Fire/Kin Build




I've been toying with starting a Fire/Kin Controller (I'll make on as soon as I can figure out a damn costume for him!).

This is the build I'm thinking of using, but never having played either Kinetics or Fire before I want some advice.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Level: 50
Archetype: Controller
Primary: Fire Control
Secondary: Kinetics
01) --> Char==> Acc(1) Acc(7) Hold(9) Hold(13) Rechg(13) Rechg(34)
01) --> Transfusion==> Acc(1) Heal(11) Heal(11) Heal(36) Acc(36)
02) --> Fire Cages==> Acc(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) EndRdx(5) Rechg(7)
04) --> Siphon Power==> Acc(4)
06) --> Hasten==> Rechg(6) Rechg(17) Rechg(17)
08) --> Hot Feet==> EndRdx(8) EndRdx(9) Dmg(15) Dmg(15)
10) --> Siphon Speed==> Acc(10)
12) --> Flashfire==> Acc(12) DisDur(43) DisDur(43)
14) --> Swift==> Run(14) Run(34) Run(40)
16) --> Hurdle==> Jump(16) Jump(40) Jump(40)
18) --> Cinders==> Acc(18) Acc(19) Hold(19) Hold(27) Rechg(29) Rechg(31)
20) --> Speed Boost==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22) EndMod(23) EndMod(23)
24) --> Increase Density==> DmgRes(24) DmgRes(25) DmgRes(25)
26) --> Assault==> EndRdx(26) EndRdx(27)
28) --> Inertial Reduction==> Jump(28) Jump(29) Jump(39)
30) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(30) TH_Buf(31) TH_Buf(31) TH_Buf(39) EndRdx(46)
32) --> Fire Imps==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(34)
35) --> Transference==> Acc(35) Acc(36) EndMod(37) EndMod(37) EndMod(37) Rechg(46)
38) --> Fulcrum Shift==> Acc(38) Acc(39)
41) --> Fire Ball==> Acc(41) Dmg(42) Dmg(42) Dmg(42) Rechg(43)
44) --> Fire Blast==> Acc(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Rechg(46)
47) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(47) DefBuf(48) DefBuf(48) TH_Buf(48) TH_Buf(50)
49) --> Fire Shield==> DmgRes(49) DmgRes(50) DmgRes(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
01) --> Containment==> Empty(1)

Anyone spot any glaring errors here?



All you want in fire cages is too acc, You dont need anything else. The duration is good, the damage is poor whatever you do so dont bother slotting for that.

I wouldnt bother taking hot feet, or maybe respec it out later once you get the imps. The damage is poor really.

Flashfire needs a second acc, and 2 recharges. So ideally move the slots from fire cages over to flashfire.

Cant say for the kinetics side though




I wouldnt bother taking hot feet, or maybe respec it out later once you get the imps. The damage is poor really.

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Hot feet is more for the PvP side of things...bloomin' Stalkers



Fair enough then, But I wouldnt put too many slots in it, Just enough acc to get rid of the AS



Fair enough then, But I wouldnt put too many slots in it, Just enough acc to get rid of the AS

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Does it take accuracy? Hero Builder wouldn't let me put any in.



It didnt use to, It was auto hit.

Been changed recently so that it now requires a tohit check



Ah...I should check for hero builder updates more often



looks pretty good to me, almost same build as mine, personally i'd keep hot feet for both pvp and pve, in pve with fulcrum and containment it does a lot of dmg



You could probably drop one of the slots from inertial reduction if you had somewhere else you needed another slot. I don't know what the numbers are but I reckon with your 3-slotted hurdle assisting your inertial reduction you're probably not gaining a whole lot from that third slot

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



Get a travel power, and then later if you want to respec it out do so.

Got Firkin upto 24 and had to get a travel power because siphon speed was either missing, drawing agro and I was dieing or hitting, drawing agro and dieing abit.

The only time it works without too much risk is when I am siphoning lower level minions. When you go into a new zone, ie you are lvl 20 and the mobs are all 20+ it is a bit dangerous.

End is very hard to deal with before stamina, so get it at 20 it makes it so much easier.

Siphon speed I would put more recharges in so you can easily double stack it.

With me being at only 24 with my fir/kin controller thats about the end of my experiance. But looking at it you may not want so many damage in the imps because you will be either siphoning power or Fulcrum shifting and you have assult to ..

maybe more recharge in FS so it's available more often.

Foxmaiden's Den of Control, home of the Ultimate Fire Control Guide This is worth a read for fire/* controller



Yeah, I was considering going for a travel power and respecing....but yesterday I was teaming with Spad on his Kinetic defender and he was outpacing me with fly!



I'm with ARMS on this. I've a level 24 Dark Kinetics Corrupter with no travel power but only because of the Jingle Jet and, nowadays, the kindness of Goldbrickers whose jetpacks I keep nicking that I can get away with it. I'm looking very forward to IR at 28 though.

On my Kinetics defender I picked up Fly at 20 for flying about Talos / IP. I'll Siphon whenever I can for the extra speed (Siphon Speed affects flight speed too, but it still seems slower than sprinting with Siphon).



Fire isnt the best primary for PvP. You get lots of AoE damage, but you lack soft control. Fire is ok but not the best.

