


ok i was in sirens call last night enjoying it i was gettin killed so were they untill a stalker would not leave me alone it was following me and not lettin me fight at all also the other thing is when the stalkers hits u ,u cant kill it becaose u cant HIT A BLEEDING THING!



ok i was in sirens call last night enjoying it i was gettin killed so were they untill a stalker would not leave me alone it was following me and not lettin me fight at all also the other thing is when the stalkers hits u ,u cant kill it becaose u cant HIT A BLEEDING THING!

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yes tainted in more simplistic words that u understand ( i am sick of stalkers following u and not leaving u alone it makes pvp a misery



Im sick of stalkers always picking on the squishy blasters i mean find a real targte not just the laggin squishy

But i mean the same stalker always killed me then pegged it untill he was invis again, atleast be like a proper squishy (even tho they're not) and stand untill you fall



Stand until you fall? Why would i do that? I dont see many blasters hangin around when their health is low lol.

As for Stalkers following you around, i believe they are 'stalking'. Pain in the bum i imagine.

I know it's 'frowned upon' to repeatedly kill the same person over and over, but in a fight with a few stalkers on the team, if there is an empath CMing the heros i will go outta my way to kill him/her every time i'm near. Simply tactics of taking away our biggest threat...being seen.

I'd imagine that other people getting killed constantly could sometimes be down to this same tactic.



Not exactly much to be concerned about though is it? I mean people can waste all the time they want following Deluge around and killing him, but i always live safe in the knowledge that they gain nothing from it after the first time, if they kill you every couple of minutes



yes tainted in more simplistic words that u understand ( i am sick of stalkers following u and not leaving u alone it makes pvp a misery

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i understand perfectly that you overreact. A stalker stalks.

There are more than 10 ways to avoid a stalker AS you and obviously sitting in a PvP zone and having ice cream is not one of them. Perfectly legit to follow you and AS you to their pleasure.

Try learn to avoid them instead of whining



Yeah, if you're worried about it, respec and get tactics to heighten perception, or just stand in the water. Plus IR Goggles from the vendor at the entrance to Sirens is very helpful too. At the end of the day though a Stalker has to employ a lot more tactics to kill you than you have to, to see/kill him.



At the end of the day though a Stalker has to employ a lot more tactics to kill you than you have to, to see/kill him.

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Damn couldnt be said for you man...



Yeah, if you're worried about it, respec and get tactics to heighten perception, or just stand in the water. Plus IR Goggles from the vendor at the entrance to Sirens is very helpful too. At the end of the day though a Stalker has to employ a lot more tactics to kill you than you have to, to see/kill him.

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Also turn on your hero/villain chat if you havent already, you will find things not so unpleasant then (generally )

tactics and IR goggles (even combined) cant seem to see me though and the water trick doesnt affect me either, I can also counter constant movement and fly I thought carefully about my pvp specific build A stalker is all about tactics and patience, its not an easy thing to kill people with at all, its like anything, practice makes you better.

If the same stalker is getting u again and again and u want a break just ask him.

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



If the same stalker is getting u again and again and u want a break just ask him

[/ QUOTE ]

Or set up a trap

Have a couple of blasters nearby hiding/flying in air. When stalker uses AS take much pleasure in having close up view of stalker being made toast. Take satifaction that you now have lots of bounty and he gets nothing from killing you once again.

Or make a game of it. I love being EVIL. Heighten your perception, type in /afk gone to toilet, let stalker think hes got an easy meal, and when comes in for AS move out of the way or get a friend to teleport you.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



Yeah, playing 'bait the stalker' is something I do even if I'm just by myself with a few respites handy. I enjoying beating the slow one's faces in but I hate teleporters since they're next to impossible to track after they land a hit.



I love playing help me/get him in arena.

