PB Human form only...i need tips




okay...working on a decent PB build for several weeks now, and i decided to go for Human form only.

I need advice, build examples, experience tales, anything that would help me build my PB.
It's going to be blapper style with blasts AND melee attacks, shields, using fly as travel power. Trying to include Hasten and Leadership-pool into the build.

If you have Hero-planner, i would love to see your build-suggestions on here.

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



Star, i don't have a hero planner handy, but will point out a few things i found on my current journey to 35.

Gleaming Bolt - some will argue that this is good to have as it cycles quickly. For me, it does no-where near enough damage, although it is handy for keeping your attack chain going.
Gleaming Blast - Must have. Ok damage, cycles relatively quickly - better damage than Bolt.
Eye Beams (can't remember what it's called off the top of my head.) - Not as much damage as Gleaming Blast but cycles quickly.
Proton Scatter + other AOE (Luminous Blast??) - i haven't used these yet, preferring to be single target. I will get Proton Scatter eventually. For me this is like energy torrent, handy, but if you PvP, not so great. But it's handy for keeping the attack chaing going.
Radiant Strike + Incandescent Strike - Both must haves. Quite slow recharges. IS is Total Focus at lvl 18!!
Shields - Thermal shield is not necessary so early on, but mid 30s i'm finding i'm missing it after i respecced out - lots more fire and cold from Crey and CoT.
Other 2 are more important. All will need at least 1 end redx - i'm gonna slot 2.
Essence Boost. - What a power. Slot it for recharge. It's a heal, a hp increase and hp regen all in one.
Restore Essence - basic self heal. I've done without it up until lvl 35 - although i might respec it in earlier instead of quantum flight.
Quantum Flight - get out of jail card. Instaphase. Great, but mostly situational. i.e. try before you die.
I haven't got light form yet, which for a human build is the icing on the cake.
One thing i have noticed is that you NEED hasten or slot for recharge. However, if you slot for recharge, running shields all the time is a big end drain. Conserve Power helps with this, but again, hasten is handy for having this up more often.
Also, whilst flight is good, and i do use it. I went for SS. Combined with flight to get you up and over objects you can't hurdle, it's great.
One thing in human form is you get knocked back/down alot!!!
I know alot of people go for cj,sj, acrobatics. Helps with mezz...which i don't think is as prevalent as being a blaster without, but teaming with a couple of trolls certainly cuts it down.

Hope that helps.



Thank you Kron

Helps a lot

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



No problem.



well.. khelds got so many powers, you need to specialize your builds a bit. Seeing every player is different, I, personally, suggest you find out the build that best fits your playstyle. Just remember, respecs are your friends

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



I, personally, suggest you find out the build that best fits your playstyle. Just remember, respecs are your friends

[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds good, i am up to level 20 now and enjoying the dwarf. I like the three form at the moment and with some good binds switching form is easy. The human build seems to eat up the endurance so i guess stamina would be useful but at the moment i just switch back to nova form and the three end mods on that build me back up quickly, a nice mini stamina already built in.
Play style seems to change as you get higher levels and some forms become redundant as the nova seems to do less relative damage as you get towards the 5-0.
Incandescent Strike is awesome with some build up knocks the life out of bosses.
*waffles on quietly to self about enjoying PB*
Lots of people also seem to give up on their kheldians as they get into the higher levels and i wonder why this is?

Enjoy the PB star, oh yeh what level are u at now?
Some guides to look at here tho they are a bit out of date they still quite useful for an overview:



Stamina is a must in a human pb - forgot to post that but i assume most people take it nowadays anyway.



Useful link to all the powers here .

I would say get CJ and acrobatics - CJ will stop you from being immobed (always handy so you can get in close to use IS) and acrobatics is more for knockback protection than mez protection. I've died many times for not being able to pop an insp, hit something with IS or use reform essence as I was on my back.



On my PB (lvl 50 now) I went all the way through without any other pools except speed (before ED) and fitness.
He's full human and I dont see a major drawback when getting knocked onto my back. PBs compensate it with the heavy damage

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



They're the only 2 pools i'm going to use.
Getting knocked on ur back is not problem as a pb as you have the shields to minimise the damage taken whilst your on the floor.



Personal preference I guess. All I know is I had acrobatics from level 28 and took it for granted. I then did a respec at level 40 and had to take acrobatics at level 41 due to the changes I made. My first mish was against some Nemesis and I spent half the time being bounced around like a pinball. I was very glad to get the last 3 blips to 41 so I could take it again.



Alternatively, just activate Combat Flight and sitting on ur a$$ will be a thing of the past anyhow.



I might go for Acrobatics, but i'll have to check the planner to see if it fits in the build.

At first i wanted to go for a blaster-like build with only ranged attacks. But then i figured that i'd only have about 4 blasts, as Star Jewel has about 6.
So i'm going for a Blapper setup on the PB.

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



Good choice. The blasts on their own just don't cut it - especially not after playing a blaster. The pb in human form is built to blap, or perhaps a scrapster.
I couldn't fit cj, sj and acrobatics into my build, especially with the need for both hasten and stamina. If i'm getting knocked back lots, i hover for a bit and use the powers i can then land again to use solar flare - which, is a great power btw.



Yip the knockback can be annoying and im finding that the PB hover is becoming more and more handy to help with the mobs im fighting. Unfortuantly i loose one of my attacks when hovering. My human form footstomp (Solar Flare i think its called).Is np tho as im able to stay toe to toe with the mob more than being sent flying backwards all the time.

My bigest problem im finding with my PB jsut now is Malta sappers and the tac ops, i keep getting stunned a good bit.
Guess thats another bonus of going teh CJ/Acrobatics route. And at times when fighting these malta it might have been handier.
But if the sapper gets you you in a bit of a predicament unless you got a few break frees / cabs to bail yourself out

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



CJ and Acrobatics won't help at all with the stuns. I have em both on '46 and get stunned all the time. They don't protect against disorient...which sux imo.
Teaming with a couple of trolls will help with this though. I know it's not a great defensive bonus you get, but i've found it does help.
Roll on lvl 38 and light form!