"Easter Egg Hunt" this Monday! Prizes!
Yeah, I'll wander down - mainly for the fun of it... think I have an idea for a name.
I'll be coming
But I'm going to have to start a new toon
Oh well, I'll delete them afterwards... I'm soooo going for a tank
Holy moly!! That much influence would take years to transfer
slight ammendmant to make the contest faster.... the first clue will be given in Galaxt City by brawler, following clues will be given in the SG base
Sounds like a larf, jot my name down if you will
Cool, i;ll be there, now... to make a char for this
Put. My. Name. Down.
Hmmm, depending on whether an SG friend is making the last step towards 50 on Monday or Tuesday, I may or may not be there... I'll have to see - put me down as a tentative yes.
I'll be there. Out of desperation for influence! And for...erm...fun...yeah...that's why I'm coming...
I'll be there. Out of desperation for influence! And for...erm...fun...yeah...that's why I'm coming...
[/ QUOTE ]
You lil scrounger!!!
I might bless you lot with an appearance.
I shall see you there.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Character made. Prize for getting the reference in my toon name will be 50 inf, and perhaps a hug.
My toon is GREAT.
Im may pop along if I can bear to delete one of my chars (I want more union slots! lol)
Curse you all and your being able to play-ness!
I'm stuck at work until midnight, damnit!
Hope you all have a great time though.
New toon rolled. Sign me up.
Oh hang on, I can't get into the base - not a member of the SG. Damn. And Doulos isn't online. Damn.
It was funny...
Jummy bear wins 5 million for the scavenger "easter egg hunt"
Pyjamaman wins 3 million
Egg fu Yung wins 1 million
Chook won cozzie comp for 1 million
Sweet Zombie Jebus took 3 million for the pvp
Ginger Jesus got 2 million
And whoever frogue was got 1 million (the final amount was decided as god intended with paper scissors stone.)
now to earn some more influence and run another event! I enjoyed it, it was fun...
Prizes can ONLY be collected by the TOONS that won them, not by an alt, you can arrange the transfers with me during this week. Blaps will pay up.
Thanks to those who came, I really enjoyed it.
Jummy bear wins 5 million for the scavenger "easter egg hunt"
[/ QUOTE ]
Well........ of course
Oh my god I nearly died
I hate being like Monica from Friends (ie having an obsessive desire to win)
Can you post the clues and answers so people who couldn;t take part can see what went on?
1) The first question was somewhat confusing to some folks, how far from kings to perez, people gave all sorts of answers but mine was based on the road sign to galaxy from kings.
2) In steel canyon what does the shop next to Cookes Electronics sell?
3) How many cars are there in the car park immediately by wave landing in north independance port?
4) 109 yards south of hutchinson park in founders are some statues, what way do they face?
5) In PI, which is most northern facing zone of the arena?
All those and you had to be a level one to find them, I think founders was the hardest to get too for most people!
the answers... well go find them!
Just want to say thanks to Doulos for a great evening of scavenger hunting, and I'll collect my PvP winnings off you soon™
Was a lot of fun, especially listening to Accy over TS, and my favourite moment, trying to catch a death taxi back to the hospital in galaxy - it took 2 purples (level 6) over 1 minute to kill my level 1 scrapper... regen ftw! The same cannot be said for the +38 DE
Yeah, thanks for the uber event. Was great fun!!!
Monday Night, starting at 8pm GMT I will be putting on a little event for anyone interested. I will be in Galaxy City, I will give 5 clues which will be of INCREASING difficulty to answer and the first person to collect all 5 answers will win the jolly easter egg of 5 million influence, the second will win 3 million and the 3rd place will win 1 million... but there is a catch
(easter bunny girl)
you must complete the task as a level one character, you may not gain any levels in the process of completing the challenges, and if I even suspect you of cheating then you won't win anything. To ensure that no cheating occurs all contestants will join a super group that I will be starting so I can monitor who is online and what is their location so no switching toons to one with a travel power, the SG will dispand after the event...
to allow everyone an insight into how they are doing, after every successful answer given a promotion will be given to the candidate. SG colours will be worn through the competitions progress.
So you come straight to Galaxy City with a new toon and join the SG, NO TUTORIAL. I will give the first clue at 8pm, players go find the answer, then come back, send me a tell standing INFRONT of me and then I will reply with the next clue. Simple eh?
At the conclusion of the treasure hunt there will be a RUMBLE in the area for your level ones, the winner will be awarded 3 million, the runner up 2 million and the 3rd place 1 million.
A further 1 million will be awarded to the player who creates the toon with the most apt name and costume for the event! YOU COULD WIN 9 MILLION INFLUENCE...
Blapper will award the prizes... but I shall be creating a special character for the event to be games master.
Sign up if you're coming for a laugh and tell your friends...
Oh yeah, NO KHELDS!