Take one injured character, allow opponent to think hes got you, activate dull pain or large health inspiration. Laugh to yourself that new patch has got some advantages.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



Interesting tactics and good luck with them

ultimately futile in my case, an experienced pvper will be well aware to such tricks and ready for them, especially when you cant locate people in the zone (/whoall gives you everyone in the zone) and you also dont know which of you (if at all) will be his bounty target and hence have a marker on them, chances are I would go for whoever is higest or at the back

I have also personally found a different mindset to playing a stalker than with my kamikaze brute and will wage that patience is something most (good) stalkers have so you may be in for a bit of a wait

Dont get me wrong I die sometimes when I am chasing a kill and I dont mind at all, its all part and parcel of PVP which I enjoy a lot

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



i thought u went to



i thought u went to

[/ QUOTE ]

No i just needed a break, spent all day in Sirens playing against great heros with great villain teams, a top day and the way PVP should be but I needed to unwind for a bit before bed

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



but I needed to unwind

[/ QUOTE ]

u do realize how wrong this sounds dont you?



ultimately futile in my case, an experienced pvper will be well aware to such tricks and ready for them

[/ QUOTE ]

A rare breed indeed

patience is something most (good) stalkers have so you may be in for a bit of a wait

[/ QUOTE ]

Even rarer.

With regards to bounty targets, dont normally pay to much attention to this. Normally go for the person who is being a pain in the [censored] or who has killed me.

Do you hunt in a team or solo? The only time you get an AS on me is if im being held. Even then you wont take me down

spent all day in Sirens playing against great heros with great villain teams

[/ QUOTE ]

Were you on around 4 ish? There was a load of us on around then. I was playing my villain giving the hero's something to kill and soon there were loads of us. Great fights (for hero's had Stryker, Tech Tower, and a load more).

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



ultimately futile in my case, an experienced pvper will be well aware to such tricks and ready for them

[/ QUOTE ]

A rare breed indeed

patience is something most (good) stalkers have so you may be in for a bit of a wait

[/ QUOTE ]

Even rarer.

With regards to bounty targets, dont normally pay to much attention to this. Normally go for the person who is being a pain in the [censored] or who has killed me.

Do you hunt in a team or solo? The only time you get an AS on me is if im being held. Even then you wont take me down

[/ QUOTE ]

I team, Im a social player and dont even have build up yet so cant even one shot defenders, controllers or blasters without insp (I can kill them with the follow up though)

Sadly you are on Union so cannot try to tag you with my stalker, only people i havent been able to AS are those whos toggle powers interfere with it (hurricane for example)

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



ultimately futile in my case, an experienced pvper will be well aware to such tricks and ready for them

[/ QUOTE ]

A rare breed indeed

patience is something most (good) stalkers have so you may be in for a bit of a wait

[/ QUOTE ]

Even rarer.

With regards to bounty targets, dont normally pay to much attention to this. Normally go for the person who is being a pain in the [censored] or who has killed me.

Do you hunt in a team or solo? The only time you get an AS on me is if im being held. Even then you wont take me down

[/ QUOTE ]

I team, Im a social player and dont even have build up yet so cant even one shot defenders, controllers or blasters without insp (I can kill them with the follow up though)

Sadly you are on Union so cannot try to tag you with my stalker, only people i havent been able to AS are those whos toggle powers interfere with it (hurricane for example)

[/ QUOTE ]

Was looking forward to being hunted then.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



I went to Sirens call the other day, saw loads of villians and no heros to kill so I switched to my blaster. Had some fun fights but it soon turned into somehtign like:

I stop moving for 2 seconds, to attack or somehting
Assassin strike(drop out of air)

no it's either 1 hit kill or two hits but they hit at pretty much the same moment and insta kill me. Ihave targetting drone and cannot see stalkers. This was the same stalker again and again, very annoying and just totally spoilt it for me. I ended up just standing near the police drones and shooting all the stalkers that came near so they'd get killed by those (me being the only person in the zone). As for stalker requiring tactics... [censored], I'd hardly call getting right next to someone in complete safety and insta killign them to be tactical. It's easy mode :P



Hmmm, IR goggles and perception do work to a degree. You can see a 'shadow' of the stalker, you can't click on them to select for attack, but you do know they are there. I guess at the end of the day, not only does your characters perception need to be heightened, the player's does as well



As for stalker requiring tactics... [censored], I'd hardly call getting right next to someone in complete safety and insta killign them to be tactical. It's easy mode :P

[/ QUOTE ]

You know of course that standing in the zone having ice cream is not the best rule about PvP zones is always be on the move or you are priority target cause you stand skill...Basic survival skills. You lose them then forget about it.Always being on the move reduces the chances of an AS since it gets interrupted. You not need to go around like a rabbit but just be hyperactive more than usual is necessary.



Hell yeah, i was referred to once in Siren's call as a kangaroo as i don't stop moving