If you want him for PvE I recommend;

Flashfire - 6 slot it. You will use this power almost every time you engage a group. Its better than cinders cause it recharges faster. Combine with fire cages, you wont get a better hold. 2 acc - 2 stun -2 recharges. I personnaly use 1acc - 2 stuns - 2 recharge - 1 endred. With tactics I hit most of the time.

Hot Feet - Fulcrum Shifted hot feet. Hmm yes you want it for PvE reasons. Its awesome.

Firecages. I would recommend 2 acc maybe add a recharge or end red depending on need. The damage from hot feet will more make up for the lost damage in cages.

You could drop an end red in SB, if you find you need slots else where.

You might considder putting the last slot in Fireball. Extra recharge or end red doesnt hurt.

Fulcrum shift prolly needs recharges.

Fire/kin gets better with lvls. You will prolly find that the 40's are faster than the 30's. Maybe even faster the 20's.

A Paragon Defender



My suggestions would be:

Fire cages- I find 2 Acc, 2 Immob works fine, never bothered using it for dmg, mainly in combo with flashfires and setting up containment.

Flashfires- 2 Acc, 2 Disdur, 2 Recred, very handy power with firecages so you'll want it back fast.

Increase Density- I've never really used this as a dmg res buff mainly for clearing status effects (zzz, hold etc.) I have this 1 slotted with Recred.

Fireball- Id take the recred out of this and have 2 acc instead. Siphon speed and hasten are more than enough to get this up at a steady speed. Same again with Fire Blast.

Fulcrum shift- I have this 5 slotted 2 acc 3 recred. I can keep this buff up and use it twice/battle if there are enough mobs left over.

I think you should pick up Bonfire, its a very handy soft controll power. Great if the mobs are in a corner you can keep them bouncing till the tank/you can keep them busy. Im not sure what you should drop to get it though.



Fulcrum definately needs 3 recharges, you want this to be up as soon as possible + I would recommend adding more slots in siphon speed for that "almost like the good ol' permahasten days" (it stacks)

Don't slot fire cages for dmg, 1 or 2 acc maybe and end red and immob duration...test it and see what fits.

As NB said the flashfire + firecages will be your most important move...especially after you get fireball; flashfire + fire cages + fulcrum shift + fire ball = dead mobs

As Flicker_Flame said you won't wanna bother with ID unless you haven't got anything else to take (doubt that ) but of course its a nice power to have in PvP

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"




Increase Density- I've never really used this as a dmg res buff mainly for clearing status effects (zzz, hold etc.) I have this 1 slotted with Recred.

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A mistake I think, it give good smash and nrg resistance and those types of damage arent exactly uncommen.

controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr



Have fun buffing the whole team every minute then



Having both SB and ID can be pretty busy indeed when in large teams. But ID provides great resistance to energy and smash damage and some excellent knockback protection. The short duration is a known issue, so i tend to use it pro- actively only on the the squishie blasters/trollers/defs who generally lack knockback protection and sometimes include scraps to give m that extra edge when facing a tough crowd. Other then that it's used mostly to protect from mezzes.
I think its a very valuable power for a kin, you're the only one apart from emps -and the rare sonics- who can do that to your team mates and in this case your squishie imps...



I had thought to not take Bonfire as it didn't mesh well with my Rad secondary. I took it with the idea of respeccing out later. Now I am keeping it. Great control, blocking doors, creating an anti melee zone to stand in or to protect others. Last night I used it to keep a +5 lt out of my hair while the monkeys took apart his minion buddy. Then we turned on him. I also used it to break up a large group, used fire cages to immobilise them then used a corner to break line of sight with the majority. I have fire cages slotted with ImmobDur x 3 for this tactic, it saves me having to stick my head out too often to reapply. It might not be for you but I would certainly try it first.

Hotfeet is another power that may not be for everyone. I love it. I use Radiation infection and Enervating Field to keep me safe while I am up close. You would need to find an equivalent in Kinetics. More use solo I would say as most other AT can take down much faster than Hotfeet will.



More use solo I would say as most other AT can take down much faster than Hotfeet will.

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Cause you arent at the damage cap. Kin will be, and thats a huge difference. Hot Feet does extreme damage with containment and fulcrum shift.
Groups of orange minions? Np's, The damage from flashfire -> firecages -> fulcrumshift -> Fireball -> hotfeet -> firecages is enough to kill them. You can add fire blast for the boss.

You have to realise this is AoE damage. In I4 when fire/ tanks where the kings of PLing, BA was their second most damaging attack, right after burn, It wasnt even very far from burn.

Fire/kins are the new I4 fire/tanks. They just take more skill than a fire tank to use.

A Paragon Defender



Fire/kins are the new I4 fire/tanks. They just take more skill than a fire tank to use.

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Nice way of putting it Nightbringer. Must sound interesting to a lot of ppl, except tricky is that a fire/kin has little damage mitigation and lacks the defense that tankers skills are very needed indeed
btw i put firecages first and then flashfire, gives you a fair bit more of damage that way



I still think Fire/Rad is better

Just a personal opinion though



Hehe, its very good too Xi. Depends what you like ofcourse. Rad has much better ways of damage mitigation, but kin is for the damagefreaks



ID is more usefull as a mez removal tool than a buff for the team. Only thing you can't get rid of is a sleeper, even speed boost+ID won't stop someone sleeping.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Heal them...