Respec Mission - Sat 1st April @ 2pm
I'd be interested with Therra if there enough high levels so she won't destroy the difficulty by being the only char exemplared to the level cap there.
ill be happy to join the respec mission, i have a level 25 blaster named dazz
Ok.. so far we have
1. Magnetosphere - lvl24 grav/kin controller
2. Therra - lvl50 fire/fire tank
3. Dazz - lvl25 blaster
C'mon guys, gals & things... who needs a respec?!?!?!
Yes please! Black Gateway needs a respec sooooo bad.
She's a Dark/Psi def level 24. She's like Mercedes with a Kia engine without stamina
If I get my Broadband sorted during the week I'd love to celebrate by clobbering some Sky Raiders and getting the respec. If you'd pencil me in for the mo. But if you get more definates beforehand thats cool. I'll definately confirm Yay or Nay before Friday anyway (come on Smart Telecom!)
Level 24 Fire / Rad Controller or level 25 Kinetics / Elec Defender, whichever you need.
So far:-
1. Magnetosphere - lvl24 grav/kin controller
2. Therra - lvl50 fire/fire tank
3. Dazz - lvl25 blaster
4. Black Gateway - lvl24 dark/psi defender
5. Soloth or Maloth - lvl24 fire/rad or lvl25 kin/elect defender
3 spaces left!! Get your name down while you can
Hmm, looks like I'll be the only high leveler, thats going to completely mess the difficulty up unfortunatly if some more highers don't sign up. If not then I'll have to drop so you guys and girls can actually do it.
C'mon guys, gals, & things... put your name down!
If you dont want the respec you can have an SO!! Plus loads of xp/inf (depending on your lvl etc.)
I'd love to but I don't know if I'll be able to
Can you put me down as a maybe?
35 Rad/Rad
Count me in
Magic Healing - lvl31 emp/energy defender
Contact @Magic Healing
So far:-
1. Magnetosphere - lvl24 grav/kin controller
2. Therra - lvl50 fire/fire tank
3. Dazz - lvl25 blaster
4. Black Gateway - lvl24 dark/psi defender
5. Soloth or Maloth - lvl24 fire/rad or lvl25 kin/elect defender
6. MAYBE - Shimmer lvl35 rad/rad - MAYBE
7. Magic Healing - lvl31 emp/energy defender
C'mon.. got 1 space left (2 if you count shimmer as a maybe). Could really do with having these spaces filled!
For everyone that has signed up. Can you please be at the end of valor bridge in IP (next to contact) by about 1:45pm so we can start on time.
If anyone else wants to join please send a tell to me (magnetosphere) and I will check to see if we have spaces before we start. There are still a space left if anyone wants it.
Hmmm. Looks like Maloth would be more useful in that team make-up. No real need for another Defender, especially not a Kinetics with Magnetosphere packing Kinetics too.
More AOE Control would be better to set up Containment for us both I think. Poor mobs are going to be debuffed to high heaven too if we can all make it (still crossing my fingers. I so miss CoX).
Looks like im spamming crushing field, single target hold, and aoe holds like mad lol. Plus SB and ID
Looks like im spamming crushing field, single target hold, and aoe holds like mad lol. Plus SB and ID
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Mmmm. Containment, Speed Boost, AMs & Hotfeet . Plus with a Dark and Rad defender and my Rad secondary even I can't die too much...
Mals AOE damage output is way higher than Sols (Elec secondary ) and we don't have many meleers to benefit from another Kinetics.
someone who can actually hurt things might be nice
Would be nice.. will have to look around. Knowing me I wouldnt be able to find anyone lol
Everyone ok with a lvl50 coming? would be fun with all that xp
Yep a Spines scrapper would be nice to compliment the team with some AOE mayhem...
Everyone ok with a lvl50 coming? would be fun with all that xp
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Yep of course. The amount of debuffing being done means we should be alright hitting the mobs and surviving em. What levels will they end up being? 29s or something? Come get some
What levels will they end up being? 29s or something? Come get some
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Thank goodness for autohit powers...
Havnt chosen my lvl24 power yet so im gonna get repel to help out in the reactor.
No ones getting near that reactor with me running round it like a loon!
Its 10-skyraider-bowling.. with me as the ball hehehehe
Havnt chosen my lvl24 power yet so im gonna get repel to help out in the reactor.
No ones getting near that reactor with me running round it like a loon!
Its 10-skyraider-bowling.. with me as the ball hehehehe
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Had lots of fun doing this before with Carnifax running Hurricane
If its as XP rich as I think its going to be I may be able to have gotten Bonfire by the time we get to the reactor...
I admit it.. i just love xp lol
Havnt chosen my lvl24 power yet so im gonna get repel to help out in the reactor.
No ones getting near that reactor with me running round it like a loon!
Its 10-skyraider-bowling.. with me as the ball hehehehe
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Hardly surprising no scrappers have signed up for this is it???
There all in awe of my MaD Skillz
Hi everyone,

First off, this isnt an April Fools!!
Is anyone interested in doing the level 24+ respec mission? Im looking to gather a group to go save the reactor (and grab a respec while im there lol).
If your interested, please post here.