Rangers: Setting the wheels in motion...
Will except complete rubbishing of the idea, honest!
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Silly idea, i don't like it, and i don't like you
I, personally am I liking the whole "invincible Blaster PvE" team. The project after my healer is a Sonic/Energy Blaster, and if your willing to wait a bit, I would love to take part in this.
He's level 18 already and would be interested in more info on this.
anything/energy should work
Like I woulnd't sign up for this .
I'm cool with pretty much anything, although playing an AoE blaster like fire/fire would be nice for a change .
Ooooh pick me! I SO want to do this. I'm willing to be the tanky type thing, as long as I have some backup. I love debt, it's great. If not, I blap until my health is really low, move back, blast a bit (defiance <3) then pop a respite and get back to blapping. I love it. [EDIT] So this paragraph is about the all ranger ding bit.
EDIT: Also, I read the first post TOTALLY wrong. Woooah.
I would really like to play an AR/Dev blaster. It was going to be a secret, but hey. Just something Doulos said, something along the lines of "If you want to really learn how to be a blaster, play an AR/Dev"
Well well then, nice timing since I've remade (3rd time) the blaster set I've always thought looked the 'coolest', Elec/Elec.
Only level 2 or 3 and would be built for maxium end drain at the expense of damage output combined with a bit of blapping since I'm unsure of Ball Lightnings appeal as either damage/end drain.
Battle Mechanoid awaits
If thats too low level, then I can be 'mini controller' with Sound Blaster or go the blapper route with my Alt Ranger, Miss Archer (er cept she hasn't got any punches yet ).
One week a night would be good fun I think (or more if required).
Yeah, im up for one night a week, i would be alterating a bit though due to work.
I'd be interested... only problem is I don't know how much play time I'll really get.
I could probably do most nights, but not all of them. Damn courswork.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
Sounds like Doulos his idea for the ALT Rangers that got abandoned half way through.
You'll all be joining the ALT Rangers I presume?
Probably won't have the time for it... best of luck Frozen!
i accept your challenge if you accept me accepting your challenge!
if i am accepted, then ill the "to the end" fighter, who would rather die and gather loads of debt then have the entire team die but them live. i dont know about the build if im accepted, but im sure about this, i wont let you down!
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Right, some clarification:
THis is not an alt thing. This is a hardcore new main.All the people who I know that have posted are awesome players, but we're talking major time here I'm afraid so we can all get uber skiled. I'd like to think this is more extreme than the alt rangers and this is actually going to carry on
It's just somethin to think about and I'm not bothered if your not sure, just put your name down if your a ranger in that kind of level range who MIGHT be interested as I'm sure we'll be able to convince you nearer the time
I was thinking of playing an elec/devices, specifically for the two pets as I would be going for a high rate of fire more than anything else. The trick would be to pull round corners and let loose the onsluaght. Basically I'd like to play a ranged blaster, but I'm willing to give some pain up close. Which is why I'm considering a fire/ elec (for the highest AoE damage and the highest single target damage), an energy/elec (High single target damage and a new form of primary control for me to learn), an Ice/fire (location AoE and PBAoE madness to the ettreme) or a sonic/elec (lots of complimentary moves and the chance to re-roll thunder lungs. Plus the -resistance will add to the pwnage of the highest single target melee damge set. FTW!!!111!!!)
I'm not leaning in any particular direction though
And you have to be hardcore Ranger
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So is this invite only open to current members of the Precision Rangers?
Well... no. It's open to those in the coalition who want thier Ranger too be their next main. You have to be a ahrdcore ranger in the mind, as it were. SOrry I've probs confused people. It's open to all who are interested in becoming a skilled blaster, but you have to be hardcore enought o put work in
Hope that makes sense. WOuld love to have you on board Tufty, if that's why you were inquiring!
Well well then, nice timing since I've remade (3rd time) the blaster set I've always thought looked the 'coolest', Elec/Elec.
Only level 2 or 3 and would be built for maxium end drain at the expense of damage output combined with a bit of blapping since I'm unsure of Ball Lightnings appeal as either damage/end drain.
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I'm not sure that end drain builds work unless you have multiple people. Defenders have better end drain than blasters and in PvE the only significant end drain are from Short Circuit ( ~25 end ) and Zapp ( 10 end ). Ball Lightning even when heavily slotted is a bit rubbish for end drain. I basically gave up end drain as a viable mass control tactic after ED, but Short Circuit can still be used if you can get 2 off.
