13 -
cool, i am not a big fan of storm, only for the single reason that gale is a pain in the [censored] for other heroes. When playing as a tank i found that everyone getting blown away is just a little annoying and harder to control the aggro.
but not sure if there is a way around that?
[/ QUOTE ]
I was the noob controller tagging along with your lvl 50 ding last night and as Ice/Storm I found that my AoE Freeze counteracted some of Gale's issues. I was far from perfect in my execution though, and freeze misses as well as new adds are still gonna be blown away.
Sorry -
Most that I consider legends have been with us from the start. Many still play, many don't. To all, I raise a toast.
To those who began; to those that finished. To those that fell in battle, and those that hung their capes. To those that frequent PI, and those that frequent Icon. I salute you all.
Laustin D'woods
Cassandra (now a Unionite, bleh)
City Hunter 0
Miss Chief
TG, natch
SL and Jade
Astroturf & Beta Man (and their trusty companion, Necromicon)
Johnny Fiasco
Special K
Fluct & Lana
The PsyGonk collective
Death Badger
All these names make me think of Defiant.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've been away for a long time but most of these names ring true. I might just have persuaded Necromicon to come back to playing too -
Quick note to say that I finally persevered enough and got a GM to port me - thanks for help and sorry for the thread necromancy
Defiant Hero - Vanilla Sundae
I'm also experiencing this issue, same place etc. /stuck & /sync don't work, in any order. I have a Ourobouros portal but it won't work and my broadcasts fall on deaf ears it seems. I've raised a petition and am waiting (almost) patiently. Any other ideas?
I'm thinking Dark Melee/Invuln. Primarily because Dark Armour makes such an annoying noise, and I like the tanking big mobs opportunities that Invuln opens up. Had a lvl 14 DM/Inv on Beta, and he was GREAT fun to play...
Some suggestions for Stalker binds:
For during/immediately after a successful Assassin Strike
"Surprised $target?" - I used this on Miss Liberty after impaling her on my Sword on a Mercy Rooftop during Beta.
/em That will be your last breath, $target - The /em will make it an internal monologue rather than speech. Rather fitting I think given that sneaking up to someone and telling them you are about to kill them doesn't really fit.
Any other ideas? -
Simple but effectively a life saver
/bind F10 "say I AM NOT A TANK!!$$emote Forward"
Or stick "I AM NOT A TANK!!" into your battle cry
A timely reminder of some of this builds weaknesses...
I also ran with "You're making me ANGRY $Target!!" during the beta. -
I'd follow The Question's advice and ignore COH AT's for COV. Having said that, the Brute AT is pretty close to scrapper in that it is designed for melee battles, and is a big damage dealer. It is NOT A TANK... I'd suggest you put "I am not a Tank!!" as your battle cry just to remind you or you will get killed.
Stalkers are a bit like blasters but melee based - the big difference is that Stalkers perform best when using their Assassin Strike(AS), so the key is to maximise this attack. As you can only AS when hidden, you need to be able to hide as often as possible. To hide, you need to neither attack nor take damage for 10 seconds with the power active - this suggests a hit and run tactic that works quite well in practice. Additionally, in teams a Stalker is a great first strike as long as the rest of the team are VERY close to take the aggro off you right afterwards.
My advice to a COH player is think what you are comfortable with. If you played Scrappers who liked to get right into mobs, you'll love a Brute. If however your scrapper was less Tanklike and more happy singling out foes and taking them out surgically, then a Stalker may be for you.
My first 2 chars will be a brute and a stalker - my Stalker will be for teams and my brute for solo, but this is just because I found it easier to solo in the COV beta with my brute. Either way, I tried all 5 AT's in beta and found these two to be the most satisfying. My COH chars were an empath, a regen scrapper, and a Fire Tank. I didn't enjoy blasters too much in COH.
Hope my experiences help your decision. -
If you want to build bases only, buy The Sims. The base content is additional and designed for the Multiplayer aspect of the game. I suggest either joining an established SG or creating and recruiting your own.
Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever? Your low opinion of Stalkers seems to be a little weighted by a personal dislike of them perhaps because of a PvP experience?
From what I've read, the so-called nerf to PvP stalkers will simply be to ensure that heroes will get 2 chances so to speak - one-hit-kills will be impossible. It's not much of a nerf and the stalker AT has a great amount of playability in solo, team and PvP modes, but it does require refined tactics, and is certainly not directly comparable to the scrapper AT from heroes.
I see Stalkers as melee blasters - weak HP but able to score superior damage and survive as long as they are able to manage aggro.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind you expressing your opinion, but it seems only fair on a board that will attract a lot of new players interest that you try to back some of your opinions up with facts or examples.
Thanks, -
I'll take an IOU. The pleasure of the kill shall keep me going until the debt is paid.
And to answer a previous question - Auto Exemping should level the playing field, especially if they have respec'd badly and they have lost their best powers whilst in Bloody Bay at lvl 25.... -
Yeah, I think the Stalker is a very fine addition to a team. I've played with teh same guys as the only Stalker and as one of three in a 8 person team each time. Tactics and a touch of timing are all that is needed. Trust me, when you can OHK a slightly damaged boss that is giving your teamates aggro, you are appreciated.