How are empaths feeling now?
What you have said, Healing Aura is too weak and almost droppable, Absorb Pain is used more often and in my case 3 slotted, Heal Other is ok, Fortitude is still popular as is Adrenal Boost.
I don't notice that RA is missing that much with the overall reduction in END cost and defenders vigilance.
I dropped Hasten and never took Stamina, I will probably respec Hasten back in so I can take SS to have my Stealth+SS=invisability not because my heals aren't coming back fast enough. With 3xRchrg I don't find it an issue.
I will be dropping the Leadership pool as I am not that impressed with the results even with tactics 3 slotted. Post 35 toons rarely miss anyway.
I would say that it is easier to find a team since ED as teams need our buffs at all levels.
I will say that I can solo but it is very slow and I struggle with Endurance against even level bosses whereas before ED I didn't, my DPS with 5 slotted ddamage was good enough to get me through.
I teamed with a blaster this morning in the hollows who had only been on for 3 days. She was really enjoying it - it was all new. I will try to see the game as she does and put the good old days to the back of my mind. The teams are still good fun and that is what matters to me.
i6/Ed Overall 7/10
I've been giving Empath a bit of a workout recently, and I can't say I have too many issues. I feel like I have more to do in a good team now, rather than standing around on the sidelines throwing the occasional blast.
dunno about you guys but i found after respeccing i had lots of extra slots left that really wouldnt make much difference to where i put them.
So i shoved them all in as Rech on Hasten and the RAs and AB.
may only be a little improvement on the recharge times but every second counts.
Other that not finding the nerfed heals to much of a problem. Find im just about spamming them out to be still effective enough and still got fort with no rech and can get 3 out most times.
got no end issues but then i have stamina...still fun and playable.
Dropped tp ally tho. dont see the point in the death in mish tp then res action now theres a no debt time added to res....i just ss in res and ss out.....if they die they die they get no debt.
tho early lvls i would prob keep it always useful between mishes.
got the leaping pool instead of tp wanted acrobatics... was getting annoyed with knockback and bieng held.. seems to do the job nicely.
anyway thats my 2 pence for now...will prob have completely changed my mind in a few days and be cursing my respec.
btw its built for pve not pvp...any one built for pvp like to comment on there build.. quite intrested to see what the diff would be..
EDIT soz forgot to say type
Doc Holiday emp/psi psi mastery lvl 50
on defiant
I hadn't heard that there was no debt with Rez, whats the time limit?
30secs I think.
Come on Empaths. You were hardly scratched by the i5-i6 nerfs. Fortitude, RA, CM, AB didnt get touched. And healing? Just use absorb pain, you still have killer singletarget heals (no pun intended). The AoE heal works just as good 3 heals-2 recharge-1 end.
As I see it, you were actually buffed by ED. You're worth to a team went up, cause everyone else went further down.
A Paragon Defender
I've had a little time now to play Gale under ED rules and here's my take.
Heal Aura: Dropped from 441 healing points to 279. Significant droppage. I still find it a valuable power. Now I don't have Perma Hasten, I have a tendency to Ctrl-Click this and spam it in battle situations. Teammates can always run into range if they need a quick heal safe in the knowledge it'll go of in a few secs. This leave me free to concentrate on buffs and Heal Other....
Heal Other: Another big drop in healing power. Can't remember the exact numbers, but it's practically half of what it was. Still my main tool, but I really struggled to keep an 8 man team alive the other day, especially when faced with an AV. The AV was knocking health off the team faster than I could put it back on. Really became a 2 healer situation about then. I'd like to see a boost here.
Regen Aura and Rec Aura: Except for the longer recharge time, no real change here. Still the best tools in my arsenal.
AB: Again, longer recharge without Hasten (although as with RA and RA I've put some recharges in them). Personally I usually hold AB back to drop it on someone in trouble during the battle. Someone who I'm having trouble healing as fast as they're dying or someone buring endurance really fast.
CM and Fort: No real difference here. Not even noticed much difference on their recharge times frankly. I'm sure they come around slower, but not significantly so it affects me particularly.
Absorb Pain: Was always my emergency button anyhow. If a team mate was on the verge of death it was a bloody good way to fill their bar up, albeit at my own personal risk. It's not quite as uber for the heal now. I healed an almost dead Firey Rose the other day and rather than zipping him up to his max health points, I got about 4/5ths. Still good but a noticable drop.
