Kheldian's drop like stones




Then you wasn't paying enough attention that one respec with me playing my WS cause I PWND everything before you got to them, as I was your tank/blaster/controller .. as well as wiping out mobs at the reactor

tho you was AFK alot during the ambushes on the reactor.. so i guess i can forgive u for not seeing the uberage of my WS



Well if you ask me in my expirance with playing in teams with the aliens the Peacebringer seems to be the strongest AT using a arry of powers from melee to raged makeing there enemies drop like stones.........Lol but the warshade well thats a differant story they seem like more of a control type there not as good as the peacebringer when using powers and there foes dont seem to die as easilly as the peacebringer

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as raz said you prolly never teamed with a GOOD WS. WS however bloom late, and are at their strongest in their 30s/40s. In the 40s i often teamed with PBs and I made white squiddy look weak and fragile compared to purple squiddy (right phil? )

and oh yeah, quit with that whole warshades are a control type thing.. that remark is bout just as true to say PBs are healers cause they got a heal power more than WS..

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Well if you ask me in my expirance with playing in teams with the aliens the Peacebringer seems to be the strongest AT using a arry of powers from melee to raged makeing there enemies drop like stones.........Lol but the warshade well thats a differant story they seem like more of a control type there not as good as the peacebringer when using powers and there foes dont seem to die as easilly as the peacebringer

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pffffff *spits coffee over moniter*

dont die as easy!?!?

A good ws player is an asset to any team..and can not only drop a mob in seconds..but be at full hp and end after



I'd really like to have a khieldan archetype, you don't get an inherent travel pwoer with any other archetype don't forget, so some poeple if they can manage without fitness they can just focus on all thier set power pools. After I get my lvl 32 corruptor to lvl 40 I'm gonna focus on city of heroes, at least until i7 comes out. God knows when though.



heh my WS didnt have any pool powers till 44... and then i only picked hasten cause i ran outta WS powers that fit into my build

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



heh my WS didnt have any pool powers till 44... and then i only picked hasten cause i ran outta WS powers that fit into my build

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I know what you mean.. it's a strange feeling looking at all the pool powers you're usually desperate to squeeze in your build and thinking "meh, I don't really need that".

I have Hasten, SS and Stealth on my PB now. Hasten is great to have, the rest are luxury powers that I took because they didn't require any slots. I wish I could trade in some of my power choices for more slots.



yeah, had that after 41, wished those next 9 lvls were all slots rather than 3 extra powers

only pool powers i got (iirc) are hasten and aid other, hasten to get eclipse n quasar back up ASAP (can use eclipse almost immediately after it wears off) and aid other to help my poor fluffy ball after mean mean CoT decide to pummel on him.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



help my poor fluffy ball after mean mean CoT decide to pummel on him.

[/ QUOTE ]

poor fluffy... mine gets so much beating as well.. he never do nothing wrong...



and he looks so cuddly n cute

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Clearly my PB is worth sticking with from what you guys say.

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Those that play a PB are more likely to stick with them till lvl 50 because the PBs start easy in the low levels(they're some kind of blapper with shields and self heals)while those that play a WS(I know many of em, one being myself)try and stick with it for a bit, but since they start pretty sucky(don't say no, the only power worth picking till lvl 18 is dark nova)they often drop em in the mid-late 20s for another alt.



I find Kheldians great in a team but completely helpless solo in some situations. Mine died 5 times trying to solo a mission today before I gave up. Was CoT but a void stalker made it impossible.

<ul type="square"> [*]Tried nova form, got mezzed by the CoT then one shotted by void. [*]Tried dwarf, got trapped in quicksand then two shotted by void. [*]Tried human, got mezzed then one shotted by void. [*]Tried combinations of the above, managed to thin out the CoT a little by pulling but but a void stalker plus CoT is lethal. [/list]I'll leave that one till I have a team, that's the only mission my PB has had that she just couldn't solo when any other AT would have managed. They are just far too weak to void attacks...bit of a let down for a supposedly epic AT to be honest.

