Bum, where is Jum?
See you soon mate wont be the same without you
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Naughty NAUGHTY Jum. Don't skip classes, c'est BAD.
Have fun with coursework, speedoboy
Remember for extra marks put a footnote saying you wrote it in speedos, its sure to be a wow'er with the superiors.
Retired - For Now
@Infernius - 50 Fire/Fire Tanker
AeoniX - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Syinf - 36 Katana/SR Scrapper
Proud Member Of The FORUMITES
hope to see you soon Jum, erm... i think, just put some clothes on!!!
Love Jum/Jumjum/JUM!/Jumhead/Jummie/Jummy Bear
(your favorite toon in speedos )
[/ QUOTE ]
dammit... where's the FREAK! option?
anyway, cya soon jum, i'm cuttin down on gametime myself for roughly same reasons (lots of work to do for university) as well so I know what yer gettin at
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Don't forget about me! Have fun in the *real world*!
Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad
cya soon Jumjum
When did they ever make a *real world*?
I dont know who you are Jum, but you seem to have made you way onto my global list for sum reason , seems bad not to say bye, so...
p.s. bah new signatures not working
The coursework that I have missed out on (and the lessons I have skipped to play) has caught up with me
[/ QUOTE ]
Know the feeling
This is terrible!
I call for an instant gathering of all the available 1AT coalition empaths - we must pool our resources to take up the slack from Jum's absence...
And we must all create SPEEDO or SWIMWEAR costumes to tide us over until his return!!!
This is terrible!
I call for an instant gathering of all the available 1AT coalition empaths - we must pool our resources to take up the slack from Jum's absence...
And we must all create SPEEDO or SWIMWEAR costumes to tide us over until his return!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Limit it to speedo's because otherwise all you pansies will just cop out and make the swimwear because you could never voluntarily match the hardcore uberness that is the gimp mased, speedo wearing EXTREME healer!
Don't stay away to long bud!
I dont know who you are Jum, but you seem to have made you way onto my global list for sum reason , seems bad not to say bye, so...
p.s. bah new signatures not working
[/ QUOTE ]
You play with my brother, Katora (who by the way, is almost 50).
Thanks for all your support guys, made headway on getting a social life again, and got mullered
"You've been living in a dream world Jumi"
Have fun in this real world,
vot ist zis real vorld yoo speek ov!
Retired - For Now
@Infernius - 50 Fire/Fire Tanker
AeoniX - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Syinf - 36 Katana/SR Scrapper
Proud Member Of The FORUMITES
real world? what server is that? some kind of special event? new zone? temp power?
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
real world? what server is that? some kind of special event? new zone? temp power?
[/ QUOTE ]
It'll come in Issue 712: 'Along Came a Bug', after the expansion City of Citizens were you'll only be able to see some screenshots every now and then and you'll have to figure out what happened in the meanwhile, with new AT with random primary/secondaries picked between the already existing ones and put together badly...Oh wait...Sounds familiar..
I dont know who you are Jum, but you seem to have made you way onto my global list for sum reason , seems bad not to say bye, so...
p.s. bah new signatures not working
[/ QUOTE ]
You play with my brother, Katora (who by the way, is almost 50).
Thanks for all your support guys, made headway on getting a social life again, and got mullered
[/ QUOTE ]
But obviously you whipped out your speedos and cured that 'mullering' away with your EXTREME healing! Hope things are ok bud.
Basically, to all that who know me on the game/forums, I would just like to say that over the next month or so, my play will be dramatically reduced.

The coursework that I have missed out on (and the lessons I have skipped to play) has caught up with me, including my miss of a social life, so for the next month or so, I'm going to be taking a big break to catch up on RL things. I'll still pop on every now and then, sometimes for a afternoon or 2, but more likely for half an hour in the early hours of the morning, and i'll be checking the forums everyday.
Just thought I'd post on the forums then rather tell everyone one by one as it's much simpler this way.
I'll be back playing full time soon, with more force then ever
Love Jum/Jumjum/JUM!/Jumhead/Jummie/Jummy Bear
(your favorite toon in speedos