"Hide" power




I just made a Stalker, and I wonder. Does the "Hide" power do so that no hero can see me in PVP zones?

If so, it rocks!



Heroes still have a chance to see you in PvP Zones where they have powers that boost Perception. */SR Scrappers, Blasters (Aim, Buildup) and people with Tactics will be your bane.



Its agreat power in CoV, as I think it doubles your Damage points...



Your first attack on a target while Hidden is an automatic critical.

You can also gain an Assassin <something> power at level 6 (I think) which is even better. It's effectively a snipe at melee range. Instead of the normal critical, you get one with a multiplier of 7.

And, yes, Stalkers running Hide are just about impossible to see in PvP. This is why the Assassin powers are going to be nerfed soon since it's currently quite possible for a team of 8 Stalkers to wipe out another team without them getting a chance to respond.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever? Your low opinion of Stalkers seems to be a little weighted by a personal dislike of them perhaps because of a PvP experience?

From what I've read, the so-called nerf to PvP stalkers will simply be to ensure that heroes will get 2 chances so to speak - one-hit-kills will be impossible. It's not much of a nerf and the stalker AT has a great amount of playability in solo, team and PvP modes, but it does require refined tactics, and is certainly not directly comparable to the scrapper AT from heroes.

I see Stalkers as melee blasters - weak HP but able to score superior damage and survive as long as they are able to manage aggro.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind you expressing your opinion, but it seems only fair on a board that will attract a lot of new players interest that you try to back some of your opinions up with facts or examples.




Ravenswing: I've got that power you mentioned. It rocks! When a Stalker is in "Hide" and u press one of the powers, you "Hide" will be gone. So, dont use a long slooow attack for the first attack. Because then they will see you reloading that power and attack you first.

Now, the good thing about that Assassins Blade (or whatever its called) is that the "Hide" stays there aaaall the way until you actually hit the enemy. PLUSS the attack itself is really strong. Though, it takes some time to attack with it, but u'll stay hidden anyway.




You can also gain an Assassin <something> power at level 6 (I think) which is even better. It's effectively a snipe at melee range. Instead of the normal critical, you get one with a multiplier of 7.

And, yes, Stalkers running Hide are just about impossible to see in PvP. This is why the Assassin powers are going to be nerfed soon since it's currently quite possible for a team of 8 Stalkers to wipe out another team without them getting a chance to respond.

[/ QUOTE ]

Raven it's Assasin Strike that's why it's abbreviated AS. There are three posts on the stalker board, you have a comment on all three and you have a go at the AT on all three, yet I get the feeling you haven't played one...
In fact one post basically asks why there aren't many post here and then you go driving people off saying its just a PVP build that's going to get nerfed!
erm how can I put this nicely? erm..I can't.. Sod off.
There are a mutlitude of reasons in the first post to disagree with your arguments, i let you off with the second post because you added 'IMHO' but this time really.....
PVP is getting changed from a One Shot Kill, however don't go putting off prospective stalkers because you say the full AT is gonna get nerfed.
The problem currently is that PVP builds could stack HIDE with invis and stealth which made them impossible to see. However HIDE is possible to see, pop acc insp for a start....
Plus there are also ways get round it. Tankers or Brutes with damage Auras, caltops and other such damage type area thingymabobies
Oh btw AS takes time to do like a snipe so can be interrupted by many things, plus be wary of people listening to sound effects and simple things of 'being careful and moving around in a PvP zone@




You can also gain an Assassin <something> power at level 6 (I think) which is even better. It's effectively a snipe at melee range. Instead of teh normalz critical, you get one with a multiplier of 7.

And, yes, Stalkers running Hide are just about impossible to see in PvP. This is why the Assassin powers are going to be nerfed soon since it's currently quite possible for a team of 8 Stalkers to wipe out another team without them getting a chance to respond.

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Raven it's Assasin Strike that's why it's abbreviated AS.

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Not strictly true, it differs between power sets. Ninja Blade has Assasin's Blade and Spines has Assasin's Impale.
Infact, I think its only EM (And possibly MA) that have Assasin's Strike.



true, however the common vernacular is AS, which does stand for Assasin strke rather than AS standing for Assassin's Blade.
I do see the flaw in the post that you are highlighting.



