OMG...I thought I would never see the day when your hero would finally get 50.
Well done've certainly worked hard for this and deserve it.
Congrats fella!
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Grats Black Dragon
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire
Well done mate!
Congrats BD! Its high time you got it
Nice one BD , about time mate
/em fancybow
Thank you, thank you, I know it's been a long time in the comming. But hey, what can I say? I'm a badge-hunter first and foremost - I mean, the main reason why I wanted to hit 50 at all was for the 'Hero of the City' badge.
...well, that and the Kheldians. Yeah, definitely the Kheldians. *goes off to make some Kheldians*
Congratz, will have to put a notice up on the site.
Gratz mate
Well done BD
Well done. I think I was yammering away to you on global.
Gratulations BlackDragon
big gratz !!
Congratulations on your 50. You'll never care as much about debt from now on.
Mainly found on the Defiant server
50's: Dax Furnice, Demberax, Dax Elfling, and a few others
Others: Dax Toxophilite, Acute Elfling
Honourable United
I NEVER cared much 'bout debt... I mean, I'm still working on the last debt-badge, y'know?
Grats BD!
Badge hunting or no badge hunting, you took your time Gratz and I hope you enjoy a very frustrating Kheldian life!
Grats! damn that means you have another badge
Enjoy your Khledian (until the novelty wears off )
Grats to BD fer dingin 50 while on the Sara Moore TF!!! Good on ya m8.. now help me lol.
Btw im typing this while we're still doin the TF!!!