Can anyone of you super creative guys do this?
Whoah..that is a really awesome site!
I can't really help you out, though. I won't be able to draw THIS good, and my coloring isn't quite that advanced either. Also note that there goes an incredible amount of time into such drawings, hence why he's asking money for it: it's a real illustrating job!
Yeah i know. I'm not asking for the coloring though, just a drawing that would look something like that .
I can't draw for [censored]. especially compared to this!!
Shameless plug...
Post screenshots of side/front/back views of your toon.
Would be nice to help
I'm still not sure about MMOart. I mean they excel in what they do.
These artists draw characters who's IP belongs to Criptic. Do they pay Criptic a percentage everytime they produce art and sell it?
Couldn't find that info anywhere on the site.
Would love to be enlightened on this...
I'm really not 100% on the exact legalities, but there is certainly scope to allow artists to produce new interpretations of copyrighted material for profit without licensing/royalties. I believe it to be based on the amount of work produced - if one-off commission pieces, then fair play, if mass produced screen prints, then prepare to have your wallet raided by the company that owns the IP.
All the above may be utter twaddle, but I'm not certain that the applicable laws are especially clear in the circumstances...
I'm not certain that the applicable laws are especially clear in the circumstances...
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah, laws about copyrighted material - concept art/official prints/etc - are very specific.
I checked the NCSoft User Agreement.
A simple rule of thumb is if the Member is receiving anything of value in exchange for a work created by the Member based upon, or related to any of the NCsoft line of games, it is likely to such use is an impressible commercial use of the exclusive rights held by NC Interactive (and its related Game Content Providers).
[/ QUOTE ]
I guess it comes down to circumstances.
Are the MMOart artists "members" of NCsoft and CoX?
Did they recieve express written consent from NC Interactive?
I don't know.
nope, are players of Co* though (one of the guys posts on the US forums)
i think it also helps that its commisons for the person who plays the Char most of the time as they have certain rights as well under the eula.
AFAIK the person who creates the character retains the copyright to it, NCSoft just gets rights to use it in any way they want to. So anybody could draw a picture of character you made in Co(H/V) with your permission as you still have the copyright.
It does make sense. Confirmation anyone?
EULA sez: [ QUOTE ]
c) Customer content. Customers can upload to and create content on the Publishers servers in various forms, such as in selections he makes and avatars and items he creates for the Game, and in bulletin boards and similar user-to-user areas (Customer content). By submitting Customer content to or creating Customer content on any area of the Service, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that such Customer content is the sole property of the Publisher. To the extent that the Publisher cannot claim exclusive rights in Customer content by operation of law, the Customer hereby grants (or warrants that the owner of such Customer content has expressly granted) to the Publisher and its related Game Content Providers a non-exclusive, universal, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicenseable right to exercise all rights of any kind or nature associated with such Customer content, and all ancillary and subsidiary rights thereto, in any languages and media now known or not currently known. The Customer shall indemnify and hold the Publisher harmless from and against any claims by third parties that the Customer content infringes upon, violates or misappropriates any of their intellectual property or proprietary rights.
[/ QUOTE ] What it means? I have absolutely no idea
Members are permitted to make use of Game Content in noncommercial contexts, including in connection with the creation of noncommercial fan fiction and fan sites and using game audio and video for creating noncommercial media.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can do anything you want with your char except make money of of it. If oyu start to make money with your character in or outside the game then you're infringing the Publisher's rights. In other words: If you make drawing from CoH chars for a living it's fine. If you make drawings of COX chars and then decide to make a TV show starring this char, you're in trouble . Like was said above, it's the quantity that matters here. If you make pictures on demand thats no biggie, but when you mass-produce ingame stuff without telling Cryptic or NCsoft you will get sued.
If i post some screenshots, would you make me a nice drawing swissy? Pretty please?
Members are permitted to make use of Game Content in noncommercial contexts, including in connection with the creation of noncommercial fan fiction and fan sites and using game audio and video for creating noncommercial media.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can do anything you want with your char except make money of of it. If oyu start to make money with your character in or outside the game then you're infringing the Publisher's rights. In other words: If you make drawing from CoH chars for a living it's fine. If you make drawings of COX chars and then decide to make a TV show starring this char, you're in trouble . Like was said above, it's the quantity that matters here. If you make pictures on demand thats no biggie, but when you mass-produce ingame stuff without telling Cryptic or NCsoft you will get sued.
If i post some screenshots, would you make me a nice drawing swissy? Pretty please?
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I don't think that it means what you said. Commercial work is payed work, so if you're not allowed to go commercial, you're not allowed to make money off of it. As said, doing fan sites and other fan-thingies are free and do not fall under this kind of work.