Stamina: Not a problem. Still a valid power to have, essential even. Not once during that 8 man team skirmish did I ever get close to burning all my End.
Hasten: Hmmmmmm. Optional power now. Not a pre-requisite. Without Perma it's kinda lost it's importance. However I still have it and have it max slotted for recharge. I took Power Mastery in my Epics and have Build Up. If things get really dicey I can trigger build up to make my heals uber for a few secs and click hasten to speed up their recharge time.
Have I missed anything ?? The thing I don't like about ED is that...
a) It's pretty much forced all my slots to be the same. i.e. 3 specialist, 2 recharge, 1 End Red or themes thereon.
Gone are the six slotting ways. I used to have an uber heal by six slotting Gale, but it came at the expense of a slightly lower recharge rate and a higher End cost. But that was my choice. Now I'm forced to be the same as all the other Empaths give or take.
b) I've freed up some powers that are now no longer useful, and I've now been able to take more in my secondary pool. Attack powers. Maybe that's a good thing, but I'd long ago made the choice that Gale was going to be purely Healer, and biaised in that direction. Again that was my choice. Now I feel I've been pushed back into a more generic middle ground.
It's not really a problem, but I do feel like the choice was removed from my hands. I still treat Gale like a pure Empath, but now I know she's been compromised by hands other than mine. And that bugs me.
However she is still my favourtie toon and I love playing her to bits.
It's a bit of a shame all her contemporaries moved on to other toons and CoV. However now it's been a few months all our alts are hitting the 40's again and Gale's been pressed back into service on more than one ocassion. Which makes me happy.
She needs inf as I have baby alts to feed and clothe!! hehe
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
You'll get no argument from me, I would say that my other toons were much harder hit. Still - I get no pleasure in knowing I am more useful because my team mates have been knobbled.
Come on Empaths. You were hardly scratched by the i5-i6 nerfs. Fortitude, RA, CM, AB didnt get touched. And healing? Just use absorb pain, you still have killer singletarget heals (no pun intended). The AoE heal works just as good 3 heals-2 recharge-1 end.
As I see it, you were actually buffed by ED. You're worth to a team went up, cause everyone else went further down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jeez, there's no way on earth I'd use Absorb Pain as a replacement for Heal Other. That's just asking for a team faceplant.
You use Absorb Pain you can't heal yourself through any means (other than RA perhaps, does this still work??). Use it repeatedly and this means that you can never be healed in battle. Bear in mind Empaths are realtively squishee and rely on staying alive through not drawing agro.
If you draw agro you have three choices.
a) fight back, but at the detriment of not healing your team anymore.
b) Don't fight back and hope a teammate rescues you, risking death.... to the detriment of your team and not being able to heal them anymore
c) or run away..... to the detriment of your team and your not being there to heal them anymore.
Every blow you take from an enemy while under the effects of Absorb Pain cannot be healed. Four or five decent hits would probably kill Gale. Less if it's a boss. One or two shotted if it's an AV. This would be worse if I used Absorb Pain continuously. Remember is also takes a smidgen of health off the casting Empath too and being as mine is slotted to come around faster than the effects wear off it would be a very slow suicide attempt.
Absorb Pain in my opinion is an emergency measure to use if a teammate looks in terrible trouble and you make a judgement call on it being relatively safe for you to cast it without getting yourself killed.
At the end of the day in most teams I've been on, when the Empath goes down the team's not far behind.
As for teh AoE heal, there is no way on earth it's as good as it was. I used to remember sitting at Hammi raids when you go through the Heal Spam stage at the start watching other peoples Aura healing rates and seeing if anyone else got close to the 441 Gale was putting out. Not many did, she's one of the most powerful healers I know.
Post ED I logged on and that had dropped to around 285 ish. That's a drop of around a third. After respeccing and reslotting I think her heal aura now stands at 279. About 36% lower than it used to be. Plus without perma hasten, and even with recharges slotted it's slower to cycle around than before. Not by much, only a second or so, but it's enough to make a difference in battle as compared to before.
