Fire Rad build
You know you can't drop a power once you chosen it? (unless you have a respec up your sleeve)
I'd say go for Combat Jumping and then Super Jump at 14. Flashfire is nice when combined with Fire Cages but at the moment I think a travel power is more important. And Hot Feet is supposed to be pretty rubbish so I wouldn't bother with it at all.
Flashfire + cages good. Hotfeet bad.
I'd agree with Kitty though. Go with the travel power. Much more useful.
still have a free respec up my sleave. I had read the hotfeet had improved with the double damage on held villains since I6. I agree on travel power.
anyone think it is worth swapping hotfeet for smoke? Rad allows me to increase my damage to them as well.
Use the 12 + 14 for your travel power. It's really too early to respec your build, I think 22 is about the earliest you should look at a respec. You then have enough powers to bother shuffling.
Edit: 22 for the respec was based on him having a free respec to use as opposed to a earned respec from the TV trial.
take combat jumping at 6 and maybe consider starting the fitness pool at lvl 10 in stead of EF? EF is an exellent power but very endurance heavy so that might be more useful after you get stamina?
I know some want to skip the fitness pool alltogether but for a /rad it can't be recommend since its a very end heavy set.
As for respec, the 1st respec is from lvl 24
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
A tip I have found, if you need to solo or are in a damage lite group throw a Flashfire, Fire cages then run in with Hot Feet.
Thats it.
You just watch the mobs melt, I took a Fire / Kin from 8 to 14 in 3 hours just hunting around the Hollows doing this, Smoke while moderatly useful just was not needed as between these powers you effectively lock a mob into place unable to do anything and watch them die, looking back I would rather have had CJ to get myself into the mob so I can get the most effective use of Hot Feet unfortunatly they are all End heavy so Stamina early is a must.
I'd go:
1 Char
1 Radiant Aura
2 Fire Cages
4 Radiation Infection
6 Combat Jumping
8 Accelerated Metabolism
10 Hot Feet
12 Flashfire
14 Superjump
This would provide a fairly solid lock (FF, FC) a buff (AM), a heal (RA) a debuff (RI they die soooo fast with this and HF) damage (HF) and movement both zonewide (SJ) and in mission and early on CJ.
This was the build I had started to lean towards. The End drain is horrible with my build at the moment. I feel I just need to hurt them quicker so they drop before I do
You should prolly skip hot feet. Its a very good power but your endurance simply cant take it. Consider taking ring of fire if you solo alot, as this is your only real damage dealer from the primary or going for air sup and fly or flurry and ss and respecing em out later.
If your making a team build go for something like this:
01) --> Char==> Empty(1)
01) --> Radiant Aura==> Empty(1)
02) --> Fire Cages==> Empty(2)
04) --> Accelerate Metabolism==> Empty(4)
06) --> Radiation Infection==> Empty(6)
08) --> Combat Jumping==> Empty(8)
10) --> Enervating Field==> Empty(10)
12) --> Flashfire==> Empty(12)
14) --> Super Jump==> Empty(14)
16) --> Swift==> Empty(16)
18) --> Cinders==> Empty(18)
20) --> Hurdle==> Empty(20)
22) --> Stamina==> Empty(22)
If you solo more I would go for something like this build
01) --> Ring of Fire==> Empty(1)
01) --> Radiant Aura==> Empty(1)
02) --> Char==> Empty(2)
04) --> Radiation Infection==> Empty(4)
06) --> Accelerate Metabolism==> Empty(6)
08) --> Fire Cages==> Empty(8)
10) --> Flurry==> Empty(10)
12) --> Flashfire==> Empty(12)
14) --> Super Speed==> Empty(14)
16) --> Swift==> Empty(16)
18) --> Cinders==> Empty(18)
20) --> Hurdle==> Empty(20)
22) --> Stamina==> Empty(22)
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
This is the build I eventually went for. What a laugh, I open with Radiation Infection on the toughest member of the group, use fire cages to lock them down (which rarely misses with RI on them), Char the toughest member and then run in with Hotfeet. Dish out Char and Fire Cages as required.
