Arena 2v2 help
two blaster for dmg (psi or new rad mebee)
fire/emp troller for powerboosted stun, heals, buffs etc. + imps for stray dmg and targeting issues.
Heroes: Emp and Blaster, can't go wrong there. Mind/Emp and Grav/Emp are good choices because both can do the deadly KU/hold combo and Grav has Singularity and the cage. Fire/Emp and Ill/Emp are good as well mostly for targeting disruption (Imps, PA, Phantasm). Pair the Emp with a Psi Blaster and go have fun.
Villains: Therm or Pain and a Dom. Pain has a lot of nifty survivability tools (the PBAoE aura will do plenty of regen, enabling you to use Share Pain without too much worry, for example) and Therm has some awesome debuffs and Forge. Just about any good PvP Dominator will work in a 2v2 situation but some popular builds are Mind/Fire, Mind/Elec, and Fire/Elec. /Energy Doms are becoming popular as well after the I15 buffs to that set.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
so besides player skill , wat is the most popular 2v2 combo in arena, including mixing hero and vililain as a team
Try a sonic/therm + mind/fire combo.
dark dark corr and dark dark def...ftw
But no Silts right with that combo,
if no psi blaster try your fire/em (build the right way) and a mind/thermal troller or a sonic/thermal Curr
or a mind/fire dom and a earth/Narg dom.
Stalker and Earth/narg dom is a nice combo.
i think therm/blaster is better then emp/blaster in most cases..
perma jump is ---> /up 1
Dirty verty?
Real Security Question
Who is justins favorite naruto cahraktar?
And who did justin play CoD4 with?
Kamansheeye and I played with those vAs peoples wdup. I only liked kamansheeye because he had the chidori on the hand thingy so I could say chidori really fast and it sounded cool.
DL Vent and get CA on your laptop bish
So I've played CoH off and on for a long time, finding mixed success in pvp during my various stints. The last time I played was in i11-i12 where I could literally twoshot almost anyone on my fire/em blaster so I did a whole lot of zones and almost no arena.
Through this time, I played with the friend who got me into CoH all those years back. We really want to get into some 2v2 action with people for obvious reasons but he isn't sure what to roll. His main is a fire/em tank but we figured that with the changes to how fast /em tanks do their damage (read: very slowly, if in very bursty chunks), our characters together may not be the best combo.
So we were thinking maybe blaster/support (though we really just want anything that works well). I used to roll with a ill/emp controller in zones from time to time but with the changes to buff stacking and heals, I'm not sure if that is the direction we want to go and outside of that I really have no clue what is good anymore.
So my question is this: what are some of the most effective 2man teams for arena for 1) heroes and 2) villains.
solo pvp?
Cooler than every single owl EVER.