Good Duos?
I'd probably say a corrupter would make the best pairing - they're nice damage dealers that can also help buff pets and debuff enemies.
A dominator or another mastermind would probably work decently too.
I gather brutes don't play too nicely with pets because the pets take attention away from the brute, reducing fury generation.
Stalkers might work reasonably well in a duo, taking out the boss/lieutenant while the pets take care of the minions, but I gather they're not too hot in big groups because they tend to draw a lot of aggro on themselves after the initial strike.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
As a Necro/Dark I've found Dominators handy for teaming with. Especially */Thorns because of their Lockdown + AOE damage combo.
But teamed with an Energy / Thermal corrupter on Saturday and we rocked . Flaming zombies look really cool & are much tougher, they are ranged so your minions don't get in their way and your debuffs & heals are complementry too.
i did a quick teaming with *forgot his name* corrupter, he was fire/kinetic, im bots/toxic wich realy worked good. Great damage output with good secondairy buffs (aoe heal/dmg etc).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Stalkers might work reasonably well in a duo, taking out the boss/lieutenant while the pets take care of the minions, but I gather they're not too hot in big groups because they tend to draw a lot of aggro on themselves after the initial strike.
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Well to turn the question round a mastermind is a Stalker's best pal. 1 masteminds worth of pets tend to take most of the aggro from the stalkers. Levelling a stalker you tend to work out how to deal with the aggro system. 1 on 1 a stalker is probably one of the most dangerous opponents, so anything that can get aggro off the stalker ( like pets ) is really welcome.
Also stalkers are reasonable scrappers, usually after an AS I get 2 or 3 minions on me at most in a team situation. I will have to scrap one of them, the others will usually get distracted by pets or someone else. At lower levels when attacks are not as effective this can be a problem.
One thing that may be a downside with teaming with a stalker is that occasionally he will use placate and the placated enemy will latch on to someone else. Sometimes this will be the mastermind. Normally a Placate comes just before a Assassin's Strike but not always.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I've had most fun teaming with other MMs to totally throttle the opposition... but often on later levels you won't have time to set up, so a Fire, Ice or Rad Corruptor would probably be best.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

So Masterminds make a good lynchpin for most AT's but a Corruptor with firepower and buffs seems to mesh particularly well, that's very useful to know as I was thinking of going back into my Fire / Kinetic from beta or maybe Fire / Thermal.
Thank you all
Kinetics (Siphon power, transfusion, transference and fulcrum shift, applying speed boost to pets can be a pain. Also, if inertial reduction works on pets, could have nice results.), Dark (Just about every power but black hole) or Radiation (Just about everything) corrupter would work very nicely.
applying speed boost to pets can be a pain.
[/ QUOTE ]
But the effects are worth it
You want to try being the /kin corruptor on an 8 person team, the rest of whom are MM .... my poor mouse hand.
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
For a pure duo (ie not intending to team above 2 people) my mates necro/poison mm and my claws/nin stalker has worked really well.
Posibly because zombies are mostly melee pets, they sem to take a lot of the aggro and re-hiding is really easy. I can assasinate 3 times in a 6 baddie mob easy (with placate)
It's also handy for ghosting missions if the stalker gets tp friend.
I duo exclusively with a Plants/Thorns Dominator, im a Ninja/Dark MM. I find it extremely successful, we jacked our mission difficulty right up to the second to last and enjoy challenging and fun missions.
The combination of Holds, confusion and sleep allow me to apply my ninjas to single targets and rip through them. Even red and purple bosses take a beating as I can focus on them whilst he controls any other mobs.
Very enjoyable.
applying speed boost to pets can be a pain.
[/ QUOTE ]
But the effects are worth it
You want to try being the /kin corruptor on an 8 person team, the rest of whom are MM .... my poor mouse hand.
[/ QUOTE ]
Being a bubbler I feel your pain! I've got a cunning bind to do both bubbles with just one key press, but it's still a lot of work (and end!)
I'm about to create a matched pair of characters for CoV and would like some advice, my partener in crime is going to make a Mastermind, and as I have very little experince teaming with them I was wondering what AT is a good match to pair up with one.
Are the pets for Mastermminds good damage dealers? If so would a Corruptor or Dominator be useful or are the pets more useful as tanks and a damage dealer such as a Brute be a better pair?