Power gamer looking for SG




Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this!

I am looking for a SG for my fantasticly evil personage, a Robot/xxx Mastermind. I have been playing beta quite a lot, and know thats what I want to create first.

I have extensive knowledge about the game, and took around 5-6 toons to the highest level on Victory (US server). I recently began playing again, and decided to try the Euro servers.

I like playing "hardcore", ie I like leveling fast, getting new superpowers and experiencing more of the game.
I believe that almost any group compositions can work, if you just have smart players. A healer, tank, controller is not NEEDED (altho they can make life easier at times).

Any SG's out there, who feel roughly the same way? If so, where can I find you and join up for the 2 day headstart :P



I will be in when the game opens at 8, also looking for a SG that enjoys a fast pace, but i need mature players and people that dont resort to blatant flaming when they get angry(get something to hit on beside the computer instead) and players that use full sentances (not sure if i spelled that right) instead of 1337 speak




dont ya just run and hide when you see it??

even worrse are the peple who use binary , and yes im sure bridger can remove the flame posts hahaa



i will also be on city of villains wen it come out and i want a sg that is really good a nice peeps cause i hate it when theres loads of idiots being stupid on it



Your more than welcome to join up with us, we should have an SG setup at some point over the weekend, but for now, go sign up on www.astrumrangers.co.uk thats our hero site, villain one will be along shortly. At least then you will know who to cantact in game.


www.astrumrangers.co.uk <--- currently recruiting



thanks mate been lookin for a good sg for a while thanks alot



can any one help me lvl up to lvl50 i am only lvl 30 at the moment i really want to get to lvl 50 if there is soomeone who can help me plz



can any one help me lvl up to lvl50 i am only lvl 30 at the moment i really want to get to lvl 50 if there is soomeone who can help me plz

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO and so it starts....



can any one help me lvl up to lvl50 i am only lvl 30 at the moment i really want to get to lvl 50 if there is soomeone who can help me plz

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO and so it starts....

[/ QUOTE ]

Burn that dreck down burn him good



heres the link to our hero SG * link*

its heavily abbreviated as the entire forums been purged tho. i have a degree in a science, but resort to typing things like 'u' very often, i also dont let off random SG invites, if you want to get to know us and have fun you would be most welcome, i played Protector for many months before EU





can any one help me lvl up to lvl50 i am only lvl 30 at the moment i really want to get to lvl 50 if there is soomeone who can help me plz

[/ QUOTE ]

sure there is way!!!!

type in chatbox


sure someone will help ya



can any one help me lvl up to lvl50 i am only lvl 30 at the moment i really want to get to lvl 50 if there is soomeone who can help me plz

[/ QUOTE ]

[rant]when will you kids start to understand that the point of these games is not to reach the lvl caps asap, but to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. Read to mission text, talk to the npcs, do the TF's, hunt the badges and the GM's, not drecking 20 times a day so you can brag to your friends in the playground how you have a lvl 40 villian on the 3rd day of release cause TBH (and this goes for everyone) no one but you actually gives a [censored] what lvl you are. [/rant]

btw i'm sure you'll find someone in game whos happy to farm and power level with you, unfortunately.



[rant]when will you kids start to understand that the point of these games is not to reach the lvl caps asap, but to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. Read to mission text, talk to the npcs, do the TF's, hunt the badges and the GM's, not drecking 20 times a day so you can brag to your friends in the playground how you have a lvl 40 villian on the 3rd day of release cause TBH (and this goes for everyone) no one but you actually gives a [censored] what lvl you are. [/rant]

btw i'm sure you'll find someone in game whos happy to farm and power level with you, unfortunately.

[/ QUOTE ]

this topic has been burnt to death before.
But if someone wants to reach cap as quick as posible what harm does it have to yourself?
Everyone has there own playstyle, just let people play how they like to play.



jesus im so bored i've actaully started trolling without realising it.



RAWR (big green troll mode)