I play mine because it's a nice change after the other AT's but don't expect anything "epic" from your Kheldian. In my opinion, the powers they have don't really compensate for the weakness to those voids/quantums which appear in every single mission that you take on with your PB or WS.

Having said that, they are fun to play in a team so I'd say they are worth persevering with. It won't be an easy ride though, especially if you find yourself soloing for any length of time.



Those anti-kheldian weapons hurt like heck. I actually started to make a point of tackling any Voidies that I stumbled across with my non-kheldian AT's.



First thing i did when i started playing was be an altaholic my tanker, defender, controller, blaster and scrapper all to lvl 20 so i have an idea of how they can work to help eachother better so when i got a kheldian well i kept being an altoholic because why change a good habit.

My warshade was good up until i respec'd human/dwarf form at lvl 20 (free respec) i hated it and decided tri form was the way to go at 24 i think. I think once you find the right way to build for you, you start to enjoy it. My peacebringer is flawless to me imo by sheer fluke. I am staying triform with her and i cant see why fitness pool or anyother outside pool is needed for the life of me atm.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Trapped in quicksand? Isn't that what dwarf step is for? Don't have too much problem with voids/quantums when in dwarf form although I'd hate to take on anything more than +2 by myself.
Taking on CoT means stocking up on BFs before heading in.
Whilst they're certainly not epic by the common definition of the word their nature allows for greater diversity in builds - which will appeal to some, but not to others. Some people copy builds posted on here, looking to squeeze the maximum potential out of an AT by relying on the the experience of others, but Kheldians are different in that there's so few of them (take all the way through to 50) and so much diversity I would hazard that maybe the "ultimate" Kheldian build hasn't been identified yet.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I find Kheldians great in a team but completely helpless solo in some situations. Mine died 5 times trying to solo a mission today before I gave up. Was CoT but a void stalker made it impossible.

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My PB's pretty good at team and soloing, even with CoT. Voids can be a pain in the [censored] but as long as you're quick on your feet, have a load of Respites and get the void before it gets you then you'll survive the battles.

(Also it helps at lvl 35 when you get your self rez )



Trapped in quicksand? Isn't that what dwarf step is for?

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Yes but you need time to activate it, tp isn't exactly instantaneous. I was overwhelmed in that situation, more CoT than I originally thought and the void was the icing on the cake. Having said that, even when I knew the size of the group I couldn't get around it. Have gained a level now though...ready to try again



I find Kheldians great in a team but completely helpless solo in some situations. Mine died 5 times trying to solo a mission today before I gave up. Was CoT but a void stalker made it impossible.

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My PB's pretty good at team and soloing, even with CoT. Voids can be a pain in the [censored] but as long as you're quick on your feet, have a load of Respites and get the void before it gets you then you'll survive the battles.

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That was my plan but the CoT plus void made it really tough. Too tough as it turned out. I told them I'd be back but it sounded a bit hollow as I left with my tail between my legs.


(Also it helps at lvl 35 when you get your self rez )

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I didn't take self rez, wish I had. Definately have to take a serious look at that next time I get a power.

Srangely enough I've faceplanted more from 35-38 than I did all the way to 35. Could be because I changed tactics from simply blasting from a great height and decided to change her build towards tri-form. Not sure if that was such a great idea but it does give me some flexibility.

Bit of a jack of all trades but still fun in spite of the endless voids



Yes but you need time to activate it, tp isn't exactly instantaneous.

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I dunno, a second and a half isn't bad. Are you using the lctrl+lbutton bind? TP becomes VERY quick if you use that bind.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Not quick enough to avoid void IMO.
I prefer to fly at them in human form at high speed, activate build up and whack down my melee attacks.
Kills the Void, and the knock back clears out the mob.
He usually gets a hit on me, but voids are like that. [Censored]