Understand I'm not complaining unduly. All her other abilities are pretty much untouched, or not significantly nerfed to make much odds. But her base heal rate per minute must have dropped by almost 40% due to ED's affects on sixslotting and Hasten.
I'm not good with numbers so maybe someone else can give me exact numbers to tell me if I'm right or wrong.
I'd possibly agree that there were harder archetypes hit by ED, but I think the effect was brutal for any toon who had a power six slotted and relied on it as such.
I'd also agree that our worth to a team has perhaps been enhanced because of the defense nerfs to powersets like the Tankers or Scrappers, but the fact is that even if we are now more needed, our healing abilities have now been compromised to make life even more difficult.
We have found ourselve in a position now where we are required to do even more healing and yet our heals have been nerfed by 40%. I felt incredbly bad during that 8 man team missiont he other day. I don't think I've ever had so many deaths in one mission before.
But as I said, I still love playing her, she's a challenge to play. No real complaints here, just acceptance.
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
Dropped tp ally tho. dont see the point in the death in mish tp then res action now theres a no debt time added to res....i just ss in res and ss out.....if they die they die they get no debt.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmmm I'd not quite agree with that. I still find TP Friend one of the most valuable tools in my arsenal. I'd agree for archetypes such as Controllers and Blasters you can rez them happily in the middle of a fight.
However many Scrappers and Tankers need time to switch on Toggles before plunging into the fray. I usually try and get them clear so they have that time to charge themselves up without panic.
I speak from experience with my level 31 Regen Scrapper. 9 times out of 10 if I'm rezzed in the middle of a battle I'll get stuck straight into the action and forget to turn my toggles on, or mis click them. Personally I'd prefer someone clear me out so I can switch them on properly.
The other thing about TP Friend is that it enables you to evac multiple victims. If you have a team of 8 and 3 go down during an AV Alpha Strike for instance, I can rez one and TP the other two clear. They can then safely use Awakens (or I can give them one cause as Gale I always carry a stock for such emergencies) in safety. I then usually hit them with a CM and a few heals to get them back in the fight ASAP.
Without TP Friend they either have to wait on the floor while my Rez recharges or they have to risk using an awaken in the middle of a skirmish. It's good they get no debt but they aren't helping the team when they are either a) faceplanted or b) staggering aimlessly around stunned.
Personally I wouldn't make an Empath without TP Friend. I view it as a MUST HAVE power.
(I respecced it out by accident once and HUGELY regretted it. There were times when I felt utterly useless!)
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
Come on Empaths. You were hardly scratched by the i5-i6 nerfs. Fortitude, RA, CM, AB didnt get touched. And healing? Just use absorb pain, you still have killer singletarget heals (no pun intended). The AoE heal works just as good 3 heals-2 recharge-1 end.
As I see it, you were actually buffed by ED. You're worth to a team went up, cause everyone else went further down.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you'll find that we were more than scratched, besides. this isn't a whinge post i was merely inquiring as to what other empaths now thought of ED now the dust has settled.
Incidently, I assume you've never played an empath yourself? AP is not a replacement of any of the other heals due to its negative effects on the empath using it. Its a worst case, save a buddy, last minute heal.
The aoe heal is nowhere near as effective with the slotting you're suggesting as it was when 6 slotted with heals with perma hasten. Each of it's heals has reduced by about 50% with a negligable increase in recharge speed. AP is certaintly not a replacement for this lack.
Basically im saying that ED's ok, i'm grudgingly accepting it but that given the increased healing we now have to do to other AT's the base value of healing aura should be upped. It used to do 446 points of heal, its now dropped to about 263 points of heal
Also AP should have the -self heal on it elliminated.
i did a mother mayhem mission the other day with a team of 8, all experienced players, all re-specced for ed all doing the same mob one mob at a time. Everybody dird at least twice and a few unlucky people more and there was nothing i could have done about any of them, my heals were simply not strong enough.
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
...our heals have been nerfed by 40%.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well the green numbers have gone down, but in terms of healing/second you werent really that badly nerfed. Before ED the best healing/sec from healing aura was 4 heals 2 recharges (if you have hasten) and Iirc closely followed by 3 recharges 3 heals. 6 Heals gave a poor result.
Some quick calculations
Healing Aura has a base heal of 13% of your own hp and has a recharge of 8 seconds.
