Kheldian's drop like stones




A lot of people have their hero/villain list in their sig. Many also quote the level.

Guessing from what I can see, a lot of people run off and build a Kheldian when they get a 50, but quickly get bored and start making other, more regular, toons.

Are there any people who can say they really enjoyed their kheldian when they got it, and didn't drop them like an energy-based-alien-merged-with-a-hot-potato?



I've enjoyed mine.



Mine kicks bottom. Lvl32 and climbing.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



*looks down*


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I'm starting to find it hard to lvl and get into good teams with mine at the mo but I ain't giving up now!!!



Really depends on what people expect of them. Those that think they are getting an uber killing machine are sadly dissapointed and give up on them. Those that like the challenge and unique style of play stick with it.

Teamed with a WS today in the hollows. He spent most of the mish moaning about how "WS sux", "can't hit anything", "drain end too fast" "rubbish reward for getting to 50" etc.. He is never going to stick with it.

Of course, this experienced level 50 player also asked what level the first respec was at....



hmmm mebee the title is wrong "khels *can* drop any *mob* like stones"

its my most used toon...if theres a tf or respec i always break out the shade



I think its expectations. When you race towards 50 you will probably team with a peace or war at some point. And you'll see them at higher and higher levels probably played well (if they got that far). The problem is that this is then the only experience many have of this AT and as such believe it will begin as this ultra tanking, blasting machine, changing forms all over the place. Truth is this isn't the case when you start and isn't for a while. Plus slots are annoyingly short if you choose forms :/



I'm loving my PB and WS. ATM I'm working on my PB more than my WS and occassionally work with my other ATs.

I think the reason behind why people don't play PB and WS for long is because they're difficult to play. If you get caught by a Quantum, void or Shadow Cyst Crystal chances are you're gonna die very quickly unless you get them first. If you haven't played a difficult character to 50 (e.g. Ice/Ice tank or a blaster) then chances are that most won't like playing as a PB or WS because of the difficulties with them.

Its a shame really alot of ppl don't like them but if given the chance to get past lvl 20 at least then ppl will see how great these ATs really are.



i love my shade and its even more fun to play than my defender was, uber damage when you slot properly and jack of all trades but unfortunatly master of none



hmmm mebee the title is wrong "khels *can* drop any *mob* like stones"

its my most used toon...if theres a tf or respec i always break out the shade

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Yup she does lol its her "main muse"



*looks down*

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*Looks at his own ATs and laughs like a maniac*

Yea.. drops like stones.. mmm.. only if the player isn't paying attention and using the AT potential.



i love my shade and its even more fun to play than my defender was, uber damage when you slot properly and jack of all trades but unfortunatly master of none

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And that's what makes the kheldians that more fun and powerful



i love my shade and its even more fun to play than my defender was, uber damage when you slot properly and jack of all trades but unfortunatly master of none

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Ah, but therein lies their mastery. They are uber-adaptive. I think it take a certain kind of player to appreciate the power of adaptability.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Clearly my PB is worth sticking with from what you guys say. I pride myself on adaptability so it's just a matter of finding a way of playing him thats fun and effective.

Definatly need to find him a SG, coz Khelds seem to need teams more than most ATs



loved mine and enjoyed every single bit gettin him to 50 still he is one of my fav toons

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Put it this way.. if i canget my Ws to 50 in i6, when i hated it in i4, and got my PB to 50 instead, then you can to..stick with it.. it gets easier and more fun in time.



I love my pb

it does help being in the 1AT coalition and always getting good teams though.



They are tricky to play but great fun, just remember plenty of breakfree's once you get into the 40's



i always packed a load of blues to nuke the hell outta em (1 blue per nuke to be able to activate styg circle )

Fun thing with WS is, in the start indeed you often find it tricky to join teams. Then once you prove yourself a bit in big teams and show what a killing machine you are, you most of times get swarmed by invites as soon as you log on

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Love my PB to death. 50 levels of pure joy ending in extremely powerful and highly durable character.



essell!!! haha good to see you man! Long time no see, remember darkstalker, when we used to team during the teen levels in like issue 3, along with kreternal!

Great to see you again matey



i enjoy all the AT's i play them all on and off until one finds a group of people same level to level up with regularly.
I have no interest in having a high 50 count asap as its meaningless to me (although i have some). Its the journey that counts. I could have one of the longest sigs on the forum(if i bothered with sigs) cos i am such an altaholic!

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



i enjoy all the AT's i play them all on and off until one finds a group of people same level to level up with regularly.
I have no interest in having a high 50 count asap as its meaningless to me (although i have some). Its the journey that counts. I could have one of the longest sigs on the forum(if i bothered with sigs) cos i am such an altaholic!

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I can't say nothing to that... other than it's true... *looks at his list*


*runs off cliff forgetting to activate Nova form and SPLATS!*



Well if you ask me in my expirance with playing in teams with the aliens the Peacebringer seems to be the strongest AT using a arry of powers from melee to raged makeing there enemies drop like stones.........Lol but the warshade well thats a differant story they seem like more of a control type there not as good as the peacebringer when using powers and there foes dont seem to die as easilly as the peacebringer