acrobactics-is it really that much?

    Now considering the low burst damage of dm compared to other primaries do u guys slot with damage?? I have been just using recharge (as suggested above) and end reduction but fury building as the post documents is my main issue-catch 22 situation
    Perhaps it is because I am soloing most of the time at present and too little mobs spawned on maps for full fury generation. I am currently thinking that air superiority may fill the attack chain-how are other brutes finding this for damage and fury generation as I have only heard good things??

    Thanks for the replys so far--much appreciated
  22. Hi I have played a dark/fire brute for 47 levels but have to admit still not got a complete handle on this one lol. Most respeced toon I ever had You name it I have tried it staminaless and with, concentrating on aoe vs single target attacks, a pvp build (still on drawing board for if I ever get to 50). With the mild love given to this toon in the last patch I feel I need to play her again lol. I am frequently disappointed post 40 in damage with this primary which means that rarely do I get fury high enough to make a burn patch with patron hold a beautiful thing . I was wondering if any one has an attack chain that seems to generate fury better or suggestions for fillers like air superiority as I currently have 2 respecs(if that is not bugged lol). In addition if anyone has some slotting advice for any of the end recovery powers here I am all ears because burning aura despite 3 end reds is a nightmare currently and still needing blues
    Many thanks
  23. Hi all,
    Wonder if the temp single target hold (golden rings lol) available and very easily obtainable on the winter event baby new year mish would be useful for this. The power will still be active on the 22nd I believe and theoretically every toon could have the hold .Could be very useful couldnt it?
  24. Hi Master,
    Thanks for the response. I would describe myself as an amateur at binds . I can activate powers, select team members, activate emotes, apply created mm bind files etc, BUT how do I exactly chain bindfiles? I know I can do this with 2 binds or macros so will this be the simpler option.
    Thanks again
  25. Hi,
    Trying to create bind to celebrate mission victory. My hope is to create a bind that will allow my pets to talk and emote victory in their own unique way with an answer and emote from my toon. I can see how I can easily achieve this with 2 binds BUT would it be possible to create such a "conversation" between minions and mm bound to just one key. I am afraid cannot work it out and am hoping for some help or advice.