6 heals even lvl (ED not included)
13% *(6* 33% + 100%) ~ 39%, so you get 39% heal every 8 seconds. Giving you a healrate of 4,875%/second
3 recharges, 3 heals (ED not included, its not that big a difference anyway)
13% * (3*33% + 100) ~ 26%, so you get a heal of 26% every 4 seconds (3 recharge enh about 4 seconds [8/(1+3*,33)]
That gives you a healingrate of 6,5%/second.
Or if you choose to put in an end reduction instead of another recharge, you get.
26% every [8/1+ (0,33*2)] ~4,8 seconds. Thats 5,42% heal/second.
Im too lazy to include hasten and ED in my calculations, but this will give you an idea as to why you werent that badly hit.
A Paragon Defender
...our heals have been nerfed by 40%.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well the green numbers have gone down, but in terms of healing/second you werent really that badly nerfed. Before ED the best healing/sec from healing aura was 4 heals 2 recharges (if you have hasten) and Iirc closely followed by 3 recharges 3 heals. 6 Heals gave a poor result.
Some quick calculations
Healing Aura has a base heal of 13% of your own hp and has a recharge of 8 seconds.
6 heals even lvl (ED not included)
13% *(6* 33% + 100%) ~ 39%, so you get 39% heal every 8 seconds. Giving you a healrate of 4,875%/second
3 recharges, 3 heals (ED not included, its not that big a difference anyway)
13% * (3*33% + 100) ~ 26%, so you get a heal of 26% every 4 seconds (3 recharge enh about 4 seconds [8/(1+3*,33)]
That gives you a healingrate of 6,5%/second.
Or if you choose to put in an end reduction instead of another recharge, you get.
26% every [8/1+ (0,33*2)] ~4,8 seconds. Thats 5,42% heal/second.
Im too lazy to include hasten and ED in my calculations, but this will give you an idea as to why you werent that badly hit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er before ed 6 heals with perma hasten was the best rate of healing...
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
Gotta agree with Venture. For Gale the best heal I could perform was with 6 slotted heals and Hasten. I tried various combinations and they were never as good as when I did that.
Thing you have to remember is that it's not all about Heals per sec or whatever. It's about how much you can deliver in one shot with Heal Other.
Heal Other is the biggest tool in an Empath's arsenal because it's targetted where it can do the most good.
On an eight man team you are constantly fitting around between people, and hence if you heal your blaster and move on to heal your controller next, you want to be safe in the knowledge that the heal you threw on your blaster is going to be enough to tide him over until you've done Mr Controller and flitted back again.
Currently I find this really hard to do.
Secondly, you healing aura depends upon you a) standing in the thick of the action and b) everyone being in range. If you've ever been an Empath in a firefight you'll know that very very often that just isn't possible or doesnot happen. Sometimes it's not possible to stay up close and personal. Try standing close to a Tanker as he's fighting an Avelanche Shamen or a Storm Shamen. Unless you are specifically set up for them they'll knock you on your [censored] delaying that precious heals per second rate even further.
Add on top of that the times you have to a) Buff and b) perform Rez and I'm afraid to say it but the heals have been hit far further than your calculations can easily work out. There's too many more factors at play here than pure maths.
Simply put you've had input now from two experienced Emapths saying that their Heal Other outputs dropped from around 440 to around 270 a drop of approx 38%. Factor in the slower recharge times now we don't have Hasten, and all the other factors listed above and you get a REAL picture of the how badly the nerfs ACTUALLY hit us.
But as we're Empaths and are a quiet and unassuming breed we haven't tooted our horns much about it. We've just accepted it and moved on. hehe
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
...our heals have been nerfed by 40%.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well the green numbers have gone down, but in terms of healing/second you werent really that badly nerfed. Before ED the best healing/sec from healing aura was 4 heals 2 recharges (if you have hasten) and Iirc closely followed by 3 recharges 3 heals. 6 Heals gave a poor result.
Some quick calculations
Healing Aura has a base heal of 13% of your own hp and has a recharge of 8 seconds.
