Awww it will be a shame to see such a great person leave. I haven't played CoV with you for a while but you're one of the people who stick in my mind from when i did.
Take care and all the best wherever you end up Confess.
Will miss you mate, enjoy D&L.............. maybe all them 40s was just too much in the end.
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Well it has been the community that has kept me here so long. And it was great playing with you Hack...especially those early days in sirens
Dark, well it was a good goal and let me explore pretty much all the content of CoV. Was great fun and let me meet some great folks.
And if you ever find your way to dark and light send me a tell
Oh anyone who wants it my MSN is sephim@blueyonder.co.uk
That'll be a bit of a blow for the 'ol Dagger Boys ! Take care.
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes
ay!!!! dont think so!!!!! get bk ere!!! :
was nice meetin ya flick dying in sirens to u was fun...*partially* xD and killing u even more fun!
gl in what j00 do
Lol thanks Ty, has was er great fun being killed by you....honest.....mmmm...I love that sirens tarmac taste
Yeah it was great fun and really enjoyed playing in sirens with all the old crowd. Might have to pop in one final time before I go. Just so everyone can make sure they got the chance to faceplant me
Sorry to hear you're leaving, never really teamed with you but looooooooads of help with my brute so much thanks!!! Keep in touch now xx
Flick good luck and i hope you keep enjoying and having fun one of the best people i met in game and always fun to yank your pigtails
Take care now i am sure Fu will keep things same till you rush back
take care confess, been pleasure to know you and had some good battles in Sirens.
have fun in any future projects you goto.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
Well will be around on the forums for a little while yet And will definately miss you folks
Farewell Pretzel, definately made my time in CoV a lot more pleasant. Make sure you pop back from time to time and keep in touch! I'm sure a lot of players will miss having you around.
Good luck and take care
Well, I said it in the db Forums and I'll say it here...
You're going to be missed. You're a great leader and I know whatever you decide to do you'll be great at it.
Do keep in touch, even if it's just once every 6 months or so, and again I say, I'll keep a seat warm if you decide you want to get to level 50!
Miss ya already hon
xxx Ethan xxx
Yes, I'm one of those sad folk on twitter!
"Do not underestimate the power of Shiny�" - Mothers_Love
Booohooo, another CoV pioneer bites the dust
Sigh....the fact i7 is taking soo long to come out isn't helping us preserve the long term players....I just hope it's as good as it's portrayed to be!
Laters Confess/Flick, I've enjoyed reading your posts, so don't stop doing that
I'm sorry to see you go as well Flick, would of liked the chance to of teamed with you at some point.
It appears that this is a major casualty in the wait for I7, and coming from an SG ranked 6th (before joining the Daggers) who folded when players decided to leave due to the fact that we were promised Feb, then March the straw that broke the sg's back was when it was announce April, and here we are half way through and no sign of I7 even on the test!
But I digress, so long Flick, hope that you will be back at some point.
Well I know you only from your posts and a few of your SG.
I dont think CoV is as magic as CoH and it seems even those that are captivated seem to lose interest sooner than those leaving CoH.
Well anyway have fun and m,aybe Ill see you in Dark and Light. And guess what? Im Light. PvP again
That's a shame that you're leaving, Flick - many thx for your help with a couple of my villain builds, was very much appreciated!!
Well am always happy to help and anyone who wants to can still grab me on MSN or even here as will check in periodically I will however definately miss the social aspects of the game although not the game itself.
Cya around Flick - always sad to see people leave but I hope you'll find fun and challenges elsewhere
And thx for the trading - really helped my SG on the way.
My pleasure Stomparr, always figured it took very little time to help folks out
It is with some sadness that I have decided that my days in CoV are over, I have had some very good times, and met some great people, however at present the game is not grabbing me like it used to. I would like to thank everyone for making my stay in CoV great fun.
I hope that you all continue to have fun and are looking forward to all the new stuff coming out with issue 7. I will however make sure that salvage is passed on to other parties so that the SG can continue with its base building operations.
If anyone is playing dark and light, I will most probably be there on a character called Flicknife or Golden on the dark side. You can always get in contact by PMing me here.
All the best for the future