That being said, I don't think NCsoft or anyone can take you to court for drawing your character. Remember that you just create what you have in your mind in their game, so they can't really do anything outside of the game unless they can show that you stole stuff from the game. Hence the part about fan sites and fictions: since it will most likely include names and characters (fanfic) or screenshots and sounds (fan site) from the game , you would infringe the copyright of the game. However, by drawing a superhero who happens to have a 'belt' or a 'jacket', you wouldn't (unless, of course, you make him fight CoX villains, set him in CoX scenery or give him CoX attributes - think Arachnos logos or whatever).
Well actually i was right and so are you. I just have a hard time explaining it in a short piece of writing and without using judicial jargon. The point i was trying to make is that the eula and the user's agreement of NCsoft is like copywrite protection. Where they use the term 'commercial use' or 'commercial activities' the mean that if you start a company that uses pictures/sounds/images(=drawing based on char) for financial gain you are in violation. If i were to start drawing your characters for you and charged you money for it, that wouldn't be a violation, because i would give you the drawing and wouldn't go on TV charching evryone money for the same copy. I could include all the arachnos' symbols and CoX baddies i want without infringing their copyright, as long as it's just the one drawing.
I could probably explain this better if i wrote you a 5000 words essay on it but i don't really feel like it.
Now lets stop worrying about this and have swissy draw a ultracool pic of my char! I'll post some screenies later, ok swiss?
p.s. Not to be cocky or anything but i study law in uni so i know a little about this subject, but i could definetly be wrong here, above is just my educated opinion.
Heh, ok ok! I was just being curious. I know the site's artists are posting and present on the US boards, so I'm sure if there was an infrigment, it would have been delt with accordingly by now.
I was looking for a answer and I got it
Thanks for that peeps.
Post your screenies, Kingwill or send them to me via e-mail.
I got a few already to finish and I spend most free time playing CoX so you'll have to bear with me mate :P
I'll do an illustration of your hero too Kingwill, if you like.. send a screenshot to and I'll start drawing.

Here are some screenies swiss and pious. I hope they are good enough to draw from..
front , character right ,back ,closer, character left,
Will this do? If these aren't good enough i'll make some new ones!
Ooo i'm so excited
EDIT: He's a spines/invul scrapper btw...
I thought I should hyave a quick go at this so...
I hope you like Unicorns
Here are some screenies swiss and pious. I hope they are good enough to draw from..
front , character right ,back ,closer, character left,
Will this do? If these aren't good enough i'll make some new ones!
Ooo i'm so excited
EDIT: He's a spines/invul scrapper btw...
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you for the screenshots.
May I ask you to post screenshots of Arcane standing up please?
I made a preliminary sketch to get the feel of the character.
Hopefully, we can get some holding time at work so I can start on something decent...
I thought I should hyave a quick go at this so...
I hope you like Unicorns
[/ QUOTE ]
z0 ..........m.........g....... JerseysUnicornzPictureFTW!1!1!1!!1!million!!11!1
..........oh and Swissy's rock the cazz bar too id throw gold bars atchyu if i had them for u to draw my t00n.
Shnyet AWAY
Here is a start so you can see where it's heading.
In the meantime, heres a signature.
Hope you like them.
EDIT: How did you get your screenshots *linked* at thier actual size's 'cos photobucket shrunk mine.

EDIT: How did you get your screenshots *linked* at thier actual size's 'cos photobucket shrunk mine.
[/ QUOTE ]
In photobucket:
Top right->account options->under Album options->display URL->select yes.
If you have the above selected, when you're viewing you folder, under each picture you uploaded, there is the direct link -URL- of that picture.^^
Make sure you also select the max size allowed for your picture to be, size wise, uploaded at. I have it on 1Mb.
Also, all the picture I upload are either at 72 or 100 resolution.
With all this Photobucket should not resize your uploaded pictures...
Btw, nice work so far Pious, mate! Keep it up!
Thanks a million guys, i cant wait for the end results.
I love unicorns btw, wish i had some.
That signature is awesome 2!
Oooo i'm so excited
Any time buddy!
My standards? ^^ Well I guess there's always someone that's better than us in some way..
And yes, daily practice is the key
Amazing_Shnyet , pm me the gold along with your screenies.. that's if you still want me to have a shot at it..
...screw the legal junk, I'm commisioning a painting of BlackDragon when I get my next paycheck!
This is a website i posted about before on a different section of the boards. I really really like the drawings and want one of my main but they're really expensive. So...i was wondering if any of you guys could draw like this and would maybe, possibly, if its not to much trouble, draw something for me. Please? Pretty please?