Apparently in PvP the end drain is less though, I would test it before committing a build to it.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Would love to have you on board Tufty, if that's why you were inquiring!
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Err... have to go down as a maybe at the moment. I made Pyroshok, fire/elec if you couldn't guess from the name , the other day so I could always use him. Although at the moment I can't really sign up for anything long term as I don't know how much longer I will be around for come July time. Could be away for 2wks, could be 6, could be forever. So at the moment its a yes I'm interested in joining you but no I probably wont. But anyway I'm rambling now.. its what happens when you are bored.
I'll be signing up for this Rogue me lad. I'd love to go for an Archery/Devices totally natural, ranged blaster. No travel power, nothing 'Super', just 3 slotted human traits. I'd take medicine pool etc as that is device based.
What do you reckon?
Teamed with Melon Baller _very_ late last night and now at level 6
Having teamed with a Dark/Elec defender alot, I know that with ED Short Circuit typically requires two attacks to drain the end so I realise on a blaster its not going to be 'uber'.
Might mean having no endurance reductions or recharge reductions on certain powers I dunno but I do know the powers I want at any rate
I'll be signing up for this Rogue me lad. I'd love to go for an Archery/Devices totally natural, ranged blaster. No travel power, nothing 'Super', just 3 slotted human traits. I'd take medicine pool etc as that is device based.
What do you reckon?
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Hope we have someone with recall friend who we can rely on to team with then
Might take TP as a trvel power, as it can be device based too
Anything could be device based! Anti grav belt, some sort of temporary muscle pumping drug etc. This should give people all kinds ofoppotunities and I can't wait!
Very true dude...
Right, after my current char gets too 50, i will be focussing fully on Jumanjionic, a Sonic/Energy Blaster.
I get Lord to 50 I'll need a project Just made an Ice/Ele blaster - Static Discharge (lvl 8ish atm) - I could be the blaptroller
After This was going to be a mainly pvp build but would offer something different to the blasters you already suggested. In my pvp build I planned getting leadership and concealment pools and if we gonna team to 50 if we all got assault, tactics, (vengence being blasters
) and grant invis they would stack up really well, just an idea
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
I put this as a seperate topic to draw your attention. I have a plan for my next project after Rogue, but it will take other people. ANd you have to be hardcore Ranger

Basically, we have alot of rangers around the 35-41 mark. Therefore I preopse we go for an all ranger Ding. Possibly with Two simaultaneous teams. Whatever we can do. But this leads to my the Main project, and to do that I need atleast 7 other rangers with lots of playtime who are up for dedicating themselves to a new blaster, but with a twist.
Ok, so this project is sort of like a training school where we teach each other. It'll be soley PvE and will be aimed at manufaturing the best blasters. And the only way to do that is in the toughest but most exhilarating way to play: In constant 8 man all blaster teams.
To get good, we'll need to learn how sets can work together, and this'll take alot of thought for initial ideas as well as even more when we are playing. So, when/if you sign up don't list the power sets just yet. I want you to have a think and get ack to me at 50. What I'm after now is to see whether I have any interest.
This is something I've been thinking about for a long while and are determined not to make it a week long brain wave. knowing how reliable you guys are, if we can get it going, we can get it to last and as we work through it, we'll end up being the best blasters around at PvE.
You maybe be thinking that that won't be the case as we're only teaming with blasters, but I believe because we're all relying on mproving the raw blaster talent, rather than learning to play with buffs and aggro control, that the skills will be transferable.maybe that's not explained brilliantly, but here's hoping you know whar I mean.
I'd love to have more than 8 rangers up for this allowing a good chance of an 8 man team every night, but I know this won't be for everyone. But the more we can get with different roles the better.
Okay, so sign up below if your up for it dudes. When you do so, could you please list the role you'd be most interested in playing at this time. Be as creative as you want; I want people to create new blaster play styles and styles of play. Bare in mind this is only for me to gauge whwether this will be feasible and to see if the people interested have a range of ideas in mind. I mean, if you all just wanna play blappers as your next toon as you haven't done it before then go for it, but this may not be the project for you. However, I'm sure we'll beable to deal with one or two of them, as long as they learn not to charge headlong into every battle
Ok, so this is just an idea, as I've said, so place your thoughts down below. Will except complete rubbishing of the idea, honest!