It's correct that the power name differs...
But when you strike with it, you make an Assassin Strike .
My stalker has ninja blade, the power is called Assassin's Blade but i still make Assassin Strikes.
look how i made an Assassin Strike with my Assassin's Blade power on Bridger:

My point is, that it IS called Assassin Strike no matter what primary you have, and therefore is also referred to as AS



Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever?

[/ QUOTE ]

The only "derision" I can see in Ravens thread is the fact that he says theres going to be nerf, which you confirm.



Plus there's the fact he played as a Stalker during the Beta....



Plus there's the fact he played as a Stalker during the Beta....

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish he'd base his opinions on facts! Bad Raven



i dont get it are stalkers like scrappers or tankers or is brute like a tanker plz reply i am stuck



i dont get it are stalkers like scrappers or tankers or is brute like a tanker plz reply i am stuck

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Forget about CoH's ATs when playing CoV, that wll help you immensely. Stalkers are stealthy quick death machines who can't get in a serious fight or they'll die. Brutes are reliant on being attacked/attacking to build up their dps.



I'd follow The Question's advice and ignore COH AT's for COV. Having said that, the Brute AT is pretty close to scrapper in that it is designed for melee battles, and is a big damage dealer. It is NOT A TANK... I'd suggest you put "I am not a Tank!!" as your battle cry just to remind you or you will get killed.

Stalkers are a bit like blasters but melee based - the big difference is that Stalkers perform best when using their Assassin Strike(AS), so the key is to maximise this attack. As you can only AS when hidden, you need to be able to hide as often as possible. To hide, you need to neither attack nor take damage for 10 seconds with the power active - this suggests a hit and run tactic that works quite well in practice. Additionally, in teams a Stalker is a great first strike as long as the rest of the team are VERY close to take the aggro off you right afterwards.

My advice to a COH player is think what you are comfortable with. If you played Scrappers who liked to get right into mobs, you'll love a Brute. If however your scrapper was less Tanklike and more happy singling out foes and taking them out surgically, then a Stalker may be for you.

My first 2 chars will be a brute and a stalker - my Stalker will be for teams and my brute for solo, but this is just because I found it easier to solo in the COV beta with my brute. Either way, I tried all 5 AT's in beta and found these two to be the most satisfying. My COH chars were an empath, a regen scrapper, and a Fire Tank. I didn't enjoy blasters too much in COH.

Hope my experiences help your decision.



It's correct that the power name differs...
But when you strike with it, you make an Assassin Strike .
My stalker has ninja blade, the power is called Assassin's Blade but i still make Assassin Strikes.
look how i made an Assassin Strike with my Assassin's Blade power on Bridger:

My point is, that it IS called Assassin Strike no matter what primary you have, and therefore is also referred to as AS

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Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever?

[/ QUOTE ]

The only "derision" I can see in Ravens thread is the fact that he says theres going to be nerf, which you confirm.

[/ QUOTE ]

At the time there were three posts on the entire stalker board and Raven had a comment on all three. Each time a Stalker was portrayed in a less than favourable light. Which is the reason for this persons understandable outburst.
I'd rather not turn away potential Stalkers just yet.



I like my stalker and have levelled him further than I did in beta. Started teaming from lvl7 and found out quickly why I mustn't stick around in a fight after the AS even with buffage. I don't feel like much of a team player with him though.

I can take out one mob quickly and then add some damage, but the MMs and corruptors are the ones doing the majority of the takedowns in teams. Taking one mob down out of 14 isn't exactly much in a full team. I suppose it gives me a chance to take out the problem mob (the mezzers), but it really feels like the team could get on without me.

Assassin's blade is great when used as your AS (requires about 3 ticks to get it off), but you can one-shot lieutenant and seriously damage a boss with it.

My biggest gripe is the time it takes for Hide to 'turn-on again after AS'. I can't seem to reduce it at all and so I'm absolutely desperate to get Placate.

Also I'm now seriously running into end problems with my defence toggles on. I don't think I can escape the fitness pool even after putting end reducers in the toggles.



Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever?

[/ QUOTE ]

The only "derision" I can see in Ravens thread is the fact that he says theres going to be nerf, which you confirm.