6 heals even lvl (ED not included)
13% *(6* 33% + 100%) ~ 39%, so you get 39% heal every 8 seconds. Giving you a healrate of 4,875%/second
3 recharges, 3 heals (ED not included, its not that big a difference anyway)
13% * (3*33% + 100) ~ 26%, so you get a heal of 26% every 4 seconds (3 recharge enh about 4 seconds [8/(1+3*,33)]
That gives you a healingrate of 6,5%/second.
Or if you choose to put in an end reduction instead of another recharge, you get.
26% every [8/1+ (0,33*2)] ~4,8 seconds. Thats 5,42% heal/second.
Im too lazy to include hasten and ED in my calculations, but this will give you an idea as to why you werent that badly hit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er before ed 6 heals with perma hasten was the best rate of healing...
[/ QUOTE ]
A Paragon Defender
Come on Empaths. You were hardly scratched by the i5-i6 nerfs. Fortitude, RA, CM, AB didnt get touched. And healing? Just use absorb pain, you still have killer singletarget heals (no pun intended). The AoE heal works just as good 3 heals-2 recharge-1 end.
As I see it, you were actually buffed by ED. You're worth to a team went up, cause everyone else went further down.
[/ QUOTE ]
I found the I6 changes to be MORE noticeable on my Empath than any of my other characters. Now, in part that could be because she's higher-levelled, but it's not just that... it related in large part to how empath powers work.
I've always been a very dedicated buffer. I knew my recharge times... how many people I could keep buffed, when I could expect something to drop, etc. Now all of my recharges have been changed - and worse, because I sometimes have Hasten on and sometimes don't, they're not easy to get used to anymore. I can't Fort as many people as I used to. I can't rely on RA to keep me (or the rest of the team) up and running. I can't perma-AB someone; I generally find now that I keep AB in case RA drops and someone really needs endurance. I used to use it a lot more, since I didn't worry about that so much, since RA and AB recharges that much more quickly. Saying those powers weren't touched is a tad silly.
As others have pointed out, Absorb Pain CANNOT be relied on as a replacement heal. It CAN kill you. I've always had AP, and love it... as an emergency heal. If you use it every time it comes up (which can now be necessary, in a bad situation) you end up in a state where you cannot heal yourself for the entire fight, with your health dropping each time you use it. If you start to get hit, you're dead. It's rather unpleasant in PvP, as a result - and I have often hit the point where I've needed to use it, since heal other just doesn't cut it when healing a Tank or Scrapper, or someone who's mid PvP-battle. As for heal aura, there is a difference between a strong heal with a longer recharge, and lots of small heals - if you only get a small heal on yourself, the next hit might take you out before you can heal yourself again. It was easier for me to keep myself alive with the old heal aura.
For those empaths who actually use their secondary, the damage reduction was another painful kick in the gut as well - Defenders were already weak attackers, and Empaths are pretty much the weakest of the weak, lacking any self-buffs or debuffs to help their damage output.
Now, don't take any of this as whining, because I actually don't mind all that much. The thing I miss most on my empath (by far) is 6-slotted Hover. Still, the changes certainly effected Empaths - actually, the comment I made to my boyfriend after playing my empath for the first time after I6 was "Ahah! HERE are the nerfs we escaped in I5!" Like everyone else, we took a beating with ED, and I've found it harder readjusting to some of the changes on my Empath than on other characters. I still play her, but I have to say... I don't play her nearly as much as I used to. Are Empaths still powerful? Of course, they're great, and I doubt the changes will cause a problem for anyone new coming in. That doesn't mean they're not a pain in the behind for existing Empaths, though.
...our heals have been nerfed by 40%.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well the green numbers have gone down, but in terms of healing/second you werent really that badly nerfed. Before ED the best healing/sec from healing aura was 4 heals 2 recharges (if you have hasten) and Iirc closely followed by 3 recharges 3 heals. 6 Heals gave a poor result.
Some quick calculations
Healing Aura has a base heal of 13% of your own hp and has a recharge of 8 seconds.
6 heals even lvl (ED not included)
13% *(6* 33% + 100%) ~ 39%, so you get 39% heal every 8 seconds. Giving you a healrate of 4,875%/second
3 recharges, 3 heals (ED not included, its not that big a difference anyway)
13% * (3*33% + 100) ~ 26%, so you get a heal of 26% every 4 seconds (3 recharge enh about 4 seconds [8/(1+3*,33)]
That gives you a healingrate of 6,5%/second.
