Role-played and well played to 50!!!!
Yes, finally, they've hit the big 50! Congratulations to you all!!! And Ringmater, 1122 hours? Geez man, that's scary!
Now why do I have a feeling there's going to be a few more aliens floating around the Cirque now?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Met you rather late in your careers, but uber-gratz one and all!
1122 hours?...that's quite a target for us to match
Congratulations to the four of you! I only wish I'd have more time to see you in action more often (what do you mean, there's a whole world away from the statue? )
I'll never forget the first (actually quite possibly the only ) time I teamed with Jest, and the joint GoD/Cirque TV respec was great fun.
You should try it sometime.. It's wicked fun Especially when Magenta has a strop and yells at everyone to stop attacking until she's got the mobs full attention... Always good for a laugh that is!
Then there's everyone calling Jester My Lord, and Ellie calling him J or dad, and being generally not as respectfull as the rest... Untill she loses her own temper and goes on a maniacal rampage of complete destruction (I pop most of my insps and go bonkers for a couple of minutes
And of course, they don't just do glowies, they kill everything, ensuring loads of XP
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dancing Rodents to all concerned. We'll catch up with you eventually, but it's never been dull with you lot around
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Catch up on levels, or on hours, I think we're trailling on both.....
Happy days, especially the reactor with Sara and Mag going head-to-head in the "Proximity bomb chicken" contests... I suppose you _can_ let someone snipe them, but that wouldn't be fun...right?
Well i dont know what to say.. except thanks guys for posting and thanks guys for adding bits. Have to admit it did feel great when we all dinged within about 2 mins of each other. Thanks for the help along the way to all who have joined us on our little trip. See you all soon i hope.
Love hugs and makebelieve...
The kinetic clown
Congratulations x4, good to be there when you puffed the magic number.
Sorry I couldn't be there when you dinged, I had Cadets and forgot I had it so couldn't be there.
Congratulations though matey, I'm aiming to beat your hours time with Max though, especialyl with ED in place now.
Jolly good show old man!
(Sorry I didn't post earlier but I missed this thread completely. )
My heartfelt congratulations to both you and Miss Magenta.
I remember when you were just a teeny weeny hero at level nine when we ran into each other in Skyway City. (In fact, if I remember correctly, it was you who ran into me hotly persued by a gang of Trolls)
It's been a pleasure teaming and RPing with you along the way.
As Bulldog would say; "Frightfully good news, old chap. Pip, pip!"
Congratualations to Jest er, Zero Cain, Magenta and Dark Remedi on their ascent to greatness.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it folks but was glad to hear it while walking on the dark side - particlularly on discovering that Jest er took 1122 Hours to do so ( yup thats not a typo :-). Who says role-players have no stamina
Again - Congrats you guys - you've always been good to chat to and team with.
Lifeline (Union)SL50 Kin Defender- Darkwings
Corten (Union)SL50 SR Scrapper- Agency
Lylyth (Union)SL50 Triform Warshade- DarkWings
Wanderer.(Union)SL50 Rad Corruptor- Talons of Darkness
And Many More...