[/ QUOTE ]

At the time there were three posts on the entire stalker board and Raven had a comment on all three. Each time a Stalker was portrayed in a less than favourable light. Which is the reason for this persons understandable outburst.
I'd rather not turn away potential Stalkers just yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd rather people put their honest opinions on what's right..or in this case wrong, with an AT. If people didn't say anything, then there wouldn't be any *proper* balancing. (*Proper* does not include mass-nerfs and ED)



I like my stalker and have levelled him further than I did in beta. Started teaming from lvl7 and found out quickly why I mustn't stick around in a fight after the AS even with buffage. I don't feel like much of a team player with him though.

I can take out one mob quickly and then add some damage, but the MMs and corruptors are the ones doing the majority of the takedowns in teams. Taking one mob down out of 14 isn't exactly much in a full team. I suppose it gives me a chance to take out the problem mob (the mezzers), but it really feels like the team could get on without me.

Assassin's blade is great when used as your AS (requires about 3 ticks to get it off), but you can one-shot lieutenant and seriously damage a boss with it.

My biggest gripe is the time it takes for Hide to 'turn-on again after AS'. I can't seem to reduce it at all and so I'm absolutely desperate to get Placate.

Also I'm now seriously running into end problems with my defence toggles on. I don't think I can escape the fitness pool even after putting end reducers in the toggles.

[/ QUOTE ]

The hide time seems just a little bit too long. It is about ten seconds and 7 or 8 would be better. Placate allows you to rehide or just do another Assassin's Strike. However you need to be absolutely sure that there is one one enemy attacking you or they will interrupt your strike. With one DO recharge in it it comes up about once a combat.

The time when you really become useful for teams is when fighting Bosses and Elite-Bosses. When duo-ing with a corrupter I fought 2 Elite-bosses ( on different missions ) and they went down really easily after the Assassin's Strike.

I am expecting that with more slotting at higher levels Stalkers should be able to scrap more effectively.

As for stamina, I'm getting it, as my end usage is enough to know that with higher level powers I will be suffering.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



hey guys, really excited about the sound of this AT. sounds like Blasters used to be before they avoided the nerfs and came up on top(ish).
You say you have to not launch an attack, or be hit for 10 seconds to successfully "re-hide"? so could you theoretically pick up Phase Shift and now that it's a click power, fire this off then launch hide? or is hide an attack rather than buff and thus not b allowed to fire while phased?
Just an idea. Thanks

Shnyet AWAY



Yeah a reduction of a few seconds would be brill, because I feel to pull my weight in a team, they have to watch me either scrap after AS or run away for the action for 10 ticks.

Mind you we're supposed to be evil, so maybe it justifies taking down one mob and running to leave the rest of the team to mop-up.

Glad to hear I'm not alone with the endurance situation because in a team of MMs, Brutes, and Cors, it seemed like I was having rests more ofte than anyone else if I went into scrap-mode. If I stick to the strike-and-hide tactic, sure no end problems, but you want to feel like your working for the xp and not simply a hanger-on.

Good to hear at higher levels, we can cause some nice AS damage on more difficult bosses, though in all honesty I would prefer some sort of stun or hold effect (something like touch of fear).



hey guys, really excited about the sound of this AT. sounds like Blasters used to be before they avoided the nerfs and came up on top(ish).
You say you have to not launch an attack, or be hit for 10 seconds to successfully "re-hide"? so could you theoretically pick up Phase Shift and now that it's a click power, fire this off then launch hide? or is hide an attack rather than buff and thus not b allowed to fire while phased?
Just an idea. Thanks

Shnyet AWAY

[/ QUOTE ]

Hidden is a state, it tells you if you are hidden under your stats window. Hide is a toggle that I keep on all the time. You become 'Hidden' when you haven't attacked or been hit for 10 seconds and have your hide power active, so Phase shift would get you to hidden status safely, however you do not lose aggro from enemies just by being hidden. So the enemies who were attacking you will track you down and attack you. This seems unintuitive to me.

Placate is better than Phase shift for rehiding because it stops the target from attacking you ( they will attack someone else ) it also put you back in the Hidden state sometimes. However I've found that if you try and AS a placated foe when you aren't 'Hidden' you ( usually ) do the full Assassin's Strike damage.

I haven't quite got to the bottom of the behaviour of Placate yet.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



hmmmmmmmm sounds interesting. So do Stalkers have the same secondaries as Scrappers or are their at least one or two new ones?
and what if you're solo'in? that mean you cant placate? or do they just go back to their non-aggro'd state?