Or if you choose to put in an end reduction instead of another recharge, you get.
26% every [8/1+ (0,33*2)] ~4,8 seconds. Thats 5,42% heal/second.
Im too lazy to include hasten and ED in my calculations, but this will give you an idea as to why you werent that badly hit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er before ed 6 heals with perma hasten was the best rate of healing...
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
*sigh* A prime example of why people should stick to their own ATs and leave other well alone. No number crunching is any comparison to real experiance. And numbers can be easily be wrong when not taking a simple factor in consideration. 6 heal and perma hasten was by far the best end of.
While my empath is only lvl 25 I can work this out. As for Absorb Pain I find it interesting the divide post ED is still not raging. I still dislike AP and have not taken it. Like wise I have not got TP friend. The reason being I totally agree on how useful it is but I can see no eay of fitting it in. AP too for that matter.
One last question guys. Im thining of for a second time restarting my empath any tips? I havent played hik much after I6 and CoV. I was wondering if I should go to en instead of psi.
Stamina: Not a problem. Still a valid power to have, essential even. Not once during that 8 man team skirmish did I ever get close to burning all my End.
[/ QUOTE ]
You still find Stamina essential? Even before ED I never used it, and while running through the 4th Shards TF the other day I never ran out of endurance...and I was actually attacking!
Stamina: Not a problem. Still a valid power to have, essential even. Not once during that 8 man team skirmish did I ever get close to burning all my End.
[/ QUOTE ]
You still find Stamina essential? Even before ED I never used it, and while running through the 4th Shards TF the other day I never ran out of endurance...and I was actually attacking!
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed, I see no compelling reason for an Empath to require Stamina now - unless...
Heal Aura: Dropped from 441 healing points to 279. Significant droppage. I still find it a valuable power. Now I don't have Perma Hasten, I have a tendency to Ctrl-Click this and spam it in battle situations. Teammates can always run into range if they need a quick heal safe in the knowledge it'll go of in a few secs. This leave me free to concentrate on buffs and Heal Other....
[/ QUOTE ]
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
I asked Dr rock to run some figures for me (much appreciated mate) and this is what i got back:
The heal is actually 11% of your HPs. Using 2 second activation, 8 second recharge, a level 50 (no accolades 1017.35 HP) and even level SOs.
I5 (Without ED)
Healing Aura (6 HEAL): 335.73 / 10 = 33.57 hps
Healing Aura (3 HEAL, 3 RECRED): 223.86 / 6 = 37.31 hps
Healing Aura (6 HEAL) & Hasten (6 RECRED): 335.73 / 6.7 = 50.11 hps
Healing Aura (3 HEAL, 3 RECRED) & Hasten (6 RECRED): 223.86 / 4.96 = 45.13 hps
I6 (With ED)
Healing Aura (3 HEAL): 217.76 / 10 = 21.78 hps
Healing Aura (3 HEAL, 3 RECRED): 217.76 / 6.13 = 35.52 hps
Healing Aura (3 HEAL) & Hasten (3 RECRED): (217.76 / 6.7 * 0.64) + (217.76 / 10 * 0.36) = 28.64 hps
Healing Aura (3 HEAL, 3 RECRED) & Hasten (3 RECRED): (217.76 / 5.03 * 0.64) + (217.76 / 6.13 * 0.36) = 40.5 hps
Note: Hasten can be up ~64% of the time and down ~36% with 3 RECRED.
Hope that helps.
[/ QUOTE ]
Important ones I feel here are:
Pre ED: Healing Aura (6 HEAL) & Hasten (6 RECRED): 335.73 / 6.7 = 50.11 hps
Post ED: Healing Aura (3 HEAL, 3 RECRED) & Hasten (3 RECRED): (217.76 / 5.03 * 0.64) + (217.76 / 6.13 * 0.36) = 40.5 hps (35.52 hps if hasten either isnt active or wasn't chosen).