If there are a couple of bosses I will use Accelerated Metabolism first. I used this in the Hollows, Steel and Skyway on yellow to red conning leutenants and yellow conning bosses with great effect. I still need to work on my role in a team as the only team I have worked with so far was ..less then successful Even SK to the highest member of the team everything was Red or Purple to me. 3 team wipes later and we all called it quits
I did learn that with RI working and Hotfeet I can almost tank.
1 Char
1 Radiant Aura
2 Fire Cages
4 Radiation Infection
6 Combat Jumping
8 Accelerated Metabolism
10 Hot Feet
12 Flashfire
(14 Superjump)
I wouldnt even bother slotting up hot feet for damage, just stick some end reducers and Acc in there to disrupt the stalkers on their AS, It becomes pretty much useless in PvE once you get the fire pimps.
I can see at later levels that hotfeet will become less useful but at the moment it is my mass damage attack of choice. It is 3 slotted 2xDmg 1xEndRed at the moment and I doubt if it will need any more than that. I didn't realise it needed Acc, I thought it was an auto hit.
No idea if it even takes acc tbh, Such a [censored] power i never bothered taking it ;p
I have a Fire/Rad and am considering respeccing in Hot Feet, and heres why.
Containment. Imps may be the damage power of choice post 32, but being a summon they get no benefit from it. HF on the other hand does. I would imagine slotted Choking Cloud and slotted Hot Feet could be quite a handy combo, not to mention our other holds.
I've avoided HF til now myself, but I've seen a lot of talk about it being awesome damage since Containment. Will go to test later to make sure though.
also with the Rad debuffs the damage is even better. I find it stunning at this low level how damaging a combo it is.
Imo the imps still do far more damage than HF ever will. But I guess its a personal opinion
I have a Fire/Rad and am considering respeccing in Hot Feet, and heres why.
Containment. Imps may be the damage power of choice post 32, but being a summon they get no benefit from it. HF on the other hand does. I would imagine slotted Choking Cloud and slotted Hot Feet could be quite a handy combo, not to mention our other holds.
I've avoided HF til now myself, but I've seen a lot of talk about it being awesome damage since Containment. Will go to test later to make sure though.
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Choking Cloud AND Hot Feet?! You better have your personal Kinetics slave there
Fighting l33t since 1974
Don't "lol"! Laugh!
Sanity Inc
Tell me about it!
Though we can diversify now, so it might work... Maybe.
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[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
I have a Fire/Rad and am considering respeccing in Hot Feet, and heres why.
Containment. Imps may be the damage power of choice post 32, but being a summon they get no benefit from it. HF on the other hand does. I would imagine slotted Choking Cloud and slotted Hot Feet could be quite a handy combo, not to mention our other holds.
I've avoided HF til now myself, but I've seen a lot of talk about it being awesome damage since Containment. Will go to test later to make sure though.
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Choking Cloud AND Hot Feet?! You better have your personal Kinetics slave there
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It's not that bad, since with ED you can only slot 3dmg and 3 hold at best, might as well use the last 3 for end reduc
I ended up respeccing out of Choking Cloud on my troller. Too unreliable for my taste and a major endurance hog. But then again, with ill/ you don't really need to be in the middle of things that often anyway, and when you are, the mobs are too busy with your pets to notice you...
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
I have a Fire/Rad controller about to hit lvl 12 and realised that I haven't really prepared for my travel power. All the powers from the primary and secondary are so good. What should I drop?
1 Char
1 Radiant Aura
2 Fire Cages
4 Radiation Infection
6 Smoke
8 Acelerated Metabolism
10 Enervating Field
(12 Flashfire or hotfeet or Combat Jumping)
(14 Superjump)
If I dropped smoke then I would rather have hotfeet than say combat jump. Any suggestions?