Thus, fromt eh most popular slotting, healing aura has actually gone down byt 10 points of healing per second (or 15 if hasten isn't active), at a time when we actually need to heal more damage than in any other issue... (thats between 600 and 900 points of healing per minute that we've lost)
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
I got a 50 empath called jaqi and ED hasnt phased me one bit i am not upset or put off in anyway, my empath completely unpowerlevelled (if in dreck i was sk'd to tank if not within 3 lvls) got to 50 faster than anyother of my toons but there was alot of defenders out there that found it hard to get teams. It was hard for them to feel important and levelled slowly, they missed out on badges and had to solo their own missions on a poor secondary power (1/6th weaker than it would be primary perhaps and poorly slotted) because of only a lucky few were in demand.
But now teams are starting to have 1 or 2 or even 3 defenders i have found. Defenders are important again!
When it comes to healing i usually find the situation is bad only when the team is bad (obviously usually only pick up teams)or at a point in a mission someone causes chaos thru being in the wrong place at the wrong time (their fault). If everyone moved a certain way thru a mission and positioned themselves around an AV a certain way a defenders life can go back almost to being pretty easy again.
Most important thing is this "a defender is a lot more of a necessity to a team" and there are so many things a people can do compensate for the changes.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I did some random testing with the help of different empaths, and the base value of healing aura is 13%.
I like Nightbringer feel that empaths got of lightly with ED. The problem with empathy is like most other builds is the lack of perma hasten compared to I5. If we dont include that nerf you were hardly affected by ED.
The biggest problem I feel that empaths have is that the damage is nerfed because you cant 5 slot it. So damage went from very low to nothing. And there by you lost all real soloing ability. You can still do it but it takes a hell of a long time.
But overall I feel that the empathy set was buffed teamwise cause you are now a great addition to a team instead of barely being worth your xp.
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
All of the debate about healing will keep rolling we have lower heals and now require to apply them more often, a pain in the butt but livable with.
My biggest loss was the change in hasten and recharge times for RA, this single power could turn the tide in any fight we could buff before a ruck and everyone could let rip with no regard for conservation of End, use it in a fight and we would literally turn the tide, it was rare that a team that was on minimal health and no end would die after its application and everyone would be at full by the end of the fight ready for the next mob. Now... It's still useful but with the 13% End reduction and other changes for ED i.e. more people slotting End reductions it has lost a huge degreee of its potancy people don't call out for it as much and if I shout for a gather those that think they are ok will ignore the request, this combined with the fact that the recharge times on it means that I only get it once every 2 to 3 fights and usually half way through means it has gone from being a staple power sought after by nearly all to a situational one at best......
On a better note though I am finding the Regen Aura to be exceptionally useful, the effect it has is such that it takes a huge amount of pressure off my healing, odd I know but true I compared the total amout I healed in two similar fights and with the application of Regen Aura my total healing required went down by approximatly 25% this can be a huge bonus in my appliction of buffs and occasionally dropping a blast out. In my opinion it is the dark horse of the set as you rarely see its use, I know I was unimpressed with it pre ED now it has a large but very subtle effect on how you play.
just my 2 inf...
Haven't really had a proper run out with Micro Kah since ED too busy having fun on the Warshade.Will give her a testing sometime after I have respeced her to post ED build
well its been a while since ed so i was just wondering how people are feeling about the ed changes now that the dust has settled somewhat?

Soloing even level minions is now impossible for me but it was bordering on being that before.
I miss perma hasten and the quick recharge time of rec aura but it's nowhere near as bad as i thought it would be.
Staminas not an issue, i dropped 3 end reds into my toggles and with stamina 3 slotted still its fine.
I'm also fine with fortitude, cm and ab.
I still have issues with the heals, it's not as bad as it was immediately after ed but when things get really scrappy (lvl 50 mish against mother mayem for example) healing aura doesn't do enough of a blanket heal to have any real noticeable effect. Really think the base heal of this should be uped.
Heal other, no real issues with this. I miss the bigger boost it used to have but its still useful.
Absorb pain. using it increasingly often, I really miss the old heal. There was nothing like getting a tank from low red to full in one heal! Still, my only problem with this now is that because i use it so much when the [censored] hits the fan im perma unhealable. id say, leave it as it is, still let it reduce your hp's but don't prevent you from being healed...
lastly im just gutted i cant effectively 6 slot the leadership pool any more
Anyways, just my 2 infs worth. Generally i'm happier with ed than